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Informal Report

If your report is informal, you can simply use the fonts that look the best. According to the Microsoft Office
website, a sans-serif font is considered less formal than serif fonts and are perhaps more appropriate for
more casual situations. However, if any part of your report contains large blocks of text, a serif font such
as Times New Roman may be more readable. Use a sans-serif font such as Helvetica or a more
artistic font such as Comic Sans MS for titles, headlines, and bullet points.

Formal Report
Use a serif font if your report is formal. One of the most common fonts used for formal reports in
academic, scientific, and media fields alike is Times New Roman. If you're conducting a report as a part
of an academic assignment, check with your instructor to see if there is a particular font requirement. It is
often the case that professors and tutors require students to use a Times font in their reports. Other serif
fonts that work well for formal reports are Georgia and Century.

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