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Gullivers Travels (1726)

Censored from 1726 till 1736 (as controversial) when the whole text could
be read as originally written.
Humorous and critical work in which British and European society is
criticised through its descriptions of faraway and imaginary countries.
Its depiction of the human condition, moved by basic instincts rather than
reason, is often bleak. Misanthropy.
Yahoos (part IV) vile creatures who are neither intelligent or nor skilful who
relate to each other in a violent way.
Lemuel Gulliver
Although Gulliver is a bold adventurer who visits strange lands and
undergoes in them dangerous experiences. He is shot with poison arrows,
taken captive by pirates, shipwrecked on faraway shores, sexually assaulted
by an eleven-year-old girl/ yahoo isolated from humanity for 16 years, etc.
Not a hero: Gulliver lacks the greatness of a hero.
He rarely shows his emotions; He does not experience great passions of any
He lacks drive will/ aspiration. He lacks a goal in life (a quest). He says that
he needs to make some money after the failure of his business, but he
rarely mentions finances throughout the work.
Although interested in exotic lands and people, he is indifferent to those
people closest to him. He almost never mentions home, wife (mentioned
briefly at the beginning and at the end), relatives
Passive in most of the situations in which he finds himself: He is held captive
several times throughout his voyages, but he is never once released through
his own stratagems, relying instead on chance factors for his liberation.
Gullivers intelligence is factual

No able to reflect on himself or on his nation in any profoundly critical way.

Not able to make great anthropological speculations about cultural
differences around the world, about whether societies are similar or different
around the world.
He simply describes characters met and narrates events experienced.
A self-proclaimed Yahoo at the end, he reveals a deep misanthropy,
example: his attitude towards Don Pedro de Mendez
Although Don Pedro treats the mentally unbalanced Gulliver with great
patience, even tenderness, when on his ship to Lisbon, by offering him his
own fines suit of clothes, giving him twenty pounds for his journey home to
England, and understanding. Gulliver, still considers Don Pedro a repulsive

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