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Test 1

1. d)
3. c)
7.a) incorrect B) e correct- e conditional de tip 1 si e la negativ deja. Deci folosesti if, si nu Unless care
inseamna daca nu.
9.c) incorrect A Despite cere verbul la gerunziu: despite being; he doesnt like working
11.b) incorrect D- E conditional de tip 3. Dupa If trebuie Past Perfect, apoi in principala WOULD HAVE
13.a) - INCORECT C .- the police have been investigating into police e substantive colectiv si in
acest caz acordul se face la plural. si e la Present Perfect continuu mai ales ca ai adverbele ever since
si se insista pe durata.
16. b)
17. d) INCORECT C. variant pe care ai aleso inseamna is keen on e buna la; in schimb trebuia prone
to- e predispusa (sa aiba dureri de cap)
19.d) INCORECT C at the confectioners 20.b)
21. b) INCORECT A din nou ai conditional de tip 3
22.a) INCORECT C if only + past perfect to talk about a wish to change something that has already
23. d) INCORECT B oil resources are decreasing therefore (prin urmare) si nu despite (in ciuda), we
need to find alternative sources of energy.
24. c) INCORECT B Trebuie sa respecti timpurile verbale. In subordonata ai past tense, deci si in
principal trebuie sa fie verbul la trecut. I couldnt ride a horse until I was eleven.

25. d) INCORECT A. insist on phrasal verb, run into figures- a creste

26. b)
27. a) INCORECT D. Dupa Wish si if only sunt niste cazuri special care o sa le facem mai incolo. In acest
caz trebuie iarasi past perfect.

29. c)

30. c)

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