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108, Plaintiff Ashley Massaro a.k.a Ashley (“Massaro”) is 37 years old and lives in Smithtown, New York. Massaro was the winner of the WWE “Diva Search contest” in 2005, which won her a job as a wrestler at WWE. She wrestled between 2005 and 2008 in WWE televised main events and untelevised “house” shows. Massaro was soon pushed as a WWE star performed in two Wrestlemania Events in 2007 and 2008, and even appeared on the cover of Playboy magazine in 2007 in a deal handled by WWE executive John Laurinaitis. Massaro states that from the inception of her WWE career that she was coaxed into in ring activities with inadequate training, she in fact she received no tr: 1g as a professional wrestler before being directed by WWE staff to perform in ring activities. She usually performed 4 days a week and would have had little to no time to properly train even if training had been offered. Instead Massaro states she “learned as she went,” often sustaining injuries in the learning..process. She-sustained several concussions, including being knocked unconscious for five minutes in a Match with Torrie Wilson, after the incident she was told to “shake it off,” and received no care or treatment. Massaro sustained a hairline fracture in her spine and has a five- inch metal plate in her ankle from a spiral fracture that occurred on a WWE televised event. Massaro required revision surgery on the ankle in 2010 in which the bone was shaved and the metal plate was removed and replaced. She also sustained back injuries including herniated discs in C4 and C5. After Massaro sustained a shattered knuckle on her right hand that was put in a cast. Massaro states that Vince McMahon ordered that the cast sawed off her hand by backstage WWE crew so that she could perform despite fact that the cast was not scheduled to come off for several more weeks. She states the WWE requires you to “sign your life away” and that she has been battling the long-term health effects of her WWE

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