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if god wanted boots to be comfortable he would have designed them like running
Sent by Pv1 Goetze
?If you survive the extraordinary things, it will often be the little things tha
t will kill you.
?Give an order, then change the order, will get you disorder.
Sent by Samuel
?You never have fire support in heavy firefight but you always have it on a sile
nt recon mission
Sent by Roswell
?Revision to Marine Corp. Motto "If it makes sense, we won't do it".
Sent by Larry Wotring
?The only thing more dangerous to you than the enemy, is your allies
Sent by Marc Underwood
?Night vision - isn't
Sent by truga
?When you need CAS, they'll be on last weeks radio fill and you won't be able to
reach them
?When you need Apache's, they'll be busy escorting the generals bird around
Last two laws were sent by Warpig, saying they are "A couple of additions to the
law I picked up in Afghanistan".
?Supply & Demand law
Whatever you have, you won't need; whatever you need, you won't have.
?Leadership law
If it was risky, it worked and no one got hurt: you were brilliant
If it was risky, it worked and someone got hurt; you were courageous
If it was risky, it didn't work and no one got hurt; you were lucky
If it was risky, it didn't work and someone got hurt; you were stupid (and proba
bly dead)
Last two laws were sent by Sylvia Steward
?The best sniper position is always the hardest to reach
?Snakes aren't neutral
?When you need to use the bathroom - the enemy is watching your position
Last three laws were sent by Mitchell Jones, Law Enforcement Precision Marksman,
?Never trust a private that says "don't worry I learned this is in basic".
?When your warrant starts to laugh and says "watch this" LEAVE.
?Bring extra rations when you hear the lieutenant is leading the recce patrol.
?Everything you packed for the field is everything you don't need, and everythin
g you need is at your FOB.
?Be prepared to go defensive when your vehicle breaks down until support arrives
?Your vehicle is a civilian car painted tan, with less security features.
Last 7 laws were sent by Dane Prosper

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