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Essential subjects in which a man should be educated;


Physical Culture - Fitness/Self Defense/Hygeine

Functional Mathematics - Basic/Algebraic/Geometry/Economics
Literacy - A variety of subjects
Rhetoric/Debate - Rules for Radicals/ Shapiro/ Art of Deception
Spirituality/Psychology - Jung/NT/Mythology/etc

At least 30-45 minutes a day should be dedicated to Physical Culture. An hour a

day should be dedicated to cultivating one of the other subjects, this can be or
ganized in any schema preferable. With physical culture being partaken every day
it need not have any extra emphasis placed upon it. Since time is at a premium
it is advisible to focus on one subject per day or perhaps per week. Alternative
ly a subject can be focus on untill a given work in the field is completed.

6. Hobbbes - Locke

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