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Movement Two: Prva Lateral Bending and Asymmetric Poses

Part I: Transition to Yoga from World Getting into the Present Moment
1. Legs up wall Viparta Karani Modified Wall Hang

Breathing Education

IN: Prna-Apna EX: Apna-Prna

IN: Chest-Belly EX: Belly-Chest

2. Opening Chants

Part II - Warm Up
3. Tdkamudr , rdhva Prasrta Pdsana, Dvipda Ptham, and Apnsana
Intro to conscious breathing coordinated with movement and basic warm
up/strengthening for the legs, hips, lower back, upper back, etc.
Tdkamudr for legs, knees and ankles blocks under thighs

Counter with Apnsana

Maggie Reagh


rdhva Prasrta Pdsana

Focus: To strengthen the lower abdominals and mula bandha (pelvic floor)

Counter with Apnsana b/t sets of core exercises

Dvipda Ptham for neck, shoulders, back, hip flexors, and legs Purple block b/t thighs

Use belt on thighs as variation for tighter hip flexors

Counter with Apnsana

4. Leg Stretches Supta Padangusthasana variations

Bend lower leg to release lower back keep bent leg in a lying squat position
Press lower leg foot into wall. Repeat 3-6 T and then stay 3-6 BRS (breaths)/side

Maggie Reagh


Use wall to extend legs to if hamstrings are too tight or go back to eka pada (one leg) at a
time. Repeat 3-6 T and then stay 3-6 BRS (breaths)/side
Part III: Transition to Standing Poses
5. Cakravksana Vinysa

6T Count breath 4-6

Try variations using one arm/leg at a time for asymmetrics Prva

Variations: Try a-c with chair rather than on knees good for those with knee
problems or who want to increase Range of Motion (ROM) using the chair

Experience the side-stretch Prva a. is modified and b. is classical

Maggie Reagh


Part IV: Standing Poses

6. Tadsana - Experience the side-stretch Prva

Stand against wall for more support and side bending awareness
Variation Try at wall with hands on shoulders, hands on top of head or folded arms above
Utthita Trikonsana (Parva) and Parvakonsana - Side Triangles - Classical

Utthita Trikonsana (Parva) and Parvakonsana at chair

Modify these poses bending the knees/arms or using a chair/blocks on each side. *Use
blocks/chair/table to bend towards
Also try turning the head down, front or up to sky see Yoga for Wellness p. 79 for more
variations. Try doing these parva poses at wall for more support. Remember to do a forward
bend as a counter pose.

Maggie Reagh


Do just two steps to keep the Vinysa easier or do many steps with Parva Uttansana
as shown below

8. Prasrita Pda Uttnsana Modified with hands on chair as you EX and lengthen back on

Maggie Reagh


Part V: Seated or Kneeling Poses Transition to Supine (Lying) Poses

9. Jnu irsana (Parivtti) Modify by bending supporting knee, placing bent leg under the
straight one or by using a chair

Chair version side to side

10. Cakravksana with Vajrsana

6T and then stay 1-3 BRS

Part VI: Supine (Lying) Poses

Counter with Apanasana Knee to Chest Pose

11. avsana - Modify by putting a bolster under the thighs or legs up on a chair for Lower
Back Pain (LBP). If upper back is sore, bring arms more to side, bend elbows, and tuck
shoulder blades underneath.

Closing Chant Seated on floor or chair

Maggie Reagh


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