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Assignment 1

Objective: To learn how to handle a project in practice.

Three-fold benefit on completion of this assignment:
1. Gaining some practical experience on Project Management.
2. Practising how to complete the foremost and foundation step of any
project, i.e. documenting project charter.
3. Knowing the importance of your under-graduate discipline (viz. IT).

Suppose youve been hired by a successful software development company
(ABC Pvt. Ltd.) at the end of your UG programme. ABC Pvt. Ltd. is trying to extend its
portfolio by venturing into education business and wants to undertake academic
projects for this purpose.
Youve been instructed by management of ABC Pvt. Ltd. to look into a project
on introducing IT as a new UG discipline in an engineering institute (where presently
only 5 engineering disciplines exist at UG-level, viz. CE, ME, EE, ECE and CSE). As
part of this project, youve to prepare the project charter, and submit it to your boss for
its pursual with top management.
This is your first assignment in ABC Pvt. Ltd., and your job-security in that
company depends on how you handle this project. Success of this project also brings
confidence to ABC Pvt. Ltd. on widening its portfolio towards academic avenues, and
can increase its annual turnover in near future too.

Develop the project charter for the project Introduction of IT as a new UG
discipline in an engineering institute.

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