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Welcome to the Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game...

I am the Doctor whether you like it or not!
(The Sixth Doctor The Twin Dilemma)
The Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game goes back in time in the latest Classic expansion that allows players to
recreate the era of the Sixth Doctor. From battling the Rani in Industrial England to avoiding the tortures of the
Varos Punishment Dome, its time to put on your splendid coat, ruefully drink your carrot juice and annunciate
those vowels as you continue the adventure of a lifetime...

How to Use this Expansion

Doctor Who in the 1980s was very different to the regenerated version
seen on our screens in 2005, so there are a number of changes to the
basic rules when playing as the Sixth Doctor:
You start with Peri as a Companion and 6 Luck points but no starting
The TARDIS has a -1 penalty when setting the controls (e001a).
Roll 1D6 for your first Adventure: 1-2 ca30; 3-4: ca32; 5-6: ca33

Starting Characters
The Sixth Doctor
The Sixth Doctor was prone to mood swings and had an almost
egoistical love of himself. Coupled with his bizarre and highly garish
coat, the Sixth Doctor was not an easy person to get on with and he was
liable to argue and even shout loudly at his companions. However he
was also immensely heroic and had a tendency to sense any evil in a
given place. His intellect and knowledge of the English language made
him often launch into long speeches of complex words and as with
earlier incarnations, enemies often underestimated him.
Change my dear, and it seems not a moment too soon!
Brains 11, Brawn 7, Bravery 8 (Aware, Engineering, History, Marksman, Medicine, Running, Science, Thief)
Abilities: Garish Clothes, Literary Quotations, Sense Evil.

Peri Brown
Peri Brown became an unwilling traveler in the TARDIS with the Fifth
Doctor but she soon witnessed the transformation into his Sixth
Incarnation. Never afraid to voice her concerns and the Doctors lack of
control of the TARDIS, Peri was usually distraught at the dangers she was
forced into, but despite their constant bickering she and the Doctor were
at heart good friends.
Cant we go somewhere a little more fun?
Brains 6, Brawn 4, Bravery 5 (Charisma, Running, Science, Screamer)
Personality (optional): Brash, Resourceful. Nemesis: Sil.

cv17. The Rani

You have encountered the Rani (DM -2; Goals: 1-2: e222; 3-4: e261; 56: cv18a). Another of your fellow classmates on Gallifrey, the Rani was
exiled from Gallifrey after one of her experiments saw the Presidents cat
eaten by giant mice! Unlike the Master or the Monk she is not interested
in either universal conquest or meddling with time, preferring to conduct
her own dangerous experiments and using enslaved native species to
test study with little or no remorse. She is Brains 12, Brawn 5, Bravery 9.
Roll 1D6 to see who is here, with +2 to the roll if you can Oppose here:
1-2: You have encountered the Rani and one of her experiments she has transported with her from an alien
world Brains 2, Brawn 8, Bravery 4 (Creature, Minion).
3-4: You have met 1D3+1 Minions, brainwashed to serve the Rani, each Brains 2, Brawn 7, Bravery 6 (Minion).
5-6: You encounter the Rani and 1D3+1 Minions see above for stats.
Choose from the options below:
Fight: Combat occurs as normal although the Rani will always attempt to evade if you have greater Brawn here.
At the end of each round roll 1D6 if 5-6 then she has escaped. You may choose to Surrender or Evade
later with -1 to the roll. If you win a fight here gain a +1 DM but lose a Luck point for each Minion you kill
as they are not responsible for their actions. If you can Oppose and win then the Rani is instead Defeated.
Surrender: The Rani always prefers capturing her Enemies so she can experiment on them! See e062a, but you
may also roll for a Goal Event as the Rani cant resist explaining her plans.
Evade: The Rani and her minions are pretty fast so you must make Running 8 rolls to escape. If you fail or choose
not to escape, you must choose another option.
Hide: The Rani is somewhat difficult to hide from you must make Thief 8 rolls before any another option. If you
fail or choose not to hide, choose another option.
Talk: You try and confuse the Enemy so you can escape make a Brains roll with your Brains reduced by 1 for
each Minion here (3 for the Rani). If you succeed, gain a +1DM (or reveal the Goal if the Rani is here). If
you fail, choose Fight or Surrender.
Confront: You can only choose this option if you can Oppose and the Rani is here - you attempt to get the Rani to
leave her experiments alone and abandon her plans. Make Opposed Brains rolls with -2 unless you have
2 Science. If you succeed then the Rani leaves and you have Defeated her. If you fail take a -1 DM
penalty and you are -1 to all Qualities until the end of the Adventure. Choose to either Surrender or Fight.
Alternatively, once you can Oppose, if you have Science and Tracking you can make a Tracking 9 roll to locate
and enter the Ranis TARDIS and set a trap for her inside by making a successful Engineering 10 roll - if you have
found a Laboratory (e102) during the Adventure you may add +2 to the roll. If successful then when you have an
Enemy Encounter and the Rani is present, you trick the Rani into fleeing into her booby-trapped TARDIS and you
have Defeated her. If you fail you are caught by her defense systems and captured see e062a.
cv18a. Harvest Brain Fluid
(Goal 4) You discover that the Rani is seeking to extract certain chemicals
from humans, the absence of which causes extreme violence and
uncontrolled temper! 1D3 Turns after this Goal is revealed, all Talk rolls in
Character Events are -3 here and all Enemies except the Rani are +1
Brawn. If you have 2 Aware, 2 Medicine, 2 Science, 2 Thief and 25
Brains you may gain a +2 DM here.

