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I am terrified to go out at night, unknowing of the effects the moon may have on me. This
curse, is truly a curse. I would never wish this on the worst of my enemies. The constant craving
of gore, to rip someone apart allowing the warm blood to coat me. I cannot even look my own
parents in the eye, in fear of them discovering what a monster their daughter has become. I can't
live with this constant fear, this fear that one day I will kill a loved one.
I wish not to live this life anymore, but I cannot bring myself to do it. This ANIMAL I have
become! If anyone were to ever discover this disease, I would be shunned for something I do not
want nor have any power over.
Every full moon, every 28 days, every blood rushing moment, I will become this blood
thirsty beast, one that I can't control, and that is what terrifies me the most. I sneak out on those
dreaded days and I wait in a cage I bought from a lone mage. I realize now I cannot continue
living my life as I am now. I am afraid afraid that I will have to give my life up during my last year
of school.
I have accomplished much in my life, I have helped my best friends discover the center of
evil and destroy it it. But they will now have to destroy the evil one with out their wonder girl.I don't
wish to die, but I do wish to be free. To live a life with out the constant tortures of this, this horrid
I hope he is enjoying this. That he is enjoying my torture, watching me squirm, enjoying
my constant stream of tears. I hope he is enjoying my decision. I give up, I refuse to continue this
life of mine.
"You know what?! I am TIRED of this! I hope you are enjoying this you sick mut! Where
ever you are!!!" She screamed into her empty home. Both of her parents were out on a romantic
two week cruise.
She walked over to her drawer and took out a box. In it was her old friend. A beautiful
sight it was, a black handle with a red dying rose design wrapped around it, with it was a 4 inch
blade sharp enough to split a strand of hair in two. She began to expertly twirl it in her hands. She
then raised her sleeve to reveal several previous cuts and now scars, all along the length of her
arm. She ran her hand over all her self inflicted wounds, loving the feeling of HER scars, the ones
she could proudly say were of her doing, and no one elses. Unlike, she raised her hand to touch
a row of scars on her leg that strongly resembled a dog's bite mark, these. She picked up her box
again, and took out a piece of notebook paper neatly folded, she carefully unfolded it to reveal her
last words and thoughts that she wished for her loved ones to know. She placed the note on her
pillow as she layed down next to it.
"Goodbye life, goodbye you damned curse. I'm sorry it must end like this." She then
pierced her skin and applied a great amount of pressure on the blade. She let the familiar feeling
of pain wash over her as she slowly felt her life begin to slip away...
"Goodbye you unforgiving world" were the last words Namine Sinclair said at a volume
hardly louder than a whisper before she blacked out.
I've tried to contain myself. Why CAN'T I CONTROL MYSELF?! I'm chained down by this.
I need it. I crave it. I must taste it. I have to drain them of it. They don't need it. I need it much
more than they do. I know I do, I have to for it to hurt this much. They don't deserve that
wonderful crimson delicacy. Mortal fools they are! I am much more intelligent than them! I have
much more self control than them! Those greedy bastards. I can out smart them in every way
Then why am I letting this urge over power me? Enough! These thoughts, are those of
the weak! And my family does not know of this word.
I prowl the skies at night looking for my next meal. This curse has brought me only the
powers of the, so I can walk both in day and night. But the day is still my foe, being just another
judge of what has come of me.
People feared me for my powerful name. I was once the all high and mighty even when

