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Shot list


CU of Bailees phone calling Michelle

CU of phone by Bailees ear
CU of Michelle picking her phone up off the table as it rings
Go to split screen of Michelle and Bailee mid shot of them on the phone
waiting for an answer
5. Over the shoulder/mid shot of Bailee applying mascara
6. Mid shot of Michelle grabbing laptop
7. Close up Michelle putting laptop down
8. Over shoulder of Michelle opening laptop
9. CU Michelle searching through Bailees friends to find Sam on her
10.CU of Bailee applying lip-gloss
11.CU of Michelle typing
12.CU of screen no results for SexySam1234
13.CU of Bailee brushing her hair
14.Mid shot of Michelle listening
15.Over shoulder shot of Bailee straightening her hair
16.Mid shot of Michelle closing Laptop
17.Split screen faded and Michelle off screen
18.CU of Bailee in mirror checking herself
19.CU of Bailee opening door
20.Mid shot Bailee walking through door
21.CU of Bailee locking door
22.Fade to black
23.Establishing shot
24.Mid shot of Bailees feet stepping into bench
25.CU of Bailee texting Sam
26.Mid shot of Bailee playing on phone
27.CU of Sam walking up stairs
28.Mid shot of Bailee on phone again
29.CU od Sams feet stepping into bench
30.Extreme CU of Sams sexy smile
31.Mid shot of Bailee on phone
32.Over shoulder of Bailee looking up
33.Long shot of Pair staring up at each other
34.180 degree/Shot reverse shot of conversation x13
35.Mid shot of feet both stepping out of bench at same time
36.Long shot of Bailee and Sam walking away in Film Noir
37.Over the shoulder of Bailee texting Michelle saying IT WAS MY COUSIN!!
38.Fade to black

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