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UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION NET BUREAU Code No. : 06 Subject : HISTORY SYLLABUS AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS Note: ‘There will be two question papers; Paper - II’and Paper - Ill ( Parts - A & B). Paper ~ II will cover 50 Objective Type Questions ( Multiple choice, Matching type, True / False, Assertion-Reasoning type ) carrying 100 marks. Paper ~ III will have two Parts - A and B ; Paper - II (A) will have 10 Short Essay Type questions ( 300 words ) carrying 16 marks each. In it there will be one question with intertial ‘choice from each unit ( ie. 10 questions from 10 units ; Total marks will be 160 ). Paper ~ III (B) will be compulsory and there will be one question from each of the Electives. The candidate will attempt only one question ( one elective only in 800 words ) carrying 40 marks. Total marks of Paper - III will be 200. PAPER - 1. CONCEPTS, IDEAS AND TERMS Bharatvarsha Kara / Vishti Sabha and Samiti Stridhana ‘Varnasrama. Memorial stones Purusharthas Agraharas Rina Khilafat Samskaras Sulah-i-kul Yajna Maharashtra-dharma Doctrine of Karma ‘Turkan--Chahighani Dandaniti / Arthasastra ‘Watan Saptanga Baluta Dharmavijaya Iqta Stupa / Chaitya Jizyah Nagara / Dravida / Vesara Madad-i-maash Bodhisattva / Tirthankara Amaram: Alvars / Nayanars Raya-Rekho Sreni Jangama 06 Chauth . Dyarehy ~ = Hundi { Bilis of Exchange } Federalism: Sarraf Utilitarianism Polygars Filtration Theory Jagir Forward Policy Dastur Doctrine of Lapse Mansab ( Rank) Satyagraha Deshmukh Swadéshi Nadu Revivalism. Communalism Bengal Vaishnavism Orientalism Alt magha De-industrialisation Shahna-i-Mandi Subsidiary Alliance Mercantilism Evangelicalism Economic Nationalism Bhudan Indian Renaissance Panchsheel Economic Drain Mixed Economy Colonialism Indian Left Paramountcy Hindu Code Bill 2. ANCIENT INDIAN HISTORY Sources : Archaeological Sources Exploration, excavation, epigraphy, numismatics, monuments Literary Sources Indigenous : Primary and Secondary — problems of dating, myths, legends, poetry, scientific literature, literature in regional languages, religious literature. Foreign accounts : Greek, Chinese and Arab writers. Pre-history and Proto-history Man and Environment — geographical factors. Hunting and gathering (Paleolithic and Mesolithic ) ; Beginning of agriculture ( Neolithic and Chalcolithic ). Indus Valley Civilization — origin, date, extent, characteristics, decline, survival and significance. Iron age : Second urbanisation. 06 2 06 Vedic Period Migrations and settlements ; dating the Vedic, literary and archaeglogical evidences, evolution of social and political institutions ; religious and philosophical ideas, rituals and practices. Period of Mahajanapadas Formation of States ( Mahajanapadas ) ; Republics and Monarchies ; rise of urban centres ; trade routes ; economic growth ; introduction of coinage ; spread of Jainism and Buddhism ; rise of Magadha and Nandas. iranian and Macedonian Invasions and their impact. Mauryan Empire Foundation of the Mauryan Empire, Chandragupta, Kautilya and Arthashastra ; Ashoka ; Concept of Dharma ; Edicts ; Brahmi and Kharosthi scripts. Administration ; economy ; architecture and sculpture ; external contacts. Disintegration of the empire ; Sungas and Kanvas. Post-Mauryan Period ( Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushanas, Western Kshatrapas ) Contact with outside world ; growth of urban centres, economy, coinage, development of religions, Mahayana, social conditions, art and architecture, literature and science. Early state and society — in Eastern India, Deccan and South India Kharavela, The Satavahanas, Tamil States of the Sangam Age, Administration ; economy, land grants, coinage, trade guilds and