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The Lottery

The black box with the

white squares
symbolizes the town's
black box used in their
lotteries as shown in the
following quote: The
night before the lottery,
Mr. Summers and Mr.
Graves made up the
slips of paper and put
them in the box
The clock below
represents the
quote "Time sure
goes fast. said
by Ms. Graves.

The hand show reaching into the

box symbolizes how each villager
must reach into the black box for
their paper, as show in the
following quote Then Mr. Adams
reached into the black box and
took out a folded paper.

By Shirley Jackson

The picture of flowers

symbolizes the imagery
shown in this quote: The
morning of June 27th
was clear and sunny,
with the fresh warmth of
a full-summer day; the
flowers were blossoming
profusely and the grass
was richly green.
The pile of rocks shown
symbolizes the pile of rocks
the village makes in the
lottery gather up before the
event takes place:
Eventually made a great pile
of stones in one corner of the
square and guarded it
against the raids of the other

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