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[speech MUST HAVE direct references (quotes, statistics, evidence) stated by your candidate &
presents the Candidates position accurately**, thoroughly, and persuasively.]
** for the candidate

ISSUE: Abortion
I am opposed to abortion except for rape, incest and life of the mother. I
oppose the use of government funds to pay for abortions.
A life is a life. From the moment a child is conceived it is only right we protect
it. By legalizing abortion for use outside of medical complications, rape, or
incest, we open the door to this gruesome act becoming the Plan B, or birth
Abortion can be a danger to the mother as doctors arent always trained
properly. We dont need any more deaths in the U.S, do we? Mothers killing
themselves because of their bad decision that they might regret for the rest of
their lives. A 2002 peer-reviewed study published by the Southern Medical
Journal of more than 173,000 American women found that women who aborted
were 154% more likely to commit suicide than women who carried to term.
Committing suicide because of emotional state is a tragedy.

ISSUE: Immigration

Donald J Trump wants to put up a physical wall on the southern border to stop
immigrants from illegally crossing into the US. If more immigrants keep
illegally crossing they will want to find work, which will not be fair to American
citizens that were already born in the US. Wages would probably go down
significantly. He also wants to deport them right away, once they come in, they
are going back out. He wants to make sure American citizens are able to work
and get paid a good amount.
In a 2006 study, the state comptroller found that wages would be higher
without the 1.4 million undocumented immigrants.
Over the last 20 years, weve brought into this country, legally and illegally, 35
million mostly unskilled workers,. And the result over that same period of
time? Workers wages and family incomes have flatlined. We dont want
wages to decrease. We want wages to be balanced, and we want more jobs
available for American citizens born on US soil.

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