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laughter ]

DJ: Hey, we've got David Cook in our studio along with little man. Who's little man Hi
you're the guy with the guitar You were excited for David to be here. David Cook
welcome to our studio.

David : Hello. I had to bring this guy with us. He's just the coolest thing ever. What's
your name dude? Say it into the microphone.

Little Boy: Tyler [unintelligible]

DJ: Tyler

David I love it you're awesome man

DJ: He's your biggest fan today David.

David: I know, it's crazy.

DJ: He brought his guitar and everything.

David: And he plays better than I do. [laughter]

DJ: Well, David Cook from American Idol welcome to our studio. Do you like, do you
like the shirt?

David: I love it. I love it.

Voice?: Vote for David Cook [apparently this is on the shirt]

DJ: So tell me David, you arrive back home; what is this like did you expect this?

David: Uh.... well, no. Uh, No I'll tell you what, everybody has been sooo supportive.
Like its amazing to me, like how just crazy it is. How everybody seems to invest in it. It's
very cool.

DJ: You're like, this my home town I get off the plane and its David Cook frenzy.

David: I know, right? Where was all this before American Idol? Is what I wanna know.

DJ: You know I will tell you the president rarely gets a helicopter following him around.
And you David, you have a helicopter .......

David: I know. I felt like Big Brother itwas very strange. I can't do anything without it
being on TV. Its crazy.
DJ: So are you ready for your crazy schedual today?

David: Yeah, absolutely. This is my day off, you know what I mean? I just get to, I get
out of the bubble for a minute; enjoy uh, some fruits of the labor. So it's very cool.

DJ: Very cool and it's really happening for you. Its been a matter of months, I mean you
go you audition for American Idol, now you're down to the final 3. We haven't missed an
episode. We've been following you from the beginning.

David: Awesome.

DJ: Our friends over at Fox, we do our American Idol updates and you are a favorite.

David: I love it.

DJ: So now its down to the final 3; how has your life changed in the last few months?
You went from being David Cook to being "David Cook!"

David: Honestly man, its, its interesting 'cause you know, I've got my family and friends
that are absolutly going to keep me grounded, but at the same time I get recognized a
little more when I go out. So there's a give and a take, but ya know, I'm still, I'm still that
goofy kid that went to Blue Springs South.

DJ: You're still the same guy. It hasn't change you any yet.

David: Not yet, not yet.

DJ: Until the big money starts comin' right?

David: There ya go, yeah.

DJ: Well we're very excited to have you here. I do have a question for you though. When
you're doing American Idol, you don't really hear much about you guys. Do they keep
you on lock down like the army? Like you never see a photograph in TMZ or anything
like that, you know?

David: I'll tell you what, the people at Idol do a fantastic job of essentially preparing us
for what happens after this. I mean this is, American Idol is the only thing that I know
of you could consider like rock star school. It's all it is 'cause before all this, I had nooo
idea what was going on. There's so much behind the scenes work that most people never
see. And you know, I remember a very specific incident where they questioning why we
were crying when people were getting sent home, and what people don't understand,
these relationships were built back in like July and August when the first audtions
happened and now were in April... May? I mean its pretty heavy so.....

DJ Now you get to tour with them though

David yeah

DJ You'll go on tour with all the idols so you'll be back with your buddies.

David: Sprint Center on aug 29th


DJ: Is that going to be amazing for you I mean being from here your going to go
someplace like the sprint center withyour home town

David: I memorized that date the day it came out. [laughter] I might be a little bit

DJ: Well this amazing we're going go down and see you today. You've got the parade
everybody in your hometown is gonna be there. What does your mom think about all

David: Awww my mom, bless her heart. Ya know this, this day is very bittersweet for
me I'm not gonna get to spend Mothers Day with her so I'm gonna try and do it today
amidst everything else. But she uh, she's been amazing flying back and forth every week
for shows and basically just making sure that I don't lose my mind.out in... .On the West

DJ: Yeah, cus you're LA now buddy.

David: I don't know about that.

DJ: You're Hollywood, alright we're definitely gonna be voting for your number's on
redial on the phone.

David: I love it.

DJ: So we're voting for you, so David Cook let's give it up for him. Welcome home.

David: Thank you guys. Thank you, thank you very much.

DJ: Well good luck David, you continue doing your stuff and you've got our support here
at 95.7 the Vibe.

David: Thank you so so much.

DJ: Alright one more time David Cook and Shorty and the boys.

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