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Mineral is inorganic material, formed naturally, uniform with chemical

composition that remains on the volume has, and have structure of the crystal
characteristics that reflected in forms and natures physical.Currently has been
known more than 2000 mineral.Some of them were mineral- mineral main
categorized as a mineral in the form of rocks.Mineral- the mineral especially
containing elements occupies the largest part in the earth, among other
elements oxygen ( o ), silicon the ), aluminum ( al ), iron ( fe ), calcium ( ca ),
sodium ( na ), potassium ( k ) and magnesium ( mg ).
Igneous rock formed from the freezing magma , where igneous rock divided into
2 based on place to the establishment of the namely plutonic, volcanic formed
outside the surface of the earth , sedimentary rock divided into 2 based on the
process whereby formed namely sediment clastic and chemical , clastic for
example through the process mechanics while chemical based on process
chemical and organic.
metamorphic the rocks formed from the rework earlier rock that is formed due to
the pressure and a very high temperature .

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