urban. centres, Buddhist centres, Sangam literature and culture ; art and architecture. Imperial Guptas and Regional States of India Guptas and Vakatakas, Harsha, Administration, economic conditions, coinage of the Guptas, land grants, decline of urban centres, Indian feudalism, caste system, position of women, education and educational institutions — Nalanda, Vikramshila and Vallabhi, contact with neighbouring countries — Central Asia, South-East Asia and China, Sanskrit literature, scientific literature, art and architecture. The Kadambas, Gangas, Pallavas and Chalukyas of Badami — Administration, trade guilds, Sanskrit literature and growth of regional languages and scripts ; growth of Vaishnava and Saiva religions. Tamil Bhakti Movement, Shankaracharya — Vedanta ; Institutions of temple and temple architecture. 3. 06 Varmanas of Kamrup ; Palas and Senas, Rashtrakutas, Pratiharas, Kalachuri-Chedis ; Paramaras ; Chalukyas of Gujarat ; Arab contacts — Ghaznavi Conquest, Alberuri. The Chalukyas of Kalyana, Cholas, Cheras, Hoysalas, Pandyas — ‘Administration, and local Government, growth of art and architecture, religious sects, Institution of temple and Mathas, Agraharas, education and literature, ecohomy and society, contact with Sri Lanka, and South- East Asia. MEDIEVAL INDIAN HISTORY Sources Archaeological, epigraphic and numismatic materials and monuments. Chronicles. Literary sources — Persian, Sanskrit and Regional languages. Archival materials. Foreign travellers’ accounts. Political Developments ‘The Sultanate — the Ghorids, the Turks, the Khaljis, the Tughlags, the Sayyids and the Lodis. Foundation of the Mughal Empire — Babur, Humayun and the Suris ; expansion from Akbar to Aurangzeb. Decline of the Mughal empire — political, administrative and economic causes. Later Mughals and disintegration of the Mughal empire. ‘The Vijayanagara and the Bahmanis — rise, expansion and disintegration. The Maratha movement, the foundation of Swaraj by Shivaji ; its expansion under the Peshwas ; Maratha Confederacy — causes of decline. Administration Administration under the Sultanate — civil, judicial, revenue, fiscal and military. Sher Shah's administrative reforms ; Mughal administration — land revenue and other sources of income ; Mansabdari and Jagirdari. Administrative system in the Deccan — the Vijayanagara, the Bahmanis and the Marathas. 06 Economic Aspects ‘Agricultural production — village economy ; peasantry. Urban centres and population. Industries — cotton textiles, handicrafts, agro-based industries, organisation, factories, technology. Trade and commerce — State policies, internal and external trade ; European trade, trade centres and ports, transport and communication. Financing trade, commerce and industries ; Hundi ( Bills of Exchange ) and Insurance. Currency. Socio-religious Movements ‘The Sufis — their orders, beliefs and practices, the leading Sufi saints. Bhakti cult — Shaivism and its branches ; Vaishnavism and its branches. ‘The Saints of the medieval period — north and south — their impact on socio-political and religious life. The Sikh movement — Guru Nanak Dev and his teachings and practices, Adi Granth ; the Khalsa. Society Classification — ruling class, major religious groups, the mercantile and professional classes. Rural society — petty chieftains, village officials, cultivators and non- cultivating classes, artisans. Position of women. Cultural Life Systern of Educational and its motivations. Literature — Persian, Sanskrit and Regional languages. Fine Arts — Major schools of painting ; music. . Architectural developments of North and South India ; Indo-Islamic architecture. MODERN INDIAN HISTORY Sources and Historiography : Archival materials, biographies and memories, newspapers. Oral evidence, creative literature and