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Welcome to the Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game...

Thats the trouble with Regeneration. You never know what youre going to get.
(The Fifth Doctor Castrovalva)
The Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game goes back in time in the latest Classic expansion that allows players to
recreate the era of the Fifth Doctor. From braving the Mara on Deva Loka to thwarting the Master in Medieval
Britain, its time to grab your cricket bat, adjust that celery and continue the adventure of a lifetime...

How to Use this Expansion

Doctor Who in the 1980s was very different to the regenerated version
seen on our screens in 2005, so there are a number of changes to the
basic rules when playing as the Fifth Doctor:
You start with Nyssa as a Companion and roll 1D6 for any starting
equipment: 1-2: e183; 3-4: ce68; 5-6:ce69.
The TARDIS has a -2 penalty when setting the controls (e001a).
Roll 1D6 for your first Adventure: 1-2 ca30; 3-4: ca32; 5-6: ca33

Starting Characters
The Fifth Doctor
The Fifth Doctor was a definite change from his previous incarnation,
becoming far younger than he had been seen before. With blonde hair
and a youthful complexion the Doctor seemed to now be an old man
trapped in a younger mans body. He often strove to be both
compassionate and optimistic that at times made him the most human
incarnation yet, but this also made him highly vulnerable and humbled
when death or destruction occurred around him.
For some people, small, beautiful events are what life is all about!
Brains 12, Brawn 5, Bravery 9 (Aware, Charisma, Computers,
Engineering, History, Running, Science, Thief) Abilities: Protective,

Nyssa was a very scientifically minded woman and an aristocrat of the
planet Traken, becoming a full companion of the Doctor following the
twinned tragedies of losing her father to the Master and the destruction of
her home planet. Practically minded yet also thoughtful and caring,
Nyssa was liked by the Fifth Doctor due to her ability to follow his ideas
better than most companions, and her alien biology made her perceptive
and even slightly telepathic.
I can never forget that my father was killed by a tyrant.
Brains 8, Brawn 4, Bravery 6 (Aware, Charisma, Engineering, Science)
Personality: Compassionate, Dedicated (Science). Nemesis: The Master.

cv14. The Master

You have encountered the Master (DM -2, Goal: 1-2: e240; 3-4: ce75;
5-6: e222), your former friend from Gallifrey who is now a renegade
Time Lord. For some time, the Master Brains 12, Brawn 5, Bravery 8 was in a withered, decayed form after being attacked by the Daleks but
now he has managed to regain his usual, devilish appearance and
charm by absorbing the life force of Tremas, a Traken noble and father
of Nyssa. As crafty and cunning as ever, the Master seeks to make the
universe his play thing and defeat you, his long-time nemesis, for good!
If a single Human Character encounters the Master, roll 1D6 on a 4-6, before they can try any option, the
Master attempts to hypnotize them. They must make a successful Bravery roll (with a -1 penalty unless they have
Domination). If they fail then take a -1DM and they become his Minion and are encountered with the Master.
Choose from the options below:
Talk: You can either try to bluff your way out of trouble - make an opposed Brains roll. If you succeed, you escape
the encounter and gain a +1DM or reveal the Masters Goal. If you fail, choose another option.
Confront: You may only choose this option if you can Oppose. If you can make an opposed Brains and Bravery
(total both plus 1D6 plus any Gloating you have) roll against the Master then you have Defeated him.
If you fail to Oppose then take a -1DM and choose another option.
Fight: Roll 1D6 - on a 4-6, the Master has his tissue compression device. At the start of a combat round roll 1D6
and on a 5-6, one of your Characters with Victim or total Qualities 15 or less is destroyed (your choice). If
the Master has less total Brawn than you, he will try to Evade you. At the end of each round, roll 1D6. If the
result is 5-6, then he has escaped. You may choose to Surrender. If you win a fight against the Master, gain
a +1DM. If you can Oppose and win a fight, then you have Defeated him.
Evade: You must make Running 8 rolls before combat. If you fail, or choose not to escape, choose another option.
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-3: e061; 4-6: e062. Roll for a Goal event as he cannot resist gloating over his plans.
Hide: Make Thief 8 rolls before any other option. If you fail, or choose not to hide, choose another option.
Follow: This is only possible after a successful Hide. Make a Follow action: 2-4: Discovered: choose another
option with -1 to the roll; 5-7: Lose quarry event ends; 8-9: e082; 10+: e144.

