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Dear President

Men are not better than women; women arent better than men, yet in the work force we
still face the problem of one gender being rewarded more. In The Declaration of Independence, it
states We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. I do not just mean
men, I mean ALL people. All around the world, we face gender inequality and yet nothing is being
done to fix the fact that men are still being paid more than women.
When I was growing up I was born into a very traditional family. They hated that the
older I got, the more in control I was about the things I liked and did. An example would be,
playing video games. I vividly remember being in my cousin's room having so much fun with the
boys when my aunt comes in and tears the control out of my hands. She said Dont play with
them, youre a girl and you wont understand anything they are playing. I must have cried for
hours after thinking that since I was a girl I couldn't play the things they could. The older I got
the more I saw that I was wrong; women are just as capable. I realized the fight for women's
inequality wasn't over.
In 2015, female full time workers made only 80% for every dollar earned by men. It
doesn't matter what chart you look at you always end up seeing men on the top. Why is that?
Regardless if women have the same experience, our male dominated society tends to assume that
women arent capable. The tendency is to believe that males are more equipped for the workplace.
Yet ironically, recent surveys have found that women receive more college and graduate degrees
than men. However on average women continue to earn less than men.
Here is my idea of a solution, we are equal human beings and we have already went
through this once. I must bring up the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that ended segregation in public
places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national
origin. I am also not saying race, color, religion, or national is not a problem or even saying it
doesn't deserve a solution, they do but thats another 500 words. I suggest we make this more
aware by enforcing a law that states that men and women in the same position get equal pay. This
is not affecting just
It sickens me to know that when I grow I wont be paid as much as my male co-workers,
even if the quality of our work is the same. When will equal really mean just that, equal.

Sincerely Gisselle Arteaga

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