cv18. Sil
You have encountered the odious Sil (DM: 0, Goal: 1-2: e174; 3-4:
e220; 5-6: ce85), a representative of the Galatron Mining Corporation.
Obsessed with profit and his own loathsome self-interest, Sil is not
opposed to cheating the system or even undertaking cruel and unethical
experiments on human beings! Sil is Brains 6, Brawn 2, Bravery 5 and is
accompanied by 1D3+1 guards each Brains 3, Brawn 7, Bravery 6
(Minion, Troop). If you are at an Enemy Base (e144) or on Thoros Beta,
then Kiv is also here see cv18a below.
Otherwise choose from the options below:
Talk: You can try to confuse Sil so you can escape - make a successful Brains rolls with your Brains reduced by 2 if you succeed gain +1 DM or reveal the Goal here. If you fail choose to Fight, Evade or Surrender.
Fight: Combat occurs as normal although Sil will automatically Evade if you have greater Brawn here. If you later
wish to Surrender or Evade see options below with -1 to either dice roll. If you win a fight then gain +1DM
or if you can Oppose Sil is instead Defeated.
Evade: Sil is easy to avoid but his soldiers are well trained to detain enemies - you must make Running 8 rolls
before combat. If you fail or choose not to escape, choose another option.
Hide: Sil is relatively easy to elude so long as he is unaware of your presence - you must make Thief 7 rolls before
any other option. If you fail or choose not to hide, you must choose another option.
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-2: e060 with -1 to the roll; 3-4: e061; 5-6: e062. You may roll for a Goal Event however
as Sil cannot help gloating over his plans with cruel, bubbling laughter.
Follow: This is only possible after a successful Hide. Make a Follow action: 2-4 Discovered: choose another option
with -1 to the roll; 5-7: Lose quarry event ends; 8-9: e082; 10+: e144.
Confront: You may only choose this option if you can Oppose and Kiv is not here you attempt to frighten Sil into
believing that his plans are fruitless and that a swift exit might be best! Make an opposed Bravery Roll
with +1 for each Marksman or Troop here. If you succeed Sil flees and is Defeated, otherwise take a -1
DM and must choose to either Surrender or Fight.