cv14a. Kamelion
You have encountered Kamelion Brains 9, Brawn 5, Bravery 5 (Aware,
Computers, Machine), an android capable of altering its exterior
appearance to resemble any form. Whilst not evil by nature, Kamelions
programming makes him prone to undertaking the commands of strong
personalities, including that of the Master! Choose from options below:
Fight: Combat occurs as normal. If you wish to Surrender or Escape see
below. If you win a Fight gain +1DM or reveal the Goal, but lose
a Luck point as Kamelion is not responsible for his actions.
Talk: You try to convince Kamelion that his master is evil and must be stopped. Make a Brains Roll by 3 with +1 to
each Companion with Compassion here. If you succeed roll 1D6: 1-3: Kamelion deactivates himself gain
+1DM (+2 if goal is ce75); 4-6: Kamelion becomes your Ally, gain a Luck Point.
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-2: You are attacked anyway see Fight option; 3-6: See e062a and roll for a Goal Event.
Evade: You must make Running 7 rolls to escape. If you fail or choose not to escape see another option.

cv15. The Mara

You have encountered the Mara (DM -2; Goals: 1-2: e204; 3-4: ce72;
5-6: e175), a dark entity from another dimension. Often appearing in
the form of a twisting serpent, the Mara desires to dominate our reality
and bring its evil malice into existence by possessing others to do its
bidding. Make a 2D6 roll to see what you have encountered, adding a
+1 if any Kinda are here and +2 if you can Oppose:
2-5: One of your Companions wanders into danger see cv15a below.
6-9: You have encountered a single, possessed Host of the Mara, speaking with a powerful voice of authority.
Roll for a Character Event, picking the Character with the least Bravery if there is more than one Character
mentioned. The Host becomes +1 Brains, +2 Brawn and +6 Bravery and gains Domination and Madman.
10+: You have encountered the Host of the Mara (see above) together with a group of 1D6+1 ensnared humans
that have been lured into the Maras service - each Brains 3, Brawn 5, Bravery 4 (Minion, Troop, Victim).
Choose from the options below:
Fight: Combat occurs as normal although you must lose a Luck point for each Minion you kill since they are not
responsible for their actions (3 Luck points if you kill a Companion). If you ever have more Brawn here then
the Host will attempt to escape. If you kill the Host and can Oppose, the Mara will be Defeated.
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-2: The Mara attacks; 3-6: With an inhuman laugh the Mara takes you prisoner. Roll 1D6:
1-3: e062a; 4-6: e061. Roll for a Goal event as the Maras host cannot help but inform you of its plans.
Evade: The Maras hosts arent particularly fast so you must make Running 7 rolls to escape. If you fail or choose
not to escape, you must choose another option.
Hide: Make Thief 8 rolls before any another option. If you fail or choose not to hide, choose another option.
Talk: You can try to confuse the Mara so you can escape. If you can make opposed Brains rolls gain +1 DM or
reveal the Goal here. If you fail choose to Fight, Evade or Surrender.
Confront: If you can Oppose and there is a Host here you attempt to create a trap of mirrors to drive out the Mara
roll 2D6 adding any Aware and Domination and +1 for each Kinda here. If the result is 15+ you
witness the true form of the Mara, a monstrous snake growing until it consumes itself and is Defeated. If
you fail the roll, take a -1DM and choose another option. The Host is now +1 to all Qualities (cumulative).
cv15a. Nothing to fear, but fear itself
(Danger) One of your Companions (select at random, a Victim if
possible) has had the misfortune of falling asleep and entering the
Maras world a nightmarish dimension where fear is used by the Mara
to achieve its ultimate ambition escape. Roll 1D6:
1-3: The Mara creates a duplicate of your Companion - if they can make
both an opposed Brains and Bravery roll against themselves (or
make one by at least 3), they pass the Test; otherwise they fail.
4-6: Your Companion is trapped in a place of utter darkness and loneliness by the Mara, threatening to drive
them insane in the process. You have six chances to make three successful Bravery Rolls or you fail the test.
If your Companion passes the test they may attempt to awaken from this terrible place by making a Brains Roll,
adding +1 if their Bravery is 8+ or higher if they succeed they awaken and may return to you next turn with a
successful Move Action. You gain +1DM and +1 to Bravery to the Companion for surviving the Mara. If they fail
they become the Host of the Mara and join the Enemy. Replace rolls 2-5 in cv15 above with result 6-9.