painting. Concerns in Modern Indian Historiography — Imperialist, Nationalist, Marxist and Subaltern. Rise of British Power European traders in India in the 17th and 18th centuries — Portuguese, Dutch, French and the British. ‘The establishment and expansion of British dominion in India. British relations with and subjugation of the principal Indian Powers — Bengal, Oudh, Hyderabad, Mysore, Marathas and-the Silchs. Administration of the Company and Crown Evolution of central and provincial structure under the East India Company, 1773 - 1853. : Paramountcy, Civil Service, Judiciary, Police and the Army under the Company and Crown. Local Self-Government Constitutional changes, 1909 - 1935. Economic History Changing composition, volume and direction of trade ; ‘The Tribute’. Expansion and commercialisation of agriculture, land rights, land settlements, rural indebtedness, landless labour. Deeline.of industries — changing socio-economic conditions of artisans ; De-urbanisation. British Industrial Policy ; major modern industries ; nature of factory legislation ; labour and trade union movements. Monetary policy, banking, currency and exchange, Railways and Road ‘Transport. Growth of new urban centres ; new features of town planning and architecture. Famines, and epidemics and the government policy. Economic Thought — English utilitarians ; Indian economic historians ; the Drain theory. Indian Society in Transition Contact with Christianity — the Missions ; critique of Indian social and economic practices and religious beliefs ; educational and other activities. ‘The New Education — Government policy ; levels and contents ; English language ; modern science ; Indian initiatives in education. Raja Rammohan Roy ; socio-religious reforms ; emergence of middle class ; caste associations and caste mobility. ‘Women's Question — Nationalist Discourse ; Women’s Organisations ; British legislation concerning women ; Constitutional position. ‘The Printing Press — journalistic activity and the public opinion. Modernisation of Indian languages and literary forms — reorientation in painting, music and performing arts. 6 06 National Movement Rise of Indian nationalism, social and economic bases of nationalism. — Revolt of 1857 and different social classes. ‘Tribal and peasant movements. Ideologies and programmes of the Indian National Congress, 1885-1920. Trends in Swadeshi movement. Ideologies and programmes of Indian revolutionaries in India and abroad. Gandhian Mass Movements. Ideology and programme of the Justice Party. Left Wing Politics. Movement of the Depressed classes. Communal politics and genesis of Pakistan. Towards Independence and Partition. India after Independence ( 1947 - 1964) Rehabilitation after Partition. Integration of the Indian States ; The Kashmir Question. ‘The making of the Indian Constitution. The structure of Bureaucracy and the Policy. ‘The demographic trends. Economic policies and the planning process. Linguistic reorganisation of States. Foreign policy initiatives. World History : Concepts. Ideas and Terms Pre-history Burial Practices Mother-Goddess Law codes Athenian Democracy Imperial Rome Slavery Aristocracy Confucianism Manorial system Black Death Feudalism Humanisin Enlightened Despotism Divine Right Supremacy of Church Holy Roman Empire Social Contract and General Will Nation States - Renaissance Reformation Darwinism Great Depression ( 1929) Feminism Non-alignment Parliamentary Democracy Nazism Commonwealth Imperialism Socialism Balance of Power Apartheid Rights of Man Cold War Post-modernism Research in History Scope and value of History Objectivity and Bias in History History and its auxiliary sciences Area of research — proposed Sources — Primary / secondary in the proposed area of research Modern Historical Writing in the