cv18a. Kiv
You have encountered Kiv Sils direct superior and ruler of the
Mentors. Kivs high intelligence as leader comes from his mutating brain,
which unfortunately is causing him great pain due to his bodys inability
to house his growing cranium. Kiv (Brains 9, Brawn 2, Bravery 7) is
desperate to find a host body to replace his own - something Sil is all too
pleased to assist with if it will give him newfound wealth and power!
You may choose any option above except Confront, or attempt to
Convince Kiv that Sil is untrustworthy
Convince: Make an opposed Brains roll against Kiv with +1 if you personally have Medicine. If you succeed then
Kiv agrees to your plans make a successful Medicine 8 roll, (adding +2 if you have a Medical Kit (e194)
here) and Sil is Defeated! Gain an extra 2 Luck points for defusing the situation peacefully. If you fail either
roll then you are Captured (see Surrender option above), are -1 to all Qualities for the rest of the Adventure
and Sil is +1 to all Qualities in future Adventures even if you do Defeat him.

ca36. Varos 2284 (Colonial Era)

You have landed in the darkened passageways of some dank, imposing structure; unbeknownst to you the heart
of the cruel Punishment Dome on the Colony World of Varos. Here the masses are ruled by the symbols of fear
and oppression, and the constant television feed of prisoner executions keeps all in line
Special: Characters without Tracking are -1 to Bravery. If you are captured, see e058 rather than e059. Any
Escape rolls are made with a -1 penalty.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv18; 2: cv12; 3: cv16; 4: v509; 5: v533; 6: v520
Character (D6): 1: ce88; 2: ce88; 3: ce78; 4: e081; 5: e285; 6: e119
Event 1 (D6): 1: e120; 2: e096; 3: e035; 4: ce28; 5: e034; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e033; 2: e027; 3: e120; 4: ce59; 5: e089; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ce39; 2: e162; 3: e159; 4: e154; 5: e139; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e297; 2: e144; 3: e108; 4: e102; 5: e097; 6: e094

ca37. Earth - 1813 (Renaissance Era)

You have arrived in the beautiful countryside of North England in the onset of the Industrial Revolution. But as man
attempts to improve himself there will always be those who oppose change, and the Luddite Revolts are at their
height. It is perhaps the perfect opportunity for alien experimentation on the creatures of this world.
Special: TARDIS Characters without History are -1 Brains here. If the Rani (cv18) is the Enemy, roll 1D6 and on a
result of 4-6 then the Master (cv14) becomes her Ally on Enemy encounters - take an extra -1DM.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv17; 2: cv14; 3: v502; 4: v517; 5: v528; 6: v513
Character (D6): 1: ce80; 2: e050; 3: e207; 4: e203; 5: e081; 6: e048
Event 1 (D6): 1: e151; 2: e223; 3: e051; 4: e112; 5: e038; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e035; 2: e229; 3: e268; 4: e027; 5: e145; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ce23; 2: e140; 3: e157; 4: e137; 5: ce55; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e093; 2: e067; 3: e067; 4: e259; 5: e055; 6: e254

ca38. Earth 1985 (Present Era)

(Holiday) You have landed in the sunny climes of Seville, a beautiful Spanish resort filled with lush trees, peaceful
cafes and beautiful senoritas. You hope to have the chance to take in the surroundings, but you inwardly suspect
there is something out of place here something alien
Special: Characters with Music here gain +1 when Talking to Characters. Unless at a Location, after each Explore
Action roll 1D6 and if the result is 5-6 see e121 before other Encounters.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv14; 2: v522; 3: v516; 4: v534; 5: v543; 6: v531
Character (D6): 1: ce83; 2: ce92; 3: ce86; 4: ce90; 5: ce92; 6: ce63
Event 1 (D6): 1: e078; 2: e151; 3: e075; 4: e034; 5: e160; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: ce82; 2: e223; 3: e038; 4: e115; 5: e116; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ce87; 2: e260; 3: e133; 4: e162; 5: e173; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e073; 2: e254; 3: e254; 4: e259; 5: e065; 6: e144

ca39. Third Zone - 1985 (Present Era)

