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1) The constitution is defined as:

a) The guide for the rights and responsibilities of a person living in a country.
b) The book to tell a person where they can go
c) I do not know

2) What are rights for the powers of search?

a) My privacy can be exposed
b) I do not know
c) I have a right to protect my privacy and property

3) What do you think about the fact that police officers stop your car and demand a search?
a) It should be done
b) It should not be done
c) It can be done more respectable

4) What do you think about police officers approach when searching an ordinary Jamaican
like you?
a) They are very professional
b) They are aggressive
c) I do not know

5) Have you ever been searched?

a) Yes
b) No
c) I do not remember

6) How many times have you been searched?

a) Never
b) Less than five
c) Five or more
7) Regarding officers who kick down doors and search your house, what do you think about
a) I should not be done

b) It is a must
c) I have no problem with it

8) How do you feel law enforcers treat young males versus older males while searching
a) The young boys are treated badly
b) The older males are treated badly
c) They are all treated the same

9) Which age groups are mostly targeted by police officers?

a) 15-25
b) 26-36
c) 37-47

10) What is your age group?

a) 15-25
b) 26-36
c) 37-47

11) How many times have you been harassed by police officers who stop you and demand a
search from you?
a) Less than five
b) Five or more
c) Never

12) How would you rate their conduct when searching, from 1-10 with 10 being very poor?
a) 1-3
b) 4-6
c) 7-10

13) Do police officers read your rights before conducting your search?
a) Never
b) Sometimes
c) At all times

14) Do you think you have to comply, if a search warrant is presented?

a) No I do not have to
b) Yes I have to
c) I do not know

15) If a search warrant is not presented and an officer approaches you to conduct a search
what can you do?
a) I can resist the search
b) I must allow the search
c) I do not know

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