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Since 2003 Chin had climbed diferent Mountains arround the world, First Chin

Climbed the Everest with Stephen Koch, Next He Climbed again the Everest in
2004 with the famous climbers Ed Viesturs and David Breashears. Finally Chin and
Ed climbed the Everest had an expedition on Annapurna, In the Himalaya.
Chin had an epiphany about the mountains when He was 12, When he went to the
mountains of Glacier National Park thus He was changed forever. He began to
climbed in this park and in Joshua Tree.
While He was training to climb in others mountanis, He began to take photographs
during the expeditions as a consequence of that, his photography has won many
However he doesnt think that the photography is the first thinking when he has
some expedition, He really think that the most important of his job is first to be a
reliable team member. So that The photography comes second.
Chin think that the photography is like a movie, because He always look for
transitional moments such as arriving a base camp, establishing climbing camps,
His thought, his motivation is to inspire people, show the infinite human spirit.

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