You have landed within the confines of a great alien space station known as Chimera where numerous
experiments are undertaken by alien scientists, including unethical temporal investigation! But as you glance
around you the base appears to be damaged, as if suffering from some outside incursion
Special: Add +1 to any Science Research Actions. If any of your Characters are Captured by an Enemy, roll 1D6.
On a result of 4-6, they have been taken to (roll 1D6): 1-2: ca38; 3-4: ca33; 5-6: ca09.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv17; 2: cv07; 3: cv13; 4: v530; 5: v531; 6: cv22
Character (D6): 1: ce86; 2: ce91; 3: ce90; 4: ce63; 5: e023; 6: e020
Event 1 (D6): 1: e215; 2: e160; 3: ce30; 4: e096; 5: e145; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: ce82; 2: e296; 3: e034; 4: e267; 5: e116; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ce87; 2: e142; 3: e235; 4: e159; 5: e139; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e065; 2: e102; 3: e102; 4: ce29; 5: e257; 6: e097

ca40. Thoros Beta - 2379 (Colonial Era)

(Wilderness) You have landed upon the shores of Thoros Beta, with its pink ocean and its imposing mountain
peaks. Just the sort of place for a nosey round! With a brisk walking pace you head down the rocky beach, keen
to take a look at some of those cave holes in the distance
Special: If Sil is the Enemy here, take a -1DM penalty. If a Companion is captured by the Enemy they are to be
the subject of experimentation and may not attempt Escape Actions. If not Rescued in 3 Turns and you have either
2 Science or 2 Medicine then they are killed. Take a -1DM and lose 3 Luck points.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv18; 2: cv18; 3: cv12; 4: cv11; 5: v533; 6: v546
Character (D6): 1: ce81; 2: ce89; 3: ce91; 4: e026; 5: ce84; 6: e285
Event 1 (D6): 1: e112; 2: e035; 3: e095; 4: e079; 5: e085; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: e294; 2: e027; 3: e096; 4: e135; 5: e287; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ce55; 2: e162; 3: e149; 4: e288; 5: e159; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e297; 2: e108; 3: e144; 4: e217; 5: e144; 6: e102

ca41. Perseus Arm - 2986 (Imperial Era)

(Holiday) You have landed on the Hyperion III, a transport ship in deep space bound for the planet Earth in the
days of human expansion. Onboard are numerous research facilities and cargo bays just the kind of place
youd expect some unethical experiments or some foreboding creature to strike
Special: If you have no Companion, gain ce83. If you open a stasis pod (e036), then on a 5-6, see instead ce89.
Enemy (D6): 1: cv17; 2: cv07; 3: v539; 4: v527; 5: v546; 6: v540
Character (D6): 1: ce84; 2: ce89; 3: ce57; 4: e019; 5: ce06; 6: e023
Event 1 (D6): 1: ce28; 2: e035; 3: e036; 4: e145; 5: e267; 6: e002
Event 2 (D6): 1: ce27; 2: e267; 3: ce30; 4: e033; 5: e036; 6: e002
Plot (D6): 1: ce23; 2: e140; 3: e155; 4: e251; 5: e159; 6: e150
Location (D6): 1: e102; 2: e097; 3: e257; 4: e257; 5: e055; 6: ce29

ce80. George Stephenson

You have met George Stephenson, the incredible inventor and one of
the architects of the industrial revolution. Gain 1 Luck point. Stephenson
is Brains 7; Brawn 5, Bravery 6 (Aware, Charisma, Engineering 2,
Marksman, Running). You attempt to talk to him to see if he knows
anything useful. Make a Charisma roll:
2-5: He is too busy with his new invention and bushes you off.
6-8: He knows something useful - roll for a Plot event. He then leaves.
9+: He joins you as an Ally and something useful - roll for a Plot
Event. Loses 1 Engineering if not in the Renaissance Era.

