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Tragedy of the Bunnies game

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Click on About the Game
1. What are Common pool resources? (Give examples)
Common pool resources are resources that many people have access to. For
example oceans, forests, and elephants.
Click on Moral of the Story

2. Who wrote the article Tragedy of the Commons?

Garrett Hardin
3. Explain what the tragedy of the commons is.
The tragedy of the common is a well-known Phenomenon.
4. Explain how Elephants are a good example of the Tragedy of the Commons
Elephants are a good example of the Tragedy of the Commons because the
Ivory trade needs to come to an end because elephants are becoming
5. What is CAMPFIRE?
CAMPFIRE is a program in which rural villagers are granted title to wildlife.
Click on Instructions and read them
Click on Play the Game then click Play twice

6. How many bunnies did you (user) collect after the first round of the Public
Bunnies game?
7. How many bunnies did you (user) collect after the 2 nd round of the Public
Bunnies game?
Click on Play version 2

8. How is version 2 different?

Version 2 is different because you have less time and on round 2 you gain twice
as much bunnies.

Tragedy of the Bunnies game

9. How many bunnies did you sell during the First round? Second round?
10.Everybody seems to have a better chance of winning in the Private version
If you dont sell any bunnies, you still have 90 at your farm.

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