cv16. Sharaz Jek

You have encountered Sharaz Jek (DM -1; Goals: 1-2: e220; 3-4: e286;
5-6: ce72) a brilliant but unbalanced human whose features were
scarred by the mud pits of Androzani following betrayal by his former
business partner, Morgus. The accident damaged his mind, leading him
to become obsessed with desires of revenge upon the man who twisted
his beautiful features and forced him to hide behind an elaborate mask.
Captivated by both beauty and intelligence, he is nonetheless cruel and
ruthless, using his android creations to strike without mercy.
Roll 2D6 to see what you have encountered, adding +1 if you can Oppose, and +2 if Morgus is here:
2-6: You have encountered 1D3 of Jeks Androids see cv16a below
7-10: You have encountered Jek - Brains 9, Brawn 6, Bravery 7 - together with 1D3+1 of his Androids (cv16a).
11+: You have encountered Jek alone.
Roll 1D6 on a result of 1-3 (or if Morgus here) you cannot Talk or Surrender. Otherwise, choose an option:
Fight: Combat occurs as normal. You may later Evade or Surrender with -1 to die rolls. If you win a fight against
Jek, gain a +1DM. If you can Oppose and win a fight, then you have Defeated him.
Surrender: if you have a female Companion with Charisma here, Jek will attempt to keep her captive due to his
warped desire to be surrounded by beauty and will accept your Surrender see e061 (although the
Companion is except from further events whilst captured). If you do not have a female Companion with
Charisma, roll 1D6:1-2: Jek angrily attacks; 3-6: With a cold laugh he takes you prisoner - roll 1D6: 1-3:
e062a; 4-6: e061. You may roll for a Goal Event however as Jek cannot help but inform you of his plans.
Evade: You may automatically Evade if Jek is alone, otherwise to escape you must make Running 8 rolls if you
fail or choose not to escape choose another option.
Hide: Make Thief 8 rolls before any another option. If you fail or choose not to hide, choose another option.
Talk: You can try to confuse Jek so you can escape. If you can make an opposed Brains roll (with -1 for each
previous attempt), gain +1 DM or reveal the Goal here. If you fail choose to Fight, Evade or Surrender.
Confront: This option is only possible if Jek is alone and you can Oppose. You must make an opposed Brains roll
with +1 for each Companion with Charisma and -3 if you do not have 2 Science or Morgus is here. If
you succeed he is Defeated but if you lose take a -1 DM penalty and chose to either Fight or Surrender.

cv16a. Androids
You have encountered 1D3+1 of Jeks Androids - each Brains 1, Brawn
8, Bravery 8 (Machine, Troop), designed to undertake their creators
bidding with ruthless and logical precision. Programmed with advanced
AI some are even capable of resembling human beings and showing
some levels of basic emotion!
Fight: Combat occurs as normal. If you wish to surrender or escape, see
below. If you win a fight against the Androids, gain a +1 DM.
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-2: The Androids are programmed to kill; 3-6: See Surrender option in cv16 above.
Evade: You must fool the Androids sensors to escape them; make an Engineering 8 roll to temporary blind them. If
you fail or choose not to do so you must choose another option.
Hide: You must make Thief 8 rolls before any other options. If you fail or choose not to hide, see another option.

