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Part 1: A brand new start

Father! Ill be home by noon. I shouted as I waved to him by the wooden

Chris, make you sure you bring those bloody apples this time, Im tired of
those oranges you bring, they break down too quickly, you cant make any
shape out of them! said Father shaking his hand aggressively. I never
understood why Father likes to make shapes out of fruits. I always asked
him, but he simply replied by saying Its a habit. Well let me just say
thats just about the weirdest habit Ive ever seen. will see for a while.
I looked around my house one last time before I went to the market,. wWell,
its ALMOST a house. Its a ship. Yep, a ship, but I call heror also known as
Betty. I was born and raised in this very ship. I always asked my father why
he chose to live in a ship rather than buying a house in a beautiful city. He
always said this ship is family. Quite frankly, over the years Ive grown to
love this ship. I always feel like Im at home whenever I see the things going
around on this ship. Hearing the door creak every time its opened, pushing
down on the cracked, wooden boards, looking through the fogged up window
and seeing the people work at the market. This ship is just filled with
excitement and nostalgia.
The room of the ship is like any ordinary ship, but has a few household items
inside. The floors are old, cracked wooden boards, we have a table on the
other side of the ship where we eat. The ship isnt big, though. The whole
ship north to south is 58ft. In the middle of the floor theres stairs going
down to a room where we make our blueprints for the ships. Back in his
prime, my father used to sell ship parts and help build and repair ships.
Hes one of the biggest reason Im even into reading books about ships.
Hes kind of my mentor in life and I love him with all of my heart.
My goals are kind of different from my fathers, though. He always just
loved building ships because it was his passion and something he enjoyed in
life. My goals are a little deeper than his. I want to build my own ship and
explore everything this world has to offer. I want to know whats under the
ocean, discover every unmarked island in the world, and find the true
meaning of my existence in this world.
I hope one day that my dream will come true, but right now Im on the baby
steps of my journey. I still live with my father and I havent left this island

once in my entire life, mainly because my father doesnt want me to leave

him alone, and I cant ditch him like that. I slowly close the wooden door
behind me as I look ahead. The sun was shining bright into my eyes as I
quickly put my hand in the way to cover the glare. My eyes felt roasted, this
is why I hate the sun. It always had to point towards Betty, doesnt it? I
slowly walk down the crooked, wooden slope, making sure I dont slip. I
hear the splashes of the ocean against the rigged rocks behind me and I
walk ahead onto the bumpy, rocky sand. Thank goodness for these leather
boots, if not for them, I think I would never be able to walk again. The sand
here is nothing to joke about, walking barefoot all the way to market and
coming back would make you a legend. I honestly tried, and I couldnt walk
for 3 days. Definately something Im never going to do again.
I slowly look up and see that the market is its usual self. Busy, noisy, and
grubby. I can see the large throng of people ahead next to several small,
wooden shacks with blue and brown covered covering them.
This is not surprising, the market is always busy. The only reason people
even came to this island was for one and ONLY one reason. To trade. This
island, also known as L Bahaman had always been known as the trading
center of the Mediterranean sea. The island was located just west of Italy.
Many people used to pass by it back in the day and used to stay here before
continuing on their journeys. Different ships brought many goods and
people eventually started trading on this island. Some people even decided
to stay back and built shops here to sell their goods and over time, it turned
into one of the biggest trading centers in Mediterranean sea. Im not
completely sure if all of this is true. I learned the origins of this island
through the book The origins of LBahaman. Cheesy, I know.
I walked towards the first shop I saw as I jostled my way through the crowd.
This shop looked like there was no effort put in. The crooked wooden sign
above said Manjoas Juicy Bread. The sign looked like it was barely clinging
on as it was shaped diagonally and seemed to being going down. I saw the
man behind the shack. He was awfully plump, had a grey moustache, and
had quite a few wrinkles on his face. His clothing is what irritates me. Hes
wearing a full ranged coat with brown fur on the edges, he had a small
circular hat with a feather on it and was wearing a shiny gold diamond
shaped ear ring. I hate people like that mainly because the clothing they
wear always seem like theyre trying to show off to others.

I like the way my clothes are. I normally just wear a blue t shirt and red
doublet and orange pants. I like the way I look, except the monkey like ears.
My skin is lightly tanned, I have small pale hands and quite a pointy nose.
Im 58 and slightly muscular and have sky blue eyes. I also have nice curly
black hair that I love to scratch when Im bored. I honestly think I look
normal, unlike this plumpy man on the stand.
Another thing about this mans clothing is that it also reminds me about my
mother. My mother was always obsessed with expensive things. She never
seemed to love my father for who is, but rather loved him for the things he
bought for her. Its kindve of weird, because unlike most kids, I hated my
mother. She never used to respect my dad, never used to do any household
work unless forced to, and always depended on me and my father to go get
the food instead of making it for us. All this went on for a quite a few years.
I was 16 at the time when she left us, and now Im 23, and theres not a
single piece in my heart thats still wishing her to come home.
As I looked at the man, he gave me a sharp look and quickly said Hey you!
Are you going to buy something or not. I dont want anybody here who
takes an hour to reply
That kindve of ticked me off. I turned the other way and continued to jostle
my way through the crowd. One thing I learned today is to never visit that
stand again. As I continue my way through the crowd, I smelled something
great. It smelled pungent. It felt hot, sort of like spices and this smell was
slowly clogging up my nose with great delight. Without hesitating, I slowly
moved towards this amazing smell and as I looked ahead, I saw somebody
waving at me. He seemed very familiar, I tried to get a closer look and saw
that it's just Avery
Hey Chris! What have you been up to lately? Avery asks while chopping
down a raw piece of chicken. The juice of the chicken splattered everywhere
as I looked at him.
Nothing much, just searching the market for some fruit. You know father
gets agitated when I dont bring him fruit I said, laughing.
Your old man always gives me the laughs Avery said, putting his butcher
knife away

