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1. Give the definition of pet.

An animal kept for companionship, enjoyment and household animal.
2. Why animals are used for economic reasons?
- Livestock
- Laboratory animal
- Working animals
- Sports animal
3. Why are the pet being adopted?
- Loyal
- Playful characteristics
- Attractive appearance
- Song
4. What is the definition of human-animal bonding?
- A connection between people and animals, domestic or wild
5. What will animal can give?
- Pet can help relieve stress or therapy animal
6. What are the advantages or potentials by adopt pet?
- Joy
- Security
- Physical health
- Responsibility
- Social responsibility
- Social skills
- Self esteem
- Build empathy
- Sense connectedness
- Attachment
7. What are the reasons why people dont want to adopt pet?
- Allergies
- Owners changes lifestyle
- House location
- Changes policies
- Problem from animal behaviour
- Hard to take care as animal reproduce
8. How people done to unwanted pet
- Give to friends or relative
- Give to human society
- Give to school
- Sell
- Give to vet
- Abandon
9. What are the types of pet?
- Domesticated
- Wild
10.The domesticated pet is categorised as?
- Mammals
- Birds
11.The wild pet is categorised as?
- Exotic mammals
12.Give 5 examples of domesticated pet
- Horse
- Dog

- Cat
- Rodent
- Rabbit
13.Give 5 examples of wild pet?
- Dulkers
- Mangoose
- Reindeer
- Tapir
- Chipmunks

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