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English: Just to keep you updated on & He is making great progress towards his learning goals but is ‘working at a modified level in maths and English. His dedication to reading programs has seen him continue to make progress. In writing he is making some good progress but tends to rush his work which is something we are working on. We are also working on applying skills learnt in his grammar and é" lessons to writing. -|9/0 Called no anse Maths: oon (Ti has applied himself to all Mathematical tasks this semester and this has seen him make good progress towards his modified learning goals. (GGay=n classify whether single or two digit numbers are odd or even and is working towards reading and writing numbers above 200. With concrete materials| ||} is using repeated addition to starting to solve simple multiplication problems. | encourage home as this will develop his confidence in solving problems. With assistance, [III as created a fraction wall and is confident in identifying fractions as part of a whol | has enjoyed continuing symmetrical drawings and patterns and often opts to do this in his free time. | encourage ||) to develop the confidence to tackle simple tasks independently next semester, as this will see him develop his math’s skills.

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