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The Love Manual

I dedicate this book to all my dear female friends, most of whom came on
the scene during 2003 and subsequent years.
To all of you who came by and visited me, you have no idea how your
presence and conversation helped me because in talking (even if counseling
or just giving friendly advice), you were helping me to be who I am and to
do what I love doing and incarnated to do.
Thank you to all who graced me with warm and beautiful female presence,
whether in person or by telephone! Again, thank you!
I would like to give thanks to the following women whom I have been
graced, privileged, and blessed to meet, know, and to befriend, including but
not limited to:
Danyelle Harris, Ana Gonzalez (Kira Akasha), Kiana Beam, Gennifer
Anderson, Barbara (Jaz) Harris, Brandy Norwood, Romaine Reese,
Tekisha Lorick, Mariam George, Etirsa Coon, Akua Auset, Paris Chatman,
Katerina Hajkova, Denika Laurie, RAIN (Keke Mene), Aundria Rogers,
Tanjareen Martin, Cathy Simpson, Nadia Haddad, Gail White, Ruthie Grant
(Parthenia Onasis), Melia Ford, Esther Futrell, Rena Joy, Melinda Loo,
Patricia Bankins, Paula Miranda, Dorothy Lockhart, Tonya Johnson,
Mother Zatari, Khalida Outlaw, Kiki Haynes, Carla Lewis, Buashie, Gabriel
Valenzuela, Brenda McFarlane, Rae Stevens, Maryam Kazemi, Ca-Trece
Massey, Aida Rodriguez, Jamie Owa, Cynthia Sessions, Latoya Donaldson,
Barbara Ashley, Kelly Dillon, Amy Peterson, Raina Lee, Karimah Amari,
Allison Ball, Ana Sage, Stephanie Spruil, Janine Jackson, Belinda
Chambers, Monique Taylor, Coki Tai, Gina Thomas, Shawntell Muhammad,
Kim Hill, Hethir Rodriguez, Tanya Dorsey, Ifeayni C, Gwen Meno, Irene
Regalado, Halima Chancellor, Loreal Muhammad, Judy Stewart, Lisa
Nevins, Nicole Parker-Kodjo, Kimani Siraj, Vanessa L. Williams, Katerina,
Lacenya Terrell, Keya Merah, Lisa Marcos, Rhona Bennett, Melanie Bean,
Miriam Benzicron, Pany Taylor, Riann Lawrence, Sharone Blades, Tonya
Bowers, Shaunte Lockhart, T.T. Torrez, Coki Tai, Sister Yuki, Cathy Hughes,
Michelle Woods, Dr. Virginia Eve Allen, Frankie Jordan, et al.
Special thanks to Tracy Freeman, Angela Womack, LaDauna Sanders,
Meisha Atkinson-Sherman, and Jeannine Grant, all my minor but helpful
soul mates whom Im eternally grateful for the lessons you all helped me to

learn and experience from and to prepare for my ultimate and major soul
Extra special thanks and much love and respect to my wife, life partner, and
ultimate soul mate Andrea, my (biological) daughter Layla Iman, my
beloved mother Bonnie Cooper (RIP), and my beloved paternal
grandmother, Bertha Cooper (RIP).
It was my baby girl (Layla) who taught me so much about love. She was the
first soul whom I witnessed unconditional love from. Her birth changed my
life forever. Our love for one another was so pure and unconditional. Theres
a special connection to Layla because coming up I was the outsider,
especially astrologically-speaking because my mother and older brother
were both Aries and my father and my fraternal twin siblings, Michelle and
Michael, were all Libras and I was the lone Taurus. But when Layla
incarnated on May 16, 1999 at 8:16 p.m., I was no longer alone,
astrological-wise. I now had a daughter who was the same sign as her father.
Because we are both Taurus, I really understand her ways and nature. Shes
so much like me but in a female vessel. Its really cool to have a child the
same sign as you.
My other daughter, Azarea, is not my biological child but she too is teaching
me so much about love, tenderness, and compassion. Azarea is a beautiful
and sweet little girl with her own unique personality. She resonates pure
I dedicate this book to you all!

Table of Contents
Freeing Yourself From Sexual Guilt
Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
Personality is the Only thing that Attracts Love
You Can Have the Love You Desire If You Feel Worthy of Receiving It
Accept Your Body, Accept Yourself
The Greatest Love of All
To Receive Love You Must Give Love
Love and the Law of Attraction
Understanding and Overcoming Abandonment
To Make Room For Mr. or Mrs. Right You First Have To Let Go of Mr. or
Mrs. Wrong
Learn to Process Pain of the Heart Without Closing the Heart
How To Open and Close Your Heart Chakra At Will
The Power of the Fourth Chakra
Attracting Your Soul Mate
Astrological Matchmaking and Romance
Using Crystals and Gemstones For Purposes of Love, Healing the Heart, and
Attracting Your Soul Mate
Aromatherapy for Healing the Heart

Preparing Love Water

Feng Shui For Love
Cutting Cords
Exercises to Open You Up For Love and Romance and To Attract Your Soul
How Do I Make Love More Spiritual?
When Your Sexual Advances Are Not Reciprocated or Accepted
There Is No Healing Absent Love

The Love Manual is simply my personal expression, views, opinions,
thoughts, observations, and experiences with this thing called love, from
erotic, familial, and agape love.
I shall not even attempt to objectively define love because I feel it cannot be
defined. Love is something that people have to define for themselves, just
like life. Love cannot be generalized into an objective definition and then be
applicable to every person. It doesnt work like that! Not with love! True
love is not quid quo pro (something for something) in nature.
Love is self-defined from person to person and every definition is applicable
to that particular person. No individual definition of love is right or wrong,
not in a subjective sense.
Everyone has the right, responsibility, and duty to define and express love as
they please. If ones expression of love violates or harms another person then
clearly it is not love which is absent of harm and is pure in essence.
Im not an expert on love, but I do have my 2 cents to add to the subject in
hopes of helping people to write their own blue print of what love is and
what love means to them and how they choose to express love.
It is my high hopes and intention that my words contained within this
manual serve as building blocks to your own wall of understanding
pertaining to love.

With Love,
Djehuty Maat-Ra

Freeing Yourself From Sexual Guilt
A feeling of guilt from past sexual acts and experiences result from one
thing: IGNORANCE! Ignorance that there is no right or wrong or good and
bad but only experiences, and experiences that allow us to make better
choices in our future.
Our choices should always cause us to progress in life, to get a benefit, to
learn more lessons for advancement on our soul-journ.
A mistake many people make is bringing a negative view of God into the sex
act. God doesn't care what you do sexually. Never has! You were given free
will to do as you please as long as you don't harm another or violate another
person's rights. The only thing you must be aware of is the Law of
Consequences or Cause and Effect (karma).
However, you should take heed to the Kemetic maxim "Know thyself!"
When you know thyself, then you'll know what to do or what you should do,
including in the sex act.
Sex merely gives an experience and an experience can be good or bad
predicated upon your perception or how you look at things which may be
influenced by your belief systems, especially your religious belief system in
Most people's sexual belief systems are influenced by their religious belief
systems. You will especially find this amongst Jews, Christians, and
Muslims. Many people will not engage in certain sex acts because of their
religious beliefs and what they think God approves of and disapproves of.
But again, sex is an experience. If you enjoyed the sex and feel good about it

afterwards, you label this as a good experience or good sexual experience,

but if you didn't enjoy the sex for whatever reason(s), then you label it as a
bad experience or bad sexual experience. Either way you had sex.
Experiences can cause harm but they can also heal. When a person is
sexually raped, molested, or assaulted, harm is done. Absent consent,
violation has occurred (though karmic debts are being paid and life scripts
acted out simultaneously).
In these situations above, negative karma has been created as well as paid
off too. Rapist or assaulter may have created the karma and the victim
(participant) may have paid off. Nothing happens to us without our
permission or approval to happen, even if said approval was agreed upon
and originated in a past-life.
But what about the consent (between two people) given in this lifetime,
Djehuty? Well, without the absence of consent you don't get the particular
experience you need and scripted or charted out. It may be a violation on the
3D earth plane level, but that's it. Spiritually speaking, something higher is
taking place that serves the Sunnum Bunnum (Greater Good) as well as your
self (pertaining to the Life Script and Chart you created for yourself).
Listen, you wrote your life script or chart and chose everything about your
self and your life. Everything, and I mean everything! Nothing was given to
chance, and I know this is a hard pill to swallow for many people, but in
your world (of man) a lot of torment and anguish comes from not
understanding why certain events, situations, and circumstances occurred in
your life or even why certain people came into and out of your life.
Many have been taught that everything is exclusively in God's hand and you
have no say in your own life and/or destiny and this is a damnable belief and
causes much trouble in the form of grief, confusion, guilt, anger, and other
negative emotion.
Again, experiences can cause harm but they can also heal. When a person
consents to sex and the act leads to powerful orgasm and reaches other levels
of your existence: emotional, spiritual, mental, etc, healing has taken place,
especially on the energy body level. The chakras become open and aligned
or balanced.

Knowledge is power and so is sexual knowledge. Sexual knowledge and the

application of sexual knowledge is power. All knowledge must be applied if
you are going to derive power or be empowered from it.
While I won't cover it here, I will mention that in addition to sexual
knowledge there is also sexual wisdom and sexual understanding.
Sexual guilt arises from ignorance but this ignorance is predicated upon
ignorance of the chakras, your energy vortexes. You see, when you have sex
based upon the lower chakras and their negative or imbalanced attributes,
negative emotion will arise, such as guilt.
Guilt comes from having sex out of fear, dependence, addiction, quid pro
quo (something for something), feeling forced, having sex with someone
against your better judgment, having sex while numbed (drugs, alcohol), and
emotionally imbalanced.
But guess what? You can only feel guilty after you convict yourself. In law,
we know guilt only comes as a consequence of a verdict of guilt. So if we
feel guilty, who convicted us? Can you say: OUR SELVES! No one can
make you feel guilty about anything except yourself and don't you ever
forget this! All power lies with YOU! If you ever feel someone is more
powerful than you, it's because you gave your power away to that person.
Now after guilt comes punishment which comes in a host of ways, such as
sexually transmitted disease, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, reproductive
disorders and pathologies, and series of unhealthy relationships that we
unconsciously attract and stay in as some form of punishment (or continued
punishment) and perhaps from something experienced 5, 10, 15 to 20 years
ago. We do this! And to ourselves! No one else!
This is why we must come up spiritually and start acting from our higher
chakras and doing things out of unconditional love, compassion, care and
concern, genuineness, integrity, healing, etc. Sex is no exemption here.
Lower chakra sex is done for survival purposes. Many women right now are
only having sex with a guy because he financially takes care of her (or just
simply pays her bills), whereas others are having sex out of a wanting and

desire to feel loved perhaps from not having a father or strong, dominant
male father figure on the scene as a little girl and now seeks to compensate
this loss by seeking love from an older man, the proverbial "sugar daddy."
However, you can't get love out of sex if the Fourth Chakra is not open and
Males will do the same thing to compensate when they lack that warmth and
love from a mother. These males will look for a female to take care of them
just as a mother would. These types of males will also seldom reach true
manhood! Manhood is not derived from womanhood! Only men can make
Many males and females are having sex simply because they cannot control
their sexual urges. The urge has more power than they do due to diminished
willpower. So they will have sex pursuant to sexual agreement or contract
(called "bed partners" or "fuck buddies").
You see, they are not compatible in life outside of bed (they could be but
really don't spend the quality time or want to spend the quality time to find
out), may not really find one another attractive, but most significantly, don't
want any responsibility to the other person whatsoever.
The worst thing females did in recent decades, in my opinion, was to give up
the vagina without any attachments, stipulations, demands, and/or
responsibilities. This is where so much disrespect of females by males
comes from, especially amongst African-Americans. Men used to have to
work for the woman (or the vagina, not to commoditize women but to make
a point, so stay with me).
They had to bring something to the table (relationship), prove their worth
and good intentions. They had to prove their worthiness to get into a
woman's good graces, her mind, and ultimately her behind (figure of speech
meaning 'between her legs').
They got the door for a woman, took off her coat, pulled her chair out for her
to sit down at the table, bought her flowers and candy, etc. But nowadays, a
man really doesn't have to do anything for the woman and he still gets
rewarded with sex; good wild freaky sex too! This, in my opinion, has really
cost the Black community collectively today. I feel it's one of the main
reasons why Black women are generally not viewed as viable marriage

partners or potential wives and why 60% of Black women are single (not
married) and why 40% have never been married. After all, who buys the
damn cow when you can get all the milk you want for free?
I also feel that the above is why many males of different races and
ethnicities for the most part only view Black women as sexual play things, a
piece of ass, or walking sperm banks. Good enough to fuck, but not to
marry! Only Black women themselves can change this negative image of
themselves and simply so by simply changing their thought patterns and
process, personal attitudes about themselves, and their behavior and actions
(how they carry themselves, especially in public) which laps over into
morals, etiquette, mannerisms, and ethics.
Stereotypes are created by focusing on the actions and behaviors as well as
language of a minority or fringe aspect of a particular group of people and
then projecting them onto the majority or collective of that particular group
in the general public's eyes.
In my opinion, it's never the media's fault for creating stereotypes. Absent a
group to focus on, there could be no stereotype created. To change or end a
stereotype, simply change the subject group of the stereotype and the
stereotype goes a way. The media simply focuses upon what's there to focus
upon. You couldn't have a Black gang member stereotype absent the
existence of a Black gang member. You could force the media to only show
good or positive or show nothing at all. Either way, there's nothing bad or
negative shown about a particular group. You see, power is truly with the
people to change things, not corporations or governments, but people.
And yes, the media can manufacture a stereotype without real life
individuals, but without real life individuals to display a stereotyped trait in
society, the stereotype eventually dissipates due to people in general in the
society not coming into contact with or witnessing the real life stereotyped
behavior or actions shown in the media.
Why should a man do anything for a woman that he doesn't have to prove
his worth to; doesn't have to do anything for; doesn't have to respect, etc.,
but can still have or get sex any time he feels like it?
Women have to fault and blame themselves here and take responsibility for
the unwise choice of lowering their standards, because this is what it boils


If you lower the bar you can't expect people to jump (aim) high. If you let a
man be no good to you, then he will. Period! And nowadays, many people
are simply giving people what they want or desire. Many Black females
today, mostly of the younger hip hop generation, prefer and desire a thug
dude or no-good dude for sexual relation purposes so many otherwise good
Black males are stepping up to the plate and playing or acting out the desired
role and giving these particular females what they want so as to get what
they want: cheap or free sex with no real commitment or commitment at all.
This is why there are so many studio gangsters today in rap music. A studio
is a place where you go to act or stage a production, a place where your
acting is filmed. Once you leave the studio, there's no more acting. You go
back to being regular Joe Blow and you let television do the rest. People will
fall in love with a manufactured image created in a studio.
So again, women have to fault and blame themselves here and take
responsibility for the unwise choice of lowering their standards, because this
is what it boils down to - LOWERING ONE'S STANDARDS.
Women, you can't fault anyone but yourself! One thing about this life here
on planet Earth, we always have choice! Always! But of course folks don't
always make the most informed and wise choices. How can they when they
lack information and wisdom? You can't make an informed choice absent
information and you can't make a wise choice absent wisdom.
There's no more courting or really even dating, or old school dating, these
days. Actually, I dislike the word "dating' because it's a term prostitutes use
on the streets nowadays. Back in 1995-1996 while I was on Figueroa in
South Los Angeles one day, this young Black female came up to me and
asked me was I dating. I looked at her like "What?" But she kept asking me
was I dating. But I put two and two together because after all, we were on
Figueroa and if you're from Los Angeles or know anything about Los
Angeles you know that the prostitutes or whores hang out on Figueroa and
Sunset Boulevard. Well, actually, they say the prostitutes/call girls are on
Sunset and the 'hoes' are on Figueroa. This just means that you find most of
your white female prostitutes on Sunset Boulevard and find most of your
Black and Hispanic prostitutes on Figueroa.

So the word 'dating' nowadays means 'fucking.' It's a mild way of saying you
are having sex and money is being spent to ensure this sex."
You actually hear this word ('dating') a lot amongst the females mainly.
Women will be like: 'I used to date him.' And men will be like, "did you fuck
him?" Because many dudes, the nave or oblivious ones, will interpret dating
as going out like friends, that things were strictly platonic. But if a woman
has been dating a dude like for three, four, or five months, most coat-tailed
pulled dudes know that most dudes ain't going to be going out with a
particular female for that amount of time and not get his bed on. Men know
men, for the most part! Men know what other men want because they know
what they themselves want, and when it comes to women it's pussy!
But many women will say they 'dated' a guy as a euphemism or code word
that they used to merely go out with a guy and have sex with him though not
committed in a relationship. There's no commitment, just an understanding
(that they'll go out, money will be spent (usually by the male or the person
who really wants sex the most), and sex will be exchanged as a
Men will use the word ('dating') too! However, men tend to commonly say
they "went out with" or "used to go out with" a particular female. But it
means the same thing as dating. They used to go out and later fuck. That was
the deal!
Courting was different because when you think of the word court, you get
just that: a court, as in a court of law; and while in court, you had to prove
your case, and you always proved your case by presenting evidence on your
behalf that moved all reasonable doubt.
Basically, courting allowed you to put forth evidence to the other person as
to why you are qualified to be their mate (husband or wife) or future father
or mother of his/her children. Before the mid-1970's, Blacks used to be more
long term in nature with their relationships, and not so short-termed as we
are today, simply thinking about what we can get or experience only today
without ever thinking about the future (building a future with a person).
Okay, point made and now continuing: You're meeting people and fucking
on the first 'date' or night and you don't know hill Billy jack grits about this
person and then you wonder why you wake up a few days later burning with

a discharge and stench coming from your vagina or a bunch of painful

pimples, bumps, or blisters on your penis, swollen and painful testicles, and
when urinating it feels like you're pissing out razor blades.
Out of control sexual urges are ruining lives and hardly nobody, save the
grassroots metaphysical teachers and healers, a la Phil Valentine, Bobby
Hemmit, Doctah B, Dr. Laila O'Afrika, Queen Afua, Jewel Pookrum, Denika
Laurie, Dr. Eve Allen, Djehuty Ma'at-Ra, and a few others, is teaching the
sexual occult sciences, such as consciously raising your sexual energy
(Kundalini) up to the higher chakras so as to express that pent up sexual
energy in the form of higher creativity. That sexual energy is trapped in the
lower chakras and that's why you hear about so much lower frequency sex
today, especially with today's youth in general, hip hop youth in particular.
So today, you have dudes, especially these wanna-be thug types and white
bred college boys with no moral or ethic restraints, who simply just want to
fuck a woman in the ass just to be doing something, to dominate her, to
abuse her. They derive a sick pleasure from her pain or a sense of abusing
her, or, dominating her (if the female enjoys the activity). This is the level
many are on these days. Black youth as well as Caucasian youth, but
American youth and adults in general. Their level is real low vibrationally.
They'll ejaculate in her mouth and on her body just to be doing something,
just to leave a mark on her body which is really an energy mark
unconsciously left on her.
Many will film such activity and sell it to one of the numerous porn-based
websites that are so rampant today. So you'll find various photographs of
young females (of all races, i.e., Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Asian, etc.)
smiling with sperm all over their faces or looking up while performing
fellatio with a penis in their mouth, or even with a penis in their rectum, all
done to incite sexual lust and fish in a new customer to the porn site.
The Matrix uses lower chakra sex to keep U.S. subjects on a very low
vibrational level so as to easier control them. It's no accident that porn is so
rampant today along with degenerate faux food (fast food).
We've always had porn in this society but never was it so easily accessible,
but the Inter-net changed all of this. But again, it serves a major purpose. All
you see is lower chakra sex because of what it does to you. You are shown

this on purpose. You see you aren't inundated and bombarded with scenes of
Tantric and Taoist sex and/or Tantric and Taoist sex websites. Oh hell no!
Why? Because then you'd be learning about raising that Kundalini energy up
into your higher chakras and activating those specific centers and
experiencing their attributes, i.e. unconditional love, compassion,
reciprocity, higher creativity, honest expression and communication,
intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, Christ
consciousness, astral projection, linking with your Higher Self, accessing the
Akasha or Akashic records, etc.
The Rulers know you'd get free of their grip (control) if you were exposed to
Tantric and Taoist sex principles, or even the Kemetic and occult sexual
sciences; so you see, they purposely allow you to be inundated with porn so
your mind can become embroiled with what you are seeing so as to carry out
what's in your mind (knowing you are a sheep), but doing major harm on all
levels of existence because you are not knowing or understanding the
damage done, especially on the energy level, the psycho-intuitive and
emotional levels, when you are swallowing and ingesting sperm from
numerous males, being rectally penetrated, vaginally penetrated by multiple
partners, called all sorts of names that carry certain low vibration (but which
also invoke), and most significantly, lowering your auric field and allowing
certain entities to attach to your aura and enter into your aura which is a
portal into your energetic core body; entities that feed off of lust and the
energy that comes from lower chakra sex.
Energy healer Denika Laurie states the following:
"By giving ANY man access to her yoni (vagina), through sex, executes a
binding, energetic contract that affects the outcome of her life's journey.
Women forget that they have the power to choose what comes into them,
what stays, and what is sustained by them - all through the centripetal life
force energy the vibrates ever so freely throughout her womb-portal."
There is more danger in a woman being penetrated than in a man penetrating
simply because the vagina has a receptive energy due to being yin in nature.
It receives or takes in and harbors (though it can recycle as well as expel)!
The penis on the other hand has an active energy. It emits or discharges! It
can also receive and harbor as well. Males are subject to taking in negative
energy from the vagina because every opening on the body of both male and

female contains a portal (chakra) and every opening contains recorded

information or data and when you are dealing with the openings of the penis
(at the tip), the vagina, rectum, and even the mouth, information recorded
and stored at these sites are picked up, including information about all the
people who have penetrated or entered these body parts. Energy records all!
Everything! Just like the subconscious minds takes in or records everything
you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. You must become conscious to
successfully live, prosper, and thrive in the Matrix.
Steps to Freeing Yourself of Guilt
1. First recognize the fact that 'your' past is just that, 'your' past! What's done
cannot be undone. Extract the lesson(s) and move on in the present.
2. Forgive yourself of your negative past actions and all harmful things you
did to yourself or allowed to happen to yourself while in an unconscious
state and under ignorance. True forgiveness begins the healing process.
3. Forgive all who have harmed, injured, violated, abused, hurt,
disappointed, and used you in the past. Recognize the role you played in
every happening, situation, circumstance, or drama in your life.
4. Recognize that there is really no right or wrong or good and bad, only
experiences which leads to different choices being made in the future,
preferably choices that benefit you, allows you to develop, learn, mature,
grow, advance, and progress on all levels in your life.
5. Recognize that God gave you free will to make choices as you please and
does not look down upon or frown upon any sexual activity you may have
engaged in, are presently engaged in, or will be engaged. There is only the
creation of personal karma and the Law of Consequences (Cause and
Effect), no divine chastisement as some religious groups and cults preach
and teach. The boogey man God that's going to get you for not obeying rules
and laws written by men in books was invented in the mind of man. Be
conscious and go and create your experiences, your reality, and your destiny.
God does not judge you, nor do the angels, nor do your spirit guides.
6. Now, let yourself out of prison, out of bondage, off of punishment. You
are free again. Release your punishment and transmute it into freedom using
your mind (visualization).