researcher's area of research PAPER - II (A) ( CORE GROUP ) Unit -1I From the Indus Valley Civilization to the Mahajanapadas Age, extent and characteristics of the Indus Valley Civilization. Vedic culture — Early and Late — Geography : Social and Political institutions, Economic conditions, Religious and Philosophical ideas. Mahajanapadas, Republics, Economic growth — Emergence of Jainism and Buddhism — Rise of Magadha — Macedonian invasion and its effects. Unit - History of India from 4th Century BC to 3rd Century AD Foundation of the Mauryan Empire — Chandragupta, Asoka and his Dhamma, Mauryan administration, Economy, Art and Architecture, Disintegration of the Mauryan empire. Sangam Age Sungas, Satvahanas and Kushanas : Administration, religion, society, economy, trade and commerce, culture — Art and architecture, Literature. 06 8 Unit - OF India from the 4th century AD to 12th century AD Unit -IV Gupta — Vakataka Age — Harsha-Pallavas — Early Chalukyas — Rashtrakutas-Cholas-Pratharas-Palas — A brief survey of the history of the Paramaras, Kalachuris, Gahadavalas and Chauhans — Administration. Feudalism, Society, Position of Women, Educational centres, Economy. Religious trends, styles of temple architecture, art, Literature, An outline of scientific and technological developments. India’s contacts with the outside world. India from 1206 to 1526 Unit -V Expansion and Consolidation — The Ghorids. The Turks. The Khaljis, ‘The Tughlags, The Sayyids and the Lodis. ‘Vijayanagar and Bahamani Kingdoms. State and Religion — Concept of sovereignty, Religious movements and Sufism. Economic Aspect — Urban Centres, Industries, Trade and Commerce, Land Revenue and Prices. Mongol problem and its impact. Administrative structure. Art, Architecture and Literature. Sources — Archaeological, Persian and non-Persian literature, Foreign travellers’ account. India from 1526 onward 06 Sources of Mughal period. Mughal Expansion and Consolidation — Babur's establishment of Mughal rule in India ; Humayun and Surs ; Akbar, Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb. Mughal relations with the nobility and the Rajputs. Jahangir — the period of stability and expansion 1611-1621 ; the period of crises 1622-1627 — The Nurjahan Junta. Decline of Mughal Empire : Political, administrative and economic causes. The Maratha Movement, the foundation of Swarajya by Shivaji — its expansion and administration, Maratha Confederacy and causes of decline. Administration : Sher Shah's administrative reforms, Mughal administration, land revenue and other sources of income, Mansabdari and Jagirdari. ‘Unit ~ VE Socio-economic and cultural life under the Mughals Village society and economy , Art, architecture and literature Trade and Commerce Religious policy from Akbar to Aurangzeb Urban centres and Industries Currency Position of women Unit - VII Foundation of the British Rule Rise of European powers — Expansion and Consolidation of the British rule. British relations with major Indian powers — Bengal, Oudh, Hyderabad, Mysore, Marathas and Sikhs. Administration under the East India Company and Crown, Paramountcy, Civil Service, Judiciary, Police and Army. Local Self-Government, Constitutional Development from 1909 to 1935. Unit - VE Economic and Social Policies Unit - Of 06 Agrarian policy of the British, Land Revenue, Agriculture and Land Rights, Famine policy, Rural indebtedness. Policy towards trade, and industries, Condition of Labour. Trade Union Movements, Factory Legislation, Banking, Transport, Drain Theory. Indian Society in transition, Christian missions, Socio-religious reform movements, Status of women. New educational policy, English language, Modern sciences, Journalism, Indian languages and literature. National Movement and Post-Independent India Rise of