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British North America refers to the former territories of the

British Empire in mainland North America.

End of the Seven years

war, (1760) resulting in:

1: Treaty of Paris
2: Royal Proclamation

The Seven Years War was

a crucial turning point in
Canadian history.
With the Treaty of Paris of
1763, France formally
ceded Canada to the
British, and largely
withdrew from the
The Seven Years War
therefore laid the
bicultural foundations of
modern Canada.

The Treaty of Paris of

1763 ended the French
and Indian War/Seven
Years' War between
Great Britain and
France, ( Spain) as well
as their respective allies.
The agreement was:
In the terms of the treaty,
France gave up all its
territories in mainland
North America,
effectively ending any
foreign military threat to
the British colonies there.

Following the Conquest, the British were faced with a real

dilemma in Quebec; how to govern a colony in which The
Majority of people were French-speaking, Catholic and
used to a Government system far different from those in
British colonies ( Seigneurial System) Activity 1

Britain decided upon assimilation

They felt that English-Protestant-Capitalist
would be the eventual dominant culture in
North America

Pontiacs Resistance
pg 111-112 in textbook

Who was General Geoffrey Amhurst?
Compare/Contrast how France and

Britain choose to deal with the indigenous


What was the importance of treating the

First Nations as a Sovereign nation?

How did the Thirteen Colonies react?

Pontiacs Resistance
Who was Pontiac?
How was he influential in the

creation of The Royal


textbook pg 112


Assimilation of the French

population to British culture
Following Pontiacs uprising, the
land west of the Appalachians was
reserved for the Aboriginal people in
hope of avoiding a costly Indian war

Reserved the western interior for

the First Nations

Reduced the size of Quebec
Introduced government
appointed by the British Monarch.
Promised an Elected Assembly.
Introduced the British Legal
Protestantism replaced
Summary- Good for First Nations
(first treaty) Bad for French

October 7,
by King
George III

To what group, (British, Canadiens, First

Nations) was the Royal Proclamation have
the most effect? Why?

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