ca30. Deva Loka 2582 (Expansion Era)

(Wilderness) You have arrived within a clearing on a beautiful alien world with exotic jungle, rich fruit and a
peaceful breeze in the air. You feel an air of contentment which you havent experienced in some time this is
truly a place of paradise. Still, you get the nagging feeling youre being watched by something elusive
Special: Characters without Tracking are +1 to Bravery. If the Mara is the Enemy here, take an additional -1DM
when revealed.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv15; 2: cv15; 3: cv02; 4: v512; 5: v520; 6: v528
Character (D6): 1: ce74; 2: ce77; 3: ce77; 4: e020; 5: e029; 6: ce05
Event 1 (D6): 1: e270; 2: e078; 3: e151; 4: e074; 5: e077; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e208; 2: e135; 3: e198; 4: ce27; 5: e205; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e173; 2: e157; 3: e260; 4: e141; 5: e131; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e068; 2: e068; 3: e068; 4: e064; 5: e158; 6: e217

ca31. Manussa - 2583 (Expansion Era)

(Holiday) You have landed on the planet Manussa, once the home of mighty and dangerous empires but now
overseen by the Federation as a colony world. As you exit the TARDIS you can see sounds of rejoicing a great
festival is taking place to remember the destruction of the evil Mara an evil which must never return
Special: If you have an Enemy event and have previously encountered the Mara where a Companion was
possessed, the Mara is automatically the Enemy see cv15.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv15; 2: cv15; 3: cv06; 4: v529; 5: v513; 6: v534
Character (D6): 1: ce41; 2: e123; 3: e053; 4: e207; 5: e026; 6: e029
Event 1 (D6): 1: ce28; 2: e223; 3: e151; 4: e268; 5: ce79; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e208; 2: ce59; 3: e213; 4: e198; 5: e135; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ce23; 2: e131; 3: e141; 4: e132; 5: e148; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e217; 2: e217; 3: e217; 4: e064; 5: e055; 6: e218

ca32. Earth 1215 (Middle Ages Era)

You have landed just outside the grounds of an imposing castle at the height of the medieval period, during the
reign of King John of England, a dangerous man to underestimate. Soon however the Magna Carta will be signed
and the first stage of democracy will occur unless someone tries to interfere with history
Special: Characters without History are -1 to Brains in this Adventure. If e125 is the Enemy here, see ce02.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv14; 2: e125; 3: v529; 4: v517; 5: v531; 6: v521
Character (D6): 1: ce09; 2: ce76; 3: e072; 4: e203; 5: e123; 6: e081
Event 1 (D6): 1: e226; 2: ce79; 3: e112; 4: e145; 5: e229; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e034; 2: e038; 3: e223; 4: e226; 5: e208; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ce39; 2: e161; 3: e137; 4: e154; 5: e134; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e209; 2: e209; 3: e209; 4: e258; 5: e108; 6: e218

ca33. Earth - 1984 (Present Era)

You have landed in the London Dockyards on Earth in the mid Eighties; multiple warehouses of the past century
lying abandoned and unused. But something seems out of place, and you feel compelled to scope some of the
warehouses out as you exit the TARDIS
Special: You may Investigate automatically here. If you have e050 as a Character encounter roll 1D6: on 4-6 they
are human duplicates and they become Minions of the Enemy and you must either Fight or Evade.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv12; 2: cv14; 3: cv03; 4: v515; 5: v531; 6: v500
Character (D6): 1: ce70; 2: ce71; 3: ce63; 4: ce50; 5: e050; 6: e041
Event 1 (D6): 1: e035; 2: e101; 3: e151; 4: ce28; 5: e034; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e145; 2: ce30; 3: e160; 4: e177; 5: e115; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e162; 2: e238; 3: e176; 4: e142; 5: e139; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e252; 2: e255; 3: e091; 4: e297; 5: e028; 6: e065

ca34. Sarn - 1984 (Present Era)

