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Monthly Achievement Report October

Water Quality Testing to Increase Turtle Welfare and Survival Rates

o Help our partners improve turtle husbandry practices.
o Provide scientific research aiming to increase animal welfare for an endangered turtle species.
o Guidance and facilitation of Service Learning students research project and providing them an
opportunity to use their professional skills.
TAFE from Western Australia participated in a two weeks Service Learning program focusing on water quality. They analyzed water quality in turtle tanks at two GVI turtle conservation partners and
came up with suggestions towards how the water quality can be improved in the tanks and thereby
increase the animal welfare for the turtles in the future. Further, TAFE and GVI staff come up with
ideas to how we can help our partners increase the survival rate of the endangered green turtle.
Environmental monitoring and laboratory operations students from North Metropolitan TAFE (Perth,
Western Australia) conducted water testing within Phang Nga. Water from tanks at our 2 turtle conservation partners (The Royal Thai Navy Sea Turtle Centre and Coastal Fisheries Research & Development Centre) was analyzed for pH levels, conductivity, salinity, dissolved oxygen levels and turbidity. The background for this testing was to determine the reason for the ongoing fungal infection
these two partners both have been experiencing for a long time-period. During these two weeks it
was found that salinity levels in the water was too low as well as the level of dissolved oxygen. This
may lead to an increased level of algae as well as creating an environment for fungi. These are issues
we look forward to helping our partners solve in the future.
TAFE had a particular focus on the learning experience and to become familiar with use of environmental monitoring and water testing equipment and field techniques. Two students came from an
environmental monitoring area of study, and 3 students came from a laboratory operations background. The two different types of students brought their own specializations to the project. Together with the staffs conservation and animal husbandry backgrounds the total background
knowledge for this project was solid and outreaching discussions were possible.
The Service Learning team and GVI is looking forward to welcoming TAFE back in the future as well
as other groups, colleges, and universities. GVI and our partners appreciate the help and knowledge
you bring to our program. Find more information on

Written by Phang Nga Service Learning Groups Logistics Coordinator Anna Bjerring

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