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Test Recovery

Reexamination of issues on previous test

Name: Amber Mewett
Subject: AP Psychology
Test/Material covered: Chapter 4
Please provide answers or comments to each part of the question
Test question number: 3
Question: Infants first demonstrate a preference for their mothers voice over the
voices of other women by the time they are ____________ old.
Your answer: C. 10 days
Correct answer: A. 1 day

Why/how did you answer this question incorrectly

In the textbook, it said a couple of weeks
What has changed in your understanding or thinking so that you now
understand this material clearly?
It was an example, and a child hears the mothers voice in the womb

Test question number:18

Question Lilianne is beginning to develop a fear of strangers and will reach for her
mother when she sees someone who is unfamiliar. It is likely that Lilianne has just
Your answer: B. Overcome the limitation of egocentrism
Correct answer: C. Developed a sense of object permanence

Why/how did you answer this question incorrectly

I thought the child didnt have a sense of object permanence because the child
grabbed for the mother, as if the mother wouldnt return
What has changed in your understanding or thinking so that you now
understand this material clearly?
The child only reached for the mother
Test question number: 19
Question Little Karen will approach and play with unfamiliar animals only if her
mother first reassures her that it is safe to do so. This best illustrates the adaptive
value of:

Your answer: E. Imprinting

Correct answer: B. Attachment
Why/how did you answer this question incorrectly
Got confused with animals
What has changed in your understanding or thinking so that you now
understand this material clearly?
Humans dont imprint

Test question number:23

Question: Nature is to nurture as ________ is to _____________.
Your answer: B. Heredity; maturation
Correct answer: D. Temperament; responsive parenting
Why/how did you answer this question incorrectly
Didnt understand analogy
What has changed in your understanding or thinking so that you now
understand this material clearly?
I went over the words again and I see that it fits

Test question number:26

Question: When golden hamsters were repeatedly threatened and attacked while
young, they suffered long-term changes in:
Your answer: E. Habituation
Correct answer: B. Brain chemistry

Why/how did you answer this question incorrectly

I was thinking that the hamster go used to it and forever changed the way it acted

What has changed in your understanding or thinking so that you now

understand this material clearly?
I understand the vocab better

Test question number: 29

Question: At age 12, Sean is happy, self-reliant, and has a positive self-image. It is
most likely that Seans parents are:
Your answer: A. Permissive
Correct answer: D. Authoritative

Why/how did you answer this question incorrectly

I got confused with the definitions
What has changed in your understanding or thinking so that you now
understand this material clearly?
I reviewed the vocab again

Test question number: 39

Question Erikson suggested that the adolescent search for identity is followed by a
developing capacity for:
Your answer: C. Autonomy
Correct answer: B. Intimacy

Why/how did you answer this question incorrectly

Should have studied the vocab better
What has changed in your understanding or thinking so that you now
understand this material clearly?

Reviewed Eriksons theory

Test question number: 43

Question: Research on the elderly has shown that:
Your answer: D. They experience less life satisfaction than younger adults
Correct answer: B. They become increasing prone to car accidents

Why/how did you answer this question incorrectly

I was thinking how older people start to review their lifes and dont feel a sense of
accomplishment. There is a lot of older suicide
What has changed in your understanding or thinking so that you now
understand this material clearly?
Older people have a slower response time

Test question number: 44

Question: Dementia is most commonly associated with:
Your answer: D. Crystallized intelligence
Correct answer: C. Alzheimers disease
Why/how did you answer this question incorrectly
Vocab confused me

What has changed in your understanding or thinking so that you now

understand this material clearly?
Review vocab

Test question number: 47

Question: Dementia is most commonly associated with:

Your answer: D. Concrete operational thought

Correct answer: C. Crystallized intelligence
Why/how did you answer this question incorrectly
I was thinking loss of memories and not being able to form certain ideas
What has changed in your understanding or thinking so that you now
understand this material clearly?
Understand the vocab

Test question number: 48

Question: After living together for a year, Sylvia and Yefim have decided to marry.
Research on premarital cohabitation most strongly suggests that:
Your answer: B. Their marriage will have a higher-than-average probability of being

Correct answer: D. Their marriage will have a higher-than-average probability of
ending in divorce

Why/how did you answer this question incorrectly

I got confused when I was reading it
What has changed in your understanding or thinking so that you now
understand this material clearly?
I reread the answers and knew it

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