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ne kdhsalj

nds c cmsd cmscms clw
mcmam cs c
oak tree capital, industry research, ratio analysis,
verizon-types of services other network services competitors-CISCO, balanced sco
recard,internal/external analyis, 35%-45%, extempore/telephonic round,last movie
u watched-report,current affairs, bloomberg, industry u track,swot,bcg,,
Strategy analyst specializing in Technology, Media and Telecommunication, I have
worked on the following types of projects:
Employee 1
Conducting in-depth business and market research using secondary and primary sou
rces to help clients make informed business decisions
Working with various Fortune 500, private equity and consulting firms to assist
them in marketing, strategy building, analytics, and procurement
Key projects undertaken include demand forecasting, market entry strateg
y, due diligence (acquisition support) studies, market size estimation, trend an
alysis, direct and indirect procurement strategies and supplier benchmarking
These projects span across various industries, such as steel, media, log
istics, digital marketing, digital publishing, chemicals and healthcare

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