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TU :

Utilice el pasado simple de expresar la idea de que una accin comenz y

termin en un momento especfico en el pasado
La estructura del pasado simple es:
sujeto + verbo en pasado o terminacion "ed".
* l trabaj
ahora vamos a hacer preguntas usando el pasado simple:
ejercicio A:
preguntas simples con respuestas afirmativas, Utilice siempre el auxiliar DID
(pasado simple de hacer ) y el infinitivo del verbo para negaciones o preguntas
*Did she cook dinner?
yes, she cooked dinner.
*Did you study english?
No I didn't study english.

ejercicio C:
preguntas generales
*What did she compare?
she compared the prices

Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a
specific time in the past.
The structure of the simple past is:
subject + verb in the past,or termination "ed".
* He worked
Now let's ask questions using the past simple:

Exercise A:
affirmative answers simple questions. Always use the auxiliary did (Simple Past
of to do) and the infinitive of the verb for negations.
* Did she cook dinner?
yes, she cooked dinner.
* Did you study Ingls?
No I did not study Ingls.

Exercise C:
general questions
* What did she compare?
she Compared the prices
In continuance we're going to play a game of "tingo tingo tango" and the
person who loses must fill in the missing word from the sentence:
Y ahi copiamos las frases en el tablero, nos vamos turnando jaja:
Sally _____ (be) disappointed she _____ (miss) the party.(la respuesta es : was,

_________ (you / see) Mary last Monday?(did you see)

She ________ (work) in London last year.(worked)
They _________ (not live) in Barcelona. (didn't live)
________ (you / go) to he cinema last week?( Did you go)
She _________ (teach) English at that school last year.( taught)
I _______ (go) to the cinema last night.(went)
I ______ (decide) to go with my sister.( decided)
We ________ (not know) what to do.( didn't know)

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