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155 followed by ]®, in a partitive and, therefore, in an exclusive sense, of "many." . As far as the function of the demonstrative Pronouns 7774 - +128 is concerned, we have seen that they have to be understood as referring to two groups of dead who will be resurrected--one to eternal life and the other to eternal shame. The two incomplete sentences that are introduced with a demonstrative pronoun 19% refer back to the single verb used in the entire sentence, namely i}? 8. The Hebrew words for death and resurrection, namely, ]Z} and yp, in the context which is provided by niag?. such phrases as TAY"NOTN, O2iy WI? and O7iv TiN] are undoubtedly referring to physical death and to bodily resurrection. In the light of this exegetical study it is best to translate the text in Dan 12:2 as follows: "And many from those who sleep in the ground of dust will awake, some to everlasting life, and some to disgrace and everlasting abhorrence." Resurrection in Dan 12:13 The Immediate Context 156 Dan 12:13 represents the final words of the last revelation and at the same time the very last words of the whole book of Daniel. vss. 9-13 represent the closing address of the final revelation by the supernatural being. In vs. 9 Daniel is addressed. Vss. 10-12 contain a summary announcement of events to come. And in vs. 13 Daniel himself is again addressed. There are a number of similarities between the last verse and Dan 1 Dan 12:9: BITAT DONT) ONAN. RATT 72! TOR cS be ayo] + Dan 12:13: Teun om] PB2| 72 TER « ey + In both verses Daniel is addressed. In both cases the imperative 72 is used. In vs. 9 the expression yp NYT is used, whereas in vs. 13, pp? and )O%] pp? are used one time each. Genre, Syntax, and Structure Stylistically, Dan 12:13 is written in prose. Although very short in length, this verse contains a number 157 of important key words. It has three verbs: 417i TOY, ana Tl. In addition it contains four nouns: yp (twice), 9713, OY”, and the personal pronoun iI The imperative 7? is followed by two verbal clauses in Qal imperfect. The verbal clauses have the same subject, AMX. speed ye? WP? Whereas the structure and the syntax of this text seem to be without notable complications, the text does contain a grammatical problem. This problem is found in the expression [0%] yP?- Here to the Hebrew word D1 an Aramaic plural ending | is attached. Is this simply an error or is it possible that it was intentionally done by the author of the book of Daniel? The possible reasons for this are presented later below. Translation and Textual Considerations A number of translations have been suggested for Dan 12:13. Here is a representative list of some of them: But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and,will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days. But you, go your way, and rest; ygu shall rise for your reward at the end of the days. InKav. 2yrsv.

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