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How to Do Pelvic Floor Exercises

Two Methods:Identify the Pelvic FloorPelvic Floor Exercises

The pelvic floor is the group of muscles that runs between your pubic bone at the bottom of your spine. This sling-like set
of muscles controls and hold your bladder, urethra and vagina in place. Older women, overweight women and those who
have had natural childbirth can find these muscles weaken substantially over time. A weak pelvic floor can lead to
incontinence and loss of sensitivity during sex. Performing certain exercises, sometimes known as Kegels, can rehabilitate
these muscles, stopping incontinence and other problems. Older men and those who suffer from erectile dysfunction can
also benefit from Kegel exercises. Find out how to do pelvic floor exercises.

Method 1 of 2: Identify the Pelvic Floor


Lay on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands on your pubic bones in a "v" formation. This means your

thumbs and forefingers should touch, with the outline of your hands laying along your hip bones and pelvic mound.


Push your mid back into the floor slightly. As you do this, focus on contracting your lower abdominal muscles that sit
below your stomach, near your pelvis. Your fingers should drop a few centimeters as you hold the position for 3 to 10
This is the feeling of contracting the pelvic floor. As your lower abdominal muscles work, you should also feel

the muscles near your urethra lift up. Relax your muscles and repeat the exercise until you feel the muscle that runs along
your perineum lift upward. If possible, try to relax your buttocks, upper abdomen and legs and simply focus on the pelvic

Repeat this exercise, but change the positioning of your hands. Open your legs and place 2 fingers on the perineum,
between your urethra and your anus. Pay attention to lifting and squeezing the muscles in this area.

Your fingers should move upward toward your pelvic muscles as you contract your abdominal muscles.

If you still do not feel these movements, concentrate on stopping the flow of urine when you are urinating or
holding back gas. Feel the work that goes into that action, lifting muscles near your bladder, and try to mimic this
movement when you do the exercises above. This is only recommended to try once as you are learning about the
muscles. Do not repeat this as an exercise, or it can interrupt successful urination.

Go to the bathroom before you try to perform pelvic floor muscles. People who suffer from fecal or urinary
incontinence may have a higher risk of having these problems when they first begin. With practice, the exercises will
reduce the risk of incontinence at all times.

Method 2 of 2: Pelvic Floor Exercises


Find a private place to perform these exercises. Concentration will improve the effect of the exercises. Once you get
used to them, you can do several sets in the office, in the car or at home without others knowing you are performing them.


Lay on your back or sit on a chair with good posture. Contract your pelvic muscles for 3 seconds, then release them
for 3 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Do this exercise every day, then naturally progress the number of sets you do each day as you grow
stronger. Do 1 set for the first few days, then do 2 or 3 sets for the next few days.

After several weeks of doing the contractions, start holding your contraction for 10 seconds each time. Rest
for 10 seconds in between. Work up to 3 sets per day, or 3 sets in a row each day.

Begin quick contractions. Instead of tightening and holding, contract the muscles and release them 10 times in a row.
Rest after you have done 10 fast contractions.
In the beginning, it will be hard to contract and relax on a rhythm. Pay attention to the contracting strongly

and quickly. After a week or 2, it should become easier. Work up to 3 sets of 10 contractions each day, then, begin doing 3
sets in a row.

Do hip bridges. Lay on your back with your knees bent. Keep your feet about a fist distance apart.

Flex your lower abdominal muscles and lift your hips off the ground. Stop before or at the point when there is a
straight line in a diagonal between your knees and shoulders. Hold for 3 seconds and slowly return your hips to the

Repeat 3 times. Work toward doing 3 sets of 10. Once you can do 3 sets, start increasing repetitions to 10
per set. This is the hardest of the pelvic floor exercises. It may not be possible for some older women who have arthritis.