(Wilderness) You have landed on the volcanic world of Sarn, once a colony of the Trion race and where the
healing Numismaton gas is rumored to exist. The natives believe their gods to be displeased in the wake of
heightened volcano activity. But could there be another reason?
Special: If you roll for an Event (2) on Turn 10+, rather than roll on the Encounter Matrix, automatically see e289.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv14; 2: cv16; 3: cv12; 4: v504; 5: v512; 6: v537
Character (D6): 1: ce71; 2: e072; 3: e029; 4: e071; 5: e053; 6: e123
Event 1 (D6): 1: e079; 2: e078; 3: e121; 4: e095; 5: e085; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e289; 2: e121; 3: e145; 4: e265; 5: e115; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: e141; 2: e137; 3: e260; 4: e148; 5: e133; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e064; 2: e066; 3: e066; 4: e065; 5: e217; 6: e158

ca35. Androzani Minor - 2784 (Imperial Era)

(Wilderness) You have landed on the smaller of two planets in the Androzani system during the period where the
Earth Empire has seeded several colony worlds, with Androzani Major as a colony to investigate the mineral
resources of the smaller planet. As you step onto the desert surface you become aware of the bubbling mud
pockets, before you spy a set of caves leading under the surface. Who knows what you might find down there
Special: If you Defeat the Enemy or if you are rolling for an Encounter on Turn 12, see ce73 instead.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv16; 2: cv03; 3: v531; 4: v519; 5: v534; 6: v533
Character (D6): 1: ce74; 2: ce78; 3: e246; 4: e024; 5: e081; 6: e018
Event 1 (D6): 1: e095; 2: e112; 3: e265; 4: e035; 5: e088; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: ce73; 2: e145; 3: ce30; 4: e177; 5: e215; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ce55; 2: e153; 3: e288; 4: e139; 5: e154; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e217; 2: e217; 3: e217; 4: e215; 5: e297; 6: e068

ce68. Celery
(Equipment) The fifth Doctor wore a piece of celery on his lapel, not just
for decoration but to warn him of gases to which he was allergic. It also
had supposedly restorative properties. Once per Adventure you may
ignore negative results for any one Character on e265 or any Disease
Danger by spending one Luck point.

ce69. Cricket Ball

(Equipment) The fifth Doctor has an almost unhealthy fixation with the Earth sport cricket, but it does mean he
possesses a strong throwing arm. Once per combat you can use the Aim for the Eyepiece combat rule (r316)
without needing Marksman (although you may add the Trait if you gain it) to KO any non-Machine Enemy.

ce70. Tegan Jovanka

You have encountered Tegan Jovanka, a sassy but inwardly brave
Australian woman who plans to become an airline stewardess. Not
afraid to answer back she is nevertheless a good friend and ally in times
of crisis. She is Brains 6, Brawn 4, Bravery 7 (Aware, Charisma,
Running, Tracking). Make a Charisma 9 Roll and if successful she joins
you as a Companion gain a Luck point otherwise she becomes an
Ally. Tegan may know something useful make a Brains Roll and if
successful roll for a Plot Event. Personality (Optional): Brash, Independent.
Tegan may gain +1 to any Quality you choose once per Goal or Plot Event. If there have been more than five
deaths during a single Adventure whilst Tegan is a Companion she becomes sickened by the violence see e115
at the end of the Adventure and lose a Luck point for the upsetting exit of your once loyal Companion.

