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Stewardship 2017

Commitment Sunday

Upper Dublin Lutheran Church

Pastor Lawlor asked this Facebook question

What does it mean to take hold
of the life that really is life?
(I Timothy 4:19)
Sitting in silence to listen to God. To have strength to give it all to Him. To be with others and see Him in
them. To love all living things with great gratitude; be humble, appreciate the little things you have and be
grateful for every meal. Hold hands with the ones you love, pray with your family and friends, find and give
joy to others every day. Fill your life with these riches not monetary ones.
Kellie Pannepacker
.Stop intentionally and appreciate Gods giftsthe wind in the trees, chirping birds, rippling of water,
the warmth of the sun, the colors of the autumn leaves, juice dripping down your chin from a Georgia
peach, the touch of a babys hand, feeling in your heart that a loved one will always be with you. God wants
us to live simply and take care of each other.
Be still and know that I am God Psalm 46:10

Diane McGrath

. ... I have discovered recently that all that truly matters are those you
love and being one with God's creation. I know its clich but its true.
Stuff is very nice to have, but we don't really need it.
Mary LaPrade-Walter

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