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These checkers can be used to model adding and subtracting positive and

negative numbers.
-5 + 10
Start with 5 negative checkers, then place 10
positive checkers next to them. One positive checker cancels out one
negative checker, so once you cancel out, there are 5 positive checkers left.
-5 + 10 = +5
The checkers can also be used to show how subtracting a positive yields the
same result as adding a negative.
7 +2 Start with 7 positive checkers, remove 2 of them, and
you are left with 5 positive checkers. 7 +2 = +5
Similarly, you can show that 7+ -2 = +5. Start with 7 positive
checkers, and then add two negative checkers. The two negative checkers
each cancel out one positive checker, so you are left with 5 positive
checkers. 7 + -2 = +5

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