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CESTOIDEA Order: Cyclophyllidea


Dipylidium caninum: life cycle.
Dogs are the principal definite hosts; other hosts are foxes and cats.
Humans are accidental hosts and may be infected, especially children,
by ingesting an infected flea, when playing with dogs and cats.
The infection is acquired by the ingestion of the infective stage of D.caninum,
the cysticercoid, harboured by the dog or cat flea (Ctenocephalides spp.)
or by the dog lice (Trichodectes canis) the intermediate hosts.
Cycle: the adult worm lives in the small intestine of the definite host;
the worm produces proglottids.
The gravid proglottids detach and migrate to the anus or are passed in the stool.
Each proglottids contains eggs packets enveloped by an outer embryonic
membrane; each packet contains about 20 embryonated eggs (25-30 m in
Larval fleas become infected by ingesting the eggs;
following ingestion an hexacanth embryo is releases and the cysticercoid
develops in the body cavity of the flea.
When the dog (or human) ingests an infected flea,
after the evertion of the scolex the parasite attaches to the small intestine
and develop to the adult worm forming proglottids in about 1 month.
The parasite develops to adult (measuring 15 to 70 cm in lenght) in 20-30 days.
Mild gastrointestinal symptoms and eosinophilia are the common findings.




Dipylidium caninum: the gravid proglottids measure 8-23 mm,

are elongated and ressemble rice grains or cucumber seed.
Proglottids have two sets of reproductive systems:
they have two genital pores laterally sided ("double-pored" tapeworm).
Gravid proglottids, the mature form, contains
hyaline capsules with egg packets inside.
The diagnosis is obtained by observing gravid proglottids or packets
of eggs held by the embryonic membrane, in faeces.
Dipylidium caninum: egg-ball.
Courtesy of Doctor Jean-Franois Magnaval:
Laboratoire de Parasitologie CHU Purpan 31059 Toulouse, France.
dipy4-ic, dipy5-ic
Courtesy of Dr. Ivan Pavlovic, PhD,MSc,DVM,ScAdv:
Scientific Veterinary Institute of Serbia Dept.of Parasitology;
11000 Belgrade,V.Toze 14, Serbia and Montenegro

Dipylidium caninum: sometimes single eggs can be observed in faeces.
The onchospheres measure 20-23 m in diameter.
Dipylidium caninum: egg.

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