Gun Control Essay

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Gun control is a controversial topic that is often debated because on one hand it can

prevent the wrong people obtaining guns but on the other hand it goes against the rights that are
guaranteed by the constitution. Gun control is necessary because it reduces violent crimes,
prevents accidental deaths, and saves lives. It is often debated because on one hand it can prevent
the wrong people obtaining guns but on the other hand it goes against the rights that are
guaranteed by the constitution. Gun control should be stricter because it could prevent accidental
deaths and guns ending up in the wrong hands.
The function of a gun is to kill so it leads to more deaths. Gunshots are the leading cause
of deaths with social groups in U.S.A. (International Debate Education Association). There is a
correlation between countrys gun control and its suicide rate. With gun control, law ownership
of firearms arm strengthened. Washington D.C. has lowered their murder rate with a stricter gun
Guns often end up in the wrong hands, and lead to tragic incidents. The Columbine High
School shooting is an example of incident that could have been prevented with stricter gun
control. The Tuscon, Arizona shooting that happened this year, the gun laws made is easy for
Jared Lougher to obtain a gun.
Gun control is needed because it prevents deaths. The accessibility of guns is correlated
with amount of deaths and also it prevents murders. It makes it harder to access guns for
criminals. Guns should only be authorized by people such as cops. Many incidents could have
been thwarted if there was stricter gun control.

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