Avery has been my best friend ever since I started going to my fathers shop.
My father used to be good friends with his father. They both worked near
each other and used to hang out. Avery and I were forced to meet each
other as we both used to go with our fathers to work. Over time, we hanged
out a lot more often and eventually became good friends. We got along
pretty well together because we had so many similarities between each
other. Avery loves books, reads about Emily walker, loves to draw models of
ships, wants to know whats out there in the world and many other things
that we both love to do. The only difference between us is that he loves
working his job in the market while I hate it. I just buy stuff low and sell
high. Its quite boring actually.
If Avery wasnt my friend, I would actually be scared. Hes a year younger
than me, but taller and more muscular. Hes 61 and thats quite rare to find
here. He looks buff, dark tanned skin with matching coffee brown eyes.
Hes a slender man, has curly, black hair and quite large hands with a cloth
wrapped around his index finger. He told me he got a cut while cutting up
some grub, which explains the cloth. Outside of my father, Avery is
probably the closest person to me. He always felt like a younger brother to
me and I remembered a few years ago, we drank a cup of wine together
making a promise to each other that once we drink this, we both swear to
protect each other with our lives. I still kept that promise today and will
continue to keep it till the day I die.
Avery works as a cook as that used to be his fathers job back in the day.
Avery makes some of the best dishes you will see in the market. Hes
amazing at cooking food and always makes something great out of any piece
of meat he gets. Let it be chicken, pork, steak or anything else, he will find
to give get your taste buds up and running. The best part for me is that he
gives me free food, which is great for me. There is always something unique
in the taste of his food,
Hey Chris, do you want try this sandwich I made. I got some bread from
Manjoas and added some chicken to it. Give it try
I look at Avery as he held the sandwich. The bread is cylinder shaped with
rectangular chopped up chicken. I grasp the sandwich in my hand and
slowly take a bite into it. My mind went into complete colors. The bread
tasted soft and salty and as my teeth sank into the chicken, I felt like I was in
a whole new world. It tasted juicy and mellow while being slightly spicy.

Without thinking, I took bite after bite until there was nothing but satisfaction
left inside of me.
So what do you think ? Avery said smiling. I quickly turned towards and
said Avery, your work with food is like art. Amazing, nobody can top you.
Thanks man Avery shouted raising up his arms Youre going to be seeing
more of this the day I open up my restaurant in the sea Averys goal in life is
to open up a restaurant in the sea. Its kindve of crazy idea, I dont know
how hes going to pull it off and I dont even know why he even wants to do
that, but Im not really in the mood of questioning his dream.
Well good luck Avery I smiled
Oh Yeah! Chris, there was something I was going to tell you today, Avery
said quickly.
Well it better be quick, because father is going to be ticked off at me if I
dont bring him fruit I said.
No no, trust me. This is actually worth your time. said Avery as he
crouched under his wooden stand. His tent is actually one of the few tents
that looks nice. The sign is made of shiny silver with a carved in name
saying Johnsons finest dishes His stand is made of wood and he had a blue
and purple tent covering it.
Okay, here it is Avery pulled out a newspaper with some dust on it with his
finger shaking all over the front cover Look at the front cover
I take the paper from him and adjust my eyes on to the front cover. I slowly
read the text.
Expedition to Basterilla. Crew members needed
We, members of the crew known as the Oro Jacksons are going on a
trip to the island known as Basterilla. Not many people have
returned from this island. We are going to uncover the truth and
find the so called treasure on this island that people were talking
about for years. We have 20 members so far and need 10 more.
We are coming to the island known as LBahaman and are going to
search for the members here as this island is our next stoppage. I
hope to see many people in line to join and we will start the
Expedition on June 12th.

I almost dropped the paper as I finished reading the last sentence. This
once and a life time opportunity to board an ACTUAL ship and actually
explore the world. Ive lived my entire life on this island, Ive never once left
this island and my father has kept me here because he thinks Im not ready
to take on the world. Well, today is the day Im going to prove him wrong
and show him that Im ready.
Avery, this is the single greatest piece of paper you have ever shown me.
Im joining that crew, theres no way Im backing out of this. There was
zing throughout my body as I talked to Avery.
Chris, you know what excites me more than the crew, the island.
Basterilla Avery was moving his eyebrows like a seesaw.
What do you mean, I mean going to an island is great and all, but theres
nothing much to do besides watching a few animals here and there. I was
puzzled by Avery.
Chris, havent you ever heard about this island before? Avery had a
puzzled look on his face just like me as he spoke to me,Theres several
rumours going around this island about some kind of treasure being here
and apparently that treasure is worth millions.
Yeah, I get it, but I dont care about some kind of treasure. I just want to
explore the world. Its been my dream since I was introduced into this world
and for me, its worth more than any measly treasure My voice was kindve
of raising as I spoke to Avery
Chris, I understand what youre telling me, but its not only the treasure that
Im looking for, theres one more thing thats is A LOT bigger than what Im
already telling you. Avery was rubbing his hands together in excitement as
he told me all of this.
This Chris, is the last island EMILY WALKER went to before he suddenly
disappeared. My mouth instantly dropped
The great Emily walker, hes Averys role model and my favourite explorer.
This man was amazing. In his time, there was no such thing as rumours. If
there was any flimsy piece of information of an island, he would go to that
island and come back to tell you the truth. He explored every bit of the