7. From NOW on, only engage in those acts that make you feel good, whole,
and that you are proud of and can live with and which cause you to have a
good night's sleep.

Looking For Love in All the Wrong Places
We tend to look for love in all the wrong places for many reasons, mainly
Many are ignorant and unconscious that the true love they seek is the love
found deep within Self. The love most of us are looking for is found in our
own backyards (our own selves), but we wont and dont look there because
we think, believe, and feel that we ourselves are worthless, insignificant, and
mediocre, perhaps because we have been made to feel this way and it has
been reiterated over the scope of our life and perhaps by people close to us
and who are supposed to love us, i.e. parents, relatives, persons yielding
undue influence over us, etc.
Some may look for love in an abusive partner because they confuse love
with abuse (there can be no abuse when love is truly present).
Others look for love in the sex act because they confuse sex with love and
sex is not love. You dont have to love a person or be in love with a person
in order to have sex with them. Anybody or any two people can have sex.
Its mostly a physical and linear act with unconscious people who are numb
emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Also, love is not a criterion for sex these days. Eye appeal will do just fine
nowadays. The American preoccupation with sex is a clear sign of a deeper
spiritual void. People are hurting and they want pleasure, they want to
escape the pain and misery they feel on the emotional, mental, and spiritual
levels via a physical mechanical act but you cant fill a spiritual void with a
material act. You just cant! You can delude yourself into believing this for a
while, but like all illusions, they eventually wear off and youre left having
to deal with reality.
Some people look for love in a relationship with a wealthy person because

they confuse love with being taken care of financially and materially, which
by the way is so far from the truth.
Should we be shocked when we dont find love from looking in all the
wrong places? Of course not! If you look for love where love is not
broadcasted, you are bound to not find it. Its pretty simple and basic!
To find or discover love, we must start looking in all the right places and no
place is more right that WITHIN self! Go within self today and discover and
experience what you have been looking for in all the wrong places up until
AFFIRMATION: I now know that true love resides and emanates from
within me!

Personality Is the Only Thing That Attracts Love
Renowned mental scientist and alchemist Enoch Tan is the author of this
saying that is the heading for this chapter and I quoted him because he is
correct! Personality is the only thing that attracts love. You will not be loved
for your material possession or even your physical sexual embellishments: a
big ass or butt, big tits or breasts, curvaceous hips and thighs, or muscles/
biceps. You may be liked for them, but not loved for them. Theres a
I began to consciously attract love from many people beginning in 2005. I
became so full of joy that my life became a daily joyous one. I was so full of
joy and joy too is a magnet for attraction, simply being because mostly
everybody wants joy in their life and a joyous person is always desired, well,
at least by people who desire to have and experience joy in their lives.
My joy came about as result of looking at the world via my Fourth Chakra.
The Fourth Chakra is the energy center or vortex located at the chest/breast
area (in between the breasts). This center deals with issues of love,
reciprocity, benevolence, kindness, compassion, giving and receiving, and
philanthropy. The Fourth Chakra is the bridge between the three lower
chakras and the three higher chakras.

The three lower chakras include: the First Chakra, located above the genital
region (penis and vagina) and which deals with (or records) issues of sex,
survival, will to be alive, and basic human needs.
The Second Chakra, located above the belly (beneath the belly button or
navel), deals with (or records) issues of pleasure (including sexual pleasure),
emotions, relationships, and addictions.
The Third Chakra, located above the abdomen and situated between the
navel and breasts or chest, and deals with issues of the ego, will, drive,
determination, ambition, personal power, dominance, and how one sees the
The Fifth Chakra, located above the throat, deals with issues of higher
communication or expression, the ability to express ones views and truths
truthfully and freely, and the ability to clearly ask for what one needs or
The Sixth Chakra, also known as the 3rd Eye, is the seat of Christ
Consciousness. It deals with things of a paranormal nature, our extra sensory
abilities such as psychic ability, ESP, clairvoyance, clairaudience,
clairsentience, and intuition.
The Seventh Chakra, also known as the Crown Chakra, is located above the
head and deals with issues relating to connection with God and is the link to
the Higher Self in addition to being the doorway to the Akashic Records. It
also deals with astral projection.
The foregoing gives you a little knowledge about these things called chakras
that you may have heard about, perhaps in passing, or may have seen on the website. Many great books now exist on the subject and can be
found at most commercial and metaphysical bookstores. I will go more into
the chakras in future chapters herein, so just keep reading!
Living from my Fourth Chakra, a sense of calm and tranquility emitted from
me (my aura). Harmony became my norm. My vibrations felt good and other
people wanted to be in my presence so as to experience and share my good
vibrations, which most of the time rubbed off on other people or amped up
their energy.

Metaphysician David Pond explains this phenomenon I began to experience

in 2005 with the following words:
A tremendous sense of calm and tranquility accompanies looking at the
world through the heart. From this vantage point, harmony is the norm, not
the rarity that it was previously. Now, when disharmony occurs within the
first three chakras, it is easy to make the adjustments to bring your life back
into equilibrium, because you are aligned with your path! You know that a
centered life is much greater joy than an uncentered life, and knowing this
motivates you to bring your issues back into balance. You become less
attached to issues that seemingly bring you out of balance, and more
attached to the experience of joy itself. As always, events follow energy, so
when you spend more time in harmony, you attract harmonious situations to
you as well. Joy is the natural consequence of looking at life through the
Fourth Chakra lens. Since you emanate a calm and joyful presence, you
seem to bring out this quality in others, and more people are attracted to
you. The more you continue to draw from the universal source, the more
people want to spend time with you, and the more you have to give as you
pull the universal energy through you and send it to others.
My personality had so many expressions I was joyful, pleasant, relaxed,
clam, elated, loving, tranquil, inspirational, motivational, optimistic,
positive, and grounded. I became so magnetic in such short time and all I did
was focus on myself my personal self-growth and self-development. I was
celibate for nearly 4 years. I paid the cost to be the boss, as they say. But in
the process I developed my newfound personality which attracted so much
love into my life.
The only thing that wins or causes love is personality. If you have distinctive
personality, you will be loved whether you have physical beauty or not. Your
personality may have flaws and not be entirely beautiful from an artistic
point of view, but if you are an advancing soul, not only is somebody going
to love you but in time to come everyone will love you. Love is the energy
of life, and one who has more life in them attracts more love from others.
Love motivates you to become a better person for those you love. Enoch


You Can Have the Love You Desire If You Feel Worthy
of Receiving It
You really can have the love you desire but theres a major stipulation to
this: you must feel worthy of receiving love.
The best way to feel worthy of love is to allow your love, the love within
you and that emanates from your essence, to emit and beam out.
Let your love shine! Let it flow!
When we deal with the word worth we are dealing with value. How much
value do you place on yourself?
When women place their value into their sexual embellishments or physical
beauty, they devalue themselves (especially if this becomes their main
priority in life).
Anything physical will atrophy, degenerate, and eventually expire one day;
but the mind, it never atrophies, degenerates, or expires. Never! You will
always have your mind, even when you transcend (or die). Consciousness
comes through our mind.
And please dont confuse the mind with the brain. The brain is physical and
the mind is not, of course! So theres a difference here!
Women should place their value in their minds and their innate gifts (talents,
skills, traits, or qualities). True beauty is found in a persons essence, their
personality, and their spirit.
The value of a cultivated mind never decreases just as the value of
spirituality never decreases.
Because as a beautiful creation of God and a very unique one at that, women
have serious value and because they have value, they have worth, and when
they know this, feel this, and live this, they become worthy worthy of all
they desire including and especially love and to be genuinely loved.

The same principle applies to and with males. Men possess a beauty in their
essence and personality and it is these that a woman will eventually
ascend in love with.
And yes, I purposely said: ascend in love, not fall in love. As I
mentioned in my Mental Science Manual, we have to begin to rephrase
common words and terms that have only proven detrimental and selfsabotaging with their use.
I changed fall in love to ascend in love and thats exactly what soon
happened to me I ascended in love with my wife!
Just analyze and scrutinize the word fall. The word connotes something
Fall. 1. To move downward, typically rapidly and freely without

control, from a higher to a lower level. 2. lose one's balance and

collapse. 3. throw oneself down, typically in order to worship or
implore someone.
So when we fall in love, are we making the statement that we are moving
downward in some respect (perhaps lust or the lower nature)? Many people
do confuse lust with love, you know!
If we are falling in love, are we making the statement that we are out of
control? Out of control, perhaps with our emotions?
When we are falling in love, are we off balance? Is our foundation
collapsing? What is our foundation anyway? Reason? Logic? Common
sense? Whatever our foundation, is it collapsing when were falling in
love? Maybe were falling in lust!
When we are falling in love, is this some type of false worship? Are we
worshipping the person (or some part of their body) as a false god or idol?
The use of the phrase falling in love is biblical in nature. It originates from
the story of Adam and Eve. The Fall of Man is attributed to this mythical
character called Adam who fell in love with Eve (though the Bible
mentions nothing about the pair falling in love) and thus ended up having

sex with Eve which led to the Fall of Man. Adam and Eve are said to have
eaten from the midst of the forbidden tree which caused the Fall, but this
midst of the tree represents the genitalia located in the middle section of
the human body. Tree in symbolical language means human and midst of
tree represent the middle part of the body sex glands.
So Adam and Eve had sex (carnal knowledge) and this is what led to the Fall
in Biblical lore. Of course you do know its just a story and shouldnt be
taken literally.
A great harm done to humanity is the false belief that everyone is conceived
in iniquity (sin) due to being conceived in the sex act. But why would the
sex act be considered a sin when God created man and woman to have sex
(be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth)?
This false belief has led to the development of negative emotion which has
led to many mental, emotional, and spiritual hang-ups for both males and
females, and for females in particular, a host of female reproductive
God made your vagina and your hormones so why would God create your
vagina, clitoris, ovaries, hormones, etc. for you not to use and explore them?
God made your penis and your male hormones so why would God make
your penis and testicles for you not to use and explore? What did God make
your male bodys penis to have an erection? After all, whats the purpose of
an erection? Whats the purpose of a wet or lubricated vagina?
Clearly, the vagina and penis are made for each other! Its a no brainer!
You cannot have or remain in good health by engaging in a natural and
pleasurable act and come out of that act feeling guilty or bad, like you have
just violated or disrespected God.
If you think you did something bad, wrong, or sinful, you will end up feeling
bad or sinful and emotions speaks louder than words and how you feel will
emanate a vibration out into the Universe which the Universe and
subconscious mind will pick up and react to and give you more of how
youre feeling.

So what happens? You end up having more sex and feeling more bad and
bad after each sexual encounter that you enjoy and which ultimately
becomes a habit because it feels so good. But youll have more and more sex
that makes you feel bad or guilty and when you are guilty of something, you
have been convicted, and what follows a conviction? ANSWER:
Punishment! Your punishment may be contracting an STD, attracting a
situation whereby you are sexually assaulted, etc.
Whatever the situation, you are creating it based upon your thoughts and
your belief system, your sexual belief system to be exact!
Misunderstanding of Scripture has you all confused and this confusion is
sabotaging the quality of your life, especially your sex life.
For most of us in the Western world, we go off into sex with a very bad
mindset and come out of the act with a worse mindset. Most of us are so
confused about a natural act we enjoy, and you see, this is why there are so
many sexual hang-ups and so many people who create sexual crimes and
violations. Our society breeds it and then locks up the perpetrator as the
There are so many sexual problems with the Church today because of the
sexual hang-ups. Reverends screwing members of the choir or congregation,
priests molesting little boys, congregants having affair and a whole bunch of
other stuff and then foolishly blaming the Devil (who aint got nothing to do
with any of this) as the culprit.
The Devil has not made you do anything you did not want to do and
truthfully, already had your mind made up to do.
We cheat (have affairs) because we want to. The Devil aint got nothing to
do with it. Heck, the Devil doesnt even exist. The Devil was a character
created to keep the Church in business. You couldnt have Christianity,
Islam, or Judaism without the existence of the Devil who allegedly steals
souls giving the reverend, imam, and rabbi a job to do, which is to save
Its a major scheme that keeps religion in business, literally!

So in closing, you can have the love you desire if you feel worthy to receive
AFFIRMATION: I am worthy of love because I am love and emit love in
its purest form!

Accept Your Body, Accept Your Self!
The body you were born with for this present life incarnation, you chose it in
advance and therefore, you should accept it. You chose it pursuant to your
particular life purpose. We choose our bodies based upon what we will
experience here in the flesh and what we will be doing while here in the
You choose everything about your body and appearance how you will
look, your height, your weight, your race and skin color, texture of your hair,
and your sex or gender to name a few things.
So now, why would we change our nose or our lips via surgery when we
chose them?
Why would you get a boob job for bigger or larger boobs (breasts) when you
chose your normal size boobs?
Why get a sex change when you chose your sex? You chose to incarnate as a
male in this lifetime for a reason. You chose to incarnate as a female in this
lifetime for a reason.
Even though the Matrix allows us to change our bodies (usually for vain and
superficial reasons via surgery, i.e. plastic surgery), the changing of our
bodies does not change the soul lessons we chose to experience before
. In the light of the fact that we do choose our sex, it seems rather useless
to go through all the expense and discomfort of sex change operations. Even
if a person changes the physical sex of the body, the lessons one initially
chose before incarnating remain the same. In fact, after the sex change they

may seem even more difficult, because in the souls initial wisdom it knew
what it was doing to select one sex over the other. Betty Bethards
And by no means am I telling you or suggesting to you that if you are obese
to accept your obesity. If at one point you werent obese but now you are,
something went wrong and you should not accept the obesity which is
clearly a pathology. We should never accept pathology or disease simply
because they are not our divine birthrights (though they may help us pay off
karmic debts and learn valuable soul lessons).
So if your normal body weight is 185 pounds but you have gained 50 pounds
and now weigh 235 pounds, you should seek to get back down to 185
pounds. This particular weight would allow you to navigate through life on
your life path far more easily than if you weighed 235 pounds which would
be unnatural and unhealthy for you.
Were those tattoos that are all over your body tattooed on you for beauty
enhancement purposes or for some unconscious attempt to change your
Before the tattoos, was your body not beautiful?
Personally, I see tattoos on the body as vandalism of the sacred temple. Its
like graffiti spray painted on the walls of a beautiful temple dedicated to the
worship of God and meditation.
Now dont get me wrong I respect free will! Im just voicing my personal
opinion on tattooing. I see tattoos (done with harmful and permanent ink)
and excessive piercing and piercing in certain parts of the body as selfmutilation. I mean, after all, what is the meaning behind piercing your nipple
or your clitoris or even your tongue? Whats the significance behind the
piercing of these areas or parts? Whats the science behind them? Or, were
you just following a social fad and just trying to be hip? Why did you do
what you did? Do you know why you did it (outside of having the free will
to do it)?
Why do certain females get tattoos right above their ass in the lower back
region? What are they marketing or advertising? What are they saying or
broadcasting? Whats the message here? The tattoos are always visible.

A tattoo on or above your tit? What are you saying here? Do you want
attention to your breasts?
Tattoos are not natural. Not the ones folks use in the city. Henna (and other
plant-based ink) tattoos are acceptable and safe, though rarely used in the
United States compared to commercial grade ink.
Tattoos are permanent marks on the body. They desecrate the divine human
temple. How? Well, anything on the skin enters the bloodstream. Tattoo ink,
contrary to what you may have been told, leeches into your bloodstream.
How could it not?
When you get a tattoo on your body you have made the statement that you
have improved upon what you are only renting. Yes, you are only renting
this body you now have.
The flesh body is like an outfit that you will take off at the end of the day.
Dying (transitioning) and reincarnating is like taking off an old outfit and
putting on a new outfit. The body is only a garment worn for a single day
(lifetime). However, because it does not belong to us, we have a duty to take
care of it. It shows respect to the owner of the house.
Accept your body! Accept yourself! Absent disease (obesity, weight gain,
anorexia, etc.), you are the way you are for a reason. You are tall for a
reason. You are short for a reason. You are big-boned for a reason. You are
stocky for a reason. You are petit for a reason. You are slender or skinny for
a reason.
You chose your body like a person chooses a car and you chose the vehicle
that best suits your needs here on this planet for this particular and present
life incarnation.
I dont need to be a big, stocky, muscular dude. I simply dont do manual
things or activities or duties requiring serious exertion of physical strength.
Im predominantly mental! I predominantly use my mind. Also, due to
astrological implications, my Earth vehicle (body) is very sensitive so being
conscious of this, I only engage in subtle exercises that do not tax or strain
my body.

My exercises are for chi movement purposes and spiritual enhancement

purposes only. Im not big on exercise, especially strenuous exercise. Im
just like the gorilla, the monkey, the zebra, or the horse creatures that dont
exercise. They simply move, stay active or mobile.
Daily movement (i.e. walking, stretching) is my exercise. I dont have to put
forth an effort to do whats natural. You see, in city life, we exercise (usually
at the gym) because we work sedentary lives. We work jobs that require us
to sit for 6-8 hours a day which is very harmful to circulation and overall
health. Nowhere else on the planet will you find people sitting for 6-8 hours
like you do here in the United States.
I chose my vehicle (body, temple) for purposes of light work and a long life
longevity. I need to be on Earth in this lifetime for a very long time to fully
enjoy living life, learning my lessons from all my experiences, and helping
other people.
Being skinny (or raw boned) has not stopped me in anything in life. It hasnt
stopped me from getting free of the Matrix. It hasnt stopped me from
becoming personally sovereign. It hasnt stopped me from getting my nice
share of sex from beautiful women (over my life span). It hasnt stopped me
from attracting beautiful women into my life. It hasnt stopped me from
attracting a wife and/or having children. It hasnt stopped me from running
my own business. It hasnt stopped me from becoming wealthy. It hasnt
stopped me from being spiritual. It hasnt stopped me from being loved by
so many people.
Being skinny hasnt stopped me or harmed me in any way, shape, fashion, or
So whats my secret? ENERGY and the use of my mind! I control my
destiny with my mind, not my body which is only a vehicle. My mind is the
key to my successful living. I use my mind to send out certain kinds of
energy and to create a certain aura or auric field that is very magnetic due to
being healing, loving, positive, lively, fascinating, inspirational, optimistic,
fiery, and energetic.
People who build their lives around their bodies exclusively set themselves
up for failure (guaranteed if they are not well-rounded and in tune with their
spirituality and higher life purpose). Why? Because one day that physically

sound, fit, and attractive body will fall prey to the forces of gravity. Age will
creep in and most people dont know how to age gracefully. Most people
resist aging and what you resist, persists! Because people resist aging, they
age rapidly and ungracefully. It is a very rare person who knows how to age
Those nice boobs (breasts) will sag one day. Will you be loved and desired
by others (men) in spite of those sagging breasts? Will you still be
considered attractive by others with those sagging breasts?
Those muscles and biceps will turn to flab one day. Will you still get the
attention and admiration of others (women) from the flab?
Most people in the Matrix are very vain and frivolous. Because most only
become attracted to the flesh body, when natural changes occur to the flesh
body of a person of attraction (which will happen), the feelings and desires
pertaining to that person usually changes as well.
But our bodies, despite being vessels, are for so much more than just being
objects of physical desire and attraction. Consider the following:
The physical body is your special earth suit that you have chosen to help
you learn how to play a particular role better and to work on developing
certain strengths. Its unique characteristics and your physical appearance
are unmatched anywhere in the Universe. When we begin to realize what
magnificent vehicles our bodies are to help us learn in this realm, we begin
to appreciate them much more. But the body is a mask, a faade. Its whats
inside that is important. Our bodies are made in the image of God, and they
are beautiful. The body is not something to feel ashamed of or reject in
anyway. It doesnt matter what your build is, because the vibrations youre
sending out are going to turn people on, not whether youre fat, skinny or in
between. Whats going to draw people and keep people in your life is what
youre radiating from within yourself. This determines whether people feel
comfortable with you or back away. Betty Bethards
Reader, learn to love yourself! When you learn to love yourself, you will
learn to accept yourself guaranteed!

