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The novel The Da Vinci Code is engaging and intriguing. It is a thriller

presented as an historical novel. It is fiction, yet it seeks to convince the
reader that it is based on fact. It pushes an attack on the Catholic Church
and claims to do so in the name of historical authenticity.
The main reason why I chose to talk about Dan Brown`s novel for my project
is because I was very captivated about the way this man succeeded to
establish such strong connections between different historical legends. Even
if the book is pure FICTION, the paragraphs which contain encyclopedic
explanations about art objects, symbols and secret congregations delighted
me from the beginning to the end.
An additional argument consists in the fact that this is a brilliantly conceived
book, as well written as any thriller out there, only better. Why? Because it is
not a mystery about spies, corrupt corporations, or hi-tech weapons. It is
about Divine mysteries that have been kept from us by the permutations of
time and by corrupt individuals in high spiritual places. These are core issues
of spirituality that resonate with our subconscious views, built up over
lifetimes. It is this that makes the book so compelling. Fortunately, the fact
that the author is very good at his craft, adds to the enjoyment.
Taking everything into consideration I recommend The Da Vinci Code to that
kind of readers who can tell the difference between fiction and facts. This is
the only way you could really take pleasure from Dan Brown`s novel.

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