Mediterranean sea and returned to tell his tale. Hes one of the biggest
reasons why I believe anything is possible in this world. One of his greatest
quotes was Greatness isnt achieved through power or wealth, but through
sheer desire and your will to get there. Its strange though, about 15 years
ago, he had set an expedition to this very island, Basterilla. I didnt know
much about the island, but I very well know that Emily was never heard of
again after going there. The strange thing is, several people have went to
that island and never returned. There was a lot of stories on it and most
people said that the island was filled with a lot of dangerous wildlife and that
was the reason why most of them passed away. I dont know about that
though, it seems a bit fishy to me. Most of these explorers like Emily, Frank
Savic, George Kallington and others had quite a number of people on their
ships, probably at least 40-70 people and for sure they brought weapons with
them. What kindve of creatures could possibly take down so many men
without any survivors.
Now that I think about, Im exactly starting to feel a little anxious. Not
surprising since Im a chicken hearted person. If theres dangerous wildlife
on this island, the only way to defend myself is to kill. Killing is the last
thing I want to do in my life. If I was on the brink of death and was forced to
kill, I still wouldnt do it. Even if its a chicken, even if its a ANT, I still cant
It all started when I was about 9 years old. My father asked me chop of the
head of a chicken. At the time, I honestly thought it wasnt even that bad.
All I had to do was take a quick swipe at its neck and all would be done. But
that wasnt the case. I swung my axe as hard as I could at the chicken and
felt my axe sinking into its flesh. As I opened my eyes, I saw the blood
splattered everywhere, there was blood on the ground, axe and some
droplets on my skin. I felt dizzy seeing all of this, but then I saw the carcass
of the chicken, just lying there with its severed head. I felt like puking, I felt
like a monster and a devil. My hands were shaking uncontrollably and
everything just blacked out. The next day my father told me everything and
from that day onward, Ive never killed or done anything remotely close to
that incident. Im pretty sure that stuff wont happen on the island.
Chris. . . CHRIS.
What, WHAT! The words just automatically came out my mouth
Looked like you were day dreaming or something right there. Anyway, you
heard me loud and clear right? Emily went to that island and never returned

to tell us the truth like he usually does. Theres something about that island
that makes it different than the other ones he explored. Maybe that cursed
treasure people were talking about might be true,
It does sound kind of peculiar, but I think were just taking this too seriously.
Lets just avoid thinking about that and think a
bout the opportunity weve been given. Theres no guarantee were going
to be in that crew. Remember, only ten members can join. Lets guarantee
our spots before we discuss this
Avery gently smiled and said, I guess youre right Chris. Today is the 10th,
so we got today and tomorrow to prepare for the trip. I guess I will see you
Yeah, Ill see you then. I also have to get fathers fruit anyway. Ill be
back here tomorrow.
Okay, bye Chris said Avery waving his hand as I got further and further.
After a long struggle getting oranges and getting my way through the crowd,
I was finally home. Father was there, still sitting on his old, wooden chair
and was cutting an apple that was shaped like a moustache.
Chris, look at this beauty I made. Tastes great and looks better than my
moustache at the moment. My father seemed to be having the time of his
life when cutting up fruit. His wrinkly, tanned and bony face always gave
me a smile. Its just his style of clothing that I hate. He always wears a
white T shirt with grey stockings and those clothes just dont match him. I
always suggested that he should try something new but he never listens.
Hey chris, why do look youre about to sweat a river Dammit, father read
me like a book. I felt a little nervous telling him about me joining that crew.
I think he might be heartbroken hearing that I might leave him. I didnt
want to tell him, but I have to.
Father, um, lets just say. . The words just arent coming out of my
Come on son, tell me, no need to be so nervous. I wont say a thing
Hes just trying to reel out the words from my mouth.
Father Im joining a crew. I spat out the words without hesitating and
closed my eyes.

Nothing happened, all I could hear were the waves of the ocean, the birds
chirping in the distance, and hear the wooden floor creaking.
Finally after almost a minute, my father finally spoke up and said
Chris, boy I have to tell you one thing, Im proud of you. My eyes
opened the instant he said that
Wait, arent you sad, vexed, heartbroken or even a bit emotional?
I am emotional. That emotion is happiness son.
Really dad, you actually want me to go on that ship. But all those times
you told me its too dangerous for me to go out there, or that Im not ready
yet. Or those times yo-
Chris, calm down. Take a few deep breaths and come sit on that chair
over there.
As I sat down, my father told me Son, youre acting like Im a complete
stranger to you. Let me tell you this, Ive been here since the start, Ive
been watching you grow everyday and over time, I really got to know you a
whole lot better. I know what you want in life, I know what goals you have
and what you really want to achieve. Youve been wanting to explore this
world for a quite a while ay. I nodded at my father
Chris, what kindve of a father would I be if I didnt let my son do what he
wanted to do. Son, Ive never made your life easy. Having no mother in
your life, being on this island for 23 years, and forcing you to do a job youve
never liked. I for one, havent been a very great father over the years and
Im not going to make it worse for you by snatching your dreams away.
Once my father finished his speech, tears were flowing down my cheeks. It
felt like a wall in my head controlling all the tears suddenly broke down and
the tears just flowed in.
Come on Chris, dont cry, or else Im going to start shedding some tears
too Father laughed while he said this all
I smiled at father and wiped away my tears.
Father, youve never been a bad father. The fact that you even give a
damn about me is good enough for me.
Got damn kiddo, throughout my whole life, through all the ups and downs,
youve always been that one bright spot. I could see a tear in fathers eye
as he told me this.