George Benson was so on the money with the title of his hit song that just
happened to have been my elementary school graduation theme song, which
was The Greatest Love of All.
I concur with Benson that the greatest love of all is learning to love your
Self. If you dont have love for and/or love of self, how can you have love
for and/or love of another? You cant give what you dont have.
You want other people to accept you? Then learn to accept yourself. Period!
Because people give you back what you beam out or emit.
If you love yourself, others will love you. If you accept yourself, others will
accept you. If you respect yourself, others will respect you. If you
acknowledge your strengths and talents, so will others. If you embrace
yourself, others will embrace you. Everyday people are giving you back
what you send out via vibration.
What do you desire in life? Whatever it may be, become it and transmit or
emit that energy and you will receive what you desire. Soon youll become a
magnet and attract without consciously desiring. Youll attract based upon
the particular energy sent out via your aura. This is the key to understanding
the dynamic of magnetism.
Learn thyself!
Know thyself!
Understand thyself!
Love thyself!
Respect thyself!
Embrace thyself!
The more in vibrational sync you are with who you really are, then the more
you are allowing only those things that you're wanting, and the less

resistance there is. And the less resistance there is, then the less delay
between the idea of the thought and the receiving of it. Esther Hicks
Affirmation: I accept myself totally and wholistically in unconditional

The Greatest Love of All
Without a doubt, the greatest love of all is self-love loving YOURSELF!
You cannot love another and will not be able to love another until you first
genuinely and authentically love yourself. Just as charity begins at home, so
does love!
If you dont love yourself, how can you love another? You cant possibly
give what you dont have to give. Period!
If you desire to be loved by others, then you must first love yourself. When
you love and accept yourself, others will automatically do the same and they
too will love and accept you. Guaranteed!
Tina Turner asked the question in a pop song that went on to become a #1
hit: Whats love got to do with it? My answer is: Everything! The love
energy dominates existence. Its the most powerful force! It moves
mountains! It lifts cars (ever hear about those women who lift heavy cars
that have their babies trapped underneath it?)!
It is so easy to love another when you love yourself and know the source of
your self-love.
Singer Dionne Warwick was so correct when she said in a song: What the
world needs now, is love, sweet love! And Stevie Wonder is still correct
when he said in a song: Love is in need of love today! We as people need
to show love some love today because its been good to us. Love has always
stayed with us even when we knew not!
If there are any morals or principles they all arise from love, for that is the
only principle and moral which is real. There are many doctrines and

principles mad by man, but these are simply laws; love has its own law and
it adheres to the law of no one. Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Sufi Message
Affirmation: I now realize that the greatest love of all is loving myself and
unconditionally so!

To Receive Love You Must Give Love
Thats right! What goes out comes back around, so if you want love to come
back around to you send some out! You have plenty of love to give and
share! So give love!
And by all means, love should never be equated with sex. A lot of young
females need to know this for many of them confuse love with lust. Love
and lust are the not one in the same. Lust comes from the lower nature the
lower chakras, especially when they are imbalanced.
On the other hand, love comes from the higher chakras, especially when
they are balanced.
Your 4th Chakra, called the Heart Chakra is where you beam or emit your
love energy or vibration. You must learn to visualize sending love out to
people and/or throughout the Universe from this center. Just imagine a
beautiful, shiny, ray of pink light beaming from the center of your chest.
If you can sense or feel that someone whom you would like to send love to
has their heart (4th chakra) closed, simply imagine that your constant
inundation of pink light energy is slowly but surely opening their heart
chakra. Now this may not actually open their heart but it may simply alter
their thought process and so much so that they slowly but surely begin to
make the decision to open up their heart (4th chakra), and for their own
reasons and purposes.
I worked this magic on so many females who came to visit me. But
Djehuty, didnt you violate these womens free will? Not at all! These
women simply offered up prayers via thoughts, pleas, cries, wishes, desires,
and thoughts to simply be open to love. Always remember, the heart speaks.
Many times we cast our desires from our hearts.

So every woman who came to visit me for platonic reasons or professional

reasons (consultation) had already communicated to the Universe,
consciously or unconsciously, that she wanted to be open, that she wanted
love in her life TRUE LOVE!
NOTE: A lot of women (and men too) create their own grief, sadness, and
misery by using conflicting speech. With their minds they say Im sick of
love (though they really mean to say Im sick of my relationships failing
and being hurt) and then with their hearts they say: I want, desire, and
need love! The mind and heart do not harmonize so blocks are created.
Blocks will be moved when the mind and the heart are in sync with desire.
Whats in your mind must harmonize with whats in your heart.
Again, every woman who came to visit me for platonic reasons or
professional reasons (consultation) had already communicated to the
Universe, consciously or unconsciously, that she wanted to be open, that she
wanted love in her life TRUE LOVE!
I was merely on the other end being used by higher forces or powers to assist
in the process of opening the heart or enhancing the opening of the heart of
these particular females so as for them to receive and give love or to enhance
receiving and giving love.
One of the biggest reasons I was used in the love surgery aspect is because I
myself had worked on my heart and learned so much about the heart center.
As a Taurus sun sign with Venus in three signs in my natal chart, my Venus
influence is greatly enhanced and I have so much Venus in my chart that
serves to help myself personally and to help others (especially females) in
matters of the heart matters of love.
Always remember this: to receive love you must give love! Now please
reflect on the words of David Pond:
The more you love, the more you attract experiences into your life to love.
Its that simple. Perhaps too simple for us moderns we are suspicious of
anything too simple or free. You get what you pay for is an attitude that
robs us of some of lifes simple and free truths. The awakened heart is one of
lifes grandest simple truths. It doesnt cost anything or require any sacrifice,

but it does take a leap of faith to experience it. You must have faith that you
wont get squashed by life for letting down your defenses. And that is exactly
what it takes letting down your defenses to allow life to more freely flow
through you. And faith that, indeed, love is the strongest force in the
AFFIRMATION: I receive and give love unconditionally!

Understanding and Overcoming Abandonment
I never realized how many cases of feelings of abandonment existed until I
became a spiritual counselor. Feelings of abandonment are pretty rampant in
U.S. society.
I find that most cases of feelings of abandonment are predominant with
females in general, African-American females in particular.
Abandonment is rampant with African-American females due to the
condition of the Black community and the Black household in general with
single African-American women being head of household due to no man in
the house; and without a man in the house to lead by example and to execute
certain duties and responsibilities, little Black girls grow up with a sense of
void and a subtle or overt anger and/or distrust of Black males.
Many of these young Black girls will even attract males that are replicas of
the very same fathers that abandoned them. They will seek men who beat
them and these females will interpret the beating as a form of missed out but
necessary reprimand or punishment.
A lot of these girls enjoy being spanked on the fanny, especially in the sex
act (doggy style position). They are unconsciously playing out dramas of
being disciplined for being naughty or bad and the spanking (discipline) is
seen as a gesture of love and concern for we discipline and reprimand
(correct) when we love and care about our children (though many Blacks
have now bought into the new paradigm of not physically disciplining
children which from my observations and studies correlates to the high
incidences of black male and female incarceration/prison rates, gang
membership and violence, teenage pregnancy, disrespect for elders,

disrespect for life, etc. things you didnt see a lot of in the 1940s, 1950s,
1960s and early 1970s in Black communities across the country.
However, because we have degenerated in many respects as a collective
people, in many instances it is a good thing that many parents do not
physically discipline their children as they are emotionally imbalanced and
can do serious harm to the child in physically disciplining the child.
However, when it comes to physical or corporeal punishment, I only have an
opinion and I respect other peoples free will, but for me personally, I will
use what works and what worked wonders for myself coming up as a little
boy. People have to get in where they fit in. Basically, people must do what
works best for them. If discipline works for you, good! Use it! If it doesnt
(due to personal beliefs), still good! Simply dont do it! People must simply
do what works best for them based upon their personal circumstances and
belief systems.
I counsel a lot of Black women and many have a subconscious proclivity for
the need to be punished (abused). Many are attracting males that serve as
replacement fathers or father figures. What they didnt get in an actual daddy
or father: love, attention, discipline, guidance, etc, they are seeking in
Many will get out of line on purpose with their boyfriends so as to be put
back in their place. Many derive sexual passion from these kinds of antics.
Heated arguments and even physical fist fights leads to hot steamy ghetto
love sex in many cases. As Julian and Nathan Hare elucidated in their
works back in the 1970s, its a case of kick and kiss, something commonly
used by ghetto pimps with their whores.
Kick and kiss meant a man kicks a womans ass then turns around and
kisses her and the battered and mentally twisted female interprets this as
love and care. Basically, the woman receives pain then she receives
affection. This was nothing but a psychological ploy to keep this woman
confused and on the street as a loyal and faithful whore for the no-good
You still have a lot of kickin and kissin going on today, and what do many
Black male youth identify themselves as today? PIMPS! Many of them

simply desire to be a pimp. Of all the things you could be in the world from
a public leader, religious leader, engineer, astronaut, healer, judge, attorney,
doctor, etc. why would you want to be a pimp a weak man who preys on
weak and injured females?
And the Black females (mostly the younger generation of Black females) are
they not generally looked upon as and called hoes? Im afraid they are!
They are commonly referred to nowadays as bitches and hoes and Black
females themselves glorify these terms in their ignorance. Personally,
repetition of a word or saying constitutes mental programming and after
youve been listening to degenerate gangster rap music all day, youve been
seriously programmed. Youve probably heard the terms bitch and hoe
about 50 times.
And yes, the young Black males too glorify these terms in their ignorance,
especially the ignorant gangster rapper and wanna-be gangster rapper whod
even exploit his own sister for a $10 record label deal.
Black females are experiencing abandonment at alarming rates due to the
fact that Black relationships generally dont last long and Black women are
the least likely of all women in the U.S. to be desired for marriage and/or
actually to be married. Many Black males (of the younger generation) have
stated to me: Why should we marry them hoes when they give up the pussy
for free? Who buys the damn cow when you can get all the milk for free?
Defining Abandonment
The word abandonment derives from the word abandon.
Abandon. verb [ trans. ] 1 give up completely (a course of action, a practice,
or a way of thinking) : he had clearly abandoned all pretense of trying to succeed. See
note at relinquish. discontinue (a scheduled event) before completion :
against the background of perceived threats, the tour was abandoned. 2 cease to support
or look after (someone); desert : her natural mother had abandoned her at an early
age. leave (a place, typically a building) empty or uninhabited, without
intending to return : derelict houses were abandoned. leave (something, typically
a vehicle or a vessel) decisively, esp. as an act of survival : he abandoned his
vehicle and tried to flee on foot.

A feeling of abandonment simply means a person feels given up on due to

another (parent or guardian) ceasing to support or look after him or her.
Boy have I learned that this feeling is so common in our society and nation.
Now while I say feeling (feeling of abandonment), the feeling is a
legitimate one based upon a real action or act of abandonment. Most people
who have a fear of abandonment or being abandoned have at some point in
their life been abandoned and usually by someone they loved and depended
on. The act of being abandoned justifies the feeling of abandonment (despite
the feeling being an unhealthy one).
Why People Are Abandoned
The people who have been abandoned by someone they love (or loved) have
been abandoned in accordance pursuant to contractual agreement before
incarnating. This may seem and sound strange to many people simply
because metaphysics and occult philosophy are not taught in U.S. schools
and thus are foreign concepts.
People who experience abandonment in this lifetime chose this lesson. The
problem is when we take on flesh or the dense body, we forget everything
including contractual agreements made on the Other Side.
If you have been abandoned, YOU chose this life lesson and you could also
be learning a karmic lesson in that you may be paying off karmic debt due to
abandoning someone in a previous or past life. The person who may have
abandoned you in this lifetime may have been abandoned by you in a
previous or past life. The roles are just simply switched or reversed in this
lifetime so that you can experience what you dished out on another.
Experience is the best teacher. What better way to learn something than
through personal experience?
This is why I teach people to stop feeling sorry for themselves and to release
all that anger, hatred, and bitterness they may hold towards the person who
satisfied a contractual agreement by playing out a certain role that gave a
valuable life or soul lesson and/or perhaps helped you to clear your karmic
slate all by simply abandoning you and allowing you to experience what you
yourself did to another person and thus creating karma that must be resolved.

See, once you learn your lessons, you (Soul) can move on to higher ground
(higher realms). Thats why you are here on Earth in the first place. To learn!
To experience! To grow and evolve! Earth is a big school and we are all
students who signed up to learn valuable life (soul) lessons.
So why be mad at your biological father because he abandoned you? Your
life went a certain course in response to his abandoning you and it was
supposed to so you could experience other soul lessons you applied for
while on the Other Side. Every role a person plays in your life is critical.
And there are no accidents. Every person that comes into your life is
someone you contracted with in order to experience a lesson or lessons. This
is why many of you keep on attracting the same kinds of people. Its because
you have something to learn.
Djehuty, I keep attracting Scorpios in my life! Well, thats because Scorpio
teaches you something you need to learn. What are the traits of Scorpio?
Learn the traits of this sign and you will come to learn what you need to
learn from Scorpio (and not necessarily the person who may be born under
the sign of Scorpio, but Scorpio the Zodiac sign itself).
You keep on attracting Taurus? What is it that Taurus teaches you? What are
the traits of Taurus? Perhaps you need to learn the opposite traits that the
Taurus person is displaying to you. If Taurus deals with patience, loyalty,
perseverance, stability, and practicality, perhaps you need to learn these traits
in your life.
You attract certain signs in people for a reason.
Again, there are no accidents. Every person that comes into your life is
someone you contracted with in order to experience a lesson or lessons, so
you might as well get rid of that self-sabotaging victim mentality and victim
consciousness because it has not served you positively and constructively
and nor will it. There are no victims on this ride called life. Only
You play a role in everything that happens to you. You are not powerless
(until and unless you give your power away to another due to buying into
some illusion sponsored by the Matrix or society).

Okay, so your mother abandoned you! On a lower level or mundane level, it

doesnt look nice for a mother to abandon her child, but theres also a
corresponding spiritual level as well and we cant judge what happens on the
spiritual level in the same light as we do pertaining to the material or
mundane level.
What may appear bad or negative on the lower plane is seen as good or
positive on the higher plane the spiritual plane.
Let us stop judging people for the roles we asked people to play in our
personal dramas called life. You scripted your life so theres no one to blame
for anything that occurs in your life outside of yourself. You must learn to
take responsibility for your self and learn to take responsibility for your role
played in all of your life dramas with various characters.
You applied for everything in this life! You applied for your birth date and
thus your astrological sign. You applied for your parents, your siblings, your
lovers, your children, your enemies, etc.
The Lessons of Abandonment
The lesson abandonment teaches us is clear: that when you establish your
relationship with your Higher Self or the God within, you are never alone.
You are never alone. You always have guardian angels on the scene. You
always have a spirit guide (or two) on the scene. You would realize all of this
if you lived more on the intuitive side of life, or the invisible side of life.
When you learn to be by yourself, or learn to be alone, the fear, hurt, and
pain of abandonment will dissolve. The problem with most people is that
they know nothing about being alone and know too much about being
lonely. Being alone and being lonely are two entirely different things.
Consider the wise words of Osho in regards to loneliness:
Once you understand the beauty of your loneliness it becomes aloneness.
Then it is no longer empty, then it is no longer nothingness. Then it has a
purity it is so pure that it is formless. Always remember the difference
between aloneness and loneliness. Loneliness is like a wound. Loneliness
means you are missing another person constantly, you are hankering for

another person constantly. The other is in your fantasy, in your mind, in your
dreams. The other is not real, it is imaginary, but it is there and because it is
not real you feel lonely. When you start feeling your aloneness, the other
drops from your mind completely. It doesnt shadow your dreams any more,
it doesnt touch your purity any more. You are happy with yourself, you are
ecstatic with yourself, you are enjoying yourself. Now for the first time you
are in tune with your being and with your non-being. You are whole. Now
you can be in live. Now love can flow. But now love will be a sharing, not
an escape. Now you can go and share your being and your non-being also.
Now you can share your wholeness. Now you can allow anybody who is
open to join your openness, now you can become partners in the eternal
journey. This love will not be possessive, because you are ready to be alone
anytime. In fact you are happy being alone and you are happy being together
you dont have to choose between the two. Both are good. Whatever the
case, you feel happy. Your happiness cannot be destroyed now; another can
enjoy it and share it but cannot destroy it.
Abandonment inverted is a sense of being at home within Self. If you have
been abandoned, you have a lesson to learn so as to arrive at a certain state:
contentment, peace, acceptance of, and company with Self.
The outer circumstances always reflect the inner. If you feel abandoned
externally, its because you have abandoned on the inner plane. You have
abandoned the relationship with your Higher Self and this is because you are
perhaps focusing too much on the external the person who has abandoned
People give you what you desire via transmitting via vibration. If you emit a
vibration of being abandoned, rest assure, you will be abandoned. Somebody
will come into your life (that YOU attracted) and give you want you fear
because according to higher law, what we fear will appear.
The man (boyfriend) who comes into your life and then leaves you like your
father did is only giving you your worst fears. If you dont feel worthy of
love and to be loved, a man (or woman) will pick up on this energy and give
you what you unconsciously want or more of what you unconsciously want
more confirmation that you are not worthy to be loved.
People give you what you ask for via transmission of energy or what you
broadcast out. So what are you broadcasting? When you are thinking you are

broadcasting. When you are feeling a certain way you are broadcasting.
Again, what are you broadcasting? Someone who has been hurt over and
over again? A helpless victim who has no control over his or her destiny?
Someone who is always abandoned or left?
Being abandoned creates a defense mechanism in many people. To protect
themselves, these people shut down their hearts! These people decide or
choose not to trust which can create real anger, frustration, sorrow, and
depression when theres a deep desire to trust or want to trust. Most people
who dont trust other people want to trust other people deep down inside of
themselves. They really do! However, they allow the fear (of being hurt
again) to block them so they shut down and this is where the misery and
depression comes from because at the persons essence is this desire for love
to give and be loved by the man or woman of ones dreams.
People who have a hard time trusting dont trust themselves. They dont trust
that they are worthy of being loved. They dont trust that they are unique.
They dont trust that they deserve the best for themselves. They simply do
not trust many things pertaining to their own selves.
What we want from others must first take root in ourselves. When we truly
learn to trust in God or the Universe, we will automatically learn to trust in
ourselves our abilities and gifts, what we have to offer, etc.
Overcoming Abandonment
Abandonment is an illusion. You can never be alone because God is always
with you. Even when you dont know this, God is still there. This was the
theme of the book and movie Conversations With God.
Leave your comfort zone! Learn to trust but this time, learn to trust from the
heart and the mind. Not just from the heart (emotions), but the mind (logic)
as well. Trust your instincts, your intuition. Become judicious!
You can program yourself by working with energy to only attract
trustworthy people. Stop looking to be burned and dogged out. What you
look for, suspect, or expect you will usually get. If you dont want to be or
get hurt, then why are you thinking about being hurt so much? You were
only hurt so much in the past because you were unconscious. You lived by
default. You failed to learn the lessons.

I just dont want to be hurt, Djehuty! This is what many clients tell me.
These people usually end up being hurt because they are unconscious of the
language they are using, the words they are speaking. The Universe doesnt
process negative language so when we use the word dont the Universe
erases it and so our statement of I dont want to be hurt becomes I
WANT (or desire) to be hurt! And guess what? YOU GET IT!
Hell, because of unconsciousness, people are bringing hurt and pain their
way due to ignorance.
You see, they want love (true love) but because they think about being hurt
and the pain associated with being hurt, they create blocks to their own
desires. This leads to frustration and apathy. There are many frustrated
people in the world. They want something but are afraid at the same time.
They unwisely focus on what they dont want more so than focusing on what
they do want!
Most hurt people miss the lesson of pain. When we are hurt or pained, the
objective should be to never shut the heart down in response to being hurt,
shutting the heart down to protect self. This is unwise, because when we shut
the heart down entirely, we miss out on all the other gifts waiting for us and
that come to us by way of an open heart.
Trust me, its no way in the world you will be giving love with a closed
heart. If youre not giving love because of a closed heart, you damn sure
wont be receiving love with that same closed heart. I can guarantee you
The goal of pain is to process the pain without letting the heart close or shut
down. Deal with the pain consciously! Deal with the pain while processing
that pain because within that pain is information and knowledge that can
help you learn a valuable lesson (or lessons) and arrive at the polarity of pain
which is joy. And thats what we all want at the end of the day, right?
In pain is joy or pleasure. You are going through so much pain because of a
deep desire for the opposite of pain (which is joy or pleasure), but you are
missing the lessons. You are focusing on the pain and not the lesson. In fact,
many women have told me that they just numb themselves. They just block

things out! This is unwise! To block emotion and thought is to suppress them
and whatever is suppressed is eventually expressed.
Most young ladies I deal with have so much pain in their lives because thats
what they give the majority of their focus to. They focus way more on pain
than they do joy and so pain is what they attract. Wherever thought goes,
energy flows. If your attraction is pain then pain is what you will attract.
Whatever you think about the most is what youll attract the most. Its that
In closing, I would like to focus on the analogy of an abandoned house and
the person who feels abandoned.
When we think of an abandoned house, we think of a house that is empty
and void on the inside. It may even be neglected. It may be boarded up
Now apply the foregoing to the person who feels abandoned. Clearly these
people who feel abandoned and/or who have a fear of abandonment are
empty and void on the inside, in some respect. They feel neglected by
someone whom they feel should have paid attention to them. They also are
on guard. They have boarded up their hearts in an attempt to protect
themselves, attempting to make sure they never get hurt again.
No chances for these people! No risk either! They will play it safe. But
theres no adventure in safety! The excitement comes from reasonable risk.
Risk is opportunity and for opportunities there must be chances.
These people must learn to trust again, but with intuition, reason, and
They must learn to reprogram their minds. When negative and self-defeating
thoughts arise, they must shut off that type of thinking and think the reverse
positive thoughts!
Nobody will want me! becomes I am desirous because of my energy, gifts
(traits) and beauty!

