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Tyrese Allison

October 3, 16

Why Did You Do it ?

What have I done to you guys ? Steven said to these group of boys in a serious manner.
Your Gay is what you done! Hahaha, Random boys stated.
Just leave me alone Im Gay and proud, so how does that affect you?
Dont test us cause we would torture you! SERIOUSLY !! cause we dont like gay boys like you
If you dont leave my brother alone yall going to deserve a beat down of yall life, and it wont be
Steven! Sam has told the boys in a fighting tone.
Well tell your Gay bro to stop being a Fag! One of the boys mentions to Sam.
Sam was extremely upset, face red and steam coming out his ears, and would always get suspended
from school because of fighting an ignorant person that would disrespect his brother. So, Sam had to
calm down once again on his own leaving the lunchroom.
It was 5:30 am when John, who has always been called Joe, has woke up to the sound of his alarm to
get ready for school. Joe always had a routine to follow so that he was never late for school. He would
wake up to eat breakfast, then at 5:55am he would take a shower, then he would be ready to leave out
the house around 6:30 every day in order to catch the 6:40 bus. On the other hand, Joe little brother
James has always been the laziest in the morning to get ready. James would get ready in the dark
somedays when he didn't care about his appearance. Although he doesnt have a good routine to
follow he always have to leave with his brother simultaneously so they can stick by each other's side.

Can you hurry up James before we miss the bus!! Joe yelled
Hold on and stop yelling, Its too early for James replied to tired to complete his sentence.
Lets go its 6:33am and now we might be late for the bus. Joe became irritated.
Since Joe and James are raised in a strict home they both are extremely smart but tend to make poor
decisions when it comes to hanging out with others. Joe is 18 years old who is very responsible and have
a 4.2 GPA with straight As. He is a senior who handle his business well but cannot choose his friends
wisely. James is the total opposite of Joe. James is intelligent with a 3.8 GPA meaning that he gets As
and Bs but is very disrespectful and immature. James tried to be better than his brother , but when he
saw how successful Joe became he lowkey gave up. Although they both might get on each other nerves
they always stick by each other and have each other's back. As they catch the bus a sec earlier as it
arrives to go to school their friends are closer to the school. Since Steven, Sammy (Sam), and Star are
closer to the school they tend to get more sleep and take a longer time to get ready. Steven is very
intelligent by maintaining good grades; however, the bullying towards him at his school affects his
emotions where he starts feeling depressed. The only people that he has are his friends, Sam and Star.
His family doesnt fully accept, but they try to love Steven as best as they can. Sam is the oldest by
10mins and he has bipolar. He takes his meds daily, but he tends to go 100 when somebody bothers
Steven. He is a over protective brother of Steven and Star and would do whatever it takes for his family
to be safe from harm. This is why he would fight whoever that bothers Steven since he is a black belt.
Lastly, Star is the only girl in the group and is very smart as well. She always be there for her friends
at the time of need and would always break up the fights between her brothers.
Get up jerk hahaha Sam stated to Steven
No, its only 6:50am give me... 10 more mins PLzz! Steven replied back sleepy.

Get up now Lets get to school Early

Since when you wanted to go to school early
Would yall stop bickering like little girls and get ready, Star stated impatiently
As the twins get ready, which they always dress somewhat similar to one another, They all got ready
around 7:30am and made it to school at 7:45am because they are only 15 mins away. Joe and James
made it there 2 mins later Which they all met up in the main lobby.
Hey wassup yall!! Sam stated to Joe and James
Wassup Joe replied as they are exchanging their special handshake.
Hey Steven stated to everyone.
As they all welcome each other in the morning like they always do Sam pulled Steven to the side to
have a conversation about a serious matter.
Are you ok? Sam asked Steven in a concerned way.
Yea why you asking?
Look let me know if somebody is bothering you alright.
I dont want you to get suspended again, you got into so much trouble because of me I might just
transfer Steven started to get emotional.
Steven dont cry not now plz just let me know and I would approach them a different way
I dont believe you, Steven said with a smirk on his face.
See smile now go on just know I always have your back! Sam told Steven.
Sam might fight a lot and get suspended, but he always cares for his family and has a soft part of him
that nobody knows about except his family and close friends. It became 8:00am and everyone was in
class learning. Steven as always was afraid to get bullied by people in his classes because of his

sexuality, so he would always sit to himself. When he ever was in a classroom with Sam or Joe he would
always sit by them no matter what. Sam, as usual, was the fighter at the school so nobody would bother
him as much. Although people know that Steven's twin brother is Sam the boys would always mess
with Steven, which Sam never understand why. Joe was in mostly honors and Ap classes so he barely
sees his friends, but his brother was in most of his class. Star was a well-rounded student because she
was involved in a lot of activities within her school and would maintain good grades. James would just
be goofy at times, but always get his work done. Overall, they are great individuals, are very
intelligent, and are very different in personalities, which are the reasons why they can easily become
best friends with one another. Although they went through half of their class it was time for lunch at
school. Once the group met up they were sitting having a good time conversing about what silly things
happen earlier in the day. These guys out of nowhere would start disrespecting Steven in front of his
brother Sam. Of course, he went off and was about to fight once again. This time, Steven told his
brother not to because it wasnt worth it. Steven saw the bloody death stare Sam gave to that boy that
treated Steven since his freshman year. Sam wanted to do something so terrifying to that boy to the
point where Sam would have been in jail. Sam had to leave the lunchroom to calm down on his own
while everyone else was shocked about the whole situation that just occurred.
Whats going on with Sam hes been a little on edge lately? James asked Steven.
He just doesn't like that kid over their name Ken cause he been bullying me since my freshman
year, Steven said very emotionally once again.
REALLY!! Star, Joe, and James said with so much energy.
yeah, but Im over it... Steven said as he was close to crying.