Father slowly moved his bony arms over to me and hugged me. I felt
strange as he did this. It felt like the deepest, coldest depths of my heart
were starting to warm up and I just felt happiness all over me.
Anyway kiddo, what island are you even going to with this crew of yours
said father
Well apparently were going to this island called Basterilla
So, youre going to the island Emily walker never returned from. Going to
be quite an adventure ay.
Yeah, I guess it will be
Kiddo, Im going to give a little something of mine Father quickly started
searching through his pocket
Here, have this It was the knife father used to cut his fruit
Whyre you giving this to me? I asked
This is a promise to me that you will come back safe and sound after your
I grabbed the knife from fathers hand and put it in my pocket.
Father, dont worry, youll be cutting up fruit in no time
Thank you son. Now go catch some sleep, I rather not keep you tired
throughout the night. Go to bed, alright?
Yeah, I will
I got off the chair and walked to my room. I slowly closed the door and saw
that father already fell asleep. I look around my room and saw the waves of
the ocean through the diamond shaped window. I saw my bed in the corner
of my wooden room. The color of the bed is bright red and theres my plain
white pillow at the top of the bed. I literally leaped into the bed and let the
soft cloth suck me in. Without thinking once, I went into deep sleep. The
only things left now are the sounds of the ocean, fathers snoring, and the
brand new adventure that awaits me.

Part 2: Charles Joseph, a man of wonders

Todays the big day, june 12th. I quickly sprung out of my bed and onto to
the floor. I didnt even bother to change my clothes as I raced across the
creaky wooden floor to the wooden door. I quickly woke up my dad and
touched his wrinkly face one more time before leaving. I waved to him and
slammed the door shut. Without thinking once, I forced my way through the
crowd and tried to reach Averys place. As I made it there, I already saw
Avery standing there looking forward instead of greeting me like usual. As I

looked ahead, I saw a couple of men standing on a large wooden stand. All
of them had the same clothing on. Everyone was wearing a blue hat, had a
white buttoned shirt with blue jacket over the shirt. They were all wearing
grey stockings and had leather boots. 4 of the men were standing behind
one man, who was trying to quiet down the people. The crowd slowly
quieted down.
The man finally spoke up and said Thank you people of L Bahaman and
thanks for coming here. He had quite a masculine voice.
Hello everyone, Im Charles Joseph. Today is the day were going to pick out
10 members to join our crew. Now we need everyone to line up together
and well explain the instruction along the way.
Everyone rushed near the wooden stand and surprisingly, got in a nice,
orderly fashioned line. Avery was already in the line waiting and yelled at
me to come.
Avery, you dont know how excited I am. I feel like a seed that just
blossomed. Man, how much longer till we get to the front of the line
At this rate, well be there in 5 minutes. Have you noticed how fast people
are leaving the line. ?
I looked ahead and saw that people are almost spending 20 seconds with
that Charles guy and then leaving. Some people are leaving the place
entirely while others are going behind that Charles man. I wonder whats
happening over there.
By the time I look ahead, it was Averys turn to speak with Charles. Avery
started talking and was waving his hands uncontrollably. Charles was just
nodding to everything Avery was saying.
Damn, I really want to know what Avery is saying I thought to myself
Hey, you! Kid in the blue shirt. Youre up next I didnt even notice he was
yelling at me. I saw Avery walking behind the man.
Looks like he made it I thought to myself
Are you coming or not Charles yelled

Y. . . yes sir! I scurried over there.

Wow the man looked tall and muscular compared to what he looked like on
stage. He looked like he was as tall as Avery. He had light tanned skin and
a bushy moustache. His muscles were really showing from the clothing he
was wearing. It looked like they were going to burst out.
Hey kid, I want you to be quick and fast with this question, okay? I
nodded,Okay, tell me, why do you want to join this crew and give me any
skill you have
Oh, umm, I like, ummm-
Hurry up kid, I dont have all day His voice frightens me, it sent shivers
down my spine. But I knew I cant blow this once in a life time opportunity to
join a crew. quo
I told him,I want to join this crew because I want to experience this world.
Every ocean, every lake, every rock and inch I want to discover and I will
cherish these moments for the rest of my life. Im tired of being on this
island and I dont want to spend the rest of my life wondering whats out
there. And you want to know what kind of skill I have, I will help navigate
your ship. I dont have experience, but I have read books. I felt alive while
telling him everything, I feel like all the things I was holding in my head have
finally been released.
Wow, you know what kid, I like your tone. Go onto the ship right over there
and meet up with the rest of the people
Wait, Im in the crew! I was about to blow up with excitement
Not just yet, but youre only a few steps away from coming, NEXT I walked
behind and carried onto the ship he was talking about. As I looked ahead, I
saw Charles's ship. Wow its amazing. The ship is 2 times the size of
fathers ship. Theres no gaps on the wood of the ship. The outer parts of
the ships just look fantastic. As I walked onto the board of the ship, I can
see Avery and 12 other people standing together near the bow of the ship.
Hey, Chris. Come over here Avery yelled
I sprinted towards Avery with excitement. One step closer to being on this

Chris, Im pretty sure this it. Were going on this ship for sure!
Theres 14 people here including us, so doesnt that mean 4 people are
going home? Im pretty sure only 10 people are allowed on the ship
Thats a good point Avery replied
Avery and I slowly wait for Charles to arrive, but all we seen so far his just his
crewmates drinking purple wine.
Finally after 15 minutes, Charles Joseph comes onto the ship.
Okay boys, theres 14 of you. And only 10 of you are staying here. I would
love to keep you all here, but we cant do that. Okay, so this how were
going to decide this. Each of you are going to fight me, and the people who
gets humiliated the most will leave my ship. I dont want any weaklings on
this crew
Of all the things, fighting I thought to myself. I dont how Im going to do
this, this guy seems like the type of guy who would knock your head inside
out with one punch.
Ill go first shouted a man. He looked like Avery, except he had a beard
and quite a crooked nose. He also a lot shorter than Avery.
Okay, prepare yourself, Im not going to go easy on you.
The man screamed and charged at Charles. The man threw a wild punch at
Charles, but he swiftly avoided it. The man dashed towards Charles and
threw a barrage of punches, but Charles is making this look too easy by
dodging each and everyone of those punches. The man threw one wild
swing at Charles, but this time Charles charged at him. He blocks the man
punch, smiles and releases a wild swing of his own at him. Charles punch
almost penetrated the mans skin as the man flew into the air and hit the
wooden board hard. He looked unconscious and wasnt moving a muscle.
The sight petrified me

