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1. What is a tort?

2. Give a real life example of an act that may render one liable in tort.
3. Give the name, principle and facts of 1 case and briefly explain why it may be
under tort.
4. Name any 5 areas of the law that Tort embraces (subsections of it)
5. Give a small explanation of the 5 areas you have chosen
6. Place a C for Contract & T for Tort. Identify which study of law each
characteristic falls under.

Duties imposed by law.

Obligations fixed by parties based on agreement.
Generally, when issue arises the parties are not in a legal relationship.
Parties are aware of their legal obligation before the issue arises.
Damages relate directly to the terms of the contract, implied or
Focus is on omissions to do what is promised.
This relates to the proximity of the relationship and how remote the
claim is to the wrong said to have been done.
VIII) Aims to enforce promises made and deter breaches of promise.
Aims at deterring potentially injurious behaviours that can cause harm
to another.
Based on mutual promises.
No need to prove fault.
Frequently based on fault.
XIII) Relies on the act of a wrong committed by one party to a contract,
where one party performs the contract negligently.
XIV) These obligations are limited to the express or implied terms written.
Damages may be greater here, as there is likely to be wider obligations
imposed by the duty in this area of law.
XVI) In cases of product liability cases this is concerned with compensation
for unsafe products.
XVII) This seeks to restore the party to the position he was in before he
suffered injury and will do so by compensation in money terms.
XVIII) Compensates tangible and intangible losses.
XIX) This aims to place the claimant in the position he/she would be in if the
act had been performed.
7. That is_____ deals with loss of expectation and _____ with restoring the status
8. The development of this principle may imply that imply that the gap between
the two areas of law is narrowing. Name the principle.
9. There are unique cases where no fault needs to be shown in tort, these are
cases of ___________.
10.Not every wrongful act amounts to a tort for which the law provides a
remedy. From which case did we see this rule come out?
11.In some cases there is no damage but a tort has been committed. Explain
how this is possible.
12.List the 4 interests protected by Tort Law.

1 Law Tutorial . LTS. 9/12/16

2 Law Tutorial . LTS. 9/12/16

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