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A/N: This is my second story ever published on this website!

So be nice and
please enjoy this first chapter of Tumbleweed.!
Jimmy Kudo, Beloved Son, Friend, and Great Detective. 1988-2007
Jimmy you son of a bitch!!! A girl in a Titan School style Graduation
gown yelled mournfully.
Rachel calm do-Said her best friend, Angela. Or at least attempted to
LIKE HELL IMA CALM DOWN!!! That stupid idiottt juu- ju- just had to
go and get himself killed Rachel managed to choke out before she began to
No and the worst part is that he died HE DIED SAVING ME! IT
SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME! It should have been me not him, me Rachel
guilty threw out.
Rachel its not your fault it really isnt. Angela said in attempt of
calming Rachel down. It was her graduation day; she should be partying not
mourning over some boy who died over two months ago.
Angela its my fault, if I hadnt gone snooping around Jimmys house I
wouldnt have been taken hostage and Jimmy wouldnt of had to come after
me, like he always did, (She secretly smiled to herself as she was reminded of
all the times he came to her rescue when they were little. But then
memories of the kidnapping and Jimmys torture entered her mind and she
shook her head to try and get rid of them) to save me Rachel said trying to
keep her unshed tears from falling. Angela shouldnt be there with her right
now, even though she really appreciates it, its their graduation day she
should be out partying somewhere. Not there with her while she reminisces
about Jimmys death and in a sense her death too.
Rachel-Angela attempted to say.
No. Angela go. You shouldnt be here with me especially today of all
But Rachel Angela pleaded.
No buts Angela. Just go. Rachel ordered
But-Angela began but Rachel threw her a look.
Rachel UGH! Okay, but only because you forced me! Just promise
me you wont do anything that will make me regret leaving you here Angela
said finally just giving up!

I promise. Rachel agreed, though she was secretly crossing her legs.
Angela turned around to leave all the while thinking and knowing she
shouldnt leave Rachel all alone right now. But she was a little drunk and a
was very horny. But who could she blame? She was a teen who just
graduated. And it was time to relieve all of the stress of school.
Rachel watched Angela leave the graveyard, just to make sure she got
out safely. She wanted to keep her friends safe as much as she could. She
didnt want to have the guilt of knowing she could have saved a friend and
not doing anything about it. Like Jimmy
A/N: I wrote this like this summer. It started of as an idea I got from another
story. The beginning at least. Those are my weaknesses. Well I hope you
enjoyed this first chapter. I know its pretty short but the ones after this are
going to be longer, my first chapters are always short. Well please R&R!!!

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