Its been 20 minutes and Charles has been giving a whooping to almost
everyone he faced. This feels like a tiger vs a group of cows. Theres
almost no chance for anybody. Up next is Avery.

Oh god Avery, please return without any broken bones. I thought to

Okay, ready boy? Charles yelled
Avery smiled and said, Yes, Im more than ready for you
Avery dashed towards Charles and threw a quick punch, but Charles dodged
it and grabbed his arm.
Its all over I said hopelessly
Charles swung his fist at Avery, but Avery blocked and grabbed his hand and
kneed Charles in the stomach. Charles looked like he was out of breath and
this time, he charged at Avery. Avery crouched and swiveled his leg and
tripped Charles. Charles quickly got up and swung his leg at Avery, but he
ducked and grabbed Charles shirt and threw a wild swing at his face.
Charles tumbled across the wooden floor and hit the side of the ship.
Everyone was shocked at the way this fight was turning out. I never knew
Avery was so good at combat. Maybe his father taught him a few moves.
Charles had a frown on his face and looked it like steam was about to come
out of his ears. He charged at Avery again and this time threw a wild swing
at Avery. Avery easily grabbed his arm, but all Charles did was smile. I
could see the confusion on Averys face.
Game over boy, you put up a good fight said Charles smiling
Avery screamed and tried to punch Charles, but Charles already drilled a
punch right into Averys stomach. It felt like everything went in slow motion.
It felt like the punch was about to rip a hole in Averys stomach. He spat out
saliva and fell to the ground almost instantly. He was struggling to get on
his knees. He slowly crawled his way over to me as Charles laughed.
Kid, youre a keeper. Welcome yourself to the crew.
Avery was struggling to smile.
Okay, you, in the blue shirt, you're the last one left to fight.

Wow Im nervous. Ive never fought before and my ticket to see the world is
on the line here. I stepped towards Charles and Im pretty sure he can tell
how nervous I am.
Yeah, just give me one seco-
Charles quickly launched his foot at me and I jumped back. I felt a sharp
pain in my chest, but I ignored it and observed him. He seems to rely on
quick attacks and counter attacks. If I can get him to attack me and counter
attack him, I might be able to get a few good hits. Thats how Avery
managed to get most of his hits.
Charles immediately came at me again and I narrowly dodged his kick. As I
crouched down, I looked up and saw that he threw another quick punch, but I
quickly rolled over and the punch just grazed me. He smashed some of the
wooden floor and got a little cut. He continued advancing over to me
Quick I thought,Nows my chance to counterattack.
I saw him rushing towards me and instead of backing off, I charged straight
at him will full force. As I was about to collide with him, he threw an
uppercut at me. Sweat was dripping of me as his fist was about to make
contact with my face. I put my hand in the way of the punch and throw a
wild swing at his face. My hands felt like they were crushed. I punched him
right in the nose and his nose was as hard as steel. I felt the force of his
punch wasnt as strong after I hit him in the face. After a few moments, I
finally came into realization of what happened. Hes on the ground crying in
pain. I looked at everyone and their mouths dropped. Before I moved
ahead to celebrate, I heard a voice behind me.
Were not just done yet kid It was Charles, he still not down and out
As I turned around, I froze. There was blood dripping down all over Charles
face. He started moving towards me, but I couldnt move a single muscle.
Blood, I hate blood. I felt the fear slowly take over my body as he came
towards me.
Move, MOVE! I was screaming in my head but nothing was happening.
Charles slowly winded up his arm and threw his punch.

I felt a sudden burst of pain on my forehead and everything went into

peaceful darkness.

Part 3: Welcome to Basterilla

As I opened my eyes, my forehead ached. Everything looked blurry and I
felt like the world just stopped. I tried to get up but collapsed each time. I
looked at what I was sitting on, it was a bed. A lot comfier than the one at
home. I almost felt like I was being sucked in my by its softness. I fought
back and got myself out of the bed. I looked around the room and saw
nothing but the wood and a window. It was quite a compact room. I slowly
got up and walked towards the window. I looked outside and saw nothing
but the sparkly blue sea. I looked back and went towards the door. I slowly
opened it and walked outside.
Hey Chris! You finally woke up I adjusted my eyes at the figure and saw
that it was Avery.
Hey, Ave. Avery I mumbled. ,Hey Avery, how long have I been here.
Where are we even?
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. You know that fight you had with Charles,
when you got hit there, you were knocked out for three straight days.
My mind snapped when he said that.
Wait, Wait. Three days! What the hell was going on for three days. Did I
even make the crew? Where are we even?
Woah, woah. Slow your horses kid. That voice sounded familiar.
Wait, who are you? I asked

