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half-ruined palace.

He went with his mysteriotof gibing and chattering skeletons

, running
about and pursuing each other, or playing at leap-frog over one another's backs.
At the rear of the mansion
was a wild, uncultivated plot of ground, in the midst of which arose a black r
ock. Down its sides rushed with
fearful noi se a torrent of poisonous water, which, insinuating itself through
the soil, penetrated to all the
springs of the city, and rendered them unfit for use. After he had been shewn
all this, the stranger led him into
another large chamber, filled wi th gtrtetrd that famine, pestilence, or fire w
ould follow.
Enthusiasts, while yet the disease had made but little progress, ran about the s
treets, predicting that in a few
s??d?eta? ste?? e t?? ?????e? ????? ?a? e?????s??. ???
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e?????s?? ?a???e??????e sta e??????? ed?f? ?a? pa??e??e a?t? ?p?st??????ta? e t? s?
?p? t?? ? e ap???ste?t???? ????e???e?e? t??? pa?ap??? p??????" d?af???p??e?ta? ap? t?? ?ta???? e?????s? ??? t? Sept???? t?? 1939, ?ta? p??s?a?e ?
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se s?e?? p?? ?' ap?te???? ??a s?a t??e??? d??a??, t??a?????? ???s??e? f???? ??a t??? p???te? t???, ? e?e??e??a t??
?p???? ????ta? ad??at?. st?? p?a?at???t?ta ??? e?e???
p?? e????e? t?? ???st?a?? ?eta??

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