ce81. King Yrcanos

You have encountered King Yrcanos of Thoros Beta the bold and loud-talking warrior-king who has been
deposed from his rule and is determined to reclaim his throne! Yrcanos is Brains 6, Brawn 8, Bravery 7
(Bureaucrat, Domination, Gloating, Marksman) and is accompanied by his faithful manservant Lukoser - Brains 4,
Brawn 7, Bravery 5 (Creature, Tracking, Troop). You attempt to enlist his help make a Charisma roll with an
extra +1 bonus for each female Companion with Charisma here:
2-5: You accidently cause offence and are imprisoned see e059 with -1 to the roll.
6-8: You have a long and interesting talk with Yrcanos and he tells you about some unusual events roll for a
Plot event here. He then returns to his crusade and the encounter is over.
9+: With a hearty laugh the dethroned King deems you a friend and he and his Allies join you for the rest of
the Adventure. He also knows something useful roll for a Plot Event here.

ce82. Androgum Infection

(Danger) (Disease) One of your Characters (with highest total Qualities) is to be altered to have Androgum DNA
and be turned into an Androgum. In 1D3+1 turns the transformation will be complete and they become -3 Brains,
+2 Brawn, gain Madman and join the Enemy in all further encounters here. To cure them you must either Rescue
them prior to the deadline or else make a Poison 7 roll to knock their captors out, then have Aware and either 2
Medicine or 2 Science here and use an Action to cure them. If you fail to do this before the end of the Adventure
they will be trapped as an Androgum and you do not gain any Luck points even if you Defeated the Enemy. If you
were turned into an Androgum and your friends fail to cure you then the game is over!

ce83. Melanie Bush

You have encountered Melanie Bush, also known as Mel, an energetic
computer programmer from Pease Pottage. Though prone to screaming at
the first sign of anything too alien she is ultimately bright, loyal and
resourceful when it counts most. She is Brains 6, Brawn 4, Bravery 7
(Aware, Charisma, Computers, Running, Screamer 2, Thief) and is keen
to join you as a Companion - gain a Luck point. Mel may know
something useful make a Brains Roll (with a +1 bonus) and if successful
roll for a Plot Event. Personality (Optional): Curious, Quick Thinking.
Whenever you have an non-Human Enemy encounter you may freeze
them for one round and make 2 attempts at any Running roll in an Evade
option if Mel can make a Screamer 8 roll.

ce84. Professor Sarah Laskey

You have encountered Professor Sarah Laskey, a brilliant if misguided
agronomist from Earth. She is Brains 8, Brawn 3, Bravery 6 (Charisma,
History, Medicine, Poison, Science, Victim). Make a Charisma roll with
+2 if an Enemy is here:
2-5: Laskey is too busy researching plant biology to talk event ends.
6-9: You have a long and interesting talk with Laskey where she might
know something interesting; if she can make a Brains roll you may
roll for a Plot Event. She then leaves.
10+: You impress her and Laskey becomes your Ally. She also knows
something useful roll for a Plot Event here.
If Laskey does not become an Ally and there is no Enemy here, roll 1D6. If the result is 4-6, then Laskey becomes
the Enemy for the Adventure. See v520 for encounter options, DM and Goals, substituting v520a for ce89.

ce85. Financial Takeover

(Goal 4) You have learnt that the Enemy seeks to gain financial gain from their shady dealings, no matter what
cost and who gets hurt! 1D3+1 Turns after this Goal is revealed all Planning or Research Actions cost a Luck Point
to attempt and any Talk Rolls with Non-Enemy Characters are -2 here. If you have 20 Brains, Aware, 2 Bureaucrat
and either 2 Domination or 3 Troop, gain +2 DM and you may ignore Luck Point cost above.