nationalism, Revolt of 1857, Tribal and Peasant Movements, Ideologies and Programmes of Indian National Congress, Swadeshi Movement, Indian Revolutionary Movement in India and abroad. Gandhian Mass Movements, Ideologies and Programmes of the Justice Party ; Left wing politics, Movement of the depressed classes, Genesis of Pakistan, India towards Independence, and Partition. India after Independence, Rehabilitation after partition, Integration of Indian States, the Kashmir Question. Making of the Indian Constitution, Structure of Bureaucracy and the police, Economic policies and the planning process, Linguistic reorganisation of the States, foreign policy initiatives. 10 Unit - X (A) World History — Concepts, Ideas and Terms Renaissance, Reformation Enlightenment, Rights of Man Apartheid Imperialism Socialism Nazism Parliamentary Democracy Commonwealth Efforts at World Peace, Cold War Post-modernism Unit - X (B) Research in History Scope and Importance of History ‘Objectivity and Bias in History Causation in History History and its auxiliary sciences Significance of Regional History Recent trends of Indian History Research Methodology : Area of Proposed Research Sources — Primary / Secondary in the Proposed area of Research. Recent Historical writings in the Proposed area of Research. PAPER - III (B) ( ELECTIVE / OPTIONAL ) Elective ~ 1: Ancient Indian History 06 Stone-Age Cultures of India Origin, date, extent and characteristics of the Indus Valley Civilization. Evolution of social and political institutions in the Vedic period Economic and religious developments in 6th century BC ll Sources of Mauryan history — Megasthenes, Kautilya, Asokan edists and Simbhalese chronicles Economy and trade during 2nd century BC — 3rd century AD — Schools of art — Development of Stupa and Chaitya architecture Assessment of the Gupta Age Ancient Indian Republics — History of Local Self-Government in India Indian feudalism Indian contacts with the outside world in the ancient period Contribution of Sankara and Ramanuja to religion and philosophy Elective — II : Medieval Indian History Sources on Medieval Indian History North-West frontier and Deccan Policy of the Mughals Society and Ecohorny during Medieval period Religion, Art, Architecture and Literature during Medieval period Urban Economy, Trade and Commerce during Medieval period Legacy of the Mughals 18th Century Debate Significance of Regional History Elective - Ill : Modern Indian History 06 ‘The Establishment and Expansion of the British Dominion in India Constitutional Development from 1858 to 1935 ‘The British Agraridn Policies ‘The Relief Measures adopted by the British Education and Social Reforms Under the British ‘Socio-Religious Reform Movements in the 19th Century Rise of Nationalism and the Indian National Congress ‘The Gandhian Era ‘Towards Independence and Partition ‘The Making of the Indian Constitution and its working 12 SAMPLE QUESTIONS PAPER - I 1, Who amiong the following constructed the Moti Masjid at Agra ? (A) Akbar ®) Jahangir (©) Shahjahan (2) Aurangzeb 06 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given below : db) 9 = “oa 3 ea eawa ©) a List-I (Authors } Banabhatta Hemadri Lakshmidhara Rajasekhara eo Ye TH Tw oe o RO & Oo eR ®@ eae va List - (Patrons } Harsha Govinda Chandra so ye Mahendrapala 13 PAPER ~ Hi (4) = 4. Examine the date of the Harappan Civilization. OR Critically evaluate the price control policy of Alauddin Khalj PAPER - Hil (B) 11. Bring out the salient features of the Mauryan art. Do you notice any foreign influence on it ? + OR Discuss the causes of the revolt of 1857. Was it a mass movement ? 