Did my punch give you brain damage or something? Its me, Charles! he
I felt like a dunce when he told me that.
Kid, you better get ready fast. Were already here at Basterilla. Everyone
already came of the ship.
I looked to my side and saw something, amazing. I slowly went onward and
saw the most amazing sight that I would only see in my dreams. Is this
really Basterilla, the so called cursed island people were talking about? It felt
like the complete opposite for me. I saw the sandy shore which is usually on
an island, but whats ahead is what rivets me. All I see is the lush, dark
green forests that are sparkling with light. There are several trees with
sloped trunks. On the side of the island I can see two oddly shaped boulders
with light, green moss over the edges. Near the boulders is a small puddle
of water. The water is shining bright and is clearer than piece of glass.
Next to the puddle is a few animals. Theres a furry looking deer next to a
squirrel. Both are feasting on the straight, untrimmed grass that I just want
to curl up in. Avery and Charles walked slowly down the ships board onto
the island. I quickly follow behind them and put my foot into the sand. I
felt like my foot was sinking into the sand, but I couldnt care less. I put
some of the sand on my hand and it slowly descended upon my hand. The
sand felt mellow and I felt like I could sleep in it all day without giving a
I saw all the members were wearing the clothes they wore back at L
Bahaman except for me and Avery. Everyone here seems to be my height,
about 59 while Avery was towering over them as hes 61.
Charles shouted,Okay everyone! Everyone here needs to follow my
command and not do whatever the hell they want. I need you all to follow
me, this place has a lot of animals that wont give you a nice greeting so be
YAAAAAAAAA Everyone shouted pulling out their swords. Wait, I dont
even have a sword. Doesnt really matter much as I cant even kill. We all
followed Charles as he leaded the way. There was a 5 foot gap between two
trees in front of us. Quite strange, doesnt look like it was something
created by nature.

Charles lead everyone to that gap and I took a deep breath and walked in.
The shining light of the sun instantly vanished as we went in. It wasnt pitch
dark, but it was pretty hard to see each other. I really hope there isnt any
aggressive animals up ahead.
As we walked ahead, we heard a hissing noise. It was yellow shaped figure
and quickly lunged at Charles. Charles pulled out his sword and slashed the
head of the animal. I quickly looked the other way as I knew I would faint. I
stepped in the puddle of the yellow figures blood as we walked ahead. I
heard a lot of screeching noises, loud honks and many other other irritating
sounds, but the whole crew continued onward. We finally saw the light
flashing at the end of this forest.

Part 4: The final showdown

As we reached the end of the forest, we saw something strange. A building.
On a bloody island. This definitely wasnt natural, I can say that much. This
building had a circular roof and had 8 pillars holding it up. The whole crew
slowly walked towards it and walked down the stairs surrounding the floor.
There was a hole in the middle. We saw stairs going down and several
torches. We all walked down the stairs and as we reached the end of it, we
saw a stone door with a ring hanging on a rope. Charles immediately
observed the ring and pulled it. As he pulled, the door slowly opened, we
entered a whole new area. This place was compact and had five tunnels.
The whole area looked like an ordinary cave and it felt chilly and cold. It
gave me a weird feeling, but I tried my best to ignore it.
Okay everyone, we need to split up into five groups Charles yelled.

I really didnt like the way this was going. Luckily Avery was in my group.
The other three men looked pretty flimsy. I dont really trust them to protect
us if anything goes wrong.
Everyone got into their groups and went into the tunnels. The tunnel we
went into was really tight and was pitch black. It took about 3 minutes
before we finally reached the end of the tunnel. As we made it to the end,
we were in another dilemma. The room looked exactly the same as the last
one except this time there was two tunnels.
Okay, you three go on the tunnel in the left, Avery and I will go in the tunnel
on the right. I said
Got it They all yelled.
Avery and I went into the tunnel and it was just like the last tunnel. As we
reached the end, we finally saw something new. It was a room with crackled
up rocks everywhere. I saw an old book shelf at the left side and a carved
painting at the front. I went up to the carved painting and studied it. It
showed some kind of statue. The statue had many patterns and designs. It
showed a head that I couldnt really make out. I couldnt tell the expression,
but I ignored it. I looked at the bottom, there was a message. I read it out
loud and it said
The treasure of Delilah is something to be untouched and never moved.
That was weird. Maybe the treasure name is Delilah. I dont really
understand the part after that, though. I ignored and looked for Avery.
Avery was next to a skeleton. I almost jumped as I looked at him, but all I
saw was Avery with his eyebrows raised.
Chri. Chris. Impossible. I cant believe it. Avery stammered, This
skeleton, is Emily walker.
Wait, What? Emily walker, how could it be-
No, no read this. Avery showed me an old book. This book looked like it
was gone for years. There was a little bit of dust on it that I brushed away.
I opened the book and read out
For those who find this message, I beg of you. Leave this island, its cursed.
Please dont go any further from the point youre at or else you will suffer
the same fate as me. By the time you get this message, I will be a lifeless

corpse. I went on this island in search of the cursed treasure people spoke
of. I thought it was time to explore a unique island, but this wasnt an
island, it was hell. The treasure of Delilah, is cursed. The inner contents of
that treasure must never reach the outside world. The hellish demons that
guard this place must never exist this cave. I fought for my crewmates, I
tried to block off this place and destroy it,but I was overwhelmed by the dark
spirits that lurk upon these very floors. Im currently isolated in this room,
the demons have struck the door and will be here in here any minute. I
hope the they dont get ahold of the inner contents of this book or else this
world will suffer. Please, the treasure of Delilah is up ahead, but make sure
it never leaves this island. That treasure is no treasure, its a gift from hell.
It must never leave this island, never.
Emily walker
So Emily walker did pass away. All thats left is his corpse. But its only
been 15 years. Surely there has to be some kind of flesh left. I doubt
anything could really eat him out.
Run, RUN! someone screamed.
The door slammed open and the man in my group appeared with all his
clothes torn apart and dirty.
Guys, theres something wrong with this island. I saw some strange
creatures, they killed the other two guys back there. I dont know whats
going on, but we have to get out of here. He was sweating a river as he
said this.
Woah woah, explain everything. Im lost. Youre going way too fast Avery
Man, that doesnt matter. We need to get out of her-
Something pounced on the man as he cried. It quickly clawed its hands into
the flesh of the man. I was horrified by the site. I trembled as I saw this.
The red flesh tore apart and flew everywhere as the creature dug its mouth
into the mans back. Avery and I couldnt move. I looked away and knew I
needed to help the man, but I just couldnt. What the hell is going on.