Continue these exercises daily for at least 12 weeks to start seeing the benefit. Although you should continue to
increase the intensity of your Kegel exercises after this point, your pelvic muscles will start to reduce incontinence

10 yoga poses to beat premature ejaculation

Editorial Team Jan 27, 2014 at 12:04 pm


inability to satisfy your woman or simply lack of sex drive getting you down? Well, we have a natural
solution for you yoga. Not only does it help relieve the symptoms and better the condition, it also
comes sans any side effects. These asanas will not only bring the vitality back it will also considerably
heat things up between the sheets. So, here are 10 yoga asanas to help you beat premature

Sarvangaasana: This asanahelps rejuvenate the entire body. It improves

the working of the thyroid glands that regulate the working of almost all bodily functions, right from
increasing metabolism to keeping you energetic throughout the day. The most promising effect of
thisasana is that it helps strengthen the adrenal glands, working of the testis and therefore helps in
increasing the potency of sperm and semen.
Steps to do this pose:
Lie on a yoga mat with your legs extending outwards. Now slowly raise your legs either by first folding
them at the knees or by lifting them straight. Place your palms along your back and hips to support it,
and raise your body while pointing your toes to the ceiling. All your weight should be on your shoulders.
Make sure you breathe slowly and lock your chin into your chest. Your elbows should be touching the
floor and your back should be supported. Hold this pose for as long as you are comfortable. To return
to the lying position, slowly lower your body. Do not fall back to the lying position. (Read: Beat insomnia
with yoga )

Tips to keep in mind: Do not do this pose if you suffer from any neck or spinal injuries. If you do have
high blood pressure, perform this exercise only under supervision. (Read: How to choose a yoga
class ).

Uttanapadasana:Mainly meant to strengthen the working of your

intestines an organ which according to Ayurvedic principles is the key to maintaining a healthy body
this asana has multiple benefits. It also helps beat constipation, digestion problems and boosts ones
metabolism . Due to all the positive effects it has on the digestive system this asana is also believed to
help a man control his rate of ejaculation, helping him beat premature ejaculation. Read about
other natural ways to beat constiaption .
Steps to do this pose:
Lie down comfortably on your yoga mat. Place your hands by your side and your heels together. Now
as you inhale life your legs up together to the 30 degree position while lifting your head off the ground.
Hold this position for a few seconds and then gently bring your legs back to the floor. Next, inhale again
and raise your legs to the 60 degree position. Lower your legs back to the floor after a few seconds. If
you find that lifting both your legs together is difficult, try raising one leg at a time. Soon you will be
flexible enough to lift both your legs together.
Tip: Do this asana under the supervision of an expert trainer if you suffer from back pain or have a
knee injury.

Kandharasana: Thisasana is great to increase both a mans and

womans sexual desire. Apart from that it helps in strengthening the functioning of a mans sperms and
a womans ovaries, helping couples overcome infertility. It also helps resolve menstrual disorders, beat
vaginal discharge due to infections and increases lubrication within the vagina.
Steps to do this pose:
Lie down flat on your yoga mat. Bend your knees so that your ankles are touching your buttocks.
Remember to keep your legs slightly separated. Now grasp your ankles with your hands while still lying
down. Inhale and hold your breath, slowly raising your buttocks in the air. Push your chest towards the
ceiling. Your back should be arched and off the floor. Hold this position for as long as you are
comfortable. To return to your starting position, exhale and come lie back down on the floor.
Tip: If you suffer from high blood pressure , lower back pain or any other spinal disorders do this pose
while being supervised by a trained professional.

Paschimotasana: One of the best asanas to beat premature

ejaculation. It also helps to strengthen sperm making semen more potent. Apart from all these benefits
this asana helps boost ones metabolism.

Steps to do this pose:

Sit with your legs stretched out on the floor. Next hold the big toe of your feet with your index finger and
thumb. Now, exhale and slowly bend forward and try to touch your forehead to your knees. The key is
that your elbows should touch the floor. Do not breath in. Stay in this position for five counts and inhale
as you rise back to the sitting position.
Tips to keep in mind: If you have any type of back pain or complaints with your spine, do not do this
pose. Moreover, be easy on yourself, you might not be able to touch your knees with your forehead.
Know that if you keep at it you will regain your flexibility and be able to do the pose properly.
(Read: Beat insomnia with yoga )

Goumukhasana: It helps to resolve hernias and hydrocele (fluid build up

in the testis)It also helps a man control his ejaculation more effectively. It also helps strengthen the
liver, kidneys and respiratory system. Read about thecommon signs of a hernia .
Steps to do this pose:
This pose is ideally done while putting all your weight on your knees. But if you suffer from severe
arthritis, you can sit inpadmasana to do this pose. If you would like to try doing this asana on your
knees, bend them and place them on a yoga mat such that your upper body is erect and your knees
take all your weight. Make sure your toes are pointing downwards and are driving towards the ground.