06 14 ‘fematt : = Wenes 4 eh werwa eh, wei-we — eat we-os — (eT - A Ta B) |e — IT 4 so ag-faret wet ( ag-feeet oy, qafea ay, We / sae, See ae) eA, format ate 100 etm 1 wea — St Gre — ASB eA; WER — (A) A oy frama wart % 10 We ( 300 wel &.) ei farri weke wer 16 sia er een 1 ee wee eae Qo w ye afte fiecr Wi (10 3x, 10 wR a; Fa aH160 BR) I we-w— Hi (B) aad ern, fre tow feed 78 wees wer iA adenelf at eet Ter wer ( Un Ofte Hae 800 wel & ) wen tia, free sie 40 eT we — wea sig 200 dF wa — a 1, dereomnd, frere ae sraftrat area aa ana er aura afer gered FRE-EART Ra a dent wet! a ware wd a frere ste wedife / aederea wel ( fafa wa) eet win wdfn team waste ori wer / mfag / tae Mifare / delat daa ( sitet ) SAA / ENT ae Soh We oR / fae Tort cher ear Sora eh SRT TAT wea wat * HER MEFS fearna aferenearene WEE FG antes usin WORTg-at ned praireer yal -ererert suftias Frenne Bet o6 15 06 aires efs ware duerat (fee) wera da a-atiniterct seit -aerre af (it) feet fear WRT are aif er meaty aft Tarte wae fafaa afore weet anita aa wiewadrae fers ais fra urea anedte gitar aa: qari afetere eit weet: waftres ae tie: are-fiefen at are fas, aren, area, sare afer, atta arersit A anfecs, enter cafes 1 faeeh frat: garth, dH da ae tee | weltftrere cer aver fever . aMa cen wala : bie aes, are wen dae ( BATT aN TETTTATT ); Bee ST WRT ( FS-TSTOT TE TTA-TTSTTT +) fry oe at we Sen, ante, faa, aM, TER, TasitfermT ( stage) Te AE che am; ferta weter 1 aiee art ware aan aferal; afes ere-fraen, aieferes aon queeda wea; annie den invite dena a ferera; afte cen aRifre rar, ager der vaeteal 1 TESTIS wet wel ( meme ) ar frat, REE ae Teds; Wet Aa a sea; sar-aTt; - sifie dais; feral ar weer; Sa ef site ate ef ar fare ( tert ); wre ae TT ws | Rr can Feria S ame sik ST WTS | 16 3. akbar = ae cara st earn, wae, Stee wen sisters; arin; ef at dareon; Tee; wreht wen attest feat 1 WR; aisrren; aregqaen an yfine; wet Ta Bras wer PaaS; YT Ta Vg | aitaitere are ( sare, er, Ge, WAP TT) wed gfraf 8 wens; wed Fai a fears; sdoraen, fee, wal ar fave, wera, arate amg, en wer sage, wees Ten Pa t Wa car aaa St Urea feet — yt a, Tae TEM aeroT TTA Grae, aaa, HH BT atte Ws, WEA, aeorae, ywaM, fate, oT a wen wed am, ste ex, drs erfecr wen Gephe; BET Fe ATH | WR awe cen wea eta TT qe ait aeee, wd, were, anit feats, ye worl & fae; y-wen, wed Bat aT Tr, ate aera, wafiven; Agere wt feate, fren den Are demt — are, fmniven ait avevt, vetet Qe 8 werk — eq ufern, afer Uren cen aH, depe afer, Sanbre Tees, en sen aR | wera, wm, vera ait seri & ages — wR, SR da, dopa Ue ae asite amnait sit fetta a faera; dora ait te wif an fran, afre ie ater; viewer — aera; aet ce aha agaen at deat | armed & aa; get ak O4, USK, often, Hergd Ble; eR; Isa SH AT; ore & we wear: Taree fara, sere 1 wean & aaa, Sie, A, daen, vied: WIR Ta aa AER, He TM aT wm fra, afie da ( wera ), afar ait we den, sen, fren an aes, aorren tar wars, steer afk aferor—oe Ufa a wer merenreiet urea Beare eta Toa, qeere atk fares eaters ant att TRH | vega | aifefers Sta — eRe, dene si data wen 1 Wee ah | faeet ari-gauia 1 17 06 worifes rear . ae — Td, Gh, west, qa, dag she cit | are area St fs — ara, gard atk a star S shorts wee THs FRA | re ars ee — Usrhifes, weTEPra tk after aT | are & ara ote yet wraes aT faaer | fren at gent wed — sear, fren ait fared | wast areter, frat, grr wast Sais, teaneil arity year freM; ATST weiss — Te SRT | ‘weet ‘aeara & anita vores: arden, Paha, Ties, Tone sit Bre 1 rane 3 wares Gar, WT WaT: yume atk arr ara ata, TET ate arian 1 eed Tower Velt — frre, ser wea afk WET | _ Safes Tar ofe sera — onto aderren, gra eh wed Sra att SHReT | sein — ah aes sei, eeafines, Bhe-amenfta sein; ares, BrearT, Mehra am ait afoeg — wa at ifrel, arafer sik are cam; aerdta ear, sare ax ak nen, vitaes sik dar | fades saan, aaforog sie seit, gost ( fafa wa ) aie aT | I arnftren-enities aratert gat — oth enfin dy, faeara ait vafeal, wena get da vfs wera — deere sit saat wang; dorrare att Tat wee | merpreia da — sat aie ef — sre ST -Terifaer ste enftias Steet Te WHIT fog aren — ye are 2a ait aah sete aie wert, safe a; Teva Rat aifen — wee af, wpe afte a, orat sit ereafas vf ani gat — Be ares, wa arian, pew sik e-gae en, fererar | afeensit et feat 1 18 06 ‘ire weft ik seat afte 1 aafieca — corel, siege atte deity sree | afer wart — fared & wqe eRe; Sia | sat ait afar ore or ae ferera; sreita weenie area | arepres unedta gitaret eater mer ier queet arnt, sitet sear denn, GaEaR-T | difes cea, Gerters afer wen fare | aryhrs ardta gto & arent — aera, ware, wrRiaTet wer AEE fafegr sir at sea 17 @ atk 18 at ene Fora F aaa ord — yr, Sa, tere rer fate | urea H fafer Wer at ITT ae PARTE | una at wae wed & ae feer ware ait sre snyfretec — se, stay, tener, ay, weer Te fre | eae wer TT ( BATST ) BT WATT $e eis sort & aia wea oe wedi aia a fae, 1773-1853 wari wen wr & ai wire wife, fetta dar, =ahes, yfere Sar gen SAT 1 era eat Ware fad, 1909-1935 anftier siren SAR SI see Fan PAA, OTA sr sa Ten few, “FE fee’ | pie ar freak cen afore, ype were often, ype setae, weer a TET, vpn A | seit ar -oat : ahr St aeerdt ee arate eed; srredteaer 1 attire sift: wye sryfie sa; Geet er ar eae; afte cen HRY Wa are | . Hificer fe, Shi; gar cen fahraa; era Ten Tew VET ae wed Seat ar ferara; wet oreo wen aqaren st FE fare ‘after gen werent ait acer at fe 4 aifties fran : ftom srhfrrad; arta onde sfrerrer; Fave fret | 19 06 cerca varectter was gad nf A werd: fier; une arnt ae oni vate wa ntti fava! st wher; defies an ora afatateat 1 ag fren — arate, eae cen fea; afist oma, snghre fear; fret Y ana wea aan Tertes Ta; Seniesa gan; weRrt wt sea; THe ae Ter Mie TferetteTAT afc awe — Weal wer: afeer dren; wieensii 8 wafer fafee sry; aifeenfre feat 1 anne ( fifén de) — wari wears fateh sen SrA | snete arneil aan tigi Sai oT sryfreteen : Reamer an game, wel Ter wert were 1 refs arciert sores usta a1 sea; Wehr aes wen safes STA | 1857 & fare wa fi-fia arate aE orromita Ten Peart SIT | anda Teta waite st frarurt aan aris, 1885-1920 weet arden at wafeat ora an fader F eredte waren! St freer wt weir | ie A-SI | afte we ( =ra eet) St france ae ara arriet Teri | afer af ar aretert | armere Terie Ten TARR HI SET | anther wen fees at ate 1 areisateT UIE ( 1947-1964 ) fewer & ae yaaa ondtta wedi a Tete: HRA BT TA | arate dian ar Freie 1 armel aan Yfera ar ate srifirata gfe 1 onfthes *ifeet wen Arsen wf 1 20 06 wel ar sedate prior | fata aifa aaah weet art 1 dare eftere : secon’, fra war atafirat virerea gt Tey we St very Wrahet res ad-guR fafa sift ( at sts ) ara wah Chania ferret Hg (1929) oa ay and afirenrcare aeat ree aafrena-Ta dadts cena ere aiiarg water wet weer we Sa aEeTaTS ania PaaS APRTATaTe ates ager was Sorat aig Rat after ara & after wed at adie itt ae utes Tr erat Wea- ay RATaTS arate Aqate Ie AAT FST ‘gieere d agent aera & da aan yea sfters ¥ agian wen ahr ‘efeera ait gat were fear ade = aa — vente apart & weafee oa 3 sia — wate fede apie & srearrert da 4 anyfte efaera eer | 21 weTun — 1 ( A) . (=k faa ] you —1 Sra eae BETTE BT TH Sra wea He, FRM TS ANT ate dept — i ae — pie: rare wi wsttre dent athe fet, wnfties wa athe fran TERE, THR, safle afagis — Sa we de eet ar sea — FT HT AeA — eerten & ata att Tae ITT | wu — 0 theft yraredt $o Yo B yettar ware Fact cen urea wat BATT aid arared St RIT SRE, arate wa see eo, th were, ardorTeT, Ser eames, Std araTea ar frat aa a, aired Ta aT: TIA, oe, TAT, arin, aaa ue afore, dept — ween US RTT, TET | ya — Oo het & areeett erarect wee ITT TE — wees 7, Cae, wih WE, TER, Te, WHER, Te; TAR, aeraft, arse Te Sher ar afar eeere, wT ara, Gare, feral ai feata, frre ar, steforerea suffer vafual, afer-earma at Vferal, en, wees, Sarre wa where fear sr Sfare frac are TES At BETH | “gat — 1 “06 Wt 1206 B 1526 TH fasrrrr ott ae ares we ait ed — yee at seen, enftfes arrdiert sik yan 22 antes