The creature growled and looked at us. There was rotten flesh everywhere
on its yellow stained teeth. It had pitch black, dilated eyes and was devoid
of hair. It had albino skin and abnormally large fingers and only three toes
on its feet. It looked at us with veins popping out of its head. It lunged
towards at us at great speed.
AVERY I shouted helplessly.
Avery quickly pulled out his sword and slashed the creature. Red blood
splashed everywhere. Avery quickly went up onto the creature as it was
moaning on the ground and stabbed it repeatedly again and again. The
creature had severed legs and had almost covered the whole room in blood.
Avery was breathing hard as he looked. All that was left was the dead man
and the cut up creature. I almost puked at the sight.
Chris, get it together. We need to get out of here. I doubt this is the last
I shook uncontrollably as he said this. I tried to move, but could barely
cover an inch.
Chris, lets go back through the tunnel, we cant die here.
I followed Avery towards the exit, but I heard more sounds. I heard snarls
and loud screeches. The creatures, theyre back.
Avery, close the door, NOW! Avery quickly slammed the door shut and we
heard loud bangs against the door. The door hopefully stands up to the
creatures, but deep inside right now, Im losing it. Im about to die. I might
never see father again or anybody else. I cant die here, I just cant.
Bloody hell, all we can do now is continue forward. Avery yelled.
We both continued up to the door and opened it. To my relief, I saw five of
our members, including Charles, standing next to a large piece of gold. It
amazed me and took all the fear out of me. I saw amazing craftsmanship
and designs on the treasure. It was made of pure gold and had carved
shape of someone having their legs crossed with a mask on. The mask was
quite big and looked like the face of a monkey. The treasure was two inches
taller than Charles. The room was quite large too. It was circular shaped
and had a lot of 4 large tunnels that were on the other side. I saw Charles

and the crew discussing. They didnt notice us. I was about to go yell hey,
but Avery told me to quiet down and watch.
We can sell this for millions, we just need to get out the island alive. Im
barely escaped those eldritch creatures, but I guess it doesnt matter now.
Charles told the members
Looks theyre not the only ones who encountered those creatures.
I know theres more to this treasure, I want you to open the case, Zyann
Charles said to a Zyann. He walked up and opened the treasure case, as he
opened it, I saw a strange deformed shaped human in there. Almost looked
like a mummy. I saw a strange, purple fog come out as I watched. Zyann
immediately coughed and fell to the ground as he closed the case. He was
coughing hard and loud. After almost 2 minutes of intense coughing. He
slowly looked back and growled. His face changed. His eyes were black,
just like that creature we encountered earlier. He growled more and
charged Charles and the crew. Charles quickly pulled out his sword and
slashed the head off Zyann with dark red blood all over the floor.
So thats exactly how it works, ey. Explains where those creatures came
from. Leave all the other members in the tunnel to die. Well leave without
them. There were all just sacrifices needed to get this fortune. Charles
quickly picked up the treasure with ease and ran off into the tunnel in front of
him. As he ran, on the other side, the creatures were slowly coming out.
There was at least 6 of them. Charging at Charles and his crew.
Boys, hold them off, Ill secure the treasure on the ship
The four members of Charles crew fought off the creatures as he ran into the
tunnel leading back outside.
That arse, hes leaving us to die said Avery.
I think hes leaving those four guys to die too. Avery come on, we have to
hurry to the ship before he gets away.
Avery and I quickly ran through the tunnel we came from. Those creature
banging on the door earlier seemed to have left, so we quickly ran off. As
we reached the end of the tunnel, the door we entered this cave from was
slightly open, Avery was about to open it, but a sudden figure lunged out of
the cave and tackled me. It was the creature from earlier, it tried to claw

me, but I grabbed its arm and slowly pushed it away as it struggled to chomp
away at my face. I felt like my life was at the brink of death, there was no
I suddenly realized, I still have fathers knife. I pushed the creature away
and into the wall and pulled out the knife. I jumped at the creature and
repeatedly stabbed at it again and again until it layed motionless. I was
horrified at all the events happening, but I closed my eyes and ran with
Avery towards the door and slammed it shut. There was blood all over the
knife and my hand. It was already bad enough Avery stood there like doof
and didnt bother to help me as the creature was about to kill me.
Im cutting the rope of the ring so nobody will ever get into this building
again said Avery. He used his sword to cut the rope and quickly ran with
me up the stairs. We went through the forest and sprinted as hard as we
could towards the ship. We ignored all the sounds in the forest as we made
it to the end. When we finally reached the end of the tunnel, I saw the
treasure Delilah at the ship. Avery and I quickly went on board to see
nothing but Delilah.
Charles isnt here Avery, isnt that strange
Yeah, its weird, but we dont have time to worry about that. You know how
to navigate a ship, right? I nodded. I learned a lot from father and he taught
me how to when I was 18,Well lets navigate the ship somewhere far from
this island and drop the treasure off. Remember what Emily said, those
devils or creatures were guarding that treasure and it couldnt leave this
island. We know what that thing does and we need to get rid of it, NOW!
As I came near the treasure, I heard a voice behind me.
Not today boys, not today. It was Charles, he quickly came up to me and
punched me in the stomach. I coughed and fell on the ground and felt like I
couldnt breath at all. As he was about to stomp his foot on me, Avery came
and tackled him down.
I tried to come support Avery, but Charles easily threw Avery off him and he
fell on me. We tumbled onto the ship as Charles charged at us again.
Charles pulled out his sword. Avery quickly pulled out his sword and a loud
screechy noise came as the swords collided with each other. They were
dueling as I tried to pull my knife out. Avery tried to poke Charles, but he

