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Advert Title: If I Were A Toy Experience The Magic At Smyths Toys Superstores

Who made the advert and when was it broadcast?

Created by Smyths toys superstore and was broadcasted in september 2016.

What is the overall message of the advert?

Through the use of toys, children can become whatever and whoever they want.

What persuasive technique(s) are used?

Emotional response

What is the form of the advert?

TV advert
Maslows Hierarchy Used:
Target Audience: children and parents

How do you know?

-Age - 13 and under

Gender - male and female
-secondary audience - parents

-Created for children of all ages,of both

gender, any race, disability and class. In an
attempt to get them interested in the all of
the companies toys. Shows toys for both
boys and girls alike.
-any age (with kids) middle class-upper

Socio-Economic Group(s)

How do you know?


Focused on parents and adults who are

working on to least minimum wage to try and
persuade them to buy the best toys for their


How do you know?

loving /caring personality, any lifestyle and


Aimed at selling toys to any kid of any age,

personality, race, gender aims at parents of
the same traits to allow any child any toy.

Geo-demographics (if appropriate)

How do you know?

Mise en scene
Props & Settings


The props used throughout are the new toys

that the company are selling.
The setting is based in the mind of the child
which changes every time the child changes

The toys used help to express the different

dream/games the child goes through which
then helps to show the different toys and
what their uses are and what games or
stories you can create with them.
The setting to represent a dream state
showing that in the store and with the toys
you can be anywhere and become anyone
you want.

Lighting & Colour


Bright colours in a low lighting setting.

Make a dream like setting using colors and

lighting. The dark background with light
focusing on the main character and the toys
that keep popping up. The actionless scenes
in high lighting and the action filled scenes in
low lighting which help create the realism for
the children watching the advert by letting
them believe that it's real.

Facial Expressions & Body Language


Happy, excited, scared

The happy and excited facial expressions

are shown when the imagination and toys
The scared facial expressions and body
language are created when the child is
chased by something scary, this helps to

show the realism of a child's imagination.

Positioning of objects and characters in
the frame


The main character in the advert is in the

centre of every scene or going across the
centre of the screen.
The objects shown through are the different
toys and other relatable objects to the toys
based in the background or close to him.

The main character is the main purpose of

the advert and showing him having fun while
letting his imagination run wild with the toys
from the company allows for the audience to
relate to the character and want the toys
showing that the toys are the best thing you
can have, they can make you happier and
your daily life better.

Costume, hair & Makeup


Casual clothing and hair for a boy

Show the realism of the advert to show that

any child no matter how rich can have the
toys sold at the store.

Camera Shots


There is a wide range of camera shots used,

there is mid shots, low angle shots, long
shots, extreme long shots, high angle shots/
point of view shot and close up shots.

The mid shots are used to show the main

character and the facial features of the
character. This is a sin code as it tells the
audience that the main character of the
advert is a child and that he is happy and
excited to see all the new toys and start
playing with them. The low angle shot is then
used to help symbolise how many toys there
are and how small the character really is to
the amount he could have and the stories he
could create. The close up shots help to
show the emotions ta the child is feeling
throughout the advert allowing for more
realism to be seen throughout.

Diegetic Sound



The child saying if i were a toy a the end of

the advert helps to round off the advert and
help make a more realistic side to the advert
showing that the entire advert was the child
imagining what his life would be like having
all the new toys and what he could do and
be with them. It also shows the secondary
audience (the parents) ta their children
would be happier with the newest toys from
their store.

Non-Diegetic Sound



The soundtrack used is a way of explaining

and showing the different toys that the
company have and the different games and
stories you can make with the toys. The
soundtrack also symbolises the child as if he
was a toy himself and how he is putting
himself into the stories and games.
The different sound effects used help to
show the different toys and what sounds
they can make even in your imagination.

Sound effects

What representations are created (positive

and negative)

Stereotype - Male child playing with typical

male toys such as motorbikes, superhero
action figures, space ships etc. and leaving
the typical female toys floating around.
(Negative/positive) Stereotypically have the
boy keep changing toys to play with.
counterstereotye - having the male child
play as a queen/princess guarding their
castle/kingdom against some kind of
colourful enemy showing that gender doesn't
matter. (Positive). Having the lead character
be a boy as it's more stereotypically a girl
who is more willing to play with toys then it is
a boy this continues the idea of gender
doesn't matter which is portrayed the entire
way through the advert. (positive). H

the male lead also play with typical female

toys as well as the typical male toys

In your opinion, what legal or ethical codes could arise (ofcom and ASA / BCAP?)
The only code that this advert may break in my opinion is the 5.7 code (children) this is due to
over exaggerating the use of the toys a little too much by making it seem like the child is part
of the world of toys and the toys are alive. This may harm the child's expectations of the toys
due to the toys not being like or acting like they were in the advert.
Match on action - this is used when the child is changing toys and storylines, this helps to
express how quick your imagination can work with the new toys that are available.
Cutting - this is used when an old fashioned more stereotypical toy which hasnt got many
different storylines which you can create is used this helps to amplify the uses of the other toys
while also promoting the older toys that may have been upgraded to look and function better.
Reaction shots - these are used when the child is experiencing a storyline that is suddenly
exciting or scary this is helped to show the unexpectedness and the amount of toys and
storylines that you can create with your imagination that is available at the store.

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