ce71. Vislor Turlough

You have encountered Turlough, a Trion exiled to Earth as a young child.
Although often untrustworthy and inclined to prefer relaxation and
avoiding any dangerous situations, Turlough is at heart a good-natured
person and interested in seeing the Universe. He is Brains 6, Brawn 5,
Bravery 5 (Computers, Running, Science, Thief). Turlough will jump at the
chance of leaving Earth and automatically becomes a Companion gain
a Luck point. Turlough may know something useful make a Brains Roll
and if successful roll for a Plot Event. Personality (Optional): Indolent,
Untrustworthy. If another Companion is Captured or if you spend a Luck
point, Turlough is +1 to all Qualities for this turn.

ce72. Revenge
(Goal 4) You have discovered that the Enemy merely wishes to unleash their fury and hatred upon another:
possibly a fellow ally, a figure of authority or even someone as cruel and dangerous as them! If you ever have
any Ally with either Domination or Madman here they are the target: lose -1 DM and roll for an immediate Enemy
Event you cannot Evade or Hide in this Encounter. If you have Brains 20, Bravery 15, 2 Charisma and either
Demolitions or Troop here, gain a +2DM.

ce73. Mud Burst

(Danger) You realize with horror that mud pits around you are about to erupt - you must reach the TARDIS and
safety! One Character must make a Tracking 8 roll and if successful, each TARDIS Character must make Running
8 rolls or are killed. All your Allies are killed - lose 1 Luck point for each. Lose a number of Luck points equal to
the Goal number if you did not Defeat the Enemy (rolling for a Goal if needed dont count any Enemy DM). The
Adventure is over return to e001.

ce74. Todd
You have encountered Doctor Kimberly Todd, a scientist from Earth who
is a specialist in underdeveloped alien cultures and their numerous beliefs
and ideals. She is Brains 8, Brawn 4, Bravery 7 (Aware, Charisma,
Engineering, Science 2). Also roll 1D6 on a 5-6 she is accompanied by
1D3 soldiers, each Brains 5, Brawn 6, Bravery 5 (Marksman, Troop).
Make a Charisma 8 Roll with -1 if any soldiers are here if you succeed
she and any friends of hers become your Allies. You can alternatively
make her a Companion with a Charisma 9 roll gain a Luck point.
If Todd becomes your Ally, make a Brains roll (with a +1 bonus) for her and if successful roll for a Plot event. Todd
is naturally able to get native aliens to trust her. If you encounter the Kinda (or Primitives) gain +2 to Talk rolls.

ce75. Impersonate Historical Leader

(Goal 4) You discover that the Enemy is trying to impersonate an important leader and then disrupt the Web of
Time. If the Enemy is Temporal or a Time Lord, take a -1DM. If you encounter a Character with Bureaucrat 2 then
roll 1D6 and on a result of 1-2 take a -1DM and instead have an Enemy encounter (or cv14a if the Master). If you
have 25 Brains, 3 Aware, 3 Charisma and History gain a +2DM.

ce76. King John

You have encountered King John, the cruel but sly brother of King Richard
the Lionheart and now Regent himself. Though not to be underestimated
John often chooses favorites amongst his court and can thus prove an
uncertain ally. John is Brains 8, Brawn 7, Bravery 6 (Bureaucrat 2,
Gloating, History, Madman, Music). Roll 1D3+1 for the number of
soldiers with him, each Brains 2, Brawn 6 Bravery 6 (Minion, Running,
Troop), then choose an option below:
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-2: e058; 3-4: e060; 5-6: e061.
Evade: Roll 1D6: on 1-3 the King passes you by, otherwise he wishes to question you; make a Running 8 roll for
each of your characters or you must choose the Talk option with a -3 penalty.
Fight: Combat occurs as normal. If you later Surrender see e061 with -1 to the roll.
Talk: You try to gain an audience with John: Make a Charisma Roll, adding +1 if an Enemy is here (unless it is the
Master): 2-4: You unwittingly give insult and are captured see e058. 5-7: John ignores you and the event
ends; 8-10: You have an interesting conversation with the King roll for a Plot event. He then departs; 11+
John becomes your Ally gain a Luck point and roll for a Plot event. Roll 1D6 on a 4-6, see ce79.
If the Master is currently the Enemy (or revealed later) and if you can personally make an Aware 9 roll, you
discover a shocking truth about the King see cv14a, take a -1DM but gain a Luck point.