dodged it and knocked Averys sword out of his hand. As he was about to
hit Avery, I quickly came and stabbed him on his leg. He screamed in pain
as blood slowly came through the hole of his skin. I kicked his sword out
and was about to stab him again, but I suddenly stopped.
The amount of blood on my hand, face and his leg immediately frightened
me. I tried to move my hand further, but it just wouldnt budge. My legs
were shaking at what I was doing. I was about to take a mans life away.
Avery and my lives depended on killing this guy, but I just couldnt pull
myself together and let the knife drop out of my hands.
TREASURE LEAVE THIS ISLAND yelled Avery who was struggling to get up.
Charles laughed as we said this all,Boys will boys I guess.
You dont know what the hell youre doing Charles. screamed Avery You
saw what happens if you open that treasure, you know that treasure will
destroy the world if you let someone get a hold of it.
Charles smiled as Avery said this, So you guys overheard us back at the
cave. Do you honestly think I give a damn about this world. It could go to
hell for all I care. Ive spent 34 years doing nothing, but searching for a
treasure worth something as much as Delilah. I now finally got a hold of it.
Do you honestly know the amount of things I could possibly get, if I sell this
to the right buyer? Its worth more than this pesky world. You all were
nothing more than sacrifices needed to achieve my goals, and I will kill you
to get it. Look on the bright side, its a better death than dying like those
little weasels back in the cave He laughed.
You sick bastard Avery said.
I was still shaking from all of this, but as I looked down, Charles grabbed me
and quickly jabbed me as I fell down. I felt dizzy as I hit the ground and
struggled to get up. As I got up, I saw Charles already choking Avery and
attempting to throw him off the ship. I tried to get up, but couldnt do it.
My bloodied knife was only a few feet away from me, but I couldnt look at it.
The bloodied knife was too hard to look at. Avery kicked Charles off and
threw him away as he tumbled across the board.

CHRIS, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. Get the knife and help me
finish him off. I dont care what you say about killing being wrong and being
your one and only fear. If youre going to achieve anything in your life, you
need to get over your fears. Or you can roll over and get us both killed.
The choice is yours said Avery.
Charles quickly got up and tackled Avery as I thought about what Avery little
speech. Hes right, what kindve of dream can I achieve if I cant get over
this. I cant explore any damn island if they're anything like this one. But,
its still too hard to go over there and pick up that knife. I just couldnt do it.
CHRIS! Avery yelled as he pushed Charles away. Remember that cup of
wine we drank a few years. When we drank that, we promised to protect
each other till the day we die. Well todays the day Chris. Are you really
going to break it?
My mind snapped as Avery told that. What kindve of a person am I. Not
keeping a promise, especially for my best friend is worse than killing. All the
fear came out of me as he said that. I crawled over where fathers bloodied
knife was and looked ahead. I saw Charles on top of Avery, striking him
hard. Without hesitation, I threw the knife as hard as I could at him.
Charles looked at me and saw death was already upon him. The knife hit
him right in the eye. Blood splattered every as he fell off Avery. Charles
tumbled over the side of the ship and fell off into the water. I heard the
large splash as I watched everything take place.
I quickly ran over to Avery and comforted him.
Are you alright? WAKE UP DAMMIT. I saw a lot of blood was over Averys
face and he had a large cut on his cheek and quite a few bruises. His
clothes were torn apart.
Yeah. . Im alright. He mumbled,Just go throw that Delilah treasure
will ya? I think I had enough adventure for one day. He laughed slowly.
Dont worry, Charles is long gone and were going home. I think Im going
to hold off my dream of exploring the world for a few months,okay?
We both laughed as I navigated the ship the ship towards the sea. I threw
the treasure into the water as it sank, never to be seen again. I hope.

It took a few months for me and Avery to recover from all the injuries we
had. We also were haunted by the memories of that island for a quite few
months. When I came home, I decided to keep the story to myself, as I
didnt want the word to spread out about whats going on there. I definitely
dont want a horde of people coming over to me asking questions. I docked
the ship near my fathers ship because many people didnt know if I went to
the island and I didnt want anybody to ask me questions about what
happened to some of the crewmates.
Father and I had a long discussion about the events that took place on that
island. Honestly, I think its going to be a quite few years before I go on
another adventure. I still have nightmares about the things that happened
on the island, but I it went away over time.
My father told me that I could make a book about all the adventures I had
and how we can earn a little bit of cash over it. I thought it was a great
idea. I think that was a great way to spend the next few weeks.
I asked Avery if he wanted to help write the story, but he declined saying he
didnt want to think about the things that happened there.
After a couple of days, life returned to normal. I went to the market every
day and heard that Avery may open his restaurant in the sea with Charles's
ship. He said hes going to try do that when hes 30. Looks like he has to wait
8 more years to achieve his dream. I still dont know if Im going to go on
another adventure. I might try to if I have a 100 man crew or something.
A few days later I was in my room, sitting on my bed. All I had was my inked
feather, piece of paper and the waves of the ocean as concentration. I
finally thought of the first words to write in my story. I wrote down So
everything began when I went to the market to get my father some
fruit. .

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