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Classroom Observation Template

Supervising Teacher:


Alex Gallagher


Pre-service Teacher:

Class/Year Level:

Hunter Llyod-Pugh

Focus for observation: (See Table 3 on Page 7 of this

APST descriptor/s: (See Table 3 on Page 7 of this

PP2 Information and Guidelines booklet)

PP2 Information and Guidelines booklet)

2.6 Use of digital resources to support students learning of a

curriculum concept.

2.6 Implement teaching strategies for using

ICT to expand curriculum learning
opportunities for students.

I saw.

I heard.

- Learning intent and teaching sequence displayed

Example of 'melting point' diagram drawn on board.
- Students following clear instructions to set up their Science
Books correctly for the activity.
- Hunter circulating the room to ensure students were on task.
- Power point to enagage students and provide a visual to
consolidate students understanding of concetps - clear
explanation of 'melting point.'
- Links in the power point to previous lesson to build upon
prior knowledge.
- Engaging video to demonstrate melting point, and video
paused at appropriate times to link to prior knowledge and
discuss concept in greater detail
- Learning posters from previous lesson displayed and linked
with the new learning from the video and power point on
melting points.

- Behavior expectations clearly stated at the beginning of the

lesson, for what was expected when students were on the
carpet (I'm looking for whole body listening).
- Raise your hand if you're finished to check for student
Descriptive encouraging of students on task (throughout the
whole lesson)
- Giving students a choice about their behaviour, (sit their
quietly or move over here).
- Questioning of prior lessons concepts - written up and
referred to a built upon.
- All students selecting from multiple choice options about
melting points throughout the video (they were very engaged!)
- Students making predictions about melting points linking with
real world understanding (ice-cream/butter etc)

Comments/questions for follow-up discussion and reflection (I thought)

I thought the pace and sequencing of the lesson was excellent, it kept all students engaged and ensured all students could
achieve success with the scaffolding of the melting point task.
I thought the video was an excellent resource that encouraged all students to participate and make predictions using prior
Linking of all learning to real-life experiences and prior lessons was evident throughout the lesson which ensured all students
could make connections.



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