ce86. Chessene
You have encountered Chessene, a highly dangerous but beautiful
Androgum genetically engineered by Dastari to ignore her baser
Androgum instincts and who is a worthy ally to any dark forces present.
Take a -1DM penalty. She is Brains 10, Brawn 6, Bravery 9 (Aware,
Charisma, Domination, Gloating, Poison, Science) and is accompanied
by her cannibalistic Androgum cook Shockeye Brains 5, Brawn 8,
Bravery 8 (Medicine, Running, Tracking). Choose from the options below:
Fight: Combat occurs normally. If you later Surrender, see option below.
Talk: Roll 1D6 and if the result is 1-2 you cannot choose this option. Make an Opposed Brains roll against
Chessene (with a +1 if you have Domination or if Dastari is your Ally here). If you fail take a -1DM penalty
and choose another option. If you succeed gain a +1 DM or if you can Oppose here and can make a
Domination 8 roll, Chessene and Shockeye become unreliable Allies against the Enemy gain +1 DM but
at the end of each turn roll 1D6 and if the result is 1-2 then Chessene and Shockeye desert you.
Evade: You will need to make Running 8 rolls or otherwise you must choose another option.
Hide: Shockeye is a keen hunter with an amazing sense of smell - make Thief 9 rolls before any other option. If
you fail or choose not to hide, choose another option.
Surrender: If Shockeye is alone you cannot Surrender! Otherwise you may see e061 if Chessene is here (or refer
to the Enemy event Surrender Section if an Enemy is here). Also roll 1D6 and if the result is 3-6 then roll
for a Goal event as she cannot resist gloating over her plans.
**Before further Enemy Encounters roll 1D6: 1: Encounter Shockeye alone; 2-3: Encounter Enemy normally; 4:
Encounter Chessene and Shockeye alone; 5-6: Encounter Enemy and Chessene. Chessene gives a -2 penalty to
any Brains rolls made in Enemy encounters.

ce87. Primitive Time Capsule

(Plot) (Temporal) You discover that the Enemy is trying to pursue illegal time experiments experiments that could,
if they continue, disrupt the balance of the space-time continuum! If you have 2 Time Lords, gain a +1DM. If you
have Brains 25 and 2 Engineering, gain a further +1DM. For each further Temporal encounter or event, roll 1D6:
1-3: e101; 2: e107; 5-6: take a -1DM.

ce88. The Governor

You have encountered the Governor of Varos, an essentially fair but tired
ruler that is only just maintaining his grasp on power and whose very life
is constantly threatened by the masses of Varos and their cruel vote. He is
Brains 7, Brawn 5, Bravery 9 (Bureaucrat 2, Charisma, Computers). Also
roll 1D6 on a 5-6 he is accompanied by 1D3 Soldiers, each Brains 5,
Brawn 6, Bravery 5 (Marksman, Troop). You attempt to gain an audience
with him, make a Charisma Roll:
2-5: You accidently cause offence and are imprisoned see e059
with -1 to the roll.
6-8: You have a long and interesting talk with the Governor and he tells you about some unusual events roll
for a Plot Event here. He then returns to his duty and the encounter is over.
9+: You and the Governor find a common bond and he (plus any soldiers) becomes your Ally for the rest of
the Adventure. He also knows something useful roll for a Plot Event here.
Whilst on Varos and the Governor is in your party you may spend a Luck point once per turn to add +3 to any
Talk Actions to any Characters with either Troop or Science.

ce89. Vervoids
You have encountered the Vervoids, a genetically created race of sentient
plant life turned animal by Professor Laskey. Though intended to be made
as servants of humanity the gestation period has occurred far too early
and the aliens view humans as a threat which must be eliminated! There
are 1D3+1 Vervoids here, each Brains 3, Brawn 7, Bravery 5 (Creature).
Choose from the options below:
Evade: The Vervoids are swift creatures for plant life but still not too fast make a Running 7 roll. If you fail, the Vervoids surround your
party chose to either Fight or Talk.
Fight: Vervoids shoot poison darts from their hands so if a non-Machine Character is Wounded, they must make a
successful Brawn roll (with no Wound modifier) or be killed. Vervoids can also emit toxic gas from their
mouths so at the end of each combat round, roll 1D6 for each Vervoid. If the result is 5+, then a random
non-Machine Character that the Vervoid is attacking must make a successful Bravery roll or be KOd.
Hide: Vervoids are powerful hunters you must make a Thief 8 roll or must choose another option.
Follow: This is only possible after a successful Hide. Make a Follow action: 2-4: Discovered: choose another
option with -1 to the roll; 5-7: Lose quarry event ends; 8-9: e082; 10+: e144.
Talk: You attempt to get the Vervoids to understand that you mean them no harm: Make a Charisma roll with +2 if
Professor Laskey is your Ally and +1 for each Science:
2-8: The Vervoids hiss aggressively at you and attack see option above.
9+: You confuse the Vervoids long enough to escape gain a +1DM if Laskey is the Enemy.