my family's fortune wasn't laid upon me. Now, I cannot look anyone in the eye for then they will
mw mesmerized and a victim of this Dragon. I can't even comfort my mother after the loss of my
father. I can only send her my condolenses as I look on from the shadows. I can't... I just can't
crave my own mother's blood, not the blood that created me. Not the blood of the only parent,
and only person who has ever truly loved me. The only excception maybe, would be her...
Sadly now those day's are gone. I cna never be loved by another with this "gift", as that
she beast called it, that haunts my every move and thought.
I do not wish to be this way. I do not want to suck the blood out of innocents. I only
wanted to be normal. Now that father was dead I was free to do as I wished. I could at last be the
real me and not what my father created but then the unpredictable came and now I am cursed to
live with this urge to kill for blood. I will find a way out of this. Even if that way means for me to
end my own life.
I will find a way out of this manacing curse. She cannot be satisfied by this. I refuse to let
her wim. She had no right to give it to me. I have never hated another, not even my father, but I
can say with all my cold heart. I hate her and she will get what will come.
Death does not scare me. I want it to come as most others in my school. I hate being this.
I hate this ANIMAL I have become! I haven't been the Best person but did I really deserve this? I
did not cause this. This wasn't suppsed to happen. I was supposed to get a wife from whatever
social class OR race they came from. We were supposed to be happy and have kids!
Then she came, and she gave this to me. She made me this beast. She had no right! It
was my life! Not hers...Noe the only thing preventing me from ending this life, using the term "life"
lightly, is knowing that one day I'll find her, and that she will PAY for giving me this curse. Then
and only then, will I be able to let go of this world in peace.
She didn't just take my life... she took hers... my...
I can't stand this anymore!
"Mother, I'm going out." Said the cold but handsome teen, as he grabbed his coat on the
way out the door.
"Where are you go-" A distraught, regularly gorgeous woman, asked as her son walked
out of the door and might aswell out of her life. She was sincerely scared for her son. He was
never out during the day anymore. He used to love being outdoors on his broom half of teh day.
Now he only leaves his room after nightfall and he wore only black. Was it his father's death? No
it couldn't be. My son utterly hated my husband and really, who could blame him? All my bleach
blonde husband ever did to my son was push him to his llimit and when his son didn't meet his
standards he'd be beaten.
Then again, death does do things to you...
I feel bad doing that to mother, but I can't look at a living person right now, I'd be too
tempted to-. No! I won't even allow myself to think such things!
I need to get my energy back. I am at a loss, from whom do I get this life essence from?
That is what I need to consider now.
Ah, yes, the only positive thing from this curse. My new found abilities, I can now leap
farther, it is now as if I am flying. My strides can be from the slightest molecule, making it seem as
though I am flying and simply flailing in the sky. I can also hypnotize someone by just looking
them in the eye.
Ah... the perfect evil to gather essence from.
The Vanburens.
It's about time they get a teast of their own malice. I'm not trying to be a Robin Hood
character, but if a life has to be taken, this lune let it be of one who has done this world no good,
and if the man of the household just happened to be a complete demon towards me, well, that's
just a special bonus.
"Hello... Mr. Vanburen."
Chapter One
Draco spit on the floor. He disgusted himself, by wha the had become, by what he let that
shrew do to him.
Draco let the body of that bastard fall limply on the floor making a small thud sound as it

hit. He stared at the carcus of the man that used to hit him as his father looked on.
"Have fun in hell." Draco stated,
He turned and started towards the door. It was a gorgeous door. The dark hickory
clashed nicely with the iced window in the middle of the door and teh handle being a silver knob
that made him shiver. It was the same exact color of herWhat was that?
He quickly hid among the shadows and looked to see who was coming. He smelled the
one thing he wished he couldn't.
A lady in black emerged, her face hidden by her large hood. She walked over and
caressed the face of the gray man. She grabbed his wrist to check for a pulse. She seemed
satisfied to find none. She stood and turned and stared in the exact direction Draco was standing
Draco was shocked, but he was sure thta it was impossible to see him in the darkness of
the room. But if he had a beating heart it would be racing as she walked towards him. She looked
him straight in the eye and then turned around with her hair tickling his face,
She walked over to the body once again, and spit on it in a rage.
"You bastard father. You were never there for me and now I hope you burn in the depths
of hell. You sold my body to random men. I hope the man that liberated me from you, tortued you
to the last second of your life." She began hearing sirens driving down the road and she instantly
broke into tear. Draco opened the front door, to reveal a beautiful full moon. Then all his fellow
classmate, Diane saw was the silhouette of her savior.
"Thank you." Diane shared.
"No worries." Draco said shocked. He left in a fast sprint, leaving Diane to deal with the
Draco was enraged! Not only did he just let his thirst for blood over take him, AGAIN, he
was THANKED for it!
I knew that he was a prick, but no one should ever THANK me for something that makes
me feel so weak! So out of control! Macht's don't do weak and they are always calm and
collected! These terms are mo where in my family's vocabulary. Then again, I'm not a Macht. I
refuse to to believe that I will ever become my father. I will never become a, a... no... it was too
Draco felt something on his face...
He stopped in a random suburban neighborhood it was very nice, for a lower middle
class neighborhood, but it looked very blurry. Blurry? Why was everything so blurry?
He rubbed his eyes... water? What? He was crying... He was crying!!! No, no, no, no!
Macht's don't cry! He would never be a monster..
He was though... he was a despicable animal. He was not even an animal, he was lower
than that title. He was a beast.
He could taste the tears as he began to gasp for air. This couldn't be happening. He was
breaking down in the middle of this beautiful neighborhood, he could almost smell the love.
Wait, that doesn't smell... what is that roborant smell? It's entoxicating. What is that?
Where is it coming from? Why do I feel so drawn to it?
Draco wiped the wetness off of his face and began to sniff the air. It was so pugnent. It
was not right. It was not a smell

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