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Binomial Theorem

The Binomial Theorem is a way to expand an equation without having

to use several different methods of multiplication with variables. An example
of where this theorem is used is

( x+5 )6 . To expand that normally, it would

read: (x+5) (x+5) (x+5) (x+5) (x+5) (x+5). Just by looking at it, you can see
you would have to use FOIL on this equation 3 times and from there, multiply
3 separate equations together with exponents. This could take quite a bit of
time and there are many chances to make a mistake. This theorem, which
can look very confusing, is much more efficient.
The formula for the binomial theorem is:

In relation to our problem above,

( x+5 )6 , it is quite simple to plug it

into the theorem. x is our a-variable, 5 is our b-variable, and 6 is our

exponent or n-variable. Where some might get caught up is with the kvariable. The symbol is the Greek letter for Sigma and means
summation of. In the case of our equation, the summation of 6 is:
0+1+2+3+4+5+6. Each of these numbers will be a value for k. Followed by
that is what looks like k to the nth power. However, this is not correct. It
actually reads n choose k. To decipher what value you would get here, you
need a formula and it requires work with factorials.
The formula is:

If we plug our known numbers in, we get:

When expanded, it is:

Given that, you can easily cross out all the like terms and you will get 1 as
you answer. If you continue to plug in all the other summation numbers in
for k (1,2,3,4,5,6), you should get 6, 15, 20, 15, 6, and 1, in that order.
Plugging each of these numbers into their proper spot in the theorem, you
will get this equation:
1 x 6 50 +6 x 5 51 +15 x 4 52+ 20 x 3 53 +15 x2 54 +6 x 1 55+ 1 x 0 56
After simplifying, your answer will read:
x 6+ 30 x 5 +375 x 4 +2500 x3 + 9375 x 2 +18750 x+15625

And that is the binomial theorem.

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