vat — wed ax, sei, Onn ait afta, yous she stat rita aren sik Saar WIT waa FT wer, wae wer ak aes ata — quotes, wrt ait tore aries, fade at-gera 1 zag —V UE 1526 & ag qe ora & att Bret fear ate Snes : aa BT aR A re Tos BT TTT; EARL SAR | aT, apie, mest sit site Gre & anik ten usagi aa, wetie — fern ser fem HI Fret 1611-1621; WHE HI Ft 1622-1627 — wel ge Te Bes Sr eA: Tere, werahrs stk onftias are raat arecter, ferarsit ERT aes at wa — See Prem st We, AIST TT tt sae Wat Fr aT wares : teme S yerefa Aen, We Wa, UES at ora a aia, Treat att write | yay — VI Aneit & arerta arate, anfties sit wiepie stat unto wars sik sreferaeer wen, wa eT Se wes aa ait arferea ara a stiraa oe enfiter sift wed Sx ak se wl ‘afeenat at feat 1 ya — vo Forfergr Tat ait ee aitita ufeat a sea — fatee oe an free wa HST wre ude ufeal — ne, aay, SaTeTe, AR, ATT sik fers & are fafer wey 06 23 $e ten sort wi wet & ad ver, wile us, fafa da, =afas, - Rar wa Sat aria aa, dauren frets 1909 4 1935 yay — Vor sation wat ernie *ifrat of wart fatee ffs, q-weres, Bie ud aft ae aftrer, sear fe, oer OUTTA saan wd seit fe, Fay st em, vege da & axle, teed arp, fie, afters, freva fear daria area were, ak fay, arnfers-ubfes Qe artery, ferit st feafa, welts fren sift, stitst am, anghren fear; waiter, antes areng qe afer 1 vag — x testa aidter ud Ta UT TEAS BI 34, 1857 wi fate, ronda Us Hew src, aretha wea BT st frame wd arian, weet arden, siete wifcent aries aKa wl free F aitiardt sa aren, afta wel at freee wi aries, anriet wert, efor ef ST arden, UPHAM BI SEs, HT Kaa Us fees st sik Tearisire ane, Per ae Wale, wea fered a fre, ei wT nda afar a Prato, stercmet ud giera acter, ants strat we ater wire, aed ar rent griss, fren aft war yea ae vag — (A) 06 fea garnet — deer, fran cen srafeal Tbr, eige Wasarare, ara & sfren FTE aera wae aTsttare dada cada ugisa feranfa & ya, via qe Ta anyrHaey | 24 ya — E(B) ‘etter & arqetere : vier ar da ei wet shrera FY aegittsa wa wera ‘sfrera F arc shere sit sam were fear ira efeere a AE rete efrera at eet St waferat shafaft start ar wenfeat 3a aryeart & wenfaa 8a F eit — wrefire / feta aren & wena oa H aryfrr efrera wet | Ww —m(B) ( Qioa / defers ] Uhoa — 1: wreite anda gftere ona St ver Bit depheat See ed aera at seats, fake, freee TE cert ‘Sfees are A arnfsrs Us Us fres densi er ferara ‘Wadi -warest Fo Yo H anflien wen enftiar facara dnt sfrera %& aia : Hrerts, steers, ante & Ge sik Reet ser aes Bae ward fo yo a chad wened Fae we seen Ti oR, wer-Aeal, aE Gi aa Rae at FETT Te ae a RET wets aredttea moray — wre A earerereert a efter uretha arTATe wes are Fare wer a ara ae eof ad aia oa a viet WS UGS HT ee 06 25 + Oftoe — mr: Wemearetier oredia Phere aera write afters & eit ayeredl wi seater ator wen efi = aera A wars sit aelerreat aera Y ad, wen, caer ser alk aie aerate AH wed aderren, erat sik aT aneil st facet sEReaT wareet ferare Seite gfe 1 ET | Uhos — or: ares uneta sirens one # fates aa st earra we fT 1858 @ 1935 Te daurie faara fates = ate aeat fe fafeeit gre sree, 7e Tea wri fafeeit & onda fren wel arate Ge soteet waret & urnivs-fie Ger arte Tea a sea ak sata wets BT vieterd qr eerie we fees at sit undia faust a rai wi saat wR 06 26 11. 06 FE a eT . wert — Prafafad 3 8 frat sina 4 ait wating a Frater eee at? A wT ) seth © west (D) ates | get — 1 ar get — 0S are aie wt oer HA fey ay Get SA He BURT oR TT wR at: at —1 at — a ( deere.) C areree ): a). aE 1 ow by) ak 2. ire = Teter 3. Fea @ TaRrEt 4, FETE Be: : @ai bee d 12 3 4 ® ai bic da |2 14 3 Oa b ec da 4.23 1 @M-a boc d Ss 4° 1 2) wet wa — m1 ( A) FSH BAT HT Brea-PraieT HE weet srersd faerst at yea Pris fe st ypatart we Wau — 01(B) Ubf aria wer St wager Pedra ser a BE aT STG Fa TK aE Fat WA SaTT 7 weet 1857 % fase & arco at sat ee Tae UH ST ST eT? kk 27

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