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November 6, 2016
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass Schedule
Saturday 5PM
Sunday 8AM & 10AM
Served by:
Fr. Anthony R. Lipari, FCM

Franciscan Community of Mercy

Fr. Miguel Fernandez, N/FCM

Associate Pastor

Fr. Drew Miller

Associate Pastor

Sr. Donna Lombardi, N/FCM

Pastoral Associate
Family Faith Formation

Karen Suter

Parish Administrator

Wendy and Mike Melly

Parish Council Leaders

An All Inclusive Independent Catholic Community,

Dedicated to Making the World a Better Place

A Shepherds View
November 5th6th
10AM Ray Kellen
Marcia Hansen

Today's readings bring about

some interesting thoughts to
our daily living of the Paschal
Mystery. When we faithfully live

November 1213th
8am Blanca Navarro

our Christian life, like the brothers in the First Reading we will
meet with controversy. In fact,
controversy may be a sign of integrity since truly living the Gospel always precipitates conflict,


If you are interested in obtaining a Mass Card or placing an intention, please see Karen or Donna after mass OR send an email to:
with your request or with any questions. The cost is $10. Cash or
checks can be given to Donna or Karen at the time of your request
or payment can be made by credit card or Paypal via our website:

man selfishness and pride. This doesn't mean

we go out looking for controversy; it does mean
that when controversy happens because of the
authenticity of our Christian living, we see
through the controversy with hope for eternal

Saints of the Week

November 10th: Leo the Great, pope
doctor of the church

because Gospel values are so contrary to hu-

life. This hope, which St Paul tells us in the Sec&

ond Reading, is what gives us the courage of

our convictions and helps us remain steadfast
even to death. And through death to resurrection. Jesus answers the Sadducees' tricky ques-

November 11th: Martin of Tours, bishop

November 12th: Josaphat, bishop & martyr

Franciscan Reflections
TRUE LOVE----- "Blessed is that
servant who would love brother
or sister just as much when they
are sick and cannot do anything in return, as when they
are well and can."
- St Francis of Assisi

tion with a powerful reply-"there is no dying in

Heaven",. In Heaven, "all are alive", in perfect
union with God. The proof of Jesus' truth is in
his own resurrection, his own perfect union with
his Father. The promise of Jesus' truth is our
resurrection, our perfect union with God. Always
be people of HOPE!

Live Jesus in our hearts,



Adult Faith Formation

with Fr. Anthony
Monday evenings at 7PM - downstairs
All are welcome!
Menu TBD ..
Bible Study
with Fr. Drew
Friday evenings at 7PM - downstairs
Join us for pizza and . ??

Veterans Day noVember 11th

We ask for blessings on all those
who have served their country in
the armed forces whether in combative or non-combative posts. We
ask for healing for the veterans
who have been
wounded in body or spirit in conflicts around the globe. Bring solace to them, O Lord. Bring peace to
their hearts and peace to the regions they served. Give us all the
creative vision to see a world
which, grown weary with fighting,
moves to
affirming the life of every
human being and so moves
beyond war. Amen.

Parents often feel self-conscious taking their small children to church.

We worry that our little ones will
disturb others or prevent us from
getting anything out of Mass.
While it can be difficult to manage,
the truth is, our children are valuable
members of the faith community. As
baptized members of the Body of
Christ, it is not only good that infants and toddlers come
to Mass, they have a right to be there.
Religious education begins unconsciously. A baby or
toddler needs to be given the opportunity to learn the
rhythm, sights, sounds and smells of the Mass before he
is conscious enough to understand the Mass. Spirituality
begins as a sensory call from God that eventually leads to
a transformative response. Depriving a child of this sensory education can make it that much harder to lead
your children into a personal encounter with Christ that
they can feel in their bones.
Of course there is a difference between a fussing baby
and a screaming baby. As a matter of courtesy to the other worshippers, parents should remove a child who is
being loud and cannot be consoled after about a minute
or so. That noted, everyone else around the family with
a fussy child has an obligation to put on an understanding, sympathetic smile and trust the parent will handle it.
The following tips can make a churchgoing parents life
Sit in the front. Kids tend to behave better when
they can see whats going on.
If you have to remove your child from the sanctuary,
hold him the entire time you are in the back of the
church. Letting your child play and run in the back
teaches him through simple Pavlovian conditioning
that he needs to cry and fuss to earn play time.
Engage them. For children under 4 or so, bring
some quiet, soft, books, etc. Keep them in a special
going to Mass bag.
If you feel you arent getting anything out of Mass
when you bring small children you are missing the point.
What you get is the joy of passing your faith on to them.
Attending Mass as a family can be a challenge, but remember, God will abundantly bless those who bring his
little ones to him. For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs
to such as these (Mt 19:14)

Excerpt from: 5 tips for helping you make it through

mass: Dr. Gregory Popcak; Our Sunday Visitor (

Gracious and loving God,

let your Spirit be with us on this Election Day.
Hear our prayers,
and increase in us the will to follow your Son Jesus.
Help us to draw on the resources of our faith
as we use the opportunities of our democracy
to shape a society more respectful
of the life, dignity, and rights of the human person,
especially the poor and vulnerable.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Friday, November 18th

Wine & Paint Party!!
Downstairs * $35 per person
includes: 2 wine glasses to decoratively paint, all
paints, supplies, and instruction!
B.Y.O.B light refreshments will be served.


Angelina, one of our teen
parishioners, is involved in a
fundraising project to benefit
homeless families seeking shelter. Tabs are redeemed at the
Recycling Center for cash which is
then applied toward the cost of
temporary housing for local families. Please
bring your tabs to church and drop in our
container in the entrance hall. Thank you!!

Noisy Sunday
After adding a few more
pennies, Good Shepherd was
able to donate $600.00 to
Deborah Hospital !!

Ticket sales will begin soon

Seating is limited so purchase early!!
$10 from each ticket will be donated to

Good Shepherd.

Each year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving the Toms

River Interfaith Clergy Association sponsors an interfaith
service in which we all give thanks together. This year it will
be held on:

November 20 at 4PM
Christ Episcopal Church
415 Washington Street
Parish Christmas Party
December 18th
The Park Pavillion
Seaside Park, NJ
(above the Sawmill)
$40 pp
Buffet Dinner - Cash Bar
For tickets contact Karen at 732-279-3867

or via email :

Christmas Mass Schedule

Friday, Christmas Eve
4pm and 10pm
Saturday, Christmas
Dont forget to FALL BEHIND!
November 6th

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