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Day 4

10/19 - 10/20

Standards: L1, L2, SL1, RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4,

Objectives / Learning Targets:

I can use standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
I can draw inferences and make interpretations of a text based on evidence.
I can analyze the development of theme throughout a text as well as how it is shaped by
I can analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact, and
advance the plot, or develop the theme.
I can determine the meanings of words, including figurative, connotative, and technical
Essential Question:
How do the choices we make influence our path in life?
Instructional Strategies:
Opener: What If Wednesday #2 (B Day)
Students respond to an ethical or moral dilemma and defend their choice using the web
tool Todays Meet. Students use their mobile devices to log on to the website
Using the appropriate access code, students join the discussion room and comment with their
response in real-time. Students can instantaneously see their peers responses and provide
feedback to their peers.
Opener: Twitter Thursday #2 (A Day)
Students revise a famous tweet for correct spelling, grammar, and mechanics.
Mini-Lesson: Lit Circle Expectations
Review Lit Circle Expectations PowerPoint
Model how to discuss within a lit circle
Lit Circle Meet-up #1
Students will meet with their lit circles to review the first section of their novels. Students
will discuss each of their assigned tasks, as well as any other topics that may come up.
Students will work within their groups to answer five questions about their novel (Dok
3). Students will post their answers to their groups PadLet board. In addition to their answers,
students will also post the pages in their current section, meeting date, and upload pictures of their
completed task sheets. By using PadLet, students will be able to keep track of their progress
through their novel and refer back to previous work when needed for future projects/assignments.
Students will complete a lit circle reflection using the app Lets Recap. Students create
short video recordings where they discuss their contribution to the group discussion, the most
important thing their group discussed, and what they still had a question about after leaving their
discussion. Students submit their recap to the appropriate recap assignment (assignments are
grouped based on literature circles). Once all Recaps are submitted, I will share each groups link
with them so they may answer any questions posed in their peers recaps. Students will also assign
each other their next role.
I will collect their task sheets, group responses, and reflections at the end of the lit circle
Independent Reading
Students will have time allotted for them to begin reading their next section.

Lit circle task sheets, group assignment, Lit Circles Expectations ppt, computer, projector, iPad
Evaluation (Performance tasks & other evidence):
Padlet posts, Reflection Recap

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