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Zandronum website
Visit for help, updates, and general cool things.
Documentation (wiki) -
Forums -
Development Tracker - - Report bugs here!
How to install Zandronum:
1. Unzip the files (or run the installer).
2. Copy your Doom, Heretic, or Hexen IWADs into the Zandronum folder.
- Doom.wad, Doom2.wad, Heretic.wad, or Hexen.wad.
- These are on your Doom/Heretic/Hexen CD. If you don't own any of these, you
can buy them at iD's website.
3. Done!
How to play online:
1. Launch Doomseeker inside of the /Zandronum/Doomseeker folder
2. Click Options -> Configure
3. Under Engines, click on Zandronum
4. Click the "..." under "Path to executable". Set it to "C:\Program Files\Zandr
- If you installed Zandronum in a different location, please use that location
5. If you have your game files stored in another location other than the Zandron
um folder, you can configure their locations under "File paths" in Doomseeker's
- You can additionally configure where addons are placed when they are downloa
ded by Wadseeker. Make sure you set up your file paths first!
6. Click Apply, then OK. You can now start browsing for servers to play on!
Regarding backwards compatibility
As of Zandronum 1.0, we have discontinued the use of a particular resource file
named skulltag_data.pk3. This, in turn, has broken compatibility with a multitud
e of Skulltag modifications, and also removes a lot of content that was deemed u
nusable when the project forked.
If you have created a modification that utilizes resources from this package, we
do not encourage the further use of it and recommend updating with other resour
ces or stock IWad data instead to ensure it is compatible with Zandronum.
If you wish to play modifications that were created for Skulltag that are not co
mpatible with Zandronum, you can load the files skulltag_actors.pk3 (Included in
side of the Zandronum folder) and skulltag_data.pk3 (You can retrieve this from
an older Skulltag installation) alongside the modification in question.

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