Now take your right hand and bend it at the elbows and place it behind your back. Make sure your
finger tips are pointing upwards and are close to your spine. Take your left hand above your head,
while bending it at the elbow above your head. Now, while placing it at the nape of your neck, try to
grasp your right hand with it. The aim of this asana is for you to be able to hold your hands behind your
back. (Read: Stressed out? Try these yoga poses )
Breathe normally and get out of this pose by first sitting down and then bringing your hands back to
their normal position.
Tip: You might not be able to place your hands together. This is only due to a lack of flexibility and it
will improve with time.

Bhujangasana: Anasana that is great to heal back pain and

cervical pain, it is also very effective in increasing ones ability to last longer in bed and resolve any
complains of premature ejaculation.
How to do the pose:
Lie flat on the floor on your stomach. Place your forehead on the floor and your feet flat on the ground.
Make sure your feet and heels are slightly touching each other. Place your hands with your palms
facing downwards right next to your shoulders with your elbows as close as possible to your body.
Make sure they do not flare out. Now, exhale and lift your upper body one part at a time first your
head, chest, then your back and pelvis. At this point make sure your hands are straight and elbows are
locked. Make sure your navel is in contact with the floor and you are placing equal pressure on both
hands. Now breathe in and out slowly and try to calm your mind. To get out of the pose, breathe out

and gently come back down to the lying position. To sit up again, turn to your side and get up with the
help of your palms. (Read: Know your yoga asana: Sarvangasana )
Tips: Do not do this pose if you have a wrist injury , are pregnant or have a back injury.

Dhanurasana: Known to help in achieving a stronger orgasm

thisasana is also a great way to beat premature ejaculation. It is also very effective in resolving all
stomach related problems.
Steps to do this pose: Lie on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your arms by the side of
your body. Fold your knees and hold your ankles. Breathing in, lift your chest off the ground and pull
your legs up and back. Look straight ahead with a smile on your face. Keep the pose stable while
paying attention to your breath. Continue to take long deep breaths as you relax in this pose. But dont
get carried away! Do not overdo the stretch. After 15 -20 seconds, as you exhale, gently bring your legs
and chest to the ground. Release the ankles and relax.
Tip: Do not practice this pose if you have high or low blood pressure, hernia, neck injury, pain in the
lower back, headache, migraine or a recent abdominal surgery or if you are pregnant.

Brahmacharyasana: Great for people who suffer from repeated night fall and lack of
sexual excitement, this asana is also very useful in regulating the working of the testis, and digestive
Steps to do this pose:
Kneel on your yoga mat, with your feet slightly apart. Your knees should be touching each other and
your feet should be pointing outwards. Now slowly lower your body into the space between your legs.
Your buttocks should be touching the floor. Place your palms facing downwards on your knees and
breathe normally. Close your eyes for better concentration. Hold this pose for a few minutes and then
return to your normal position by simply reversing the process.
Tip: If you suffer from any knee problems or injuries, avoid doing this asana.

Garudasana: Relieves disorders related to the testis, prostate

gland and helps to beat premature ejaculation. This asana is also great to help relieve the symptoms of
diseases of the urinary tract and other reproductive disorders.
Steps to do this pose:
Stand in tadasana on your yoga mat. Balance all your weight on your right leg by slightly bending it at
the knee. Now lift your left leg and wrap it around the right leg such that your left foot is pressed
against your right calf. Now raise your hands in front of you so they are parallel to the floor. Now bend
the right hand at the elbow and wrap the left had around it so that both the palms are facing each other.
Stay in this position for a few seconds and gently come back to tadasana. This asana takes practice
and concentration. You might fall over the first few times but eventually you will be able to hold the
pose for longer durations of time.

Anulom Vilom Pranayam: This is a breathing technique and is known to help resolve
a number of problems like respiratory allergies, rhinitis, sinusitis, cold and cough. But apart from that it
also helps increase sexual please and betters the feeling of an orgasm. It also helps delay ejaculation
and gives strength to the entire body.

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