He/she (my lover) will leave me for somebody else! becomes My lover is
in my life permanently because of our energetic cord and connection that
transcends the flesh.
My mother/father abandoned me! becomes My mother/father fulfilled
her/his role pursuant to contract so that I could experience valuable life
lessons for my ultimate good and soul growth and thus I am grateful for the
role this person played in my life and for my benefit.
I am not worthy of love! becomes I am worthy of love because I am love
and I emanate love!
I cant trust anyone because Ill be hurt! becomes Because I trust myself
I only attract trustworthy people into my life and trust is reciprocated and
therefore I experience peace.
He/she broke my heart! becomes He/she has helped to strengthen and
purify my heart as I am processing the pain while my heart or 4th chakra
remains wide open to receive and emit pure love.
Im afraid to get involved in a relationship with someone becomes I am
eager and excited to get involved in a relationship with someone my
ultimate soul mate, because of all the joy and pleasure that awaits me in this
blessed union or relationship.
Try these affirmations the next time you start thinking negative. In fact,
affirm them daily and watch the miraculous results that transpire in your life
and almost overnight.
Changing your words will change your mind and when you change your
mind you change your life! This is how it works people!
Your destiny is in your hands. You are the captain of your ship (life). Leave
the dock and set sail upon the high seas of adventure and mystery.
Open your heart and the true love you desire will come. Just as closed
mouths dont get fed, neither do closed hearts. As singer Madonna said in a
Lastly, to all males out there with a female child(ren), just because your
relationship with your daughters mother didnt work out, you still have a

moral duty and obligation to help raise your daughter (and son too). Paying
child support is not enough. Emotional bonding is important for a healthy
father-daughter relationship. Little girls need guidance, protection, a sense of
paternal security; love, and trust in their father. It helps them develop a
healthy view of males and helps balance them. Theyll have better
relationships with males in their future due to being attracted to males with
similar qualities of their respected and endeared father.
My good friend Harold Acey says that many black women have an
unconscious and a conscious hatred of black males simply because they are
mad at their black father for leaving them and not being in their lives. And
not to alienate other races and nationalities by focusing so much on Black
women (which is not my purpose and never is), but Id be remiss if I didnt
state that many females in general have an unconscious or conscious hatred
of males, period, because their father left them and wasnt in their lives. I
have also counseled numerous Caucasian women who suffer from
abandonment issues.
Many black girls have been raped, molested, and sexually assaulted and they
are bitter, sad, and angry that they didnt have a strong and protective father
or father figure on the scene to protect them and thus they may resent all
black males. They may learn to develop a general distrust of black males due
to being violated by a black male. They may develop a feeling that black
males generally are not reliable.
Some may even make up their minds to only or exclusively date men outside
of their race, seeing these men as real men reliable, financially solvent,
caring, considerate, trustworthy, provident, paternally inclined,
marriageable, etc.
The rampant disgust and mistrust of black males by many black females
(who were abandoned and/or violated by black males) also plays a pivotal
role in the high incidences of black female lesbianism. Many black female
lesbians are not really lesbian at heart but are merely experimenting with this
lifestyle and/or sexual orientation as a reaction to their disappointment and
frustration with black males.
Affirmation: I can never be abandoned because God is always with me!

To Make Room For Mr. or Mrs. RIGHT, You First
Have To Get Rid of Mr. or MRS. Wrong!
You cant ask for a new car to park in your garage if you have a broken
down car sitting in the garage. The energy for a new car to take the place of
the old car is blocked. You have to first remove to the old car so as to make
space or room for the new car.
When you make space for something, you create an energy vortex that helps
to bring in the new thing you desire. Clearing space for something new helps
create the attracting energy to pull in the newly desired thing. Well, the same
thing applies to relationships or a mate.
Oftentimes too many people talk of desiring their ultimate soul mate while
in a relationship with a person that they know is not their soul mate.
Mr. Right will never come as long as youre involved with Mr. Wrong; nor
will Mrs. Right come as long as you are involved with Mrs. Wrong. How
can Mr. Right come when Mr. Wrong is in his space in your life? How do
you expect for Mrs. Right to come if Mrs. Wrong is in her space?
For Mr. or Mrs. Right to come or appear, you have to first get rid of (LET
GO) of Mr. or Mrs. Wrong, whom youre with perhaps due to emotional
and/or financial dependence and/or obligation.
How can you expect a good man to come into your life when youre with a
bad, insalubrious, or incompatible man?
How can you expect a good woman to appear or come into your life while
youre with a bad, insalubrious, or incompatible woman?
Two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time on the 3D level.
Space clearing is very important in attracting and/or replacing. To attract a
new thing, you must create the space for it the physical arrival of it, that is.
You must give Mr. or Mrs. Wrong his or her walking papers. You have to 86
(terminate) the relationship with the insalubrious or incompatible person.

You have to create the space to draw in the person of your dreams as well as
create the necessary space and time for personal healing. Yes, being with Mr.
or Mrs. Wrong is injurious and therefore healing is necessary and required.
Usually, a lot of damage is done when youre involved with Mr. or Mrs.
Wrong! The relationship is not healthy (and both parties really know it) but
they cling together for subtle needs and obligations, usually or mostly
Many times, people just cant bear being by themselves or alone. They are
afraid of being by themselves. They dont feel whole or complete by
themselves. Being with someone makes the person feel whole and complete
and this is really not a good thing because if you dont feel whole or
complete by yourself, youll never truly be whole or complete.
Please reflect on the words of the mystic Osho below:
Always remember the difference between aloneness and loneliness.
Loneliness is like a wound. Loneliness means you are missing another
person. Loneliness means you are thinking of another person constantly. The
other is in your fantasy, in your mind, in your dreams. The other is not real,
it is imaginary, but it is there and because it is not real you feel lonely.
When you start feeling your aloneness, the other drops from your mind
completely. It doesnt shadow your dreams any more, it doesnt touch your
purity any more. You are happy with yourself, you are ecstatic with yourself,
you are enjoying yourself. Now for the first time you are in tune with your
being and with your non-being. You are whole. Now you can be in love. Now
love can flow. Bit now love will be a sharing, not an escape. Now you can go
and share your wholeness. Now you can allow anybody who is open to join
your openness, now you can become partners in the eternal journey. This
love will not be possessive, because you are ready to be alone anytime. In
fact you are happy being alone and you are happy being together you dont
have to choose between the two. Both are good. Whatever the case, you feel
happy. Your happiness cannot be destroyed now; another can enjoy it and
share it but cannot destroy it.
Another person cannot make you whole or complete. Only YOU can! The
reality is youre already whole and complete if you would just realize this

Tell Mr. or Mrs. Wrong to HIT THE ROAD, JACK, and dont you come
back no more no more no more no more! Hit the road, Jack, and dont you
come back no more!
You can never have a happy ending at the end of an unhappy journey; it just
doesn't work out that way. The way you're feeling, along the way, is the way
you're continuing to pre-pave your journey, and it's the way it's going to
continue to turn out until you do something about the way you are feeling.
Esther Hicks
Affirmation: I am the right person for the right man or woman that I share
my life and love with unconditionally.

Learn to Process the Pain of the Heart Without
Closing the Heart
Just because you may have been hurt doesnt mean you can or should give
up on love. Pain is a very valuable teacher. It can teach many valuable
lessons. No matter how bad the pain from a heartbreak (breakup), by all
means keep the heart open. Keep the heart center (4th chakra) open.
Remember, to receive love the 4th chakra must remain open; and likewise, to
emit that love, the heart chakra or center must remain open. Just as closed
mouths dont get fed, nor do closed hearts. You must keep your heart open
and you cannot or should not give up on love the love you desire and that
you know belongs to you.
Refrain from blaming love as the source of all of your heartbreak, pain, and
misery. Love did absolutely nothing at all to you. Love didnt hurt you! A
person hurt you! Love didnt cheat on you! A person cheated on you! Love
didnt leave you! A person left you! Love didnt divorce you! A person
divorced. We must remember to give credit where credit is due and we must
properly place blame where it belongs.
Stop blaming everything on love! Love is innocent. Love can do no harm!
Not in and of itself!

I have heard women tell me: Djehuty, love dont live here anymore!
Referring to their hearts! I tell them: If that was true, why do you yearn to
love, be loved, and to be in love?
See, I dont care what the mouth says because the mouth is the tool piece for
the mind and the ego has a stage in the mind. But I know what the heart says
and what it desires.
When people tell me Love dont live here anymore (the name of a song by
my favorite female singer of all time Diana Ross), I retort: And you
wonder why you dont have your hearts desire!
You see, youll never have what you denounce or condemn! Also, its easy
to condemn what you feel you can never attain. You must change your
attitude as well as your aptitude pertaining to love and how you express
love. Your attitude determines your altitude, even in love. An attitude that
love isnt for you is an attitude that will get you just that despite your
deepest desires and dreams. Because of your attitude, your mind is a block to
what truly lies deep in your heart.
If you tell yourself that you dont want love, or that you dont want a man
(altogether), or dont want a man in your life right now youre only lying to
yourself. You know and I know it! What you may not want in your life right
now is a complicated relationship and the drama that stems from it but you
do want the ideal mate and relationship.
When women tell me that they dont have time for a man in their life right
now, I help them to see their folly of their own use of words. What they are
meaning to say is that they dont have time for the wrong man in their life. If
Prince Charming showed up theyd snatch him up quick. Men would do the
same thing if the princess showed up because too be talking that crazy talk
as well, talking about: I dont have time for a woman in my life right now!
Yeah right! Let all the pieces to the puzzle fit, i.e. job security, financial
solvency, luxury car, nice home, etc. and see if a man talks this jive talk!
Men and women were made for each other and therefore we crave and desire
for union with one another but life in the Matrix has made things so difficult
and complicated and as such our unions and relationships with one another
greatly suffer.

It is high time that we learn to positively and constructively deal with pain.
Pain is our friend and conveys a very important message to us if we would
only listen.
If we dont decode the message of pain (inner pain, emotional pain), we may
fall into a state of depression.
Depression. Severe despondency and dejection, typically felt over a

period of time and accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and

Depression is the result of losing ones way, ones focus on their prize.
Depression is the polarity of hope, optimism, motivation, and inspiration.
When people lose hope, they become depressed.
To be depressed means to not be happy. When youre depressed, you cant
see the light at the end of the tunnel simply due to seeing the tunnel. Youre
more focused on being in a dark tunnel instead of focusing on the promise of
and anticipation of light at the end of that dark tunnel. Darkness cannot last
As singer Tyrese said in a song (Why You Wanna Act Like That?) The
sun is shinning somewhere even when it rains. Just because the sun may
not be shinning on you right now doesnt mean the sun no longer exists or
that its light or radiance no longer exists. Everything and everyone has their
season for light to shine on them. Life is about cycles. So dont get caught
up on a cycle (depressed state). You have to persevere through the cycle,
especially if you want your harvest. You dont go through things in life
without a reason and without a higher spiritual cause.
God is always with you. Watch the movie Conversations With God. You
have to always remember the saying: God does not bring you to a thing to
not help you go through a thing. Like another song says: Trouble dont last
always! So like another song says: Hold on! Change is Coming!
You have to believe and have faith that change is coming! Instead of looking
at or focusing on what you dont have, you have to be grateful in the
moment and start looking at and focusing on all that you do have and be

thankful, grateful, and appreciative for all that you do have in the present
Even negative has its polarity, which is positive. How do we get to a state of
positive or positivity when we are depressed? The answer is: By becoming
inspired! By becoming motivated! By becoming optimistic!
To depress a thing means to let the air (spirit) out of a thing. The opposite of
depress is impress.
Impress. To make (someone) feel admiration and respect .
What impresses you? Who impresses you?
Depression can be healed by being inspired and impressed! What inspires
you? Who inspires you? What gives you hope? If you dont know then you
need to know or find out! Its high time that you do some research and find
out the answers to this important question.
Depression cannot survive in an atmosphere of positivity, hope, enthusiasm,
optimism, and inspiration. It cant!
Well, heres the solution to depression: Become positive!
How do you become positive? Answer: By doing positive things, things that
make you feel good (without harming yourself and others). Surround
yourself with positive people. Read and listen to positive material (books,
CDs, etc.). Watch inspirational movies, i.e. Music of the Heart, Its A
Wonderful Life, Michael, Face the Giants, What Dreams May Come,
Slumdog Millionaire, The Moses Code, The Secret, etc.
Write positive things. Send everyone on your e-mail list or Rolodex a
positive filled e-mail and watch the responses you get back!
When you do positive things and constantly and consistently, you will
become positive. Guaranteed! Thats how I became who I am. I internalized
being positive, but the first thing I did was make up my mind to be positive.
You see, everything starts out with a decision predicated upon a choice. You
always have choice, and you always have a choice to make and if you dont
make the choice then the choice will make you one way or another.

Everything you do and experience begins with a decision you made either
consciously or by default.
If you are depressed, you chose to be depressed. You made a decision to be
depressed. Whether consciously or by default, you made a decision.
Just like you made the unwise choice to become depressed, you can also
make the wise choice to become hopeful, happy, jovial, inspired, motivated,
and optimistic.
There are plenty of things you can do to heal yourself of depression.
Read (or listen to) positive and inspiration material
Be around lively people or people who inspire you
Think of happy thoughts over your lifetime (your life cant be all bad)
Reflect on all the good statements and compliments people gave you that
you can remember
Wear lively colors Red, Orange, or Yellow (especially orange).
You can also use Nature to help you heal. Nature has provided us with
beneficial herbs, and some of those herbs are nervine in effect and as such
have a very tranquilizing effect on us.
These herbs include but are not limited to:
Kava Kava
Valerian Root
Wild Lettuce

Lavender (bud/flower)
Chamomile (effect is mild and minimal)
St. Johns Wort (effect is mild and minimal)
NOTE: The above listed herbs are the common names give, not their
botanical names. utilizes the above herbs in its Nerves Formula (capsules)
which is a very potent and effective formula that helps to calm you down,
alleviate stress, to become tranquil, as well as to get a good nights sleep and
also to experience vivid and lucid dreams when the formula is taken before
bedtime. Nerves Tea is also highly recommended as well as Ethereal
Bliss which is a very potent, effective, and exotic compound that contains
monoatomic (etherium) gold which helps to open up ones Sixth and
Seventh chakras, which are the psychic and spiritual centers respectively.
There are also essential oils that are nervine in effect and that can also help
to naturally calm you down.
These essential oils include but are not limited to:
Rose (Bulgarian or Otto)
Linden Flower

Chamomile (yellow or Roman)
Orange (peel)
And there are also crystals that have a nervine and calming effect as well.
They include but are not limited to:
All sky or light blue colored stones:
Dolphin Stone (Lorimar)
Blue Lace Agate
Blue Calcite
Blue Chalcedony
Pink stones (a/k/a Love stones) also can have a nervine and calming effect
on you. Pink colored stones are listed infra in another chapter.
The best gemstones/crystals to help in cases of depression are the ones that
naturally contain lithium, such as Pink Lepidolite and Purple Lepidolite.
These stones can be applied directly on the 6th Chakra site (between the
eyes/3rd eye location) or above the head at the site of the Crown Chakra.
An elixir can also be made using their properties. Simply take polished
versions of these stones and let them sit in distilled water overnight

(preferably exposed to moonlight). After 24 hours have passed, remove the

stones from the glass or container, and pour the water into a cobalt or amber
glass jar and store it in a dark place (cabinet). Drink 1 tablespoon daily or as
Other (that I created) that will prove helpful in your overcoming
of depression include: Mental Science Manual e-book, Elation Inspirant,
Mood Uplifter Inspirant, and Spiritual Awareness Inspirant. has many inspirational articles in its articles section on its
website (look for Articles section), and if youre suicidal I highly and
strongly suggest you read my article Suicide, especially if you have
already decided to end your life which would be a big mistake and a waste
of time considering the fact that theres no escaping life circumstances that
you scripted for yourself (and merely forgot about because you got caught
up in the Matrix) because you will most definitely come back and have to
experience everything (lifes circumstances) all over again until you learn
that lesson so that your soul can move on. Suicide results in stagnation and
the only person that gets hurt is the person who commits suicide. If youre
suicidal, please watch the metaphysical movie classic What Dreams May
Come starring Robin Williams and Cuba Gooding Jr. as well as Defending
Your Life starring Albert Brooks and Meryl Streep.
And please know that pharmaceutical drugs (antidepressant) are of no use
and that the drugs Prozac and Valium have been reported to actually
induce suicide by enhancing suicidal thoughts and tendencies. So give
Nature and try over man who created a world whereby suicide is an attempt
to escape from.
Remember, depression is only a sensor. It is conveying information to you,
that something is wrong inside (of Self) and needs addressing. Look, if you
need help, that help is available. Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall
Affirmation: As I process the pain I am experiencing at present, my heart is
open and will remain open to receive love!

How To Open and Close Your Heart Chakra At Will

You have the ability to open and close all of your chakras at will and
consciously. Learning how to open and close your Heart Chakra will prove
invaluable for many reasons.
For example, if youre at club, perhaps to exclusively get your groove on (to
dance), you would want to close your heart chakra (as well as other chakras)
so as to protect yourself from all the loose but damaged cords in the joint. A
nightclub is a serious grid of negative and imbalanced lower chakra energy.
Clubs are places people go to meet people while dancing and allegedly
having a good time. But clubs promote lower nature sexual energy. Clubs are
filled with innuendos, subtle messages, and subliminal messages that
promote fast and lower nature sex.
Clubs serve you cocktails and nuts. Why? Theres a reason for everything.
Break the words down and you have: 1. Cock. 2. Tail. 3. Nuts
Cock, tail, and nuts are pejorative and slang terms for the male and female
genitalia, a piece of ass (usually that of the female), and the male testicles as
well as male ejaculation (called busting a nut).
Cock = penis (suck my cock!) and vagina (she got a nice, juicy, wet cock)
Tail = ass (Im tryin to come up on a piece of ass tonight) and booty (i.e.
booty call when you call a person for exclusive purposes of coming over
to get a piece of ass, which means to have sex)
Nuts = testicles (get off my nuts or lick my nuts!), balls (lick my balls!
stop swingin on my balls) and ejaculations (I busted a few nuts last
And think about it, why do some clubs offer you aphrodisiacs in your
Many clubs will offer you oysters (an alleged aphrodisiac) and herbs such as
Damiana, Yohimbe Bark, Muira Puama, and Horny Goat Weed. These are
herbal aphrodisiacs! Aphrodisiacs enhance libido.
If youre going to a club to dance, why are clubs offering and serving you
aphrodisiacs in your beverages (alcohol)?

Aphrodisiacs and alcohol is a very bad mix. Aphrodisiacs enhance libido or

sexual energy and alcohol lowers inhibition.
Youve already heard that Gin will make you sin and Wine will make you
lose your mind.
Aphrodisiacs and alcohol only facilitate one-night stands and thats what
clubs promote these days.
I used to work with a woman named Patricia who used to work full time at
the Los Angeles County of Department of Health and Patricia would give all
the males who worked at General Cinema Theatres (South Bay Cinemas) in
Redondo Beach, California free condoms because she said Monday was the
busiest day for clinics as hundreds upon hundreds of people would come
into the clinic Monday morning with STDs or venereal diseases that they
contracted over the weekend from someone they met at a club and had a one
night stand with. Patricia knew what young people were doing over the
weekends so as a concerned person, she would issue out free condoms.
Clubs are no place for a lonely person or a person with low self-esteem
(usually a female) and poor self-image to be. This person is like a sheep
surrounded by wolves. Horny and lustful males will tell a woman anything
to get in her pants. Even if a female is not physically attractive, many males
have the mindset that Pussy dont have no face! Basically, a woman
doesnt have to be attractive for her vagina to feel good. Remember, for a lot
of males, they just want to be in something that feels wet, warm, and soft.
And by no means are there not females who act and think like these horny
and lustful males described above. Many females too are also out on the
prowl for a nice stud to satisfy their lust and out-of-control hormones.
Motels will always exist because motels are for very short stays. You cant
rent a hotel room out for a few hours, but you can do so at a motel. Motels
have their busiest hours during the weekends, especially in the wee hours of
the night, because thats when most of the one-night stands are jumping off
or occurring. And after all, most guys are not about to spend a lot of money
on a quick piece of meat (or ass) by getting a hotel room at some nice and
luxurious hotel. Instead, because the woman (or male) is cheap, shes taken
to a cheap place. The actions all speak for themselves.

Some people even agree to get it on in the back of a car! The lust is that
powerful and the individuals are that unconscious and desperate.
And nowadays, police park a few blocks from nightclubs to make their DUI
(driving under the influence) stops and arrests.
From club entrance fees, alcoholic beverages, condom purchases, motel
room fees, clinic visits for STD infection, DUI arrests (bail, fines, and
penalties), and possible abortions (due to getting pregnant by a stranger from
a one-night stand situation), it all adds up to MISERY for the individual and
PROFITS for the institutions (and corporations) of the Matrix.
Knowing that you have the ability to shut or close your chakras at will can
help you from being in the above situation and category.
Okay, to work your chakras you must first know what the chakras are. So
heres a basic overview of your seven major chakras:
The Seven Major Chakra System
Chakras are spiraling energy centers. They are seven major chakras though
some authors talk about ten major chakras. We will concentrate on the seven
major chakras system.
This system also recognize many mini or minor chakras such as the palms of
hands, cross-section of finger joints and the eyes. Chakras are known to have
seven layers that spiral down into the body.
Minor and mini-chakras
The seven major centers are supported by several mini-chakras also called
Nadis. In order to work in harmony, the body must have these mini-chakras
perfectly working. Most of the mini-chakras are in joint areas (finger, foot,
etc.). One of them is the palms of hands and can be used for drawing cosmic
energy. Yoga, tai-chi, and qi chong are good techniques to ensure proper
functioning of the mini-chakras. If you want to develop your chakras for
more psychic power you need to work the mini-chakras first, because they
support the majors one.
The Root chakra (Muldhara)

Mula means root and adhara means support.

The root chakra is located between the anus and genitals (perineum) and is
symbolized by 4 petals. For some reason the color red is associated with this
chakra. The color association with chakras is something recent in mans
history. Energy clairvoyant may not see this chakra as having or being red.
The root chakra forms the foundation for the raising of Kundalini energy.
The root chakra is known to govern the process of elimination; it is also
mans connection to the earth. You can balance this chakra with the sacred
vowel UH (as in cup) and focus your attention on the chakra at the same
The second chakra (Svadhisthana)
Svad means, to sweeten what belongs to itself and dhisthana implies its
actual place.
Symbolized by 6 petals. The Bija Mantra (sacred vowel) for this chakra is
YAM. For the Hindu, six represents the union of Yoni (female) and Linga
(male) sexual organs. The second chakra is associated with sexual energy.
This chakra is located in the lower abdomen, centered between the navel and
the genitals.
The third or solar plexus chakra (Manipura)
Manipura meaning city of jewels.
This chakra is symbolized by 10 petals arranged from right to left and is
sometimes referred as the chakra of attainment. Associated with power, the
third chakra located at the solar plexus level is used productively when
someone uses personal power to empower others because the solar plexus is
also an important telepathic center to transmit emotions and feelings. The
bija mantra to resonate with this chakra is RAM.
The heart chakra (Anahata)
Anahata meaning unstuck note
Represented by 12 petals, the heart chakra is the chalice of both joy and
sorrow, when the energy in this chakra is balanced we have a sense of
connectedness. You can also use this chakra to connect with others at a
higher level than with the solar plexus. This chakra has the potential of

unconditional love and can help you to make stronger connection with your
soul. You can do that by calling your soul into your heart center and then
chanting OM.
The throat chakra (Vissudha)
Vissudha meaning purification
Represented by a lotus of 16 petals, the throat chakra is known to be the
chakra of expression. If you have this chakra blocked you may experience
the problem of not being able to speak up or shut up. Some illnesses
associated with this chakra are laryngitis and tonsillitis. If you think you are
suffering from a problem associated with the throat chakra, ask a reiki healer
for help. Professional public speakers and singers have a well-developed
throat chakra because they have polished it by their practice. The bija mantra
of this chakra is HAM.
The brow chakra "third eye" (Ajna)
Ajna meaning to perceive or to command
This chakra is known for intuition and mental perception. Psychic students
often work to develop this chakra, but it always better to develop all the
chakras in the same time to avoid unbalance. The brow chakra is located
very close to the center of the brain. The eyes, ears, pituitary gland,
hypothalamus are in the area of this chakra. It is good to use this chakra to
explore lines of probabilities; we already use this chakra to explore the past,
present and future but many of us do it in a counter-productive way. Remote
viewing for your best probable future is a wise use of this chakra. The bija
mantra for this chakra is SHAM.
The crown chakra (Sahasara)
Sahasara meaning thousand fold
Located at the top of the head this chakra is represented by one thousand
petals and is associated with fulfillment and spiritual energy. The constant
awareness of the creative force in the Universe is the reward for the one who
opens this chakra. This constant awareness is something called the Christ
consciousness or cosmic consciousness. If you want to be in touch with the
energy of this chakra, meditate on your oneness with the humanity and
everything in the Creation. The bija mantra for this chakra is OM.

