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Q: would you want to read more about Jane Austen if you were interested in
British authors active in politics?
Austen, Jane. English novelist whose narrative world. The little bit (two inches wide)
of Ivory on which I work with so fine a Brush. Has gained in literary reputation with
the passage of the years.
Life. Jane auten was born in steventon, near Basingstone, on Dec. 16,1775. She
was one of many children of a clergyman whose income was sufficient to support
his familys gentility and whose literate tastes created an urbane atmosphere in the
Austen home. She enjoyed an affectionate intimacy with her brothers and her sister,
Cassandra. Jane never married but resided and worked in her familys home. The
Austens lived largely in the English country-side, and Jane come to know all of
county society, from the village apothecary to the landed aristocracy. She died in
Winchester on July and was buried in the cathedral.
Writings. The principles of English neoclassicism as expressed in the critical essays
of Joseph Addison, the ethics of Samuel Johnson, and the fiction of Henry Fielding
provided Jane Austen with a literary heritage.
In Sense and Sensibility (1811) sentimentality is seriously attacked as a source of
emotional insufficiency; here the values are more complex. Reason an imaginating
are no longer set in opposition but are ironically interrelated. Pride and prejudive,
the most popular and wittiest of her novels, resembles the 18 th-century comedy of
manners with which her work has been too generally associated, and she herself
was later dissatisfied with the sustained playfulness and epigrammatism of the
general style. Mansfield Park, thought it includes sequences of brilliant comedy and
bitter verisimilitude, has seemed too serious for some generations of readers.
1. Q: Apa yang akan Anda ingin membaca lebih lanjut tentang Jane Austen jika Anda tertarik
penulis Inggris aktif dalam politik? Austen, Jane. novelis Inggris siapa narasi dunia. The sedikit
(dua inci lebar) dari Gading pada yang saya bekerja dengan begitu baik Brush. Telah
memperoleh reputasi sastra dengan berlalunya tahun. Kehidupan. Auten Jane lahir di
Steventon, dekat Basingstone, pada 16,1775 Desember Dia adalah salah satu dari banyak
anak dari pendeta siapa pendapatan yang cukup untuk mendukung budi keluarganya dan siapa
melek huruf sopan selera menciptakan suasana di rumah Austen. Dia menikmati keintiman
kasih sayang dengan saudara dan adiknya, Cassandra. Jane tidak pernah menikah tapi tinggal
dan bekerja di rumah keluarganya. The Austens tinggal sebagian besar di negara-klub Inggris,
dan Jane datang untuk mengetahui semua masyarakat daerah, dari apotek desa untuk
aristokrasi mendarat. Dia meninggal di Winchester pada Juli dan dimakamkan di katedral.
Tulisan. Prinsip-prinsip neoclassicism bahasa Inggris sebagai Disajikan dalam esai kritis Joseph
Addison, etika Samuel Johnson, dan fiksi dari Jane Austen Henry Fielding Dilengkapi dengan
warisan sastra. Dalam Sense and Sensibility (1811) sentimentalitas serius diserang sebagai

sumber insufisiensi emosional; di sini nilai-nilai yang lebih kompleks. Alasan sebuah imaginating
tidak lagi diatur dalam oposisi namun ironisnya saling terkait. Kebanggaan dan prejudive, yang
paling populer dan wittiest novel nya, menyerupai komedi abad ke-18 dari sopan santun dengan
yang pekerjaannya telah terlalu Umumnya terkait, dan dia sendiri kemudian tidak puas dengan
berkelanjutan "main-main dan epigrammatism dari gaya umum. " Mansfield Park, pikir itu
termasuk urutan komedi brilian dan verisimilitude pahit, telah Tampak terlalu serius untuk
beberapa generasi pembaca.

Selection 2
Would you want more information about Dionne Quintuplets if you were interested in social and
governmental reaction to multiple births?
The five daughters born in Callander. The quintuplets were delivered at the Dionne farm house
(now preserved and restored). They were cared for by Dr. Allan, a local general medical
practitioner. The Canadian red cross provided them with incubators and nursing care, and the
Dafoe memorial hospital was built nearby by public subscription as a nursery. In 1935 the
Ontario legislature made them wards of the province to avoid exploitation by theatrical
managers and show producers; their father regained custody in1941.
In 1943 a new family home was built, and the quintuplets were educated there until they entered
Nicolet College in 1922. Maric died in hdhdhdhdhd. Yvonne trained as a nurse and spent
several years in convents. Annette married Germain

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