ce90. The Two Doctors

You have been very surprised to encounter your own past (or future) self!
Dressed in outlandish clothes and accompanied by their own fellow
companion, your fellow self is more than surprised to see you too is
there possibly some sinister plot at work here or just mere temporal fate?
To determine which Doctor and Companion you have encountered, roll
1D6 and see the Classic Expansion Intro Pages for the required stats:
1: The First Doctor and Susan; 2: The Second Doctor and Jamie; 3: The
Third Doctor and Liz Shaw; 4: The Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane; 5: The
Fifth Doctor and Nyssa; 6: The Sixth Doctor and Peri.
Gain a Luck point for this unlikely encounter. If there is no Enemy then the pair of you may spend a turn in each
others company whilst the Companions trade stories before they depart gain another two Luck points! If there is
an Enemy here then after some initial bickering the pair of you agree to work together and the Doctor and
Companion automatically become Allies (but count as TARDIS Characters in any rolls). At the end of the
Adventure they depart your company.
If the Doctor present is the same incarnation as yourself then both of you fear the temporal ramifications! Roll 1D6:
1-3: e107; 4-6: e235. If there are no Enemies here also see v515.

ce91. Dastari
You have encountered Dastari, a brilliant but misguided scientist who is
gifted in both the fields of genetic experimentation and temporal science.
He is often devoted to his creations and is a difficult man to convince
otherwise! Dastari is Brains 10, Brawn 4, Bravery 6 (Bureaucrat,
Computers, Medicine, Science 2). Choose from the options below:
Surrender: Roll 1D6: 1-3: e059; 4-6: ce82.
Talk: Make a Charisma Roll with +1 if an Enemy is here and +2 if you
personally have Science 2:
2-5: Dastari coldly brushes you aside and the event is over.
6-9: You have a long talk with Dastari and he politely offers some information roll for a Plot event.
10+: If an Enemy is here and you can make a Bureaucrat 7 roll, Dastari joins you as an Ally and you may
gain a Luck point, otherwise he is too busy to help you. Regardless, you may roll for a Plot event here.
Evade: Roll 1D6: On a 1-2 Dastari ignores you, otherwise he has some questions for you either make a Running
7 roll here or choose another option.
**If Dastari does not become your Ally, roll 1D6 and on 4-6 he becomes a Minion of the Enemy. Take a -1 DM
and each time you have an Enemy Encounter roll 1D6, with +1 to the roll if the Turn is 8+: 1-2 Encounter Dastari;
3-4: Encounter Enemy; 5-6: Encounter Enemy and Dastari. If any of your party is ever captured see ce82.

ce92. Oscar and Anita

You have encountered English eccentric botanist Oscar Botcherby and his lovely companion Anita. Oscar is
Brains 6, Brawn 4, Bravery 4 (Charisma, History, Poison, Science, Victim) and Anita is Brains 6, Brawn 4,
Bravery 6 (Charisma, History, Thief). Both join as Allies for the Adventure and roll 1D6 if the result is 4-6 then
they know something useful and you may roll for a Plot event. Oscar gains +1 when attempting a Relax Action
and you gain an extra Luck point if you visit a restaurant (e073). Anita gains Tracking whilst in ca38.


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