You should now have a basic sense and understanding of the seven major
chakras or energy centers.
Whenever you are in a peaceful, loving, and positively energetic
environment, you want to consciously open your chakras, all of them,
especially the Heart Chakra. You can open your chakras by simply
envisioning your chakras as lotus flowers (with a certain amount of petals
and all have certain colors or different colors).
See the chakras (as lotus flowers) slowly opening up (like when flowers
It is important that you start from the Root or First Chakra up, working
yourself up to the Crown or 7th Chakra.
It is best to go one chakra at a time (opening them up) and you must see the
color of that chakra



Number of Petals





Sacral Plexus



Solar Plexus




Hermetic Plexus



NOTE: The 4th Chakra has a lower and higher part and two colors. The
lower parts color is green and the higher parts color is pink.

Throat Plexus

Light Blue



Brow or 3rd Eye







Open up the chakra (see the color and the number of petals), one by one in
your mind. When all of the chakras are open, you are open to consciously
To close the chakras, use the same process, but going from top to bottom, so
start at the Crown or 7th chakra and work your way down. You can also start
from the bottom as well if you like. You have free will to do as you please
and to do what best works for you.
Now you know how to close your chakras before you enter a room, building,
or facility so as to protect yourself from energetic vampires, leeches, and
You also now know how to connect to cords (the ones that you want to
connect to) and how to prevent connection of cords.
When people are hurt, impaired, or damaged, their cords reach out to other
peoples cords for stability or even to have someone to share their negative
feelings. Its an energetic case of misery loves company. Unconscious
people always seem to connect with insalubrious people. Their intuition
speaks to them but they ignore it. When the damaged cord connects to theirs
(which may also be injured), a connection happens and now you are
involved with this person though you really may not know why. You may
know the person is no good for you but you are connected to this person.
This is why you have to be careful and cautious every time youre in public.
Anytime youre in a public place or a building (club, football stadium, arena,
classroom, etc.) you are in a grid that is comprised of everyones aura or
energy field that makes for a collective energy field or grid that can taint or
pollute your individual aura and this is why it is helpful to know how to
open and close your chakras.

The Power of the Fourth Chakra
The Fourth Chakra is the seat of unconditional love. Its your heart center.
You love from this center. You care about people from this center. You
console people from this center. You nurture people from this center. You

show compassion from this center. You give and share from this center. Your
true charity comes from this center.
We need to start looking at life from this center. As the Fourth Chakra
balances the upper and lower chakras, it also balances the material and
spiritual worlds or dimensions leading to balance. For a balanced view or
perspective of life, one must look at life from this center.
Reflect upon the words of David Pond:
The aim of this chakra is to experience love, personal and non-personal.
And if not love, at least a harmonious connection that transcends differences
between you and others must be felt to satisfy the Heart Chakra. It is
through this Fourth Chakra that you begin to merge with collective levels of
reality. The lower three chakras deal with individual energy, separate and
distinct from all others. The upper three chakras are the collective aspects of
the self, increasing the connection with universal energy. The Heart Chakra
is where these two aspects of self meet and merge. With an awakened heart,
you are able to relate to both your personal life and your spiritual life. You
are integrated. The heart is the mediator between ego and spirit. You are
able to experience the vitality of the lower, physical chakras, as well as the
bliss and creativity of the upper chakras. An integrated Heart Chakra is
balanced horizontally and vertically. This is your true center, the seat of
your soul. The quest for love goes right to the heart of humanity.
Experiencing love both expressing and receiving is a core drive within
all of us. Finding out what you love to do and doing it, and then sharing the
resultant joy with others shows true heart. You are able to accept those you
meet and genuinely care for them, without getting drawn into their dramas.
Being able to give without thought of what you will receive in return, as well
as being able to receive graciously from others, is a conclusive sigh of an
awakened heart. Love is the natural outpouring of the heart. Like a mothers
love for her child, this is the love that is absolutely selfless there is no
ulterior motive other than love itself. When you love others in such a way
that their happiness becomes a high priority in your life, this is the stirring
of the Heart Chakra.
It is such a wise decision to work on this chakra and keep it balanced. The
Fourth Chakra is the epicenter of our personal magnetism!

Attracting Your Soul Mate
You can attract your soul mate by mere use of the mind and applying mental
science. Yes, its really that easy and simple and Im living proof of it. Your
mind is your magic wand; so start using it to create all the magic you desire
in your life.
I attracted my beautiful soul mate and best friend my wife, by mere use of
mental science. I thought, visualized, imagined, and fantasized her and my
relationship and life with her into existence.
Back in early 2005, my personal astrology books were telling me almost
every single day, You are ready for love but I didnt believe the
statements. I kept denying the statements. It didnt help that I was very
confused during this time pertaining to my female situation and every
psychic called this out too. I couldnt deny it. I knew and was very close to
many women during this time in my life and they all had so many beautiful
qualities that I admired. I actually became frustrated for a while. To handle
the situation I just simply took my mind off of women. But like the saying
goes: what you run from, you run to.
I had met Andrea in person (for the first time) while delivering a health
lecture at a church in Hayward, California. Andrea had arranged the lecture
through her church. I was not attracted to Andrea in an intimate and erotic
sense upon meeting her, but then again, this is a common theme with myself
and all the women I have ever been in a relationship with. The relationships
never started off with me really being into them or physically attracted to
them and actually vice versa, with the exception of LaDauna Sanders and
Meisha Atkinson (Sherman). My relationships have all developed via mental
intimacy and mental stimulation. Mental attraction always preceded physical
In all due honesty I didnt pay that much attention to her (Andrea) during my
visit in Hayward. However, what really stands out in my mind about that
first meeting is that during my lecture, I noticed how she was looking at me
while I was at the podium delivering my words. She had these big beautiful
eyes, these pretty Betty Boop kind of eyes that were deep and mysterious,

but sensually seductive too. She sat and watched me in a trance-like state
and I do admit that while in this state she appeared very attractive to me.
I saw right in her to her soul. She had a deep look on her face that showed
interest in what I was saying. This look was very fascinating to me, very
attractive to me. The mind of a woman always did turn me on. Always! After
physical beauty, a woman had to have an intellectual mind that
complimented other attributes and traits I looked for in a woman: maternal
instincts, softness, compassion, sweetness, emotional balance, inhibition,
dominating feminine nature, spiritual inclination, open-mindedness, etc.
I saw deep into Andreas soul and knew so much about her. I saw in her eyes
that she was looking for truth, something bigger than herself. She was in
church to help pass her time while being single (as many women do), well,
which is what I felt personally. But I knew this young lady was in search for
lifes answers to lifes big questions. Many people (especially women) will
run to the church seeking answers to lifes questions and mysteries but they
are not found in a facility or building made by the hands of man. Jesus
clearly stated that the Kingdom of God and the Mysteries of Heaven are
found within within Self! You have to go within, but its dark within; thats
why many people go without because they are afraid of the dark where the
real truth and answers are and have always been. So the Church has you
focusing more on Jesus than yourself and you have never met Jesus and you
have known and been with yourself all of your life and you are still clueless
and cant get a grip on your life like Jesus did.
What did Jesus do that you (as a Christian, if you are in fact one) are not
doing? For one, he lived his purpose he did what he came to Earth to do.
Now how about you? Are you doing what you came to Earth to do? Why
you wont and dont even know if you are confused as to your true lifes
One things for sure you know your purpose aint to be working some 9 to 5
job for the rest of your life so as to make ends meet or to pay bills as well as
to finance corrupt government with your hard-earned tax dollars.
But in this lecture I gave in Hayward, California in June 2005, on a deeper
and energetic level, seeds were clearly planted (subconsciously) with
Andrea. Our connection began there whether we both knew it or not.

Andrea and I had been in communication since Late 2004 when I called her
one Saturday morning in regards to a order she paid for but
never received. I called her to assure that my business was not a sham and
that she would get her order as I would resend it out to her myself and take
the loss of the first order. We spoke for a good 30 minutes and actually, the
connection was initially made during this conversation and then enhanced
during the lecture that followed months later.
I remember her telling me how good and assured she felt from our
conversation before we ended the call.
What I remembered from that first conversation was her voice. I never
thought I would meet a woman with a voice that would top my friend
Gennifer Andersons voice. Gennifer had the most seductively, sweet,
innocent, feminine, passive voice I had ever heard and I was a sucker for her
voice. Just her voice! I was never physically attracted to her though I
admired her for being such a sweet soul.
So while I wasnt physically attracted to Gennifer, the woman had me with
her voice. Her voice really turned me on. I was mesmerized by it.
But when I spoke with Andrea the few times that I did before we met in
person, I was totally mesmerized. The softness of her tone! She was softspoken and articulate.
During that first conversation, she was somewhat high pitched as she was
clearly into business mode, but her voice was still sexy very professional,
crisp, and nice. It sounded good but not like it would in future months when
we were not talking business.
Before Hayward, we communicated mostly via e-mail. We may have spoken
by phone two or three times over a few months. But after Hayward, our emails took a turn in a different direction. Out of the blue she opened up to
me and started revealing very personal things about herself to me. It was
strange how it all happened. She carried so much in her that she never let out
of the bag. I always had the knack of making all of my female friends feel
open and secure with me in conversation to share anything that may have
been on their hearts and minds to talk about.

There were never any walls between my female friends and myself. They
always felt free to tell me whatever they wanted to share with me. Clearly
there was a trust and security established. It didnt matter if I just met the
woman either; it was the same effect. Women always opened up to me on
contact. I later learned it was mostly due to my Venus influence in my natal
Around July 2005 I finally decided to heed the word of my daily astrology
book that kept stating the time is right for love (if you want it). Ill never
forget how the book told me that the time was right but it almost always
said, If you want it. Me wanting the love based on my conscious decision
was the stipulation.
The love was there and the time was right but I had to make a decision, a
deliberate decision, and up until this time in my life I lived and made
decisions mostly by default, at least half of the time.
This period of my life would be the first time that I would consciously make
decisions pertaining to love and romance.
I had learned mental science and magic and had worked them to a T in
addition to really getting familiar with my Guardian angels, the legion of
other angels, and my spirit guides (I later learned via Kirlian photography
that I in fact had 2 of them) and received all that I asked for, including
money and material possession. This was a very fun and exciting period of
my life. One of the best times and years of my life! I really enjoyed it. It was
so magical!
Everything was going my way after a few dark periods (2002 and 2003). I
had my two children back (from my first marriage) after a long ordeal
whereby my ex-wife prevented me from seeing my children due to being
emotionally upset and perturbed for various reasons, but it didnt help that
she was a Pisces, an emotional sign (and showed me the side of a woman I
had never seen before or could have known existed sheer emotional
imbalance with a sharp penchant for vengeance, destruction, hatred, etc.).
All of my legal ordeals were over with or coming to an end.
was off the ground though not making a penny in profit. However, I was
starting to make more money from offering my healing services in addition
to my consultations. I was meeting new, awesome friends females and

males, but mostly females. My life was turning around for the better and the
occult, metaphysics, mental science, divination, the paranormal, quantum
physics, crystal-ology, astrology, etc. had all played a pivotal role in my life
turning around for the better.
Its a shame that most people are afraid of these subjects above, especially
religious people, Christians in particular, who believe they are dark, evil,
sinister, and negative. Its really sad that most people have been made to fear
where the true answers to lifes ordeals and problems are hidden. People are
conditioned to go outside of self to solve their problems and doing this only
robs them of money as well as their personal power.
So, I consciously put out to the Universe that I was in deed ready for love
again after a nearly four year hiatus (celibacy).
I decided to work my magic and mental science in the area that would be the
last frontier for me as far as my life was concerned and that area was love, a
love that would lead to marriage and life lived happily ever after.
I had realized that I didnt consult with (study) astrology despite knowing
the basics of it back in 1997 when hooking up with my ex-wife and realized
that our union was a challenging one from the start because the need for
attention was too paramount in the union and my ex-wife was the most
attention-needing woman I had ever met and/or known in my life (a Piscean
trait); and with Moon in Sagittarius in my natal chart, I despise emotional
neediness (in any woman or even a man). She was greatly imbalanced in the
area of emotions and her neediness, especially for attention, got under my
Because she needed and wanted attention and I, who never wanted any
attention, got all the attention from everyone around us, a conflict erupted.
Our union was one of competition as pointed out by astrological
relationship analysis.
My ex-wife became lost in emotion with jealousy at all the attention I was
receiving from people, especially with family and friends (and especially
with the members of our group, Conscious Minds). She began to despise any
woman that I was good friends with and who would come by for
consultations and friendly visits. She greatly resented this, but it was my
work. I never realized my poor ex-wife was so insecure, but she was.

Well, the year was 2005 and I was about to embark on the greatest love
rendezvous of my life and I was not about to make the same mistake twice. I
did my research on astrological compatibility and realized Virgo was my
ideal mate for a long lasting, loving, and successful marriage full of
compatibility, romance, and intimacy. Scorpio may be my astrological
opposite, but I consciously chose Virgo over Scorpio (Scorpio is a water sign
and water signs are too emotional for me).
In unwavering fashion, I offered up to the Universe that I desired my next
wife to be a Virgo. Virgo was my number one choice followed by Libra. I
offered up to the Universe my two choices Virgo #1 and Libra #2.
I offered up Libra as a second choice only because the best relationship of
my life up until that time was with a Libra Meisha, and that relationship
greatly impacted me due to the double Venus influence of Taurus and Libra.
Never had I witnessed and experienced so much intense passion, eroticism,
sensual pleasure, beauty, and sexual gratification and satisfaction. The
relationship with Meisha was truly orgasmic, and in more ways than one.
Around August 2005 I started playing Olivia Newton Johns song Magic
as my new theme for my life at that time. My home was inundated with
crystals. I had spent thousands of dollars buying every single crystal that I
desired and that resonated with me. I had discovered The Crystal Matrix
Learning Center by serendipitous activity (which I now know was
synchronicity as there are no accidents) and it became my new hangout. I
was learning so much from the owner, Rev. Asheme Patricia Bankins, who
had befriended me and who would just open up and voluntarily share so
much information with me.
I had always enjoyed the song Magic as it reminded me of one of the best
years of my life 1980, which was still a part of my childhood years and my
childhood years greatly impacted me (in a good way), but this particular
song had always stayed with me even though as a 10-year old I really didnt
understand the deeper and magical statement being sang about in that song,
but in 2005 I did and I really did believe in magic and that nothing could
stand in my way. I internalized this song! It was (and still is) my life mantra,
or at least one of them as I do have a few of them.
The song was actually part of the soundtrack to a movie I also liked which
also starred Olivia Newton John as well as Michael Beck, 1980s Xanadu.

So, the choice for love for a wife and major soul mate was Virgo but I would
settle for a Libra, but clearly, my first choice was a Virgo female.
I was content with the Virgo choice because I became conscious of the fact
that every single woman that I had met who was a Virgo, we instantly
clicked. There was harmony and this feeling like I had always known them.
We just clicked. Always!
There was instant and automatic attraction to Virgo females and when I
became conscious of this, I knew I had to have me a Virgo wife because I
needed authentic friendship; I needed to be able to click with my wife, to
have no challenges with her. I like peace and ease in my relationships so it
was important that I have myself a Virgo wife.
During this time in my life I was big on what I dubbed love therapy. I used
to drink glasses of love water daily. In fact, I overdosed on it. It served as a
nervine and sedative to me. It made me feel so full of love, so
compassionate, so calm, and peaceful. It actually worked better than my
nervine herbs I used to take. Yes, it was actually better than my Nerves
I started taking love baths too. Almost daily! Love baths are awesome!
Even though I was saying no to love for much of the year (2005), I was on
automatic pilot, because in January of 2005, I purposely and specifically
bought a beautiful Rose Quartz necklace that I would keep for my future
wife. It was the most beautiful Rose Quartz necklace I had ever seen or ever
bought. I cherished it! I bought it and stored it away, periodically looking at
it, working my mental science just thinking of how beautiful it was going
to look worn around the neck of some beautiful woman, a beautiful woman
who would be my wife, my last and final wife in the flesh on earth in this
present life incarnation.
So, my subconscious mind was already there and my conscious mind just
had to catch up to it because I was creating blocks with my conscious mind
instead of the other way around. Usually our blocks are created by and with
the subconscious mind. But deep down, I always longed for true and genuine
intimacy, romance, and Taurean sensual sex. Again, my Venus was in Taurus

when I was born and these things are all attributes of Venus being in the sign
that it rules.
Things were getting somewhat intense between Andrea and I in our e-mails.
We had been e-mailing one another consistently for a few months now.
Then, out of nowhere, in one conversation one late night, things got very
personal. By this time in our friendship she had me with her voice, but I
really didnt know her mind. A nice, soft, sweet voice fascinates and
captures me, but an intellectual and feminine mind makes me a sucker for
your love, as Rick James and Teena Marie sang about in a song they
collaborated on.
Andrea really opened up to me on this particular night and the question dealt
with my views on women and what I was looking for in a woman.
After that conversation, I really began to focus on her as that possible
woman for me. At this particular time in the relationship I had no idea she
was a Virgo.
About a week later after we dialogued on the phone again about astrology
and numerology, she told me her sign was Virgo. I was like damn! The
Universe is real! I asked and I received! I was blown away!
Then, one Sunday evening I was at home watching Xanadu, which was
really an inspirational movie about love and believing that you can attract
and have love. As I was watching Xanadu, Andrea called and it was this
night that it was pretty much a wrap that she was the woman for me,
especially being that Virgo I had requested from the Universe. Oh, and she
was a Virgo-Libra cusp too! My request was Virgo #1 and Libra #2, so in
effect, the Universe had given me precisely what I asked for.
She didnt know it then but she was already mine as far as I was concerned. I
was prepared to work magic to attract her. I wrote her name and birth date
down on a piece of white paper. The piece of paper actually read:
Djehuty Maat-Ra desires Andrea Camille for a lover and wife.

I folded the piece of and placed it in a small wicker basket and covered it
with a bunch of pink colored crystals and doused a few drops of Dragons
blood oil on the crystals and placed the basket in my love corner.
NOTE: The Love Corner is the nearest left-hand corner from the front or
entrance door of your home or a room.
Within about 10 days, I received an email from Andrea stating I Love You,
Djehuty! I knew it was a wrap after that. My magic worked just as I
planned and the rest was history. I successfully used the Law of Attraction
and got what I desired.
Distant was insignificant as energy goes everywhere and within seconds too.
Though she was in the Bay Area of Northern California some 300+ miles
away from me in Southern California, my energy still reached her.
I will now take this time to answer some common question pertaining to
attracting ones soul mate.
How Do I Find My Perfect Partner, Soul Mate, or Ideal Husband/Wife?
You don't find your soul mate (or ideal husband/wife or perfect partner)! You
allow them to come into your life. Everything always happens in the proper
time-space sequence. There is no effort or struggle because everything is
divinely timed. The key is to remember to stay open and go with the flow.
Simply remember that what you desire in a mate is out there. Remember this
thought and stay positive about it.
How Do I Prepare For My Soul Mate?
You prepare for your soul mate by working on yourself. Simply be the best
man or woman that you can be (in addition to being the best person that you
can be). See, you are attracting your soul mate via magnetism. Like attracts
like! Become, quality-wise, what you seek to attract in a soul mate and you
will attract it - GUARANTEED!
So simply put, just concentrate on yourself. Work on yourself! If you want a
health conscious soul mate, become health conscious yourself! If you want a
soul mate that has a positive mental attitude, develop a positive mental
attitude yourself. If you want a spiritually inclined soul mate, become

spiritually inclined yourself. Become what you seek to attract! This is how
you prepare for your soul mate.
What Should I be Looking For or Desiring In A Soul Mate?
You should be looking for certain qualities that you desire in a soul mate. It
is the person's qualities that will keep you attracted after the initial physical
attraction that captivates you. It is important to specify all that you desire in
a mate. Don't be general or generalize! The Universe gives you want you
specifically asks for or what you don't specifically ask for. For example, if
you simply just want a good man or woman, that's exactly what you'll get;
however, this good man or woman may have certain or many defects and
flaws that may prove fatal to the relationship in the end. He or she may be a
good person, but have many un-worked out issues from their past; they may
come with numerous things that irk or annoy you, etc. This is why you must
specify because a person simply being just "good" won't be enough to keep
the relationship going. Therefore, always specify the attributes or qualities
you desire in a soul mate.
If you're desiring a woman (wife), you might desire qualities such as:
Physically beautiful
Sex appeal
Sensual nature
Culinary arts skill (great cook)
Maternally inclined (wants children)
Financially secure
Naturally femininely passive (yin-oriented)
Spiritually inclined
Religiously inclined
Health conscious
Politically astute

Intelligent (book smarts)

Principled (morals, ethics, integrity, etc.)
Patience (patient)
Willing to learn new things
Emotional stability
If you're desiring a man (husband), you might desire qualities such as:
Intelligent (book smarts)
Wise (possessing wisdom)
Health conscious
Financially secure
Economically viable
Paternally inclined (desires children and to be a father to them)

Mental stability
Principled (morals, ethics, integrity, etc.)
These are just a few examples of traits that you may be desiring in a soul
mate. However, it is up to you as an individual to make up your own list of
desired qualities and attributes.
If you ask a general question to the Universe, you'll get a general answer
from the Universe. If you ask a specific question from the Universe, you'll
get a specific answer. The Universe deals with specificity; so SPECIFY what
you desire.
How Will I Know When I Have Met My Soul Mate?
You will simply "Just know it." You will feel it. How you feel is your sensor.
You will trust your feeling (instinct) and intuition (inner knowing). You will
both connect; feel an instant attraction. You may feel that you've met before
(past life connection). These feelings will become clearer and stronger over
the months and things will go and stay smooth. Lust won't be involved.
It is really easy to know when you've met your soul mate when you are
clear: your mind is clear, your blood is pure (body has been detoxified);
you're balanced, in tune with yourself, and conscious or aware (on all levels,
especially spiritually).
Many people feel many of the above things with numerous individuals only
to discover within a few months or years that the person is not for them (as a

soul mate). It starts off good, but then dies. This is very common, however,
this is really because of the individuals - not being aware (conscious), in
tune with themselves, clear-minded, etc.
All relationships start with a fire, a little flame, and it's up to the individuals
of the relationship to decide to heighten the flame or fire or put the flame or
fire out.
Most people, due to being unconscious (unaware), not in tune with their
higher self, etc., voluntarily put the flame or fire out. They fail to realize that
all that they don't like within their partner is merely a reflection of things
that they don't like within themselves or possess within self and need to
address, but can't see it or fail to acknowledge it; so they keep attracting
mates/partners with the same qualities that keep giving them the same
problems (drama) over and over again and then begin to expect that
something is wrong with all women or all men.
You attract based upon the frequency you emit, so it is very important to be
conscious of the frequency you currently operate on or exist on and also
send out. When you change your own frequency, you change the type of
people you attract into your life. This is how I met Meisha, my first
qualitative girlfriend, back in 1992. I simply made changes to myself - my
thinking, mannerisms, dress code, etc. and thus attracted a different caliber
of woman into my life. Before Meisha, you could say that most of my
girlfriends were sort of hood-ratish (Easty) type of females because this was
the frequency I operated on myself. I later refined my tastes and attracted a
woman into my life that reflected my newfound refinement.
So what did I do to attract this young lady? Did I attempt to change another
person and get them to be the way I wanted them to be or would have liked
them to be? No! I simply made changes on myself and within myself that
made matters very easy for me, for it's far easier to change self than it is to
change another person. We actually violate the law of free will when we
attempt to change another person. We must remember that, "Our liberty ends
where the next person's liberty begins."
Regardless of zodiac signs, odds, challenges, setbacks, difficulties, trials,
and tribulations, all couples can make it if they decide to. Whether a
relationship succeeds or fail boils down to a choice made by the partners.