Steven lowkey has a boyfriend but doesn't want to tell anybody because he feels that it would bring too
much attention to him. So he was waiting until their graduation date to introduce his new boyfriend.
Once lunch was over and they all begin to go back to class after agreeing to meet up after school. It
became 3:40pm and they met up to talk about Joe's job and how it might be hunted. Joe mentions how
every time at night a person always become missing and is never discovered. Joe works at the
warehouse and since it was a Friday the warehouse was closed, so Sam wanted to go discover the place.
At first people was skeptical about it, but eventually, everyone agreed and said to meet up around 8
o'clock to inspect the warehouse. The killer doesn't come out until 10. As they getting prepared for the
night would they be able to survive? It started to be 10 mins before 8 and everyone was getting ready to
Are you ready yet? For God sakes please hurry up! Sam stated to Steven as he was putting on his
Would you hold your horses ! Steven replied to Sam as he was putting on chapstick.
Who are you trying to impress Sam became over protective.
No one I just want to moisturize my lips, which is something that you need to start doing Sam
Naw Im good thats for girls
No, its for everyone!
Why do yall always argue about every little thing? Star stated to her twin brothers while shes
fixing her hair.
He started it Sam tell her Steven stated quickly.
Whatever are y'all ready? Sam asked for the second time.
Yes, lets go Star stated.

Mom we would be back around 10 Sam said calmly and respectfully.

As they begin to leave to meet up at the warehouse, Joe and James had to be prepared to sneak out of
the house.
You ready James Joe asked James in a low tone so he doesn't wake up their parents.
Yeah lets go
Joe and James climbed out of their window and tried to be as quiet as they can. Eventually, they have
left and they all met up at the warehouse. It was dark with only one street light working and was very
Thi- thi- this place is freaking me out Steven stuttered.
Chill out you have us with you, Joe told Steven.
Agreed so chill out bro. Sam comfort his brother.
Lets go in already! James said impatiently and loud.
As they all walked into the warehouse searching for clues to see if the place is haunted the killer would
wait till 10 to find his victims to torture. They all been searching for 2 hours straight and they haven't
found anything so they all decided to go home and go to bed. As they leave it was 10:05pm and Sam
realized his brother was missing. Joe also notices that James was missing as well. Star started to panic
and cry while Sam and Joe are yelling their brother's name. Meanwhile, James and Steven are
kidnapped and tied up in these old wooden chairs covered in blood located in a secreted basement of
the warehouse. This unknown killer took off the plastic bags from their heads while Steven and James
screaming like little girls. The places smelled like deceased bodies like a person havent showered for
years which almost caused Steven to throw up.

Please, Please dont do what I think you are about to do Im begging you!! James started to become
nervous where sweat started to pour down his face.
I agree we are very innocent and havent done anything to anybody Steven said with tears
coming down his face.
STEVEN WHERE ARE YOU BOY!!! Sam was really starting to become worried.
JAMES BROTHER STOP PLAYING!! Joe thought it was a joke but was also starting to
What are we going to do? Star started with her face full of tears.
We going to find them Star stay right here and yell if you are in trouble, Sam told his little sister.
They went back into the warehouse to search for their individual brothers together. On the other hand,
Steven and James are scared that they might be losing their life at the moment.
Dont kill me Please ! I have a future to live Steven poured his heart away with tears to save his life.
The killer soon started to notice that his voice started to sound familiar as he is holding the chainsaw
towards Steven's head. James hates to cry, but he started to because he thought he would have to see
his friend get his head chopped in half. The killer then suddenly backs away and freezes as he stares at
Im so sorry. the killer said to Steven
What? Steven replied
Im confused James stated kinda upset because he cried.
Im soo sorry Steven The killer started to cry.

Steven and James were looking at each other confused until Steven analyzed the killer voice and notice
it was somebody that he knew. Steven started to get emotional, which caused James to feel
What is going on am I being punked? James said confusingly.
Why you? Why would you do this Shayne? Steven asked.
I wanted to get revenge on the people who treated you like trash, Im soo sorry! Shayne replied
As James trying to figure out what is going on Sam found the secret entrance to the basement. So Joe
and Sam went down smelling the disgusting scent to see Steven and James tied up. Sam untied
Steven and James.
Who are you dysfunctional lunatic? Sam angrily asked.
Im before Shayne could finish his sentence, Sam rushed towards him to fight. Steven broke
them up and exposed his secret to every one of his friends. Star came down to the basement and was
relieved to see Steven and James.
I-I have something to say um this is um Steven was hesitant.
Well, this is what a joke? Sam said with full range.
This is um ok, he is my boyfriend and his name is Shayne. Steven said with a nervous look on his
WHATTT!! Sam became shocked.
Everyone's jaw was dropped to their feet when they heard that. No one didnt know to say to a killer.
I will turn myself in Shayne stated to everyone.
You better! Sam said.

Steven started to cry because he lost somebody that he thought he would be with together forever. It
became 11:30pm and they knew that they needed to get some sleep because they became extremely
tired. The next morning, Shayne turned himself into the police and had a 10-year sentence for the
murder of 8 victims that he killed. Joe and James were stuck doing homework over their weekend
because of how strict the parents are. Steven became emotional over the weekend, but that didnt stop
him from getting his work done; meanwhile, Star was out with her girlfriends shopping for fashionable
clothes. Lastly, Sam was locked in his room over the weekend because of what he has gone through that
Friday. That following Monday the group has not been the same when they all met up again; however,
they would always care for one another no matter how bad a situation would be because they made a
vow to never give up on themselves or one another.

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