ce77. The Kinda

You have encountered the Kinda, a seemingly primitive but highly mentally developed alien race of Deva Loka.
Their race is governed by a female hierarchy with the males incapable of speech, but all Kinda are telepathic and
capable of sending out peaceful auras to most species. You have met 1D6+1 male Kinda each Brains 4, Brawn
6 Bravery 5 (Aware, Running, Tracking). If there are at least five here they are with the Wise Woman, elderly
matriarch of the tribe. She is Brains 8, Brawn 2, Bravery 7 (Aware 2, Domination, History, Tracking) and all other
Kinda are +1 to all Qualities whilst she is here. Choose from the options below:
Evade: Roll 1D6 with a +1 if the Wise Woman is here: on 1-2 the Kinda ignore you, otherwise they attempt to
make contact; make Running 8 rolls for each of your characters or see below.
Talk: You try to make contact with the Kinda: difficult due to their often mute nature. Make a Charisma Roll. Males
are seen as quiet and alien males who can speak are stupid so have a -1 penalty for each male
Character and +1 to each female Character here (+2 if the Wise Woman is here):
2-6: The Kinda stare at you dumbly, then move into the undergrowth event ends.
7-9: The Kinda smile warmly gain a Luck point. If the Wise Woman is here, also roll for a Plot event.
10+: The Kinda become Allies although will not Fight unless you can Oppose. If the Wise Woman is here,
roll also for a Plot event.

ce78. Morgus
You have encountered Morgus: project director of mining facilities and
obsessed with profit and greed. He is an unbalanced figure of authority
and as is as dangerous as the enemy! Take a -1 DM penalty. Morgus is
Brains 8, Brawn 4, Bravery 7 (Bureaucrat, Computers, Gloating,
Marksman, Pilot, Screamer, Thief, Victim). Roll 1D6 to see who is with
Morgus and then see options below:
1-2: He is alone; 3-4: He is with a female secretary Brains 7, Brawn 3,
Bravery 5 (Aware, Bureaucrat, Computers, Minion); 5-6: He is with 1D6
mercenaries each Brains 3, Brawn 6, Bravery 6 (Minion, Troop).
Talk: Make a Charisma roll. If there is an Enemy here, add +1 to roll (+3 if Sharaz Jek is the Enemy):
2-7: You are attacked if they have greater total Brawn. If they do not then they evade you. If you wish to
surrender or try to escape the fight, see below.
8-9: You are allowed to surrender see 059, but with -1 to the roll, otherwise if he has greater Brawn he will
attack and if he does not he will evade you.
11+: He joins as an Ally. Make a Brains roll for Morgus and if he succeeds, roll for a Plot event. At the end of
each turn, roll 1D6 and on a 4-6, Morgus decides his temporary alliance with you is over and departs.
Evade: Make Running 8 rolls, or choose another option.
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-2: You are attacked anyway if they have greater total Brawn, otherwise see e059; 3-4:
e059; 5-6: e061. If you go to e059 or e061, roll 1D6 first. If the result is a 6, roll for a Plot event as
Morgus cannot resist taunting you with information.
Fight: Combat occurs as normal. You may later Evade, or Surrender with -1 to the roll.

ce79. Feast
You attend a magnificent feast with roasted meats, honeyed figs and flagons of wines as courtiers and servants
mix with entertainers. All your Characters are +1 to Bravery until the end of next turn. If a Character with Music
makes a Music 9 roll, gain a Luck point. Also roll 1D6: 1-2: No event; 3-4: Character event; 5-6: Plot event.

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