Many people have unknowingly become fire extinguishers or fire fighters

rather than arsonists pertaining to love and relationships. They desire love
and relationship but every time an opportunity manifests, they destroy it
(usually due to subtle and subconscious programming and fear of a
successful relationship). They put the fire out and then wonder how come
they don't have or can't enjoy love and relationships. These individuals are
unconscious and are harming themselves via their unconsciousness and
ignorance. Deep in their subconscious, they have been programmed to
extinguish fires rather than to feed them or magnify them. Unfortunately for
these people, they are getting what they ask for.
What's the Most Important Thing That I Can Do Right Now To Be Open
For My Soul Mate and Also to Ensure a Happy and Healthy Union When
My Soul Mate Arrives?
Great question! When I perform angel card readings for people, it never
seems to fail that when people ask questions about love and/or relationships,
life purpose always comes up. Therefore, I would say to get off into your
life's purpose. Discover your true life's purpose, what you came to the planet
to do in this particular and present lifetime. We tend to be very open and
receptive to things when we are in the flow of our lives or simply going with
the flow.
Being on the grind to "make a living" is usually time and energy draining
whereas "living one's making" is not. Many relationships end unnecessarily
because folks get so sidetracked with "making a living" for purposes of
covering the daily and basic necessities of life and its really not that serious
as all of our needs are provided for by the Universe if we would just believe
and practice utilizing the Universe.
Life is twofold, material and spiritual, but here within the Matrix or Net
(world), there is an imbalance. You are purposely blinded to the spiritual
truths and values of life of which if you were conscious of this, you'd seek
the spiritual truths and values of life (predicated upon higher or cosmic law)
and realize that the Universe is your All-Provider and all that you need is
easily provided for without selling out your soul for some energy-draining
corporate job that you really dislike working at but do so because you
operate on "survival" mode as a slave believing that YOU have to do things
(i.e. making ends meet).

So I say discover your life's purpose and get off into it fast and in a hurry.
Great blessings await you if you follow your heart!
Should I Consider Astrology In Desiring My Soul Mate?
The choice is totally up to you. Remember, everybody (especially religious
folks, i.e. Christians, Jews, Muslims) may not embrace astrology due to his
or her beliefs (which are usually linear) on the art and science. Myself
personally, I would (and did). Many zodiac signs are naturally inclined
towards certain attributes and qualities that will help to make the relationship
go smoother than it normally would. Balance is the key and astrology helps
us to find balance in our selves, mates, and relationships.
For example, if you greatly desire a person (soul mate) that loves to serve
and help out, who loves to help people, Virgo is your best bet.
If you greatly desire someone who loves knowledge, is somewhat fringe,
loves social change, and somewhat rebellious and iconoclastic, then
Aquarius is your best bet.
If you greatly desire loyalty, patience, someone with perseverance, stability
and commitment, then Taurus is your choice.
If you greatly desire someone with strong will, intelligence, and personal
drive, then Aries is your choice or best bet.
It's great to learn about the individual attributes or qualities of each sign in
the Zodiac as well as the collective triplicities and quadruplicities.
Triplicity denotes the category a sign belongs to that corresponds with the
elements Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.
Earth signs are "practical" and include Taurus (April 20 - May 20), Virgo
(August 24 - September 23), and Capricorn (December 23 - January 19).
The people born under these signs are pretty much the same, i.e. grounded,
practical, earthy, and material.
Earth represents one's material resources, environment and possessions.
The Earth signs are associated with sensation, stability and practicality, and
people with a lot of earth in their make up are solid, dependable, thorough,
responsible, cautious, over exertive, overprotective, and quiet. In

combination with the other elements, earth feels that air will suffocate it, fire
will burn it, but water will refresh and nourish it. It is the element of strength
and growth. Horoscopes FAQ
Water signs are "emotional" and include Cancer, (June 23 - July 23), Scorpio
(October 24 - November 22), and Pisces (February 20 - March 20). The
people born under these signs are pretty much the same, i.e. emotional,
intuitive, and deep feeling.
Water represents imagination, human feelings and one's ability to love and
sustain. The Water signs are associated with growth processes, imagination,
identification and emotion, and people with a lot of water in their make up
are sensitive, seductive, intuitive, imaginative, insightful, secretive, loving,
learned, and moody. In combination with the other elements, water feels that
fire will make it boil, air will evaporate it, but earth will shape and channel
it. It is the element of healing and spirit. - Ibid
Air signs are "mental" and include Gemini (May 22 - June 22), Libra
(September 24 - October 23), and Aquarius (January 20 - February 19). The
people born under these signs are pretty much the same, i.e. mental,
communicative (talkative), and very friendly.
Air represents the intellect and one's ability to reason and communicate.
The Air signs are associated with thought, perspective, hastiness, and
communication. People with air in their astrological compositions are
intellectual, objective, lively, idealistic and articulate. In combination with
the other elements, air feels that water will obscure it, earth will suffocate it,
but fire will inspire and uplift it. It is the element of agility and beauty. Ibid
Fire signs are "inspirational" and include Aries (March 21 - April 20), Leo
(July 24 - August 23), and Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22). The
people born under these signs are pretty much the same, i.e. fiery,
inspirational, fun loving, and somewhat self-centered (but not in a bad way).
Fire represents one's desires and creative energies. The Fire signs are
associated with action, passion, energy, and heat, and people with a lot of
fire in their make up are confident, bright, warm, exciting, and easily take
the initiative. In combination with the other elements, fire feels that earth
will smother it, water will douse it, but air will fan and enliven it. It is the

element of focus and prosperity. - Ibid

After I divorced my first wife, a Pisces, I consciously began to study the
attributes of all zodiac signs (of the Western zodiac) and realized that my
best choice or catch in a wife was a woman born under the constellation
I was able to substantiate this choice by thinking on and realizing that every
single female that I ever met and who was a Virgo, we INSTANTLY clicked
and hit it off from the start; had an attraction from the start (be it platonic or
intimate); or just got along without effort. I simply got along and liked every
woman (and male) that was a Virgo and so I was able to deduce (from
personal studies, observation, and experience) that Virgo was the best sign
for me as a Taurus in a relationship (marriage).
From Andrea (my wife) to Nadia (niece), Ruthie Grant (friend), her
daughter, Crystal Grant (friend); Aundrea Rogers (Meisha's mother), Aida
Rodriguez (friend), Michelle Woods (friend), Rae Stevens (friend), Akua
Aset (Nick Roques), et al. [females], to Amen Aua (Eric Fletcher), Nettera,
Brother Heru, et al. [males], there was an immediate fondness.
When I was ready to come out of my four year shell (time I took for myself
after the divorce) and receive my wife, when I wrote my list of desired
things in a soul mate, I made sure to specify to the Universe that I desired a
woman born under Virgo.
And as you now know, I had a second choice as well, which was Libra as I
also got along great with Libra and one of my best relationships was with a
Libra (Meisha A. Sherman).
Libras are swell people to me and some of the best people and dear friends
in my life are Libra including my father, Earnest Cooper, Sr. (R.I.P.), little
brother and sister (fraternal twins) Michael and Michelle Cooper; Danyelle
Harris (spiritual sister), Paris Chatman (dear friend), Belinda Chambers
(dear friend); Rain (Keke) spiritual cousin, and Keith Cooper (cousin). My
newest son, Ajani Ma'at-Ra is also a Libra.
Libra and Taurus are both signs ruled by Venus, planet of love and beauty, so
this was a powerful union (with Meisha) in every way, one that greatly
positively impacted me.

Funny thing is (as I mentioned this above), because I expressed to the

Universe that I primarily desired a Virgo, and a Libra secondarily, I got both!
I got both signs in one person because my wife is a Virgo-Libra cusp, born
on September 23rd! I thought this was powerful and fascinating. Yes, the
Universe does listen and respond.
There are no happier people on this planet than those who decide that they want
something, define what they want, get hold of the feeling of it even before it's
manifestation, and then joyously watch the unfolding, as piece by piece, by piece it
begins to unfold. That's the feeling of your hands in the clay. Esther Hicks

Folks, there is nothing wicked or evil in the Universe, including things of a

paranormal nature, i.e. astrology, crystals, yoga, meditation, etc. Many of
our Western religious brethren (Christian, Jew, Muslim), most of whom are
linear-minded due to their limitedness in knowledge, believe that a lot of
Eastern practices and so-called New Age arts and sciences are in fact wicked
and evil, but it is because they are ignorant to such arts and sciences and
really have not studied these art and sciences on their own and for
themselves and if so, not with an OPEN mind.
They are primarily BELIEVERS and not KNOWERS, usually going by
some alleged holy book that they themselves didn't write and/or some
religious leader who does most of the thinking for the flock who also didnt
write the book, so they make for some of the biggest so-called
'victims' (unconscious participants) and sheep on the planet because they do
not understand and live in accordance with cosmic law. All is energy! So
whether good or bad, it all comes from the same source. Energy is energy
and there is polarity, therefore, good and bad are both the same things only
differing at degrees.
How Important is the Outer Shell or Physical Makeup of the Person (Soul
It is important, but not that important when the qualities you desire are
manifested. But a physically attractive person to go along with your desired
inner qualities makes a big difference and greatly helps out. Usually, inner
handsomeness and inner beauty manifest externally. But we should never
forget that, like the Temptations sang in a song: "Beauty is only skin deep."
There are a lot of pretty women and handsome men in the Matrix who will
do you in and turn your life upside down if you let them.

Affirmation: I am ready for my soul mate because I am open for my soul

mate to come into my life at this very moment!

Astrological Match-Making and Romance
Astrology is a very important science in choosing a mate, marriage,
romance, and intimacy. Often times, we set ourselves up for failure by
simply choosing our mates based upon external looks or physical
attractiveness and/or status and finances. Seldom do we look for
compatibility in our traits and especially our personality.
But astrology can help us here because our whole lives, as far as personality
is concerned, are mapped out in our natal or birth charts. Astrology can
reveal to use pertinent factors about our personality, how we perceive life or
reality, and how we interact with the environment as well as other human
It is harmonization of personality and interactions with others that keep our
relationships and partnerships together. Understanding and tolerance of
others differences (due to unique personalities) also help us out.
Signs of the same element usually see life the same way, therefore this gives
signs of the same element an advantage in relationships because similarities
usually leads to more harmony and harmony is what is needed to keep
relationships and partnerships together.
However, your signs polarity sign is the sign that really gives your sign
balance. However, many challenges are experienced before the union can
arrive at balance. Below is a list of astrological opposites for your
astrological edification:
Aries (Fire) and Libra (Air)
Taurus (Earth) and Scorpio (Water)
Gemini (Air) and Sagittarius (Fire)
Cancer (Water) and Capricorn (Earth)
Leo (Fire) and Aquarius (Air)
Virgo (Earth) and Pisces (Water)

Libra (Air) and Aries (Fire)

Scorpio (Water) and Taurus (Earth)
Sagittarius (Fire) and Gemini (Air)
Capricorn (Earth) and Cancer (Water)
Aquarius (Air) and Leo (Fire)
Pisces (Water) and Virgo (Earth)
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) do well with Water signs (Cancer,
Scorpio, Pisces).
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) do well with Fire signs (Aries, Leo,
Best signs for:
Aries: Libra, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, and Aries.
Taurus: Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, and Taurus.
Gemini: Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, and Gemini.
Cancer: Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Cancer.
Leo: Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, and Leo.
Virgo: Pisces, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, and Virgo.
Libra: Aries, Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius, and Libra.
Scorpio: Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn, and Scorpio.
Sagittarius: Gemini, Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, and Sagittarius.
Capricorn: Cancer, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, and Capricorn.
Aquarius: Leo, Gemini, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
Pisces: Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, and Pisces.

If you are astrologically astute, you may have realized that each sign starts
off with the Sun signs opposite or polarity sign, i.e. Pisces with Virgo.
As just explained above, though it sounds strange, but your astrological
opposite is actually your best match and catch because the opposite sign (to
your Sun sign) helps to balance you. It is unification of poles or polarity that
gives balance and harmony, like Yin and Yang.
After your astrological polar or opposite sign, the signs of the same element
your sign shares is your best match or catch. Below is a list of the signs by
elements they belong to and their personal traits, attributes, and qualities,
including their sexual traits.
A great aspect of astrology that helps in matters of marriage, love, romance,
and intimacy is to discover what sign was in the planet Venus during the
time of birth.
The planet Venus deals with our desires what we desire in a mate and what
we desire in a marriage or relationship.
Following is a brief list of Venus influence through the 12 various Zodiac
Venus in ARIES: Desires attention and flattery, passionate, erotic, idealistic,
hedonistic, impulsive and demanding. Venus in Aries falls in love quickly
and is attracted to dominant partners.
Venus in TAURUS: Desires sensual satisfaction, affectionate, passive,
faithful, possessive and jealous, and finds deep satisfaction in marriage.
Venus in Taurus falls quickly in lust, cautiously in love and is attracted to
voluptuous partners.
Venus in GEMINI: Desires mental stimulation, charming, flirtatious, fickle
and emotionally detached, inconstant Venus in Gemini falls in and out of
love fast and is attracted to lively, intellectual partners.
Venus in CANCER: Desires emotional satisfaction and constancy,
sensuous, clinging, moody and emotionally possessive. Venus in Cancer
falls cautiously in love and is attracted to maternal types with money in the

Venus in LEO: Desires adoration, erotic, dramatic, amorous, warm-hearted,

demanding, generous and vain. Venus in Leo falls instantly in lust, slowly in
love and is attracted to strong personalities.
Venus in VIRGO: Desires perfection, reserved, sensuous, controlled and
critical of his or her partner. Venus in Virgo over-analyzes feelings, falls
cautiously in love and is attracted to the perfect partner.
Venus in LIBRA: Desires a significant other, charming, accommodating,
romantic, unrealistic and self-indulgent. Venus in Libra falls easily in love
and is attracted to a charmer.
Venus in SCORPIO: Desires intensity and drama, passionate, rapacious,
jealous, erotic, manipulative and faithful. Venus in Scorpio falls permanently
in lust or love and is attracted to temptresses or darkly handsome types.
Venus in SAGITTARIUS: Desires companionship, sociable, flirtatious,
lusty, generous, independent and promiscuous. Venus in Sagittarius falls
rapidly in and out o love and seeks a courtesan, an entertaining companion.
Venus in CAPRICORN: Desires respectability, undemonstrative, cool until
sexually aroused, and faithful. Venus in Capricorn falls cautiously in love,
rapidly in lust and is looking for a status symbol.
Venus in AQUARIUS: Desires emotional freedom, companionable,
dispassionate and magnetic. Venus in Aquarius falls reluctantly in love and
is attracted to unconventional, intellectual types.
Venus in PISCES: Desires emotional melding. Romantic, accommodating,
seductive and elusive. Venus in Pisces confuses lust with love, falls quickly
into both and is attracted to a fantasy.
Definitions above given by Judy Hall.
To determine where Venus is in your natal chart, consider having a Natal Chart performed. Visit our Services section in our Online Store.

Astrological-based qualities and attributes are very important in the selection

process. You must know what you want in order to get what you want. The
Universe responds to specificity.
What are some qualities, traits, and attributes that you are looking for in a
mate/spouse? What attributes and qualities can you live with and put up with
because you understand why they are present in the person (mate/spouse)?
It is very important to know the positive and negative attributes, traits, and
qualities of a person you are considering living with and more importantly,
sharing the rest of your present life incarnation with as husband and wife.
Below is a basic listing of common attributes and qualities and positive and
negative traits of each sign according to element (i.e. Earth, Water, Air, and
COMMON TRAITS: The purest Taurean tends be earthy, slow but sure;
good-looking, strong in body and personality; a faithful and generous friend;
gentle and even-tempered; loves comfort and luxuries of every kind; will do
anything to maintain security; always follows experience; can be very
hostile to change; likes rigidity.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Solid, practical, straight, loyal, stable, affectionate,
modest, strong-willed, and patient.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Can be melancholic; slow to anger but when
provoked very violent and furious just like a bull; has difficulty in forgiving
and forgetting
SEXUAL TRAITS: Very lustful, carnal, sensuous, great stamina and
physical endurance; intense libido, insatiable appetite for sex, can be very
romantic, gentle lover; a straightforward lover not given to experimentation;
can also be jealous to the point of possessiveness

COMMON TRAITS: The pure Virgo insists on common sense, practical

intelligence, and a perfectionists approach; loves refinement, cleanliness and
order; an outward lack of feeling might conceal too much inner emotions;
can be very shy.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Observant, patient, sensible, ingenious, studious, witty,
well-spoken, discreet, charming, eye for detail, hardworking, conscientious
and thorough, and judicious.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Shrewd, fastidious, critically inclined,
unsophisticated, indecisive, unstable, fickle-minded, frequently melancholic,
worries excessively, emotionally sensitive to the put they shut down
SEXUAL TRAITS: Keeps tight control over own emotions; with the right
partner very loyal and affectionate; very shy when it comes to intimacy
trust is a must to open up and express self; can be very mechanical and
routine with sex; very passive and receptive (will offer entire body to lover).
Known as whore of the Zodiac (along with Libra).
COMMON TRAITS: Pure Capricorns are predictable, plodding along on a
steady course; stable, serious, independent, rocklike and cautiously
confident; strong-willed, subtle, collected, witty; hardworking; loves
authority; sets high standards; prone to suppress emotions; sometimes
POSITIVE TRAITS: Honest, self-critical, economical, fair, logical, rational,
clear-headed, acute mind.
NEGATIVE: Slow, stubborn, unyielding, tough, lust for power; changeable,
melancholy, hidden mercurial temperament, and depressive.
SEXUAL TRAITS: Demanding of respect and admiration; can be loyal and
reliable partner, affectionate but not passionate; strong lover; practical lover.

COMMON TRAITS: The nature of the pure Cancerian is akin to the nature
of the crab: the hard outer shell conceals a soft and vulnerable interior; a
loyal and devoted friend or parent; can be badly wounded when
experiencing disloyalty; home-loving; kikes a time to be solitary, a time to
be social; deep occult interest; sensitive and conservative.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Energetic, intuitive, wise, inspired, sympathetic,
imaginative, romantic, inventive and trusting.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Very easily hurt; withdrawing, obstinate, apparently
unemotional, sentimental, cold towards outsiders, phlegmatic, and
lethargic; can be overly sensitive.
SEXUAL TRAITS: Often highly sexed; attached to home environment;
believes in long term relationships; very emotional, moody- swinging
between extremes, loves deep.
COMMON TRAITS: Traditionally pure Scorpions are said to have
characters of a violent and irrational nature; can be intense, powerful,
dynamic, possesses magnetic attraction; dignified, reserved in conversation;
easily hurt, quick to detect insult, and are easily moved by emotions; deep
interest in the occult.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Self-discipline, tenacious, passionate, sensitive; can be
constructive and loyal friends; intuitive and analytical; rational and honest.
SEXUAL TRAITS: Strong sex drive! Passionate and physical; sensual and
energetic, loves with intensity, can be extremely obsessive and jealous.
COMMON TRAITS: The pure Piscean has a malleable nature, is sensitive to
feelings and often popular because of easy-going, affectionate, and
submissive nature; accepting of circumstances whatever they may be; they
are more emotional than rational; have very limited will-power and
ambition; weak concentration and are easily diverted; dislikes discipline; and
gives more than takes.

POSITIVE TRAITS: Sympathetic, gentle, patient, friendly, good-natured,

sensitive, amiable; optimistic, and idealistic.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Unreliable, idle, careless, impractical, nave,
ineffective, peevish, can be intellectually dishonest, shrewd, deceptive, and
SEXUAL TRAITS: Loving, shy, submissive, anxious to please partner,
romantic, loyal, never egotistical, sexually delicate, great endurance.
COMMON TRAITS: A certain duality is apparent in the pure Geminian;
they are ambivalent, shifting outlook to the point of being elusive; are very
intelligent and humane; well-disposed, very judicious; complex personality,
often contradictory.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Versatile, attractive, lively, happy, imaginative,
affectionate, optimistic, enthusiastic, courteous, kind, generous, thoughtful,
adaptable, ingenious, clever, and logical.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Egocentric, restless, fickle, unconscientious,
unscrupulous, dishonest, self-interested, pessimistic, sullen, and irritable.
SEXUAL TRAITS: Fickle, unromantic, superficial, flirtatious, never dull;
liable to fall in and out of love, given to experimentation, uninhibited with
the right partner.
COMMON TRAITS: The Libra is a person of balance and harmony;
sensitive to the needs of others; even-tempered, insatiably curious; easily
influenced with a tendency for extremes if psychologically unbalanced;
often a chronic inability to make decisions; great eye appeal for fashion.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Even-tempered, principled, affectionate, gentle; good
critical faculty, impartial judgment; artistic, good perception, elegant,
charming, good taste, and sociable.

NEGATIVE TRAITS: Intolerant, impatient, greed for approval, frivolous,

shallow, changeable, indecisive.
SEXUAL TRAITS: Gentle and romantic; natural charm arouses feeling of
affection; balanced relationships, passionate lover; and can be promiscuous
(known as whore of the Zodiac along with Virgo).
COMMON TRAITS: often both idealistic and unconventional; loves liberty
and personal freedom; strong convictions; they tend to hide their character;
they are truth seeking, open-minded; however, do not make friends easily;
very good disposition, kind and humane, feels unity with Nature.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Unprejudiced, tolerant, frank, genial, refined, ethereal,
idealistic, practical, quick, active, reasonable, moderate, concise, logical,
imaginative, and intuitive.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Sometimes perceived as cold, unforgiving, fanatical
eccentricity, excessive detachment; too withdrawn; can be gloomy.
SEXUAL TRAITS: Happy to live alone, wary of permanent relationships,
tenacious lovers; faithful, provides personal freedom and is not restricted.
COMMON TRAITS: This personality has all the virtues of vices
traditionally associated with masculinity; Ariens are adventurous, ambitious,
impulsive, enthusiastic, energetic, open to new ideas; they love freedom and
welcomes challenges; are impatient; as leaders strong, as followers
troublesome; when undeveloped liable to be violent, rough and rude.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Frank, direct, positive, intellectual in a practical way,
objective, outgoing, fearless, bold, and initiative driven.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Choleric, bad tempered, unoriginal, rigid, impulsive,
extremist, rash, manipulating, shrewd, and deceptive.

SEXUAL TRAITS: Dominated by emotional life; strong sex drive; sexual

egotism can be tempered by romantic side of personality; sexually
adventurous, given to experiment.
COMMON TRAITS: The pure Leo has a commanding personality and
stands out from the crowd; personal magnetism; a leader always seeking a
position of command; an extrovert; outgoing, social and not afraid to bully;
finds it difficult to relinquish the dominant position.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Ambitious, courageous, strong-willed, positive,
independent, self-confident, very generous, courteous, uncomplicated,
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Arrogant, autocratic, hasty, ill-tempered, suspicious,
jealous, cunning, self-centered, boastful, bombastic, and irritating.
SEXUAL TRAITS: Unlimited sexual lust; emotional, indulgent but usually
tempered by discipline; can be dominated at times by lower sexual nature;
can be promiscuous.
COMMON TRAITS: This sign possesses great potential often not realized;
they have a happy-go-lucky attitude to life and a careless indifference to the
consequences of actions; enterprising, energy, versatility, urge to explore; a
strong idealistic nature; need to feel free; open and generous attitude to life.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Honorable, trustworthy, honest, truthful, generous,
sincere, just, active, bold, intrepid, loyal, independent, modest, religious, and
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Quick to anger, impatient, rigid, unloving, intolerant,
outspoken, domineering, frivolous, ritualistic and routine-oriented.
SEXUAL TRAITS: Sincere and straightforward in sex, sexually
adventurous, insatiable sex drive, not a jealous and possessive lover; can
bore of monotony; can be promiscuous, a fun lover full of excitement and
thrills, can be sexually uninhibited.

Using Crystals and Gemstones For Purposes of Love,
Healing the Heart, and Attracting Your Soul Mate
Crystals and gemstones are great tools for healing on all levels: physical,
mental, emotional, spiritual, and astral. We can use crystals and gemstones
to heal the heart.
The color pink emits the frequency we ascribe to love. Therefore, all pink
colored stones/crystals can be used to repair the heart from emotional
Pink colored stones/crystals include:
Rose Quartz
Pink Opal
Pink Tourmaline
Pink Aventurine
Pink Calcite (Mangano)
Pink Chalcedony
Pink Mica
Pink Beryl
Pink Kunzite
Pink Stillbite
Pink Smithsonite
Pink Lepidolite
Pink Dolemite
Pink Petalite
Danburite is a highly spiritual stone carrying a very pure vibration and
working on the heart energy. It aligns the heart chakra to the higher chakras,
especially the Crown chakra.

Pink Beryl (Morganite) Attracts love and maintains it. It encourages loving
thoughts and actions, creating space to enjoy life and living. It reawakens
love in those who are married but jaded. As a pink stone it activates and
cleanses the heart chakra. It is a powerful stone for dissolving conscious or
unconscious resistance to healing and transformation, clearing the victim
mentality and opening the heart to receive unconditional love and healing.
Pink Calcite (Mangano) is a heart crystal in contact with the angelic realm.
A stone of forgiveness, it releases fear and grief that keep the heart trapped
in the past, bringing in unconditional love.
Pink Kunzite awakens the heart center and unconditional love, producing
loving thoughts and communication. It radiates peace and connects you to
universal love. Kunzite can be used to clear emotional debris and to free up
emotions, healing heartache, especially that carried forward from other lives.
Pink Petalite Clears the heart meridian and emotional baggage.
Pink Smithsonite Has a very loving vibration. It heals the heart, and
experiences of abandonment and abuse, rebuilding trust and security.
Assisted in feeling loved and supported by the Universe, it is helpful in
convalescence and soothes pain.
Pink Stillbite is a highly creative stone that opens the intuition and carries a
loving and supportive vibration in any endeavor.
Pink Tourmaline is an aphrodisiac that attracts love in the material and
spiritual world. Providing assurance that it is safe to love, it inspires trust in
love, and confirms that it is necessary to love yourself before you can hope
to be loved by others. It disperses emotional pain and old destructive
feelings through the heart chakra, which it cleanses, and synthesizes love
with spirituality.
Rhodochrosite represents selfless love and compassion. It is an excellent
stone for the heart and relationships, especially for people who feel unloved.
It is the stone par excellence for healing sexual abuse. Rhodochrosite attracts
a soul mate but this may not be the blissful experience youre hoping for.
Soul mates are the people who help us to learn our lessons in life, and
although this is not always pleasant, it is for our higher good. Rhodochrosite

teaches the heart to assimilate painful feelings without shutting down, and
removes denial. Judy Hall
Rhodonite is an emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the
brotherhood of humanity. This stone stimulates, clears, and activates the
heart and the heart chakra. It grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in
achieving ones highest potential. It is extremely beneficial in cases of
emotional self-destruction, codependency, and abuse. Rhodonite clears away
emotional wounds and scars from the past whenever that might be and
brings up for transmutation painful emotions such as festering resentment or
anger. This stone has a strong resonance with forgiveness and assists in
reconciliation after long-term pain and abuse. It can be used in past-life
healing to deal with betrayal and abandonment. With its ability to promote
unselfish self-love and forgiveness, it helps in taking back projections that
blame the partner for what is really inside the self. Judy Hall
Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the
most important crystal for the heart and the heart chakra, teaching the true
essence of love. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels, and brings deep
inner healing and self-love. If you want to attract love, look no further than
romantic rose quartz. Placed by your bed or in the relationship (or Love
corner) corner of your home, it is so effective in drawing love and
relationship toward you that it often needs amethyst to calm things down. In
existing relationships, it will restore trust and harmony, and encourage
unconditional love. Rose quart gently draws off negative energy and
replaces it with loving vibes. Emotionally, Rose Quartz is the finest healer.
Releasing unexpressed emotions and heartache and transmuting emotional
conditioning that no longer serves, it soothes internalized pain and heals
deprivation. If you have never received love, Rose Quartz opens your heart
so that you become receptive. If you have loved and lost, it comforts your
grief. Rose Quartz teaches you how to love yourself, vital if you have
thought yourself unlovable. You cannot accept love from others nor love
them unless you love yourself. This stone encourages self-forgiveness and
acceptance, and invokes self-trust and self-worth.
Sardonyx This is one of my favorite stones. I programmed a piece of this
stone and sent it to my soon-to-be wife when we resided in separate cities
(Andrea in Northern California and myself in Southern California).
Sardonyx brings lasting happiness and stability to marriage and

Sugilite is one of the major love stones, bringing the purple ray energy to
Earth. It represents spiritual love and wisdom and opens all the chakras to
the flow of that love and wisdom and opens all the chakras to the flow of
that love, bringing them into alignment.
Definitions supra provided by Judy Hall
These stones should be placed in ones Love Corner of their home or a room
within the home, worn on the body (jewelry), keep on the dresser near ones
bed, can be placed under the pillows to facilitate dreams of love, can be
placed in water overnight so as to make an elixir, can be carried on ones
person, can be meditated with, and can be used to balance the chakras,
especially the Heart Chakra.
The stones/crystals can be programmed by holding a stone (one at a time) in
the palm of your right hand and the message conveyed (verbally or
nonverbally) into the stone or crystal. Focus your intention into the stone or
crystal. After the stone or crystal is programmed, it can be given to someone,
especially people you love (family members, friends) or someone whom you
desire to attract as a mate (husband or wife).

Aromatherapy For Healing the Heart
The following is a therapy you can perform yourself that will help to open
and heal your heart of all past and present day injuries. Males need to
perform this therapy just as much as females do.
First, rub on some carrier oil on your chest. Ladies: not your breasts, but
simply in between your breasts the center of your chest. This is your 4th
Chakra, Heart Chakra or Center, or Hermetic Plexus.
Good carriers oils include olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil,
grape seed oil, and avocado oil.
Next, rub on 2 drops of essential oil of Geranium Rose, 1 drop of Bulgarian
Rose (or Rose Otto), and 1 drop of Lavender (preferably French Lavender).

NOTE: the Rose oil is optional as the price may be too diabolically
expensive for some.
Or, to make matters easy for yourself, simply purchase Love
Therapy Oil.
Massage the essential oils into the carrier oil in a circular motion, preferably
right to left. This motion (clockwise) helps to stimulate the opening of the
Heart Chakra.
After doing the above, take a nice size piece of Rose Quartz crystal and lay
it on the center of your chest where you just massaged the oils.
Lie down and close your eyes. Take 3 deep breaths and exhale slowly.
Next, begin to breathe slowly. Inhaling and exhaling! Calm your mind
(which may take some time depending on your personal life circumstances).
When your mind is quieted or somewhat quieted, imagine a 12-petaled lotus
flower closed, but slowly opening its petals very slowly!
Now affirm: I am open for love unconditionally. I receive love
unconditionally and I give love unconditionally.
You can perform this ritual anytime you feel like it and as much as you
desire. It is never detrimental, only positive and beneficial.

Preparing Love Water
This was the water I referred to earlier and that I drank heavily which greatly
tranquilized, sedated, and clamed me. It made me so nonchalant and gave
me a feeling pure love. It is true in that you are what you consume.
To make:
Simply add POLISHED pink stones and crystals (of your choice) to your
glass of water (8 ounces or more). Next, add your intention to the water, i.e.
I imbue this solution with unconditional love or whatever else comes to

mind. I usually put my hand (right hand) over the glass of water and transmit
my intent via the energy while stating the intention (verbally or in my mind).
After this step, you can simply write on a white or pink sheet of paper the
word Love! and/or Romance or any other positive word(s) you desire.
You can tape the paper to the side of the glass (with Scotch or clear tape) or
simply sit the glass on top of the piece of paper with your words written on
Next, make sure you expose the glass with the crystals in it to moon light. So
basically, let the stones and crystals sit in the water overnight. 24 hours will
suffice the elixir (love water).
Remove the stones and crystals. Pour the water (elixir) in an amber or cobalt
glass bottle and store in a dark place.
Drink/take an ounce per day or as needed.

Feng Shui For Love
Feng shui (traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: ; pinyin: fng
shu" ; pronounced /f# ue/ foong-soy$ in Chinese Mandarin is an ancient
Chinese system of aesthetics believed to utilize the Laws of both heaven
(astronomy) and Earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving
positive Chi. The original designation for the discipline is Kan Yu
(traditional Chinese: ; simplified Chinese: ; pinyin: kny;
literally: Tao of heaven and earth). The words feng shui literally translate as
"wind-water" in English.
The nearest left-hand corner from the front entrance door of the home or a
room is the Love Corner. You can put books about love, pictures of a person
you desire to be with, pink crystals, red roses, pictures of happy couples,
pink candles, etc. in this corner.
Additional Feng Shui pointers to help you in the area of love and

Dont set up an altar for a deceased spouse or sweetheart in your romance

Dont fill your bed with stuffed animals this leaves no room for a new
Dont wear antique wedding rings from an estate sale, pawnshop, or people
you dont know. They may have retained negative, unhappy, or unlucky
energy from their former owners.
Do properly bury the ashes of a loved one.
Dont keep the ashes of a loved one in your bedroom.
Dont put symbols of love or romance in a bathroom, which has the killing
energy of human waste.
Dont keep or use the mattress or bed from a previous or failed marriage
buy a new one to symbolize a new beginning.
Do be sure that theres a headboard on your bed to provide support for your
Do replace the linens and pillows on your bed after the breakup of a
Do change the position of the bed when your romance has ended.
Dont fill your bed with pillows or animals (stuffed or live). Leave room for
someone to share it!
Do put a loveseat in the SW area of your bedroom for snuggling.
Do use red as an accent color to increase passion in your bedroom.
Dont use your bedroom as an office.
Do remove all exercise equipment from your bedroom.

Do preserve the intimacy of your bedroom allow others in by invitation

Dont keep photographs of a deceased spouse or parent in your bedroom.
Do create a sensual mood in your bedroom with lighting, textures, and
Do create a female-friendly bedroom if youre a man.
Do decorate with peach in your bedroom if youre a single woman, for this
is the color that attracts a good man.
Dont design your bedroom so that its overly feminine if you want to attract
a man into your life.
Do add images of men and/or couples to your wall if youre a single woman.
Do use pink or peach colored candles in the SW area of your bedroom if
youre a single woman. The fire element will give your romance and
relationship area a boost.
Do be mindful that the bedroom is the most intimate place for couples,
including their thoughts and dreams.
Dont hang on to belongings, furnishings, gifts, and mementos from an
unsuccessful relationship.
Dont buy wedding rings or gowns from a divorced person.
Do add more red to your home to stimulate loving feelings.
Do use lots of lavender and violet if you love feeling and being more
Do add pink to your bedroom, especially if youre a single woman.
Dont put electronic equipment such as computers and fax machines in your

Do wear rose quartz jewelry on your left arm to attract love.

Do place a rose quartz heart near the picture of your intended love one to
activate affection and intention.
Do place a pair of carved rose quartz hearts under each pillow of your bed.
Dont put any fertility symbols in the bathroom, as their effectiveness will be
flushed out along with the wastewater.
Do decorate with magnolias as they symbolize a happy marriage.
Do use images of two red roses in the SW to represent the love between you
and your partner.
Do use images of apples in your home if you want to attract a beautiful
woman into your life.
Do decorate with images of apricots, as they represent beautiful women.
Do change the position of bedroom furniture following illness, divorce, or
the death of your partner.
Do decorate with framed posters about love, family, and marriage in the
center of your home.
Do be aware that when you move in with someone else, your energy
changes the existing environment of the dwelling.
Do an aggressive cleaning of your new home, especially if a divorced couple
previously owned it.
Dont bring antique jewelry into your home until after youve cleansed its
energy. You can do this by passing the item through the smoke of your
favorite incense. (This process is known as smudging).
Dont let masculine interests and art dominate your home if youre a man,
but rather, add female images to attract females into your life.

Do add the fragrance of jasmine to your life, as it represents the female

Do move pictures of a dead spouse o partner into the family or living room
to allow a new relationship into your life.
Do put things only in multiples of two in the SW to create the powerful
pairing energy of couples.
Dont use a grouping of three candles, as this upsets the harmony of a
romantic relationship.
Dont over decorate with too many masculine or feminine symbols and
images; rather, keep a balance of both.
Do use the aromas of geranium and orange to enhance love and romance in
your home.
Do use perfumed soaps, powders, and scents that make you feel sensual,
especially at bedtime.
Do hide your television inside a closed cabinet or wardrobe if its in the
Do pain your SW bedroom wall peach if youre a bachelorette who wants to
attract a good relationship.
NOTE: SW means Southwest (of bedroom).

Cutting Cords
Cutting cords is something you want to consciously do when a negative
person is involved and there has been a relationship with this negative
person, intimate or otherwise.

All chakras have cords. These cords are invisible to the naked eye. They are
not physical. They resemble very long umbilical cords when seen by
psychics and clairvoyants. Some people call them light umbilical cords.
These cords reach out like hands and they clasp together with other cords.
This is how people connect and feel one anothers vibrations. You hear
people say all the time how they connected with someone, or felt a
connection with someone, or how they vibed with someone.
This is how we connect with people on an energetic level. We connect via
cords and we even ascend in love via cords.
Once people connect to one another, the excitement creates a mixture of
different colors and sparks of light going through it, resembling a diamond
with little sparkles. This light umbilical cord connects to the other body
through the navel area when we are in love. When two people in love are
exercising sexual intercourse, it seems as though the light going through the
umbilical cord sparkles with tiny different colored lights. Briceida Ryan
However, many relationships that start out peaches and cream will turn sour
simply because people change and time reveals all things. Some
relationships were doomed from the beginning but the signs or writing on
the wall were ignored, perhaps due to lust and/or loneliness. So you may end
up with an abusive mate, a cheating or disloyal and unfaithful mate, a
deceptive mate, an insalubrious mate, or an incompatible mate.
This person may have become a psychic vampire to you, an energetic leech
someone who constantly drains your energy and this sucks your very life
essence from you and gives absolutely nothing in return.
This person may have inflicted so much emotional and mental hurt and pain
upon you (perhaps even with your permission). Well, the time has come and
you have finally decided to let this person go.
Getting the person out of your life physically is on thing, but removing the
person energetically is another!
Never keep items or memoirs or memorabilia from an ex who was
insalubrious to you. By doing so, you keep their memory alive and you also
stay connected to them. The persons energy remains in pictures of them that

you may have hanging up, clothes they have worn, pillows their head rested
upon, etc.
The person must be exorcised completely!
This is how you can release a person wholistically (just remember it may
take time to complete the full release).
Write a letter to the person expressing EVERY sentiment on your heart and
mind to express how you feel about the person, the situation, the
relationship, the hurt and pain, your personal feelings EVERYTHING!
You will not send this letter to the person (though you can if you want to).
However, you are not writing the letter for purposes of sending it to the
person. You are doing it for yourself primarily. You are doing it to
RELEASE! You are releasing the poison of negative emotion from your
heart. You are performing a mental, emotional, and spiritual catharsis.
Any good from the person and union/relationship you will keep, which is
really an automatic thing. The heart is programmed to hold on to or keep all
good, even beyond the death of the flesh body. Remember the scene in the
movie Ghost before Sam enters into the Light?
This is the nature of the heart: to hold on to all things good. Good cannot be
removed from the heart, but negativity can!
After your letter is complete which means you have expressed everything on
your heart and mind that you can think of, you will next go outside and burn
the letter, offering the release out into the Universe to permanently
obliterate, to permanently release.
However, you want to transmute the energy of a letter containing negativity.
With intention as you release all negativity from this person along with this
person, you will use your mind and transmute the negative energy into
positive energy so that you will not be sending out negative energy for
anyone else to pick up on.
I hereby transmute all negative energy into positive energy so as to be
available throughout the Universe!

Now that this step is finished, start the process of smudging your temple
(body) daily with incense of Sage. Incense will play a role in your
releasing and renewing process.
Below is helpful information about the incense that can be used:
Sage: to spiritually cleanse and bless the body
Dragons Blood: to promote good luck, new love, protection, and success
Yerba Santa: to enhance mental, emotional, and spiritual clarity
Myrrh: to cleanse and open the higher chakras, to purify the aura
Sandalwood: to facilitate meditation and spiritual thought
White Copal: to enhance inspiration, attraction, happiness, and protection
Frankincense: to enhance spiritual awareness
Pine: to facilitate new friendship
Make sure to smudge your genitalia, making sure the smoke rises up into
this region (hold incense from a distance so as not to burn yourself). This is
especially important for females.
The most important aspect of this releasing of an ex-mate is severing or
cutting cords. All of the major chakras emits cords, and as such, the persons
(ex-mate) cords may still be attached or connected to your cords which
allows the person to still be connected to you, therefore these cords must be
cut, energetically cut.
Failure to cut the cords may keep you attached to this person and you may
find yourself longing for this person as well as picking up the transmissions
(thoughts) of this person. This could lead to the person returning into your
life and right back in your bed despite knowing he or she is no good for you.
Many times the more conscious and/or determined mate may intentionally
cast cords, especially for purposes of control.

Many older males consciously or unconsciously do this to females,

(especially younger females who are nave and unsuspecting) and especially
Black or African-American males who are into energy, consciousness,
spirituality, mysticism, etc. Many of these characters are very corrupt and
they use spirituality, knowledge, mysticism, and cultural knowledge to
shield their corruption. Ive met many of them and could see right through
them which is why they didnt like me.
Some men will consciously cast cords into a womans First Chakra which
will make the woman feel grounded with the particular man (mate/lover) in
her life. She may also be on security mode, feeling this man provides her
with security. She may also feel as if she cant make it (survive) on her own
without him.
If he cast cords into her Second Chakra, the woman will undoubtedly be
emotionally attached to the man. She may become sexually addicted to sex
with him. She may base her entire life around him regardless of how he
treats her. This man can have this woman sexually anytime he pleases.
If a man cast cords into a womans Third Chakra, her whole self-image and
self-worth may be based on how this man view and feels about her. She may
have no willpower at all or her willpower is subordinate to his; her passion,
drive in life, and zeal may be usurped and her passion, drive in life, and zeal
may be for the goals and intentions of this man. Many pimps have strong
cords into the Third Chakras of their prostitutes and their will is the will of
their pimp.
If a man casts cords into a womans Fourth Chakra, she will love this man in
a sick way; she will love him despite his bad treatment of her. She will feel
this way despite her Heart Chakra being impaired and shut. The chakra may
be shut, but the man has a cord connected to the chakra, so the chakra may
be closed but the man has a connection her due to the cord he cast. However,
the woman may stay constantly sick due to a weakened immune (defense)
system as the Fourth Chakra corresponds to the thymus gland located
beneath the Fourth Chakra.
If a man casts cords into a womans Fifth Chakra, this woman will not be
able to speak her truth; she will only be concerned about speaking in terms
of defending this man. You hear about this when women protect or stand up

for a man who abuses her. She cant speak her own truth, but she will speak
up for this no good man.
If cords are cast into her Sixth Chakra, she will turn off her intuition. She
will be susceptible to the thoughts of the man. She will pick up on his
thoughts and respond.
If cords are cast into the Seventh Chakra, then this man may be her deity;
she may worship him, prostitute for him. He can get money out of her at
will. Many religious leaders purposely cast cords into the chakras of their
congregants. Many religious leaders study in secret the arcane and occult
sciences and use these science on the ignorant and unsuspecting members,
and then you wonder why the religious heads and leaders command the
flock to stay away from the occult sciences like astrology, numerology,
divination, mental science, etc.
So how do you severe or cut these cuts? Take a quartz crystal wand (pointed
at the tip), and in a gesture like youre cutting large weeds or stalks
(constantly wielding a knife or blade back and forth in your hand), do this
motion over every chakra for a few seconds. Visualize in your mind seeing
the cords severed or cut, disconnected!
You can even severe cords by mimicking the action of cutting a thick piece
of rope with a knife. Just imagine in your mind your cutting a thick piece of
rope. Mimic this action at the site of every major chakra.
While you can have a qualified trans-crystal therapist to cut your cords, its
best that you learn the process yourself as you better know the person whom
you are severing the cords from. However, you have the choice pursuant to
free will.
The process only needs to be done one time and after the initial cutting/
severing process, you can just concentrate on balancing, aligning, opening,
and healing your chakras.
Kirlian photography offers the necessary technology whereby you can view
the state of your chakras. Check the Alternative Directory for
locations near you. California is the best place to find this kind of service.
Following is a list of the chakras and their anatomical location on the body:



First Chakra

Genitalia (penis/vagina)

Second Chakra

Belly area (navel)

Third Chakra
Fourth Chakra


Fifth Chakra

Throat area

Sixth Chakra

Between the eyes, slightly above them

Seventh Chakra

Top of the head

After this action, visualize in your mind seeing this person with
disconnected cords protruding out from him or her, like seven cut ropes.
Next, see the person floating away into space getting smaller and smaller
as they travel farther and farter out into space. When you see all black, the
person has entirely vanished.
You have successfully cut or severed cords.
To heal your cords, perform chakra balancing. Lay stones of your choice on
your chakras.
Use dark colored (black, brown, grey/silver) or red stones on the First
Use orange colored stones on the Second Chakra.
Use yellow colored stones on the Third Chakra.
Use green and pink colored stones on the Fourth Chakra.
Use light or sky blue stones on the Fifth Chakra.
Use indigo, purple, or dark blue stones on the Sixth Chakra

Use clear, white, or violet stones on the Seventh Chakra

Crystals can be purchased on-line or in-person at:
The Crystal Matrix:
Soothe Your Soul:
I personally highly recommend these two stores to purchase various crystals.
Both stores have nice collections. I am good friends with both owners Rena
Joy (Soothe Your Soul) and Rev. Patricia Bankins (Crystal Matrix).

Exercises to Open You Up For Romance and Love and
to Attract Your Soul Mate/Lover
Listen to Healthy Love Songs
Listen to healthy love songs that promote the promise of love, songs that are
inspirational and optimistic about love; not love songs that are sad in nature
talking about how love has ended, how love hurts, etc. Listen to positive
love songs. You must make the determination of what love songs are
positive for yourself. Im just giving the advice.
Watch Romance Movies
Watch romance-themed films. And then fantasize about certain scenes in the
movie that resonate with you. Fill in yourself and your desired lover and
recreate the scene in your mind. This can be fun and its totally private
because it takes place all in your mind so no one knows about it. Its your
secret fantasy. Remember, the mind makes all things real. Its a magnet!
Watching romance and love-themed movies really helped open me up for
romance and love with my soul mate. Of all the movies Id have to credit the
movies Michael starring John Travolta and Andie McDowell and

Xanadu starring Olivia Newton John and Michael Beck with helping to
consciously open me up to love again.
Other romance/love themed movies I enjoyed were When Harry Met
Sally, Green Card, The Brothers, The Best Man, Love and
Basketball, Defending Your Life,
Act Like You Have and Are Involved In What You Desire
While driving or traveling in the car, visualize/pretend that your mate/lover/
soul-mate is riding with you (in the passenger seat). Talk about things that
you would talk about if the person were actually there sitting next to you.
What would you say to the person? Whatever it is SAY IT! Remember,
practice makes perfect!
When you first enter into your home, verbally say: Honey, Im home!
Bring flowers (red roses) or a bouquet of flowers home to your wife/
husband. Say: Baby, these are for you!
Before going to bed, turn to the spot in the bed where this person will be and
say: Goodnight Baby/Honey! I Love You! Sweet dreams! Then pucker a
goodnight kiss!
At dinner, set two plates (one with food and the other empty). Have a
candlelight dinner and visualize/pretend that your new lover/soul mate is
there. Play romantic music!
While in the tub, imagine that the new lover is in the tub with you, relaxing.
Have your bathroom dark with only a pink candle burning. You can also
have romantic music playing if you like.
When you go out shopping, always buy things (gifts) for this new lover. This
helps you to draw the actual person into existence into your life. Trust me! It
Visualize in your mind as much as possible! In your mind, be at the beach
with this person, at the opera or symphony, at the movies, out camping or
hiking, be at church with the person (if church is your thing); be at dinner

with the person, be on a yacht with the person, be seated next to the person
on an airplane!
Dont focus on feeling silly or stupid in doing all the above. Instead, focus
on having what you desire and feeling good
Its time to start using your mind for yourself!

How Do I Make Sex More Spiritual?
Sex in and of it self is spiritual when the two involved are conscious. Spiritual sex
is predicated upon your spiritual and sexual consciousness. Be consciously aware
that God is always involved in the sex act. The goal/objective is on you and your
mate. Think spiritual thoughts, feel your divinity, and express your creativity via
the sex act. Sex is very creative, so much so that new life comes from this act!
What is the goal of sex for yourself? Do you want to just feel good physically?
Satisfy a craving? Procreate a new human life? Open up all your energy centers
(chakras)? Physical orgasm? What is the goal of sex for yourself? You must define
Is sex meditative for you? Is it a form of divine communion? Is it therapeutic for
you? Ask yourself and answer these questions.
Do you subconsciously see sex (without marriage) as a sinful act? Do you have
any subtle or subconscious sexual inhibitions? Do you have sexual guilt from past
relationships or events? Is there any shame (from doing a sexual act)? Are there
any fears about sex?
Do you make love or lust? Do you have sex from the lower 3 chakras or the higher
3 chakras? Sex should be a conscious act: a meditation, a prayer, a mantra (a
physical mantra), or an affirmation.
As a woman, do you know your 12 moon centers (erogenous zones) that all
women have in a general sense? Are you aware of your sexual profile pursuant to
your zodiac sign as well as that of your mate? Do you know what you desire, like
and want from the sex act? Is your mind at peace in the sex act? Are you able to

lose yourself in the sex act, traveling to different dimensions, traveling beyond the
Do you see your partner as your soul mate? Do you see the divinity within him or
her? Does he or she see the divinity within you?
All of the above is for you to ponder on!
Now, as far as for tools to help enhance sex more on the spiritual level, YES, there
are aids that can enhance spiritual sex.
Have a spiritual dialogue before sexual intimacy. Meditate for a few minutes
before sexual intimacy. Say a prayer before sexual intimacy. Invite the love and
romance angels on the scene. Do this (if you believe in them)! They bring a very
angelic and pure presence on the scene.
Bathe before certain sessions (as sometimes sex is very spontaneous and you need
to go with the flow); but sometimes, plan your sexual sessions. Bathe in sea salt
and aphrodisiac essential oils (Rose, Neroli, Jasmine, Davana, Sandalwood, Ylang
Ylang, etc.). Add a few pieces (6-12) of Red Garnet crystals to the bath water. This
is a powerful aphrodisiac stone (especially if you have serious open energy). Don't
forget to add a few pieces of Rose Quartz crystals to the water as well. Rose
Quartz emits the highest love frequency outside of the human body.
Burn your PINK candles. Pink is the frequency of the highest love vibration. Red
is the sex vibration and pink is the love vibration. Have both of these colors on the
After bathing together, rub on some oil (olive, almond, jojoba, etc.) laced with
spiritual essential oils (Frankincense, Sandalwood, Sage, Lavender, Davana,
Oakmoss, Bay, Cedar, etc.). Briefly massage each other (making sure you both
massage each other's erogenous zones from head to toe). Depending on you guys'
zodiac signs, also massage these key astrologically influenced areas. If someone is
a Taurus, make sure to kiss, lick, suck on, and massage the neck and throat area. If
someone is a Sagittarius, make sure to kiss, lick and massage the hips and thighs.
Cancer or Virgo? Kiss, lick, and massage the stomach/belly area. Pisces? Get busy
on the feet and toes (which is why that spiritual soak/bath is important) and
reflexology is a must for Pisces (feet and toes) and Aquarius (legs and ankles).
Hey, sex is an art and science and requires a certain amount of knowledge in order
to lose oneself to the point where no knowledge is needed or necessary.

Burn some aphrodisiac or spiritual enhancing essential oils in a diffuser. Incense

will work as well. Make a spray elixir (essential oils of Cinnamon, Orange, Black
Pepper, etc.) and spray your bed sheets and pillows. Make either an aphrodisiac
elixir or a spiritual-enhancing one.
Are there sexual enhancing crystals? Of course there are! Theres RED GARNET
(look out now), GREEN AVENTURINE (esp. for males), TIGER'S EYE,
MOONSTONE (the ultimate yin and yang balancing stone), and JADE (all colors,
esp. Green).
And Music? Of course! Sweet, beautiful, tranquil and serene music is the best but
it's your choice and play what you like. My personal choice is Eastern/New Age
(with no lyrics, i.e. Kitaro, Steven Halpern, etc.).
A woman's lingerie or underwear should reflect spiritual colors: VIOLET/
PURPLE or WHITE (purity). For passion: RED. For fun and games: ORANGE.
Sexual healing: GREEN. Love: PINK.
BLACK is earthy and therefore grounding. Leopard skin underwear/lingerie is for
wildness, the need to be tamed, subdued! Not in a negative way, but in a fun,
sexual and seductive way. Have fun with sex. Don't be serious. Religion and life
(social) can make sex robotical, serious, methodical, routine, mechanical, and
Let loose, open up, TRUST (which is why you require the right partner), GIVE,
RECEIVE!!!! Lose yourself; go with the flow! Moan, groan, scream, laugh, smile,
breathe deeply, - do whatever comes naturally. Do it and don't care! Lose yourself
- your conscience!
When you lose your conscience, consciousness is what's left. Your conscience
blocks your consciousness! You were not born with a conscience. Man and the
world gave you a conscience. But you were born with consciousness. You died via
your conscience. Reclaim your consciousness! Conscience limits you whereas
consciousness frees you!

When Your Sexual Advances Are Not Reciprocated or

This denotes that something is wrong. Theres a problem, however, problems

are simply opportunities.
First of all, TALK to the person. Truthfully express yourself, how you feel,
how the denial or rejection of your advances make you feel. Ask the person
to be truthful and explain to you why he/she is rejecting your advances.
The situation may be physical (vaginal dryness, impotence, frigidity, etc.),
emotional (feeling disconnected, hurt, etc.), mental, or psychological.
Whatever it may be, theres an answer or solution.
The person may need help in being sexually aroused. Sex with you may
have become boring, monotonous, mechanical, and routine. But you can
change this should this be the actual case!
You can learn new sexual positions as well as techniques. You can learn to
perform foreplay or get better at foreplay (which is very important). In fact,
foreplay should be mandatory, especially for males because it is a fact that it
takes a woman longer to warm up her sexual engine than it does for a man.
Be open to oral sex. If the person doesnt want to perform oral sex then ask
if they mind if you perform it on them. Always get consent before trying
something new on a person.
I suggest to people during consultations that they should do everything folks
go outside of their marriage and relationships to do. Simply do these acts
within the relationship.
Send your mate/lover/spouse sensual text messages, especially while theyre
at work or away. Send a text and tell them in frank and direct language what
you desire to do to them. This turns many a person on! It targets that hidden
sexual freak we all have tied up and hidden away in us. Many times it
simply wants to come out and play and sex allows it to come out and play
and be satisfied until the next play date.
Massage the person! Oil their body down with an edible botanical oil, i.e.
sweet almond oil, grape seed oil, coconut oil, etc.

Burn exotic and erotic essential oils, i.e. Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Neroli,
Rose, Jasmine, Davana, Sandalwood, Combava, Cananga, Cardamom, etc.
A lot of people desire to be naughty deep down inside (due to having to be
so reserved, restricted, disciplined, and inhibited all the time, mostly due to
society and religious belief systems) and being naughty is not bad or good
being technical. If anything, you determine what naughty is to your self.
In every good girl is a naughty girl and in every good boy theres a naughty
boy. And the reverse is also true because of polarity. The naughty boy or girl
is also good. Both polarities exist and should be balanced and if not, then
you get the kind of society we have here in the U.S. with habitual sex
offenders, child molestation, rape, sexual assault and battery, fornication,
adultery, excess Inter-net pornography sites, etc.
There are a lot of people desiring to be naughty and to release that freak in
them. A lot of people are going outside of their unions, relationships, and
marriages for this and theres really no need to if there is understanding,
communication, trust, and genuine love. If you suppress the freak in you,
you have to remember that closed mouths dont get fed.
Also, what is suppressed and repressed will ultimately be expressed and
many people go outside of a union, marriage or relationship and let that
freak out and end up getting turned out and understandably so.
And like I tell women in consultations, if he isnt getting it at home, hes
probably getting it somewhere else. The same is true of females.
Theres always somebody else waiting to give the person what they desire
sexually. And sex is forever for sale on the streets despite the health risks
involved. But when folks are sexually frustrated, horny, and repressed, they
arent really thinking about the risk.
When its good at home there aint no need to roam!
Look, most people have sexual fantasies and fantasies should be acted out (if
there is consent and there is no harm done or involved).
Ask your partner/mate/spouse/lover to reveal their fantasies to you. And if
and when they do reveal their fantasies, dont judge! Never judge! This is

the reason why many people dont open up in the first place. They are
ashamed at how they may be viewed. A woman may feel like a slut or tramp
and a man may feel like a pervert or something. Dont the judge persons
fantasies. The persons fantasies are information for you, information that
can be acted on when the time is right.
Be truthful with any mate/spouse/lover who is denying you sexual intimacy.
Tell them your needs and be truthful in that if the needs are not met within
the relationship or union, something has to be done, perhaps a concubine
type person brought into the picture, ending the union/relationship/marriage
(unless consent is given to allow the union to be an open one like Ossie
Davis and Ruby Dee had and Will Smith and Jada Smith have) so adultery
will not be committed and freedom will exist to explore other options, etc.
Just be truthful and put all the cards on the table. Remember, honesty is
always the best policy!
However, it should never have to come down to this. Sex is a natural part of
any healthy and balanced union/relationship/marriage. Sex is a natural act.
However, many people do have hang-ups surrounding this act, especially
people who have been reared religiously. A lot of these people (especially
females) suppress their sexuality or their sexuality has been repressed.
I will delve more into sexual issues in my upcoming Sex Manual.

There Is No Healing Absent Love

Did you know that love is a requirement or prerequisite for healing? It most
certainly is! Love ranks right up there with forgiveness in healing. Most
people get and remain sick because they refuse to forgive (other people) and
to give love (to self and others).
Okay, so you contracted genital herpes. Either you were out there in the
Matrix wilding out or an unfaithful mate/spouse/lover burned you. In either
case, you contracted this insidious disease because evidently you need to
learn something about yourself and usually its something of a sexual nature.
Chances are, you need to reassess and reanalyze your sexual belief system
which in most cases is predicated upon your religious belief system. And
who gave you your religious belief system? You need to think about this.

You may be upset with the woman or man who burned you with genital
herpes because of your conditioning. You have been conditioned to believe
that genital herpes is incurable and this is only true in the world of Western
medicine; but this is not the case in the field of natural healing
Genital herpes is 100% curable when you understand and apply the
necessary planks of wholistic healing which include: positive thinking,
positive attitude, salubrious diet, righteous and salubrious lifestyle, and
salubrious environment.
We teach people this at and thats why some people are doing
the impossible being healed from a so-called incurable disease such as
genital herpes.
It is not just genital herpes that can be healed, but all disease, and why is
this? Well, simply because with God all things are possible! God has
provided a solution (answer) to every problem (question).
You will not heal from genital herpes or any other disease you may have if
you dont forgive people (especially the person who burned you) and if you
dont have love for people and most importantly, if you dont have love for
yourself (or dont love yourself).
Love raises the bodys pH, makes the body alkaline. Hatred and all other
negative emotion lower the bodys pH and make the body acidic.
Just because you may have genital herpes or some other insidious
reproductive disease doesnt mean you are dirty and not worthy of love. You
simply have a health challenge and a lesson to learn.
Genital herpes should not have more power than your power to forgive,
love, and to heal!
So what do you want? What do you really want? Healing, right? Alright
then! Since you desire healing, now you know what you must do
FORGIVE (all who may have harmed you as well as yourself) and LOVE

Many people have difficulty in healing from genital herpes even with the use
of herbs and natural modalities and the reasons are because they are blocked
in the mind and the heart. They have failed to learn the lesson the disease
has brought and is conveying, number one; and number two, they have
failed to release all negative energy from them; third, they still have fear,
especially fear of not being able to heal (still believing the disease is
incurable because thats all they may have ever heard about the disease in
their life), and lastly, they focus on the incorrect thing(s) they focus on
what they dont want rather than focus on what they do want.
Instead of wanting healing or optimal health and wellbeing, they simply
want to not have genital herpes anymore but the word not is negative and
therefore not processed by the Universe, so in essence, the Universe only
hears I want to have genital herpes and it gives the person more of what
they really dont want: outbreaks, blisters, lesions, sores, inflammation, etc.
The Law of Attraction is ALWAYS at work in your life! Always! Whether
you know it or not and whether you believe in it or not! But it is always at
You can heal from ANY disease is you are willing to forgive and love!
Thank you for reading the Love Manual and I trust that you extracted
beneficial information from it.
Coming Soon: The Sex Manual
Additional books by Djehuty:
The Mental Science Manual
The Money, Wealth, and Prosperity Manual
The Full Body Detox Companion
The Alternative Diet and Lifestyle Manual
The Parking Ticket Manual

Love Spray $19.95

Physical Benefits: Our Love Spray is made with pure essential oils
and crystal frequencies (and the bottle even contains real crystals of
Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Moonstone, and Quartz crystal) that can be
used to magnify the vibration of Love as well as Romance, open the
Fourth (Heart) chakra, balance the Yin-Yang dynamic creating greater
harmony within self and ultimately with others, and remove blocks
(unconsciously programmed by yourself) that prevent you from feeling
worthy of love and receiving the love you desire and deserve.

(4) Fourth Chakra Elixir #2 (Love) $15.00

Physical Benefits: Vibrationally affects the thymus gland and
immune system; energetically promotes fertility and conception in
females, vibrationally promotes unconditional love, the ability to
express and receive love, trusting in love, feeling safe to love, and
removing barriers that prevent from loving truthfully. This elixir will
help with imbalanced characteristics listed above.

NET WET - 2oz

Anti-Hate Elixir $14.95

Physical Benefits: Hatred has to be the worst emotion of all; up
there with its mate, anger. Hatred is the opposite or polarity of love.
Theres a thin line between love and hate because they are actually the
same thing, differing only in degrees as the late great mystic, Osho,
Hate consumes us just as anger does. Actually, any negative emotion
can consume us if we allow it to. Hate causes us to not only harm
others, but ourselves as well. Hatred caused hundreds of thousands of
Africans to be burned, lynched, hanged, raped, and murdered by
White men during (and after) the American slave trade. Hatred caused
hundreds of thousands of Jews to be gassed (murdered) by Nazi
Germans. Hatred caused hundreds of thousands of White women to be
burned, drowned, and hung as witches by Christian males.
Hatred is the result of grand ignorance, ignorance that all humanity is
one and harm to one single human is harm to all humanity. When we
hate a former lover, we are simply experiencing the flip side of the
polarity of a certain vibration. This is why we fall in love, fall out of
love, and then fall back in love or become good friends with the former
lover we just hated. Its all one energy with different polarities.
Our Anti-Hate elixir reminds you on a subtle level that hate is a
poisoned and imbalanced state and that love is our center; and that
hatred causes blocks in our lives and prevents good from manifesting.
Directions: 1. Take 1-2 dropperfuls, 2. Take 10 deep breaths (in and
out), 3. Close your eyes and visualize a pink ray of light emanating
from and surrounding your entire body, 4. Smile! 5. Affirm: I love as I
am love!

Aphrodisiac Bath Drops $34.95

Activity: Helps to stimulate or induce a feeling or state of sexual

arousal and excitement. Recommended for a lovers bath or soak

together before sexual intimacy!

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