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Fact Sheet:

USACE Report Underscores Need for Alternative,

Long-Term Solutions


The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) directs the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) to conduct a study of a range of options or technologies for
reducing the potential spread of Asian carp past existing electric barriers on the
Illinois River. In order to provide timely and relevant information, USACE has
released three interim reports ahead of their final report.
The most recent report, Interim Report III, outlines a process through which USACE
may temporarily pursue intermittent lock closure in support of Asian carp control
and research activities.  The report does not outline a regular schedule for such
closure, nor does it suggest closing the locks would decrease the likelihood of Asian
carp reaching the Great Lakes.

The Numbers:

Increased Transportation
Costs Resulting from Lock $150 million annually
Direct Opportunity Costs
$54,000 daily
from Temporary Closure:

The Facts:

 The USACE do not currently plan to engage in regularly scheduled lock

closures.  Instead, USACE outlines a process by which intermittent lock
closures could be pursued to support additional control measures.  Further
information is needed however to justify such closures.
 According to USACE’s own estimates, “costs spread across affected
entities could cost up to approximately $54,000 per day, taking into
account fixed costs, lost sales of fuel and lost wages.”

(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Dispersal Barrier Efficacy Study, p. 68

 These costs do not account for the secondary economic impacts of

temporary closure, such as plant shutdowns, lost wages for plant
employees, and reductions in spending or capital investment.

 According to an expert panel convened by the US Fish and Wildlife Service

(USFWS), closing the locks located on the Chicago Area Waterways System
(CAWS) does not reduce the risk of Asian carp establishing a sustainable
population in the Great Lakes.
 The Risk Assessment Panel formed in February of 2010 found that the
risk of Asian carp establishing a sustainable population in the Great
Lakes was the same under all 6 modified lock operation proposals
being considered by USACE. 

 The report states that, “of the six alternatives presented by the Corps,
there is no individual or combination of lock operation scenarios that
experts believe will lower risk of Asian carps establishing self-
sustaining populations in Lake Michigan to an acceptable level.”

(U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Dispersal Barrier Efficacy Study, p. 25

 This report confirms lock operations are not a solution to the problem
and are diverting focus from more effective, alternative barriers.

 USACE findings estimate the locks provide nearly $150 million dollars
annually in direct traffic and rate savings to commercial shippers,
government vessel operators and the general public.

 The Interim III report confirms that the USACE does not have authority to
engage in extended lock closure under existing “emergency powers.”

 The report confirms preliminary eDNA evidence is insufficient to indicate the

presence of Asian carp stating, “USACE cannot conclude that water samples
testing positive for eDNA evidence confirms the presence of Asian carp.” (U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Dispersal Barrier Efficacy Study, p. 22
The Next Steps:

The USACE interim report, in conjunction with the USFWS Risk Assessment Panel,
demonstrates the need for alternative solutions to dealing with the spread of Asian
carp.  For too long lock closure has distracted stakeholders from pursuing effective
alternatives that preserve waterway commerce.
The CAWS provides clear economic, public safety, and environmental benefits to
the communities it serves.  Continued focus on hydrological separation is
problematic. It’s time for politicians to stop grandstanding and focus on viable,
long term solutions.

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