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The following points may assist you in the preparation for the final exam

This is a CLOSED BOOK exam - no text books or written materials permitted.

A Scientific calculator is permitted in this exam - HP 10s or HP 10s+ Scientific
Calculator Only.
You must bring your calculator and writing pens.
No formula sheet is provided for the examination.
Complex expressions will be given with the problems in the examination paper.
However, as a guide, the following quantities/equations must be known to you:
o Reynolds Number
o Mach Number
o Continuity Equation
o Vorticity
o Relation between Stream Function and Velocity Components
o Relation between Velocity Potential and Velocity Components
o Relation between Shear Stress and Velocity Gradient
o Relation between Wall Shear Stress, Drag, and Drag Coefficients
o Hydraulic Diameter and its importance
o Power requirements of a pump
o Similar appropriate basic equations
o Do not memorize correlations containing numerical constants and indices

Topics Covered for the Exam

Lecture notes: Blackboard Chapters 1 to 8 included.

All tutorial